Who is Tommy Wiceau of music?
Who is Tommy Wiceau of music?
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Jeff Mangum
Kanye West.
Corey Feldman and literally nobody comes close and you cannot prove me wrong.
he even fucking looks like him
probably Corey Feldman
The Shaggs and Farrah Abraham are more examples of accidental avant-garde and not accidental comedy
I remember when it seemed like he had his shit together and Haim was the fuck up.
Unkle Adams, but he's not rich.
death grips
>I remember when it seemed like he had his shit together
Who is Tom Green of music?
When he and Corey Haim had that reality show.
The whole premise was that Feldman was solidly on his feet and "made it through" the struggles of being a former child actor and he was going to help his former best friend get clean and start his life again. Then Haim died and Feldy went bonkers.
serj tankian
Is tommy Polish
GG Allins. But really, Tom Green is just the off-brand GG Allin of tv shows/movies/whatever
This. This is an album that's only qualities are that its funny. It's not like The Shaggs, who are the equivalent of a B-movie that's so bad and poorly shot that it ends up looking like a cross between David Lynch and Ingmar Bergman.
Wesley Willis
peter steele
Organized Rhyme
pink floyd
FUN FACT: He was in Paris during May of 1968. He was also tortured later by the Polish secret police
How is this possible?
Every single fucking time. fpbp
Jesus fucking Christ, that almost made me delete my entire music library and never ever listen to music again.
Wesley Willis
hello tourists already solved this thread thank you no need to keep bumping this crap
the shags
Rock and Roll McDonald’s level of based
dad designed them to be a major band, and they just lacked technical proficiency
bedroom performer with a cult following
>Wesley Willis
similar to Viper
the actual answer is David Liebe Hart, because he's a bizarre outsider who inexplicably got a pretty public platform, and it is still unclear if he is a major grifting troll or a sincere naive artist
I can't believe this is actually real
Corey Feldman
Eric Andre? They have very similar ethos and styles of comedy.
came to post this.
this is frikkin based