Is there a more based musician on the planet?
Is there a more based musician on the planet?
she can start by pegging me
Some autocracy, where he does literally nothing
trump curse incoming
he literally puts children in cages for having brown skin
lmao, triggered much?
Immigration is worse now than under Obama. You know that right?
fuck off back to /pol/. we like taytay and we don't like your ugly politics
i don't give a fuck about him or what she thinks
suck my dick pleb
> fetal alcohol syndrome
yeah there weren't enough celebrities complaining about Trump
>totally normal looking people posing with comrade Taytay's new album
wow, you really owned me dude
I didn't even realise I had this fetish until right now
You are legitimately fucking brain dead.
nah dude, I have over 160 IQ and a Ph.D in theoretical physics and I regularly watch Rick and Morty. basically I'm a fucking genius.
That album looks so aesthetic. I want to buy it, but Taylor had to go full cuck.
Oh my god that one to the right. She could actually be really pretty, she's got great hair/teeth/makeup skills. What a shame.
All these people experiencing and sharing their pure joy, something Yea Forumssers will never experience.
not a fan of her, but I'm going to buy her album because she has gone 'full cuck', as you put it.
>full cuck
Sounds like you're projecting but ok
Her album makes me think of trix yogurt
It is their parents' fault, you shouldn't bring your children to places where they are illegal. The parents who do this should burn in Hell
>Everything that evokes feelings of happiness is a good thing
Heroin feels fucking amazing. But I don't do it because it's stupid, unproductive and harmful.
i hope she continues down this path and goes full blown ancom at some point.
Right? It looks tasty, in a nostalgic way.
seethe more
She's compensating for being /pol/'s waifu
You mean if she wasn't fat as fuck, right?
>people who put children in cages should burn in hell
>the people who actually put children in cages are heroes who are just securing an existence for their people and a future for their children
cognitive dissonance much?
>comparing doing horse to a pop singer releasing an album
Sunday must be "let the patients on the internet day" at the retard farm.
Well that's a bit of a harsh way of saying it, but yeah.
imagine being so cucked that you defend the existence of imaginary boundaries
I understand why you could find my statement absurd. I care about music, so I view things like this in a much more negative light. To each their own I guess.
Yet every country in the world does it
>everything I can
>record shitty songs written by 12 to 20 producers and play autotuned gigs
Woah watch out America!
>imagine being so cucked that you defend the existence of imaginary boundaries
The stupidity of some people on this board astounds me at times. Are you fucking serious? Do you understand what the concept of a country is?
why did libs start caring about politics with trump? the usa has been bad since its founding. trump is not the worst thing that ever happened in the usa.
most countries send their young men to get murder and murder other young men to advance the interests of their respective country's ruling class. But that doesn't mean that you're not a massive cuck if you're a soldier.
and it's dumb as fuck
How can you be this out of touch? The “kids in cages” was a fucking protestor. Making a histrionic and gay statement about le drump. It is not based in reality. How can you go through life when your basis of reality hinges on auntie’s Facebook bullshit. There are no kids in cages. You are FAKE and GAY
*get murdered
You fucking retard, a country can not accept everybody in, if you cross the board you will face the consequences. What do you want them to do? Send the kids back to their country without their parents? Those dumb and selfish parents should stay in their own country with their children, where they are LEGAL instead of bringing them to illegal territory and risking their safety.
Literally "ORANGE MAN BAD" IQ post
Because the TV and twitter people said he's bad :(
>What do you want them to do?
take responsibility for all the crimes they've committed in latin america
>yeah man, fuck borders and sovereignty and shit, we should all just be one big planet
Good luck controlling criminals in the biggest fucking haystack possible
>the average huwhite man is guilty for cia drug trafficking
>his people should be browned away for this
Tell me more big brain
This is unironically the truth. Some people are so ignorant they need to be told what to think, that's why pop culture can be a very dangerous thing. Deluded millionaire idiots preaching about stuff they know nothing about, and their audience becomes stupid as a result. Every Taylor Swift fan is evidence of this.
Stop trying to be logical with an idiot.
>What do you want them to do?
let them and their families in of course.
>his people should be browned away for this
oh no, it's another retard who thinks the mere existence of non-white people is a coordinated attack against whites.
migrants commit fewer crimes per capita than those born in the USA.
it stands to reason that increasing migration actually lowers crime rates.
she wants a Gynocracy of dykes and trannies
>>yeah man, fuck borders and sovereignty and shit, we should all just be one big planet
the 10% commiting 90% of all crimes right Antifa faggot
>dude huwhite people aren’t being replaced
>it’s just that every white country in the world is simultaneously being flooded with immigrants from the 3rd world
Fuck off retard. Demographic replacement is a thing.
>China for the Chinese
>Africa for the Africans
>Mexico for the Mexicans
>white countries for EVRRYBODDY
fuck off you drooling retard
Please show the liberal shithole source you purloined this wisdom from. I guarantee the study is completely biased and fucked. This sounds like “90% of rapes go unreported teehee” bullshit.
You mean the first generation migrants, their descendents who are born in the US are the ones who commit crimes like crazy and are responsible for most of the US crime
Those "born in America" who commit crimes are mostly blacks and Hispanics
>everything she can
So she'll tweet about it while she sips coladas poolside at her beverly hills mansion? The most retarded take is thinking this aging hole even cares.
same. ded to me
>yeah man kumbaya and shit
>no I have never lived around, nor worked with anyone non-white in my life, why do you ask?
>>dude huwhite people aren’t being replaced
you're right, they're not
>>it’s just that every white country in the world is simultaneously being flooded with immigrants from the 3rd world
rich countries who have exploited and continue to exploit poorer countries are seeing the consequences of their actions
>>China for the Chinese
>>Mexico for the Mexicans
>>white countries for EVRRYBODDY
you missed the part where i pretty explicitly came out against the existence of states
>hit the wall
>become “political”
Every time
>comrade Taytay
you're really getting ahead of yourself there. if she didn't make millions she wouldn't care about making any of her idiot fans happy with her blasé homo love or tepid trump hate
Migration of non-whites is main cause of crime
>>no I have never lived around, nor worked with anyone non-white in my life, why do you ask?
lmao i'm not even white
Butcher, K.F., and Piehl, A.M. (2008). Crime, Corrections, and California: What Does Immigration Have to Do with It? San Francisco: Public Policy Institute of California
Pendergast, P. M., Wadsworth, T., & LePree, J. (2018). Immigration, Crime, and Victimization in the US Context: An Overview. The Handbook of Race, Ethnicity, Crime, and Justice, 65.
Well you’re a retard bro. You coolly ignore the historic atrocities of the 3rd world while focusing on the crimes of whites, solely because they have successful countries. Globohomo faggot
look i love tay tay. i almost considered dating her. but i didnt run into her at gillette when she came. Also i can't get passed the filters in her email club, and customer service seems to only care about whether my taylor swift shirt was delievered, and dont send any of my messages.
but one thing is for certain, she went full political, her music has less depth, no more lovely innocence, no more beating up her enemies (dear john, bad blood), she just focusing on the fashionable politics of hte day to score points.
now attacking donald - its way out of her lane, and essentially throwing in with all the corrupt elements in media and politics. we can see why - her empire depends on proper use of media to reach all normies. yet the media requires making trump enemy, constant platitudes about nice sounding left talking points. but this is the end of her artistic career. she is no longer an artist. by attackign donald - its not about donald, its about joining the side of evil and all the negative karma that is going to come back on her
i weep for her. and us
>You coolly ignore the historic atrocities of the 3rd world
i didn't. but it's not relevant to the discussion.
While what you said is true for first generation migrants is true, it is absolutely non-sense to assume migration decrease time due to this Learn to read data, brainlet
To all you incomprehensible ignorant fools complaining about brown people being victimized:
1- It is the brown people that choose to break our laws and illegally enter America.
2- Stop apologizing for your whiteness you brainless socialists; Only 850,000,000+ 11.5% of the total world population is Caucasian, therefore you are apologizing for being a minority. How moronic.
3- The so-called SJW will someday find that they helped in the elimination of who they are today. Well done!
lmao what a dumbass
if you're a racist I can tell you with 100% certainty you have never worked or lived with anyone non-white.
cities are full of liberals because people of all ethnicities, faiths and backgrounds live and work closely alongside one another.
>he literally puts children in cages for having brown skin
(not true btw)
Cities are full of liberals because they're demoralizing.
I have worked in many sectors with black people, dumbass. Always lazy, on their cellphones, come in late with fast food, telling me “I only do this one aisle” when everyone else in the store has multiple tasks, taking an hour for a 30 minute lunch break, coming in high, getting fired for stealing from the register. Dumbass, I live in the city—I work with blacks. They suck 99% of the time.
When you’re growing old and have to prop your music career up with politics and not relying upon your actual must. You really hate to see it.
yeah fuck black people for not being enthusiastic about working at walmart or wherever it is you work
i mean how much of a nigger do you have to be to take an hour lunch break and steal from a company that pays poverty wages while they make record profits
why can't they be good little wagecucks like me
if you're a white guy, why are you using your own anecdotes to prove a general point instead of facts and statistics?
doesn't your big white brain understand cognitive bias?
I thought white people were supposed to be smart.
>Dude they steal from the store they work at because FUCK CAPITALISM LOL
Say it with me: “they’re entitled to it”
>not stealing shit from the store for which you produce several times more wealth per hour than they pay you in wages
doesn't it bother you that you're being cucked by your employers?
>you are not allowed to learn from experience only stats matter
I will never volunteer to work with blacks on my team if I can avoid it. I’m sorry that makes you uncomfortable, but I have been cooned too many times. Try it yourself and get back to me later, fag.
>if you're a racist I can tell you with 100% certainty you have never worked or lived with anyone non-white.
You literally could not be more wrong if you tried. When I lived in a rich white neighborhood with my parents, I wasn't racist at all. I was a liberal lefty boy like you. It wasn't until I moved out and lived in the hood that I realized how awful most non-white people are. They're racist as fuck. You get dirty looks from EVERYONE for being white. They litter everywhere. You'll see condom wrappers, cigarillo wrappers, beer bottles, panties, broken glass, and whatever else all along the streets. They don't mow their sidewalks. The grass and plants grow up over the concrete so that you can't even walk down the street. You'll hear gunshots at night almost every other night. Every other month, some idiot burns their apartment down trying to make crack. They drive into the gate in front of the apartments and destroy it, and it takes months for the apartment complex to fix it, only for some idiot to drive into it and destroy it again in a few days. Seriously, go live around blacks for a year. It will change you.
so you know that your job is shit and your pay is shit yet you still chimp out when someone attacks an economic system that is clearly not working for you or the people around you
Eat shit you thieving cunt. Get a better job if you’re mad about it.
>you produce several times more value than you are paid
>doesn't know or understand confirmation bias
you sound pretty stupid senpai. for the sake of the white gene pool you probably shouldn't reproduce.
>poor people commit more visible crimes like petty theft and vandalism than rich people
wow, got any more bombshells for us?
>dude fuck working honestly even if your situation is subpar you should just be a nigger and steal
that'll show him
Get a load of this passive aggressive faggot
so the corporation that steals from its employees isn't a thief but the underpaid worker who steals from the corporation is
what a cuck
lmao what a cuck
just think about it dude, why would someone agree to hire you (or indeed those folks who occasionally check their phones) unless you were creating more wealth for them than they were paying you in wages?
>petty theft
Did you even read my post? I heard fucking GUNSHOTS at night, several times a week. Somebody was shot at the gas station right in front of my apartment complex. I came home from work one day to see the local news outside.
I can't figure out for the life of me how that's cucked, even if we take what you say completely at face value...
>confirmation bias
IT IS MY DIRECT EXPERIENCE, SORRY IT HURTS YOUR FEE FEES. I can assure you, I gave the first dozen the benefit of the doubt. You try waking a high black kid up off the floor when he told me “I just gotta go change.” Found his ass sleeping in the break room. Next time he came in 2 hours late and stole 700 dollars from the till. You’re a dumbass. Keep hiding behind liberal media and globohomo lies. They’re a great black people out there, but they are harder to find, in my experience. I am not alone.
>Found his ass sleeping in the break room. Next time he came in 2 hours late and stole 700 dollars from the till.
shut the fuck up reddit
man, can't wait for the white genocide you /pol/fucks always talk about.
Does this seem suspicious to you? All this alarm when there's really no cause for it?
>get paid by company
>”they are stealing from you”
Nigger your logic is fucked. You are a thief and a faggot.
>you're right, they're not
>rich countries who have exploited and continue to exploit poorer countries are seeing the consequences of their actions
make up your mind please. Is it not happening, or is it happening, and it's a good thing? You can't have both.
He went to jail, idiot
>WE like tay tay
lol imagine the type of faggot that actually makes a post like this
>poor people commit more violent crimes than rich people
I'm shocked.
now what about the fraud and tax evasion that rich people commit? what about the houses foreclosed, the people made destitute and homeless, the people made redundant, the wage theft, the rent seeking and landlordism all committed by (predominantly white) rich people? These are the causes of the social problems which leads to the crime that poor people commit. But rich white people will never see any justice for the crimes they commit, because rich white people write the laws.
>poor people commit more visible crimes like petty theft and vandalism than rich people
So now it's a class issue and not a race issue? Aren't you the people who believe that all whites are privileged and rich, and all non-whites are poor and oppressed?
>blowing up your apartment making drugs
>lol no big deal
rich blacks commit more crimes than rich whites.
>dude poor white people dont commit nearly as much crime as poor blacks but something something racism lets coddle the nigs
So sick of you
>rent seeking and landlordism committed by white people
These aren't crimes and landlordism isn't a fucking word. Pay your goddamn rent and you won't get evicted, you stupid nigger. Charging rent is not a crime. Jesus fucking christ, I'm mad right now. Even when I lived in the hood, I paid my rent like clockwork.
>all whites are privileged and rich, and all non-whites are poor and oppressed
no one lefty ever said that.
yep, no fucking shit dude. it would be surprising if rich black people committed more crime than poor whites.
Oh yeah I forgot the rules, conversations on here are not allowed, replies are required to consist solely of racial slurs.
It’s so fucking exhausting. Insufferable culture.
>rent seeking
This is not a crime. Renting homes is legal. What the fuck is wrong with you? Tenants are legally required to pay rent. It's in their lease.
>yep, no fucking shit dude. it would be surprising if rich black people committed more crime than poor whites.
user...go back and read what he said, again. Don’t btfo yourself again. Reading comprehension, and all that.
>These aren't crimes
no, they're social evils. in any just society they would be crimes. they're social evils committed by the rich and powerful who write the laws, which is why they're not crimes.
>landlordism isn't a word
yes it is, you stupid cracker
I thought whites were supposed to be clever?
What the fuck?
>white people
I think you mean Jews buddy. Jews are not white.
I grew up in a majority mexican area. I was a minority for most of my life during childhood. I saw one of my friends rape the other. Those experiences made me realize how full of crap upper-middle class losers are when they say mexicans are just like us. I'm not going to judge them negatively in terms of their moral compass, but they're from the third world. In the third world, if you want a girl, you just go up and do what you want with her. In the third world, if you have trash in your hand, you just throw it on the ground. In the third world you can beat up and steal from other people as long as you're strong enough to do it. I don't think they're immoral people, you would be the same way if you grew up there. And they bring that stuff here. No racism, that's just fact.
>lol no one ever said that all whites are rich and all non-whites are poor
>rich white people will never see any justice for the crimes they commit because rich white people write the laws
You may not have """literally""" said that, but it's the essence of what you're saying. I'm not going to play a semantics game with you. We all know what you believe.
shut the fuck up forever plox
>RICH blacks commit more crimes than RICH whites.
is what he said.
>RICH blacks commiting more crime than POOR whites.
is what I said would be surprising.
not sure what you're getting at here.
>he’s serious
if they did they're a fucking dumbass
I don't know why you would bring up such a point since it's not the argument *I'm* making, nor is it an argument I would ever make.
that's her "hollywood opinion".
but really she probably is just a normal chick with normie center-left views
I don't buy the idea that she was / is a secret hard right conservative
For what? Telling her 10 year old fans that they won't be able to vote in time to do anything about the true most based president in history?
>now what about the fraud and tax evasion that rich people commit?
You seriously think the IRS just doesn't give a fuck that someone evades taxes because they're white? Where did you get this completely asinine idea?
>social evils
Maintaining an apartment complex isn't free. You need to pay for people to fix the AC when it goes out. You need to pay plumbers to fix the toilets and faucets. You need to pay electricians to fix the lights and ceiling fans. You need to pay security to watch the gate. You need to pay for somebody to mow the grass. It's not fucking free, you mong. That's why rent exists.
I'm sure Taylor and the ""people"" who bought her album definitely think a LOT about a country's politics
>more dumbass anecdotes
use your big brain to argue with statistics instead of demonstrating your confirmation bias, whitey.
it's like arguing with literal high school students.
Don’t you understand that it’s white people’s fault that everything isn’t free? Despite this concept existing nowhere in the modern world, or 99% of human history, white people are the one’s guilty of creating the concept of “property ownership.” Yes, you heard it hear first.
but they are stealing from you. that's how capitalism works. companies need to make profit and they do that by paying workers less than they actually produced.
non-whites moving to a "white country" does not mean whites are being replaced.
free my mans
>if you're a racist I can tell you with 100% certainty you have never worked or lived with anyone non-white.
If you don't want anecdotes, do not make points that are entirely about anecdotes and completely unrelated to statistics.
"I Think He Knows" is 100% H&M/Forever21 core.
>you have to use statistics and not your own experiences
You can’t publish racist statististics tho so looks like you and liberal academia win again! I guess people shouldn’t learn from experience, and should only listen to white liberal academics and their peer reviewed Californian journals
>I know your statististics aren’t allowed to be published but you have to argue statistics haha checkmate bigot
Fuck off bootlicker
This. My "racism" is a direct result of living in a low income high crime area for years.
Communists get the bullet. Now and forever. Fucking moron.
What did I miss, didn't Taylor get a lot of shit for "not wanting to make political statements"? What happened?
Kill yourself waifu nigger
Her management team had to orchestrate this political publicity stunt in order to combat the /pol/ meme (where they called her their "aryan princess" and poked fun at her political ambiguity).
>If you enjoy an album and don't tell everyone about it on social media, does it even matter?
I thought this faggotry was reserved to classical music
Thinking like a true commie.
>but they are stealing from you. that's how capitalism works. companies need to make profit and they do that by paying workers less than they actually produced.
Wages are an agreement between employers and employees. If you don't like how much you're being paid, talk to management or leave that job for another one.If you're actually skilled and worth a shit, you'll easily find a job that satisfies your needs.
non-whites moving to a "white country" does not mean whites are being replaced.
It does, and that has been the plan of Jews/liberals for decades now. Do whatever's possible to bring in non-white/mixed immigrants, even if illegally, to breed with/replace the whites. They also started doing this in Canada and Europe, and you've noticed how the quality of life has suddenly declined in those countries. It's no coincidence.
I hate both sides of the current political "debate" so fucking much.
>trump can't get a single thing done because the democrats, neocons ands rinos stonewall him at every available opportunity
I don't think Taytay knows what an autocracy is. She should stick to fucking black guys.
If everything is free, what incentivizes somebody to work? Money literally makes the world go around.
>don't make anecdotes
it was a joke about a general point (that those with the least exposure to outgroup members are the most prejudiced) which is supported by the academic research
I do too and it's nice to see another person who understands that neither are correct. Honestly though, I think the left are much more insufferable and detrimental to current society.
I don't know dude, what incentivized you to post here on 4channel? were you paid by the surviving Koch, or was it the Mercers?
When will celebrities learn that virtue signalling only gets them clout with people just as ignorant as them? The majority of people are either actually informed on the political subjects they're bitching about or don't give a shit. It's been three years so far and the "Drumpf bad xDDDD" meme has gotten really old by now.
>non-whites moving to a "white country" does not mean whites are being replaced.
Ok, moving is fine, but what if the government busses in millions and millions of immigrants all at once and dramatically alters the demographic makeup of a country? Does that count?
Because the Democrats have literally nobody. Even "messiah" Biden can't remember what state he's campaigning in, and had the gall to tell his constituency that if they were 'worried about his age' (which they weren't before but now since he can't remember if he's in Vermont or New Hampshire they sure as shit are now) then they shouldn't even vote for him! The DNC is in total chaos as everyone they try and trot out to face Trump is just more and more a socialist pustule so out of touch with the common voter that they can't even present a unified platform they don't break down in laughter about. Even the media, their own darling mouthpiece to the masses, is balking at full disclosure because of how humiliating the Democrats are. You have NOTHING, Taylor. NOTHING.
>it was joke
dear Lord you are fucking lame. at this point you've used damn near every single of one the most flimsy damage-control responses in the book and you actually expect ANY of us to buy it. I hope for your sake, you are underaged, because of if not you're just a complete invalid.
>literally has no clue what confirmation bias is or how difficult it is to do a piece of research correctly
>even his white brain doesn't save him from retardation
>dude people shitpost for free obviously they’ll do grueling labor for free
This is a big brain post
I'm just not a retard. I'm sure you live with your parents and have thousands of dollars in student debt because you made bad life decisions, and now you think communism is the answer. You couldn't play the capitalist game, so let's just burn it all to the ground. Right? I live by myself and have zero debt. I'm not paid by Koch to support capitalism on Yea Forums. Get the fuck out of here with that conspiracy nonsense. I just played the game of life better than you.
They're absolute idiots and "musicians" like Swift only exist to spread propaganda. Take a listen to the song "The Man", it's probably one of the worst examples in her entire discography (even worse than "You Need To Calm Down").
1. Trump is an outsider. He was friends/business partners with a lot of them in the past, but since he is directly opposing them now, they are convincing others to hate him.
2. He somewhat shills for the Jews, but does a lot of things that go against their interests, i.e. avoiding war, promoting nationalism and stricter enforcing of immigration laws, etc. Kinda correlates with the first point, but yeah.
great, but you can't eat Yea Forums posts, nor make houses out of them, nor treat illnesses with them, nor raise families on them. All you did was prove that without financial incentive, people in engage in fruitless social activities that are bad for them in the long run, thus proving his entire point.
this idea that people can simply choose to pass up work opportunities until they find one they feel compensates them fairly (which is none of them btw) is pure fantasy. one still has financial obligations which need to be met.
>If you're actually skilled and worth a shit, you'll easily find a job that satisfies your needs.
"you don't deserve to live a stable and dignified life if you aren't a skilled worker"
>It does, and that has been the plan of Jews/liberals for decades now. Do whatever's possible to bring in non-white/mixed immigrants, even if illegally, to breed with/replace the whites.
imagine being this much of a lunatic conspiracy cuck
I don’t care about your loaded argument. “Racist” statistics are not allowed to be published. It’s a rigged game whether you admit it or not. You can’t even talk about the fucking bell curve anymore. What do you want me to do? I could look at your statistics and we could go over the methodology and examine whether or not the study was done in good faith and the variables were accounted for, but you’re talking soft sciences here, which is fucky alllll the way down. thanks.
>ignores the substance of the post and focuses on tone instead
big post buddy
>I'm not a retard
>I'm not paid by Koch to support capitalism on Yea Forums. Get the fuck out of here with that conspiracy nonsense
holy fuck lmao. it's hard to imagine living with so few brain cells.
>dude just steal lmao fk capitalism
>what if the government busses in millions and millions of immigrants all at once
when has this ever happened? and it's not like the government bussed an equal number of whites out of the country at the same time. cohabiting a country with immigrants is not the same as being replaced.
El Retardo
There's not enough room. We're fucking full.
>just reclaim what was stolen from you
>oh my damage control isn't working? better damage control about my damage control
I didn't ignore the substance of the post, that was the substance. I rebuked your point and you said "lol just kidding haha doesn't count I win! now please talk about this other I literally just brought up, no I'm not trying to move the goal posts or anything lalalala!"
The fact I didn't pay any attention to your substitution point is just evidence that I'm smarter and more aloof than you. You are not doing a good job of proving that non-whites are more intelligent.
okay but that's an entirely different argument, though.
>when has this EVER happened
Germany, you fucking idiot. They have been important millions of “refugees” into the EU for four years now. It’s WHY “1 in 4 Germans have a migrant background.” It was not this was even ten years ago. The demographic has changed completely, are you blind? Have you seen Paris? Have you seen London? They are not at all the same.
Most of 'murica is redneck flyover country. We have plenty of room.
>i’m entitled to it!
Can’t wait til you get caught and go to jail. Remember this post when you drop the soap, dumbass.
60 million people immigrated to the United States after the immigration act of 1965. This is common knowledge you fucking idiot.
>You can’t even talk about the fucking bell curve anymore
because it's highly discredited. I don't imagine you would be capable of explaining what the criticisms of it are, even less so why they're wrong.
In terms of what you said about 'soft science', by which I assume you're referring to the social sciences, well yes we would be talking about social sciences in a discussion about society.
The substance of my post was that my previous post was broadly correct according to the academic research. You ignored that part.
>just convert all of America into a city lol
>flyover country
That's farmland. That's where we grow your fucking FOOD, you retard. Jesus christ, liberals are so bad at running countries. We need that land to eat. We'll fucking starve without it.
>drop the soap
>implying this person wouldn't willingly bend over for some black prison cock
I don't care about fudged academic research, nobody with a brain does. You made a point about people who are "racist" and I showed that I'm a living example your point is wrong. Note the lack of living examples in thread that your point is correct. This pissed you off so much because, unlike in these academic papers, you cannot erase people like me. I was not consulted for that study, so they disregarded my experience. Why should I put any faith in it?
>i don't care 'bout that smart peepul stuff; that shit's for nambie pamby liberals and losers. I base my opinions on prejudice and anecdotes like a patriotic american!
>because it's highly discredited.
Scientific American doesn’t seem to think so. In fact, they argue that it has not been fully discredited. In fact, it seems like the biggest problem with the book is “how dare he gather this information without saying why—he’s racist!!” This is the problem with Academia. They discredit people for accusations of racism and wholly ignore the relevant data. It’s all about unpersoning and controlling the conversation. Great debunking. You should work for snopes.
a quick google search shows that included in that "1 in 4 germans with a migrant background" includes other white europeans lmao. whites accounted for 90% of germany's population as recently as 2017.
yeah but that's not bussing in millions and millions of people all at once, that's 60 million people over a 50 year span
I'll bet you still consider this substance, don't you?
>the only authorities in the world you can trust are liberal academic studies and NGOs!!!!
Excellent point
what can she do? in the end we all only have one vote and i think campaigning vociferously as a celebrity hurts as much as it helps
Yeah but will they stay there? They just seem to go straight to urban enviroments for obvious reasons
The left would destroy the entire world if they had the power, due to sheer incompetence. They're literally so bad at managing even the most simple task.
>The left would destroy the entire world if they had the power, due to sheer incompetence. They're literally so bad at managing even the most simple task.
unlike current governments who are destroying the entire world
Theyre more delaying the inevitable. Maybe we should just let the left speed it up
>the elite ruling class is shit
The elite ruling class is liberal
>let’s be liberal to save the planet
Galactic brain
The article argued that book should be called racist, and had little to say about the veracity of the book itself. It says that 'attempts to take the book down' by attacking its reasoning or sources should take a secondary position to the accusation that the book is racist.
Of course, it does refer to the many reviews which do go after the sources and evidence.
These are not mutually exclusive of course, the book can be racist and factually incorrect.
we are not liberals, but revolutionaries. we believe in overthrowing the market system of distribution, and replacing it with a democratic system of distribution, based upon the principle of 'to each, according to their need, from each according to his ability'.
god, what a fucking cute.
>The elite ruling class is liberal
>>let’s be liberal to save the planet
i'm not a liberal though and i don't advocate for liberalism. i know it sounds crazy but there's opposition to liberalism from the left too. there are more "sides" than just liberal and conservative. socialists, communists, and anarchists (aka "the left") aren't just more liberal libs.
Any day now LARPer lmao
And you will be lined up against the wall and shot like a dog for it, by the very system you champion, like every single other time in recorded history.
Her face is getting bigger. not sure if i want to bang anymore.
>female soiface
It quite literally says “attempts to fully discredit it have failed” and then sidelines into a point about how the author is racist
hahaha this bitch looks like she ripped a silent one and the camera man is about to find out.
Either communism wins, and reactionaries like you are executed, or capitalism wins and reactionaries like you die due to environmental collapse along with the rest of us. Either way you die.
and the reason it says they fail is they don't call the book racist, not because they have their facts wrong.
>to each, according to their need, from each according to his ability'
this precept creates inequality by design
>not because they have their facts wrong
And what are those “facts,” hmm?
inequality can be justified to remedy existing disparities. some people have greater needs than others, for instance those with a physical disability clearly need more assistance to do things compared to a fit person, so it's justified that they consume more in the way of services than the average person. compare that to capitalism, where inequality seemingly is its own justification.
here, read a book:
>have low need but high ability
Good luck getting that guy to produce (x1,000,000)
Oldfag here. Is there some connection between Taytay being on Sunday Morning this morning, and you faggots talking about her today?
how does that boot taste?
the only connection is between my hand and my cock whenever i see pictures of taytay
sorry trump is not assad
weirdly enough, those people who are the most able under capitalism are academic scientists and engineers who are typically not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. under capitalism the richest people are the most ruthless and exploitative people (usually psychopaths) who manage to get clever people working for them (and who proceed to exploit their labour by taking the lion's share of the wealth hey produce).
like why the fuck do you think Einstein did his work on relativity? he wasn't paid by anyone, it wasn't for a profit motive. It was for the fulfilment of his own curiosity. Grigori Perelman rejected the million dollar prize for proving the Poincare conjecture. Literally the most able mathematician of his generation, and wasn't motivated by profit.
Nice black and white thinking retard. Fucking cultist
oh my god, this thread.
I don't think I've ever seen Yea Forums fall for the bait this hard.
What, the farmland where they grow 10000 acres of onions that they feed to cows?
why is this on a music board? what does taylor swift have to do with music?
Literal children bought this album.