Anyone else like AFI?
Anyone else like AFI?
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I do. Only good punk oriented band to come out of the 90s in my opinion. Great melodic sense, semi gothic tone, fun fast stuff too, and a great transition into radio friendly alternative territory better than any of the more pure pop punk bands who catered to people who thought "American Pie" was a good movie.
Decent hardcore band for the first three albums.
Two awesome goth-punks albums.
A few shitty albums
But the recent EP Missing Man is a return to form. Love it.
Was a big fan around the Black Sails/AoD era.
i downloaded decemberunderground because i remembered i liked miss murder 10 years ago but then i listened to miss murder and it wasn't as good as i remember.
also i didn't listen to the rest of the album.
is the rest of decemberunderground any good or do they have better albums?
sing the sorrow is my guilty pleasure and art of drowning fucking ruled when I was in 6th grade.
I was so happy to see how good Missing man is after the absolute mess that is the blood album. I liked Burials though, well at leaste some of it.
Art of Drowning, Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes, Black Sails in the Sunset
The Blood Album was trash. Weakest album they've ever made. It was so boring.
Yea December is the first of their shitty albums. Theres only like a couple good ones on it. Summer Shudder, and the two singles. The album before is often considered their best Sing the Sorrow. Check it out and go backwards from there. The stuff before its is all goth-punk or hardcore. Its all good too.
I can't believe they still haven't been critically reevaluated. They're the first band I ever fell in love with (when Girls Not Grey first came out) and all of their classic albums still hold up today. They're one of the only bands from their era who were truly unabashed about bringing a gothic edge to punk music instead of being tongue in cheek about it out of fear that they wouldn't be taken seriously
I feel like MCR stole their stage....not that there aren't key differences between both bands cause there are, but it was lone before MCR was huge, AFI had that fanbase before that fanbase was cool and was just budding...and then suddenly MCR blew up with the younger kids and AFI didn't matter anymore
As much as this is true I still think that first wave of mallcore emo (with bands like From First To Last and Atreyu) deserves some credit for at least trying to keep a certain element of darkness. The magic only truly died for me when people started moving on to Fueled By Ramen shit
Back-to-school season 2004 was the peak of western culture
i like the song "girls not grey" but thats it
Check out Days of the Phoenix
I like a few songs. I don't think they've ever released a solid album tho.
Black Sails is their most consistent and probably the most emblematic of their style, it's also definitely best listened to in one go since it doesn't actually have a major standout single on it like the rest of their albums
I haven't wholeheartedly liked anything they've done since Sing the Sorrow, but The Blood Album was the first time it felt like they were phoning it in.
I was just listening to Sing the Sorrow this morning. Blessed op.
>Black Sails is their most consistent and probably the most emblematic of their style
Honestly now that I think of it The Art of Drowning has more bases covered but I always felt like it was one or two songs too long so ymmv
I think I like basically every song they wrote between Jade joining the band and StS.
I've never been more disappointed by an album than I was by Decemberunderground.
i'll never forget how crushed I felt the first time I heard Miss Murder
Yo can we talk about Daddy Havok real quick
loved his hair as a kid, no homo
I want him to fill all of the holes that my parents couldn't
that's a pretty weak setlist honestly, they had just started playing throwback shit like The Last Kiss again too
it was cool that a bunch of old b-sides and previously 'unplayable' tracks got a live premier last tour (Who Knew?, Paper Airplanes, etc.)
I listened to December Underground a bit in high school. They look like your typical emo "boy band" but they had a unique sound.
You can argue it was a stick of dynamite painted like a barbie doll if you know what I mean.
They used to play stuff like this:
Then I guess along came industrial metal/rock and bands like Marilyn Manson.
Then the hardcore scene became metalcore and then pop punk became emo punk.
They seemed to combine that early on, but I never could listen to them that much. It's that dumb emo look. Comes off as "major label garbage".
This band is gay and for girls.
Gay for girls.
Second track is pretty good. "Kill Caustic".
Lot's more metal core and hardcore influence than the other major label emo boy bands.
It was adventurous considering major labels were panicked about piracy around then, so doubled back on making music that didn't sell.
Still.. too pop and influenced by that cringe emo thing.
Fucking hell..
How did we go from Grunge to that shit in 15 or so years.
All the best music is
not anymore, but I recently bought this shirt because old AFI (anything from Sing the Sorrow and earlier) was all I listened to before dropping them back in the day. I once in a while still look at Davey Havok interviews and I'm in my 30s. But damnit, did I do the whole Davey Havok is God thing and almost got the skull bat tattoo as well.
Guys at my school listened to them in the late 00's though. They were like "hey check this out, they look like a gay boy band, but make interesting pop music and made interesting hardcore music in the past". These tended to be the same people that listened to metalcore, doom, stoner, black metal, grunge, etc.
He was really beautiful, although I didn't like when he started looking more and more like a drag queen. I'm glad he seems to be aging relatively gracefully.
I never really checked em out but I like the song Malleus Maleficarum a lot.
They looked full gay dude.
Never go full gay.
The whole things comes off as "I hope we get teen pussy out of this".
And they probably did and I am not salty what so ever.
A lot of decent tracks, drowned by so much shit.
tbf I don't think there was anything cynical about their change in image/sound, even when I thought it sucked
Everybody cringed except girls, but they at least had music to overlook that.
Why didn't they just pull a more Placebo look like though? Would have pushed less people away.
This is the trouble with glam and emo, it tries to provoke and that leads it to embracing some bad styles which confuse people and prevent them from trying to engage with their art. Art is a tricky thing, it's a social creature and the social aspect makes it worth it.
Favourite band when I was 13.
Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes is still a very decent hardcore album.
Good song. That was actually the first song Davey and Jade ever wrote together.
Also, when I saw them two years ago, they played Now the World, which is one of my all-time favorite songs. I was so happy for that few minutes in time.
OP here. Sing the Sorrow changed my life. I even have the album cover leaves tattooed on my arm. I do love their older stuff though.
nice ive been wanting that right under mine. also i want to get it all outlined in red
Best to Worst:
All Hallows EP
Black Sails
Sing the Sorrow
Art of Drowning
Shut your mouth
Missing Man EP
Idk where Crash, Proud of ya, or Answer that go bc I havent listened to them
they have better albums, but decemberunderground is still decent. Miss murder is def worst song on that record
Youre making some false assumptions based on initial impression. Miss Murder is their "smells like teen spirit"
Calling them a boy band is pretty incorrect. They were a hardcore band who transitioned into a trendy looking, pop-punk group. You can pretty much divide the bands history as before and after Sing the Sorrow. Id say everything BSS are solid releases