pt 2: old thread
link: >
pt 2: old thread
link: >
packs no punch, no intensity in most of the album
drums are great though
7empest was mostly really good
boring and drags along way too much
Okay, I've listened to the whole album, and for me, it's a 8/10. Chocoate Chip Trip and 7empest are the standouts.
The hype makes it better.
weak, I didn't wait 13 years for this
This, but for Culling Voices
pneuma pneuma yay lol
ltierally why
3/5 and I am being generous. Probably only better than Undertow. At least MJK cared back then though.
*Chocolate Chip Trip
To remain
why does almost every song have that echo clap beat at leats once?
I don't want to listen to some shitty rip provided by a reddit user. I've waited all these years, I can go a couple more days.
im a zoomer but i love all their other albums. this one is just weak
at invincible rn, it's good but it's just a tool album. Doesn't really evolve their sound except for some weird instrumentation sometimes. It's good but tracks drag on too much for my liking in typical tool fashion
solid 7 to a light 8 rn
late night leak threads are the only time Yea Forums is ever good
that 3 against 7 polyrhythm between drums and guitar in Invincible.
pretty nice so far, we were here bros
You sound like Fantano, I can't take you seriously.
What's that effect on the bass on every track? Flanger?
it's danny slamming ur mom from behind every song
It won't make the album any less average than it is.
Lmfao is this something that's happened in the past?
i think you mean early morning leak threads
listening to major album leaks at 2 am on Yea Forums is a time honored tradition
> taking some random fuck on Yea Forums seriously
don't ever do this
I have literally never heard a single †ool song. should I start, and should I start at the beginning or can I start with this?
rip's good
mastering is just shit to begin with you can tell
Lol its like Maynard only made a cameo on this album
Why do you want me to suffer?
Delay and chorus effect
all of their albums are stylistically different regardless of the memers saying they're identical
just pick one at random then pick another at random and so forth
What do you think Maynard's going to have to say about this mess?
just listen to lateralus and move on
5 minutes into Descending and I'm bored to treats. Sevenempest better be good
This will finally pay off. Imma get soo much pussy
the only thing you'll be getting is spanking from dad for listening to music too loud
You won't like it if you didn't like the album so far.
music goes beyond just what you hear. you don't have the necessary memories and nostalgia of listening to Tool with your friends driving around downtown, blasting that shit, smoking mad blunts, and getting into sketchy shit then hopping back in the truck to continue listening to Tool. to you its just some brand bullshit. "oh Tool is a respected band, they haven't released an album in a long time. let's see if it bops!" meanwhile we're here with actualy memories and nostalgia associated with Tool, it makes it a stronger bond which influences how much we enjoy the music. basically, fuck off zoomer.
this sounds like a guitar masterclass "how to sound like tool" video
If you are waiting till the 30th you should know that you are most certainly going to be disappointed. This is their worst album other than Undertow.
Just thought you should know instead of making the hype even worse for another 6 days.
It's nothing all that special for the most part, but it's far from being bad. I like Descending the most.
You could've easily been talking about Blink 182 in that post and it would still have the same meaning
This. It literally brings me back to times spent with my best friend who died in a car wreck 4 years ago.
Honestly did
Well fuck. I was hoping this would positively impact my life. Why is this happening? What is going on with 2019?
the album or the leak?
The leak, and the reception too, I suppose.
Fear Inoculum-5/10
Culling Voices-7.5/10
Chocolate Chip Trip-7/10
Orrrr maybe it just isn't that good?
Yea that's the more accurate statement.
They are a bunch of 50 year olds. Most bands are lucky to have a decade of quality music. Just be happy that they put out a few good albums prior.
It's kind of hilarious for anybody to conclusively rate this within literal hours of it leaking. But it's honestly more embarrassing to see people dismiss it entirely, you guys are either not actively listening to the music, listening through earbuds or just expecting something else. The band hasn't changed their sound at all here. The singing doesn't sound even remotely shitty, and these songs go a lot of unexpected places, while also delivering everything that the band's good at.
...except giving you bite-sized radio rock fodder. Which the last album had in troves. And that was kind of disappointing for me in 2006. This album feels like it's going for the exact opposite kind of writing approach and damn if it's not a good look on them. And save one or two notable clunkers, the lyrical content is surprisingly potent. 7empest might actually be the first great rock song to deal with the Trump thing.
Before hearing this I was honestly already thinking of ways to shrug off this album and forget about Tool for yet another decade but the bastards fuckin' did it
You're literally wrong about everything you said.
my point exactly. music is enhanced by your memories with it, so it doesn't truly matter how it falls upon your fresh ears. you have to take into account how different people perceive it differently. that's why musical taste is bullshit, you can have good taste and minimal memories with your favorite music which is branded well and trendy, but you won't have the same emotional connection that some others have with their lesser hip music. to them they simply just enjoy it more than you do.
if it wasn't a TOOL album, especially after 13 years of hype sicne 10k days, none of us would care about this album.
literally every song is dragged out garbage any 15yo learning drum/guitar/bass could do just playing random chords for hours and putting them together until something decent comes out
MJK lyrics on top are useless
you guys get baited by hype so easily.
this lol
drumming is really stealing the show, maynard's pretty weak
tool just sound so cheesy to me now. i wish this came out 10 years ago
hey what's up zoomers? gotta wait for fantano to give it a 7 / light 8 to say you like it amirite lol
Has all the usual expected Tool tropes, but then all the usual expected Tool tropes are executed by a group of incredibly talented musicians.
Overally, very pleased with this. Invicible sounds fucking incredible, and the production makes the album sound loud.
Is Culling voices meant to sound so raw in the second half?
This is probably their softest droniest release out of all their soft rock dronefests. At least Chinese Democracy had some bangers, this is embarrassing
>incredibly talented musicians
>Adam Jones
They're a bunch of white men with guitars so naturally Fantano will pan it to save his fat cowardly ass from another Fader hitpiece. Faggot that he is.
Chocolate trip trip is a troll
he chooses to play the same riffs resequenced a bit because it works with all the other stuff in the music
>He thinks a guitarist is only talented if he plays le epic guitar solo for 10 minutes
Go back to your dadrock. Jones has a style that fits the music so well and is hard to replicate.
He will give this a 6. Cap it.
do your part
Sounds too prog in parts. I know they are a really proggy band, but to me they never straight up reminded me of horrible 70s prog which i just cant stand, but often here they do.
I Like Adams guitar work though, some new interesting wrinkles to his playing. Maynard needs to fuck off. He could not be a cringier lyricist and his delivery with his stupid fucking robot voice his like a 10 year old trying to sound cool
>13 years
gonna get that on the other forearm. tnx fren
Oh man these super long outros and Maynard just walks off
in his track review he said he really like the title track which is one of the worst off the album so I doubt it nerd
Anyone else finding themselves unable to listen to it again after the first listen? It’s too potent, like taking xtc again too soon
who gives a fuck. its scaruffi that matters
Fucking kill yourself, virgin
Really likes means a 7 to him. Are you new?
It is probably the most consistent song on the album. Which is sad because its pretty average.
yes but no
>13 (thirteen) cycles of 365 days
The Trump curse is real.
That fact that this album sounds similar to other Tool albums means that this is an automatic 4/10 from Scruffy. He won't even finish listening to it.
idk what you're talking about but I'm on M listening to this rn
Have sex (and make friends)
Lmao you sir are missing out
>implying any music critic matters
chocolate chip drip can't be fucking real
scaruffi will rate it 5/10, screenshot this
What are you listening to it on a tape player? Get some better sound in your life
It sounds like Tool. If you like tool, you'll like it, if you don't, you won't. That's my impression anyway, there's nothing groundbreaking so far, it's just more tool.
he didn't give the track review a number and I said he'd give it a 7 lol. why are you so perturbed?
is the dude who leaked this gonna be in some shit? considered everyone knows who it was and it s a huge band
That's what I'm wondering.
They won't acknowledge the leak publicly. Right now its contained to about 10,000 massive faggots. By release date, another 20-30k. It would be stupid to tweet about this shit, drive even more people to find the link(s).
Everything leaks, especially these days. Lateralus leaked, 10k Days leaked, their feelings on the matter were made quite clear in Hooker With A Penis.
god i swear high school tool fans are the first for the rope day
>mfw I can still be hyped for the official release because I've yet to hear the full album
It's like they thought of us.
>A tem pest must be just that
The only real strong track was 7empest.
Tool's worst album is still better than 99.99% of the shoveled shit released in the last 20 years. But I agree, its barely better than Undertow, and pales in comparison to their other LPs.
What's the verdict here? I'm feeling this is a 4.5/10
Thats what i said .. it sounded like animal on a Nin drumset
>waiting for Adrian Belew to come in with "Fraaame by Fraaame"
I've never alternated between enjoyment and cringing so much during an album
Too soon to judge
There is no verdict the album literally hasn't even been released. We have to sit on it for a couple more days, at the very least.
>t. 50 year old person living in his nostalgic 90s
it's a tool/10 for me. i don't even like their music that much but i still listen to it for some reason
sounds good but it's no lateralus
This album killed my dad
Can't wait until Pitchfork pans this trash. Tool is like a shitty metal King Crimson.
P4k is just rolling stone for boomers, who gives a shit what they say lmao
Fear Inoculum: 8/10
Pneuma: 7/10
Invincible: 7/10
Descending: 8/10
Culling Voices: 6/10
CCT: 5/10
7empest: 9/10
eh overall a 7 definitly not their best but I like it better than aenima and maybe undertow
>t. garbage pail kid raised on pop-punk, wistfully looking forward to his first handjob
Sounds like you need to re-listen to Aenima. Several times. Those scores are handicapped for hype.
No, Rolling Stone is Rolling Stone for boomers. P4K is the ultimate soiboi millennial publication, who used to shill shit twee Indie bands before realising that liking music made by white men is problematic so now they only give good ratings to slay kween pop singers and boring mumble rappers.
Just read their retrogressive review of Sublime's 40 Oz To Freedom and smell the onions eminating from it.
They probably won't even listen to the album but give it a bad rating and make most of their review about how white men playing rock music is incredibly dated and doesn't fit in with the progressive 2010s.
They literally haven't changed their sound since Aenima. What a joke.
As if. This is probably their most laid back album to date.
This is 100% correct.
Pitchfork are definitely gonna bring up the Maynard rape allegation.
no I don't. outside of the title track and 46&2 I dislike every track and everytime I try te relisten to it I can't make it through eulogy it's such a garbage track
I'll have to sit on FE though
I think Culling Voices and the title track are the only weak spots on the album. Very good effort boys, welcome back, and do a UK tour before you fuck off for another decade please.
10,000 days-6/10
Fear Inoculum-6/10
tl;dr - Pitchfork is for virtue-signaling faggots and nothing they write holds water
Everything on this album sounds like a retread
>Just read their retrogressive review of Sublime's 40 Oz To Freedom and smell the onions eminating from it.
Sublime was fucking garbage though, if they gave it a bad review retroactively then they just corrected history. Thanks for your post though, it's good to know that there's an overlap between Tool fans, Sublime fans, and "WHITE MEN ARE THE MOST PROSECUTED RACE" incels
Descending is my favourite, FI and Pneuma are trash, rest is ok.
>But then this is the same man who once sang "fuck all you gun toting hip gangster wannabes", which perpetuates the negative stereotype of people of color in LA being involved with gang violence
>He also wrote Stinkfist, which is about anal sex, making light of activities that LGBT people partake in, when the same people are oppressed on a daily basis for doing exactly what the song details
how bout some good songs for once?
So, do you think they'll ever make another album?
Does Eulogy offend your delicate Christian sensibilities? Aenima is a masterpiece, topped only by Lateralus, and every track is a heaven-sent morsel of God's own rage.
True, and that is fucking repulsive. The man was accused on an anonymous twitter account, there was no legal action taken, and the accuser provided no evidence. I am always amazed by Pitchfork's ability to get away with that stuff.
Needs more Maynard singing
too jam bandy without him for long periods of time
I agree with you except for 10k Days. The Pot was the only letdown on that disc.
40 Oz To Freedom was actually a good album though. Creative and has a lo-fi charm.
Also I don't think white men are the most persecuted race, you have to be a retard to think that, but anyone who thinks that a band being comprised of white men is a legitimate form of criticism is also a retard.
But then you're probably a Pitchfork reading soiboi yourself. What are you doing on a Tool thread? Shouldn't you be busy pretending to like the latest Ariana Grande release?
This physically hurt to read.
Why listen to Tool when you can listen to a superior band like Isis?
user we all know too much red meat and HIV dicks killed your dad
Stinkfist is not about just anal sex and definetly not about lgbt, its about stimulation and how people go to the extremes in search of it, fisting is just used as an example
Yes, but you'll be dead by then
Lateralus was a huge leap in style.
>Sublime was garbage
Midwestern trash detected. Sublime defined an era in So Cal, and nobody east of the 15 freeway is worth a damn anyways.
WHy are the vocals so low in a lot of the mixes?
i just have zero emotional reaction to this. I like some of the music, some of it not so much. but i just dont really give a fuck about it.
The user was joking, he was mocking what Pitchfork is likely going to end up writing about the album.
I know but P4K are the sort of people who would try to spin it into a homophobic song.
Oh I get it now.
This is an unfinished leak
holy fuck I needed that laugh.
i think your image of p4k is a bit over the top.
I wish
>Descending rips of The Grudge
lol wtf
Your headphones? His vocals are always set a little back in the mix, but they ring pretty clear (too clear in the title track IMO)
this album cover looks really dated, like something from an early 2000s video game
yeah but the packaging is groundbreaking. Find the unboxing video on YT. Gimmicky? A little. But some incredible artistry (not to mention print processes) went into it.
holy shit my headphones actually broke while listening to this album
>I can't make it through eulogy it's such a garbage track
fuck off
I wish they released Chocolate Chip Trip as the first single
Just woke up, didnt even process that it was greentext
But is pitchfork really that dumb? Never really cared about their stuff
Oh yeah that would have fucking went down well
It's the best song, after all.
Yes, they infuse a social justice narrative into all of their articles/reviews. Not even the mildly annoying stuff either, it's straight up misandry and the music they give positive reception to is based on diversity, not the actual quality or content.
They're as dumb as any other leftist-millennial-targeting publication out there. Lots of click bait, lots of glorifying trash artists and cutting down actual musicians. They're part of the GQ, Glamor, Vogue, The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, Wired conglomerate.
Stir us from our
Walking slumber
Litigate our will
Call us all to walk in order
What the hell is this meaning anyway?
Not really, thats just a gross caricature of them as crazy sjws. They suck but they're not that fucking crazy
It barely even sounds like a finished product. There's hardly any cohesion to the record at all; just some nonsensical noodling, some technically impressive but largely vapid drum parts, and some of the lamest and most flaccid vocal deliveries Maynard has delivered throughout his entire career. Lyrics are crap, too.
It feels like Danny's the only one who actually cares about this band anymore, while the other three are just skating by with the same bag of tricks they've always had for the last 20 years, phoning it in to the T.
The fact that I know Sublime and Tool are garbage is enough evidence that my taste is objectively better than yours. And I'm here to discuss why this shitpile is a shitpile, if you want a circlejerk hugbox then go to reddit where voices of reason like mine are downvoted by drones like you.
Its nonsense. Its Maynard half-heartedly scribbling shit inbetween takes because the other three took so fucking long tweaking on mediocrity.
7empest is great
The rest of the album is okay
Chocolate Chip Trip is a trolling interlude
>down actual musicians.
oh you're one of those cunts
I can already tell you're probably not a very intelligent person.
these lyrics are just the lamest
the album
you fucking tools listening only to 5 popular artists having no fucking clue in music whatsoever
Uh, he was talking about the packaging.
Justin cares. Focus on Justin's work, its pretty solid. Danny is set too far back in the mix in some parts. Adam failed to deliver a truly scorching solo this album, and Maynard phoned it in so he could get something on the shelves and end the death threats.
How far up your own ass are you?
Reminder that what you all have done is wrong and the exact reason you wont be getting another Tool album. Hope youre ashamed of yourselves.
so people on reddit think 7empest is about trump???
man what a disappointment that they would succumb to this leftist idiocy
>implying this wasn't the last one
This is their last album anyway
Name two better groups who have released a quality album since 1990.
Thank FUCK
They jumped the shark with 10,000days.
Maynard couldn't write a decent lyric to save his life anymore
yes, me too
we're walking to our own decline. this album is entirely about the downfall of humanity.
>implying they wont want another few million dollerydoos in 6 years
yes, I'm one of those cunts. One of those cunts who has no tolerance for glorified auto-tuned "singers" who have their words written for them, their tracks produced for them, their artwork produced for them, their image cultivated for them. Yes, I'd rather listen to a mediocre album from a band that sweated it out from start to finish than an over-produced, focus-grouped, no-risk-plz-we-want-money Jewish scheme of a pop artist.
I feel like these songs will take a few listens to grow on me, but that was the case with a lot of the great Tool songs. I didn't fall in love with Lateralus, Rosetta Stoned, Jambi, The Grudge, Third Eye, Eulogy or Right In Two straight away.
King Crimson and Iron Maiden
Fucking this. This is probably the biggest issue I have with this album - Maynard has completely run out of things to write about. The lyrics on Aenima and Lateralus used to be so simple and effective, but this album and 10k Days to an extent have been completely aimless on what it actually wants to say. A large part of Tool has always been the atmosphere, and the lack of great lyrics really hinders it
10,000 Days is their best album after Aenima.
I have 10TB of tunes spanning genres you've never conceived of, you can suck my musical balls.
oh ok
What exactly have we done?
Post video of your hard drive's unboxing
Am I the only one who think that Culling Voices has the best lyrics on entire album?
>no more Tool
Good, I'd hate to still be shitposting when they release Lateralus 4
What the fuck is going on with the production/mastering ? It sounds like demos... I get the artistic decisions, but damn, this album is really weak.
When you're listening to this, your remember that Tool was contractually obligated to one more album... They just don't give a fuck anymore. At least now they are "free".
Who would have thought that APC would become a better band than Tool.
So 7empest is..ugh.. wtf it is?
King Crimson is quality, but Iron Maiden is garbage. I'll bet $100 you don't own a shirt without a cigarette burn in it.
>I'd rather eat a literal shit burger than fast food
Wow, way to go champ
10000 has some good lyrics, what are you on about, yes not as good as lateralus and aenima but its still good
I've never smoked, and nearly any Iron Maiden album is better than Tool's pointless wank
>Who would have thought that APC would become a better band than Tool.
Eat the Elephant was pretty awful. I'd say it's more surprising that Puscifer turned out to be the least cringey shitshow
Justin's always been a tight bass player, but he definitely seems to be in a creative rut on this album, though. His tone is still crisp and sounds nice, and his playing is solid, but he isn't really delivering anything memorable - nothing like The Grudge, Schism, Forty Six & 2, The Pot, etc. He's just been retracing his steps in a way, and that's an issue with the album as a whole. It almost feels like a Frankenstein-esque experiment stitching and grafting all these elements and sections from other songs of theirs, winding up with 7 10+ minute tracks that lack any direction and probably should've just been compressed into one song, anyway
Totally accurate analogy, you really showed him!
be uncontrolable asshats. you fucks have no self control. an album literally 5 days away when youve already waited 13 years. its pathetic really.
>inb4 weve waited enough
youre not entitled to anything
Vicarious is probably the worst song Maynard has penned to date
Maiden is fun, but nothing more than that, taking them seriously just makes them cringe worthy
the new apc was just as disappointing
Adam-9/10 good job
Danny-9/10 good job
Maynard-7/10 for singing, 3/10 for lyrics
yet you've never listened to any of them
Thats a shit ass opinion
what's up with the production? Try playing it on a pair of good speakers not bluetooth jbls lol
Imagine deciding what music you like based on how it was made.
Idk, there's a ton of Puscifer garbage
>name two bands better than Tool that have released albums since 1990
>w-well Iron Maiden is fun, but I'm only talking about SERIOUS art, none of that heavy metal garbage, I'm talking ART METAL like Tool here
I have friends who love Tool and right now they are delighted to hear the album before it's release day.
Literally nothing wrong, it's not as if I won't get a CD copy of the album later.
post your favorite Tool song mine's Vicarious
unboxing? I've got two 1TBs, two 2TBs, and a 4TB cloud drive, and those are just the music drives. I've got another 20TB of movies, 5TB of audio production software and samples, 10TB of video production and motion graphics software and samples, 5TB of web resources, and 20TB of produced paid work. All boxes were lost long ago. Go do something productive today, I dare you.
I'm wondering if i would like this when i was 15, and perhaps the only reason i like their old stuff is nostalgia. Right now its just a bit to cheese and a bit too boring in parts.
Imagine not understanding that quality music takes effort and integrity to create.
C'mon, anybody can agree that the lyrics to Vicarious are utter garbage. They'd be poor lyrics even on records like Undertow and Opiate, releases full of embarrassing lines and ideas
You were talking about "groundbreaking packaging" you thin-skinned loser
Zoomers are in complete shambles
Today is the day of the 27+ year old boomer
TOOL have released a masterpiece only the seasoned music consumer can appreciate
>I'd rather eat a mediocre homecooked meal made with organic ingredients than stuff my gob full of McDonald's
yes, you're right
your first sentence is right but the rest is bullshit. you can always make new experiences.
Imagine thinking quality music is a measurable thing and not an almost solipsistic perspective
Disgustipated, unironically. Solid Swans copy
Im that guy user, I just said maiden is fun, I like them but cant take them seriously just like alot of metal in that genre and dont see the smoker thing, maiden are more a alcool band
In all seriousness, based.
Same pointless fucking guitar sequences in every track. Its even worse than in 10000 Days. Thanks god theres some new ideas in Adams soloing.
Well, I didn't say it was a great album, but at least there's 2/3 tracks I can listen with pleasure on this album. I also enjoy Puscifer.
There's something wrong going on with fear inoculum, I think they just trolled their label with their last "obligated" record...
It is, it is... But at least there's some 1/2/3 good tracks.
My setup is fine... I didn't say it was bad audio quality, I just don't get what the engineers tried to do with this album. The production is clearly very different than the previous albums, and to me it's... Really, really unpleasant to hear...
You're combining the opinions of two different anons. Iron Maiden is trash, and the only reason you've never smoked is because your trailer park prostitute mother put her butts out on your neck.
I have the same problem. No new album that has been released by artists I loved during my teenage years has impressed me like when I was discovering their works at first and I can't tell if they've lost it or I did.
it has nothing to do with that though. its like marching up ro your boss's office on wednesday and taking your check because well Im gonna be here tomorrow anyway.
what's wrong with that
Based 33 year old Toolboomer that still listens to Richard Dawkins podcasts
32, I realized they were garbage when I was 19. I'm relishing every bit of Stockholm Syndrome you Tool incels are exuding
Well, I just finished listening to it. I think I'll go back to listening to aenima and lateralus.
Bye guys
its immoral and fuck those quints
I'm 33. Listening and appreciating Tool since Lateralus.
Fear Inoculum is a joke.
the storm's coming user. not now, but in decades.
and there's nothing we can do.
35 y/o who fought on the beaches of normandy here; this album is shit.
he wrote culling voices after the whole twitter rape thing right?
I never said it was "a measurable thing". I just don't really like the idea of filling the pockets of multimillionaire pop stars who have no part in the creation of their own product. But to each their own, I guess.
Maynard is old doesnt have the anger in him anymore, or at least the ability to express said anger, he would just sound like a angry boomer, dont really wanna see that
>Iron Maiden is trash
That may be, but they have better guitars and better bass than Tool, and their vocalist has way more range than Maynard. If Iron Maiden is trash then Tool is something lower than trash
yes, theres honor in crafting music, same with any art. Theres honor in listening to music too. Even this thread references shitty headphones/speakers several times, because quality is appreciated. Its like vinyl DJs vs laptop DJs - theres a certain amount of respect due to those who put the work in, and even lackluster work done honestly is more respectable than mass-produced cookie-cutter bullshit.
twitter rape thing?
Does Iron Maiden have songs written in Fibonacci sequence meter? Didn't think so bub
>Its like vinyl DJs vs laptop DJs
aka people playing the inferior format on the worse-than-consumer hardware vs people playing pristine digital masters?
I'm 32, what the fuck is a "podcast"?
>Rating on a scale of 5
>That may be, but they have better guitars and better bass than Tool, and their vocalist has way more range than Maynard
What a shit opinion, their both great in their own right and work perfectly for the type of music they play and want to achieve.
how can you even say tool bass is bad? Are your ears broken
bout a year ago somebody on twitter had a story about being raped by maynard backstage round 2001/2. I'm not sure but i think it turned out to be fake, or at least not very credible
If you were 32 you'd know what a podcast was.
>Chocolate Chip Trip
You're not that old. You should know what a podcast is.
>Iron Maiden
>writes 4 minute songs in 4/4 with song structures so simple they put me to sleep
>15 minute long epics with more time signature shifts than you can probably count, basically a structural anomaly by most music standards, people still trying to deconstruct every little element
I am 32, and yes, I've heard of podcasts, but can honestly say I've never listened to one.
>Tool fans in charge of reading comprehension
I said the bass was BETTER in Iron Maiden, dipshit. If anything is bad about Tool it's Adam's playing. Funny how you single out my comment with your "let's all be friends speech" and not the dude who said Iron Maiden was shit
>he hasn't listened to FI in 432Hz yet
oh no no no never gonna make it boys
And some people will consider the album "bad" as a result of that unproven internet claim.
t. someone that hasn't listened to more than 3 Iron Maiden songs
>15 minute songs where a single 7/8 riff entirely in 8th notes repeated for 7 minutes followed by a part where they start palm-muting triplets in double-time for another 7 minutes for tension is rhythmic brilliance
Rime of the Ancient Mariner has more riffs than all of Fear Inoculum (the album). Who gives a shit about what a glorified metronome is doing?
Metal of all types is generally horseshit. I'm glad Tool isn't metal.
Invincible is a top 10 tool song. Probably descending too
>Tool isn't metal
Fucking kill yourself, delusional retard
Maybe not all Tool is metal, but this is by far their most metal album. Also one of their most boring (though 10k is definitely worse)
Wrong on both counts. I can name 20 Tool songs better than anything on this album without trying.
>Invincible is a top 10 tool song.
Takes about 8 minutes before it even starts do go anywhere
Not that guy, but the discussion of tool is metal or not is just dumb, it just doesnt matter
>t. hormone-taking 15 y/o suicidal mentally unstable son of a bitch listening exclusively to tool and slipknot
So, can we all agree
Lateralus > Aenima > Undertow > 10,000 Days > Fear Inoculum
Undertow>who cares
Best to worst is:
Culling Voices
Chocolate Chip Trip
Fear Inoculum
Loving all 7 songs though
this lol
spot on mate
why is everyone riding 7empest's dick? Culling Voices is clearly the standout track
switch Undertow and 10k.
hi guys my opinion matters than everyone elses on this website
its ok like a solid 7 maybe 8
a 10 if youre really into tool, they could make anything and be praised by the mega fans so its whatever
most of it just feels like a jam between the instrument players
>yes, theres honor in crafting music,
You're merely bestowing "honor" upon music that is crafted a certain way, one that conforms to your own idea of authenticity. I would bestow "honor" to any form of art that serves the purpose of art to any individual, whatever way that may be. The honor is that it gets to be art, not deciding based on whether it was produced by professionals or made in some guys g
>and even lackluster work done honestly is more respectable than mass-produced cookie-cutter bullshit.
Are you a mind reader? You have no idea whether the "mass produced cookie-cutter bullshit" is "done honestly" or not. You just make the assumption again, based on your preconceived idea of authenticity. There is no reason to believe that an "autotuned singer" with a team of songwriters cant provide something meaningful to many people, thus satisfying the only criteria needed for it to be called art and called respectable, and believe in that something as much as any other musician. The fact that it precludes you from enjoying it is nothing to do with "honor", and is entirely down to your own tastes. What you're worried about is sincerity, and you've come to the mistaken conclusion that all those stupid pop stars making stupid music is insincere, when they could be as sincere as anyone else, they're just sincere about stuff you think is stupid.
Lateralus > Aenima > Fear Inoculum > Undertow > 10,000 Days
Yeah should just put the climax at the front
>not being about to appreciate a wanky, ott drum solo
sad for you lad
>dude staring at the wall ENHANCES the experience for when the song actually does something good
t. Puts in Godspeed and skips to the “good parts”
Fucking kids man
ok. tell me more about how all those record labels churning out stilted 3-minute trap "bangers" in less than a day with some braindead junkie babbling some incoherent slurs isn't any less an artistic statement than a group of hungry artists getting together for the purpose of actually exploring a passion for the sake of its own rewards
the samefagging is out of control in here
after two full listens and several listen of individual songs:
Fear Inoculum-5/10
Descending-9/10 (instrumental parts are a lot better and more satisfying than the youtube clips led me to believe)
Culling Voices-7/10
Chocolate Chip Trip-7/10
7empest was like a clip show of past tool episodes that put a big smile on my face, so it gets one extra nostalgia point but its really like an 8 or 7
>being triggered by top 40 radio in 2019
Holy shit, user
>still making nonsensical cries for attention at 8:00 in the morning
i've waited so long for the album to drop
now that it's over
i think i can finally say goodbye
no reason left to live
no reasons to hold me back
goodbye cruel world
oh and the album sucked 2/5 so thanks for forcing me to live for nothing assholes
Why isnt the braindead junkie "Hungry" and "passionate"? How can you possibly deduce that?
To reiterate:
>you've come to the mistaken conclusion that all those stupid pop stars making stupid music is insincere, when they could be as sincere as anyone else, they're just sincere about stuff you think is stupid.
He's literally me when i was 15 and angry at the junkies from vicarious and the hip gangster wannabies from anema
>i deny because i'm too pedantic to acknowledge the simple truth that most music today is soulless
Oh so you've got a truth that need not be explained. How convenient for you
No it's about the frustration of having the other guys take so long to get their shit together
I hope not, feels like this album squeezed the last little bit of tool left in the band. Especially Maynard really think his vocals are lacking on this album. As soon as i heard the single fear inoculum i knew what we were in for. Luckily the rest of the album is better then that track. The album is not terrible but its nowhere near the level of their other albums. What did we expect though, its been so long. So much time for change. There are a couple riffs that sound really good but when they build on them it just sounds like some tribute band trying their hardest to get the core tool sound and nothing else.
I've listened to it twice and now am ramping down my day with Songs from the Big Chair before I go to asleep
Fantastic album, simply fantastic
I think I might have grown out of tool. Not even taking the piss on you guys, I'm actually sad I can't enjoy it as much as everyone here.
I had this feeling too brother. It will grow on us I'm sure.
>My taste in music has remained the same since I was 19
Yes, we know you are a pleb