Status: IT'S HERE
Link: Is it good?: I've listened to about half of it so far and it's incredible.
>tfw vinyl release isnt til November
I want this in hi fidelity now :(
>Is it good
it's pic related.
>leak is in m4a
Almost fucking crying it’s so good bros
pneuma didn't grab me
invincible is good
starting descending soon
Reminder that what you all have done is wrong and the exact reason you wont be getting another Tool album. Hope youre ashamee of yourselves.
This is the most amazing thing I have heard all year.
Slurp my nuts sneedboy
But I purchased it, this is just me having access to a product I already own without time gating.
Invincible is fucking good
post new flac rip im stuck with this shitty wma and the original was deleted
That fuckin riff in Invincible
You know the one
I hate how time accelerates when I listen to this album.
Tool is a gateway band of the worst kind. It's bad metal, a clusterfuck of wacky time signatures and cheesy lyrics that aren't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessively long songs and DEEPNESS. The normal user can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the band itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.
However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for aspie, unsociable underageb& faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. Maynard trying his hardest to look cool, the Bill Hicks aping, the posing in shadows and the armchair understanding of philosophy fuels their pretentious fantasies, while the droney riffs and bass lines, emphasis on not playing at the same time signature, and overall pretentiousness of the music makes it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes little kiddies and underageb& retards eat this shit right the fuck up.
Tool is basically THE band to attract the most hated musical fanbase known to Yea Forums, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every user to troll the fuck out of this soft rock dronefest and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no Tool threads ever encourage the newfriends to show their faces here.
320kbps on russkietracker, boys
320kbps on russkietracker, boys
320kbps on russkietracker, boys
320kbps on russkietracker, boys
I never doubted them
Damn Culling Voices, holy shit
I downloaded the rar. file and it didn't work. I'm a retard and i don't know a lot about computer stuff where's a workable link?
use this:
quality seems really good.
Invincible is rad. Feeling mad 70s prog / krautrock vibes all over that second half.
i downloaded the drive one and sounds great for a leak so far
broken link?
oh, it's already down. Sorry user.
Holy fuck Descending. Chills.
>X song sounds like [interesting genre]
>the two live songs and Fear Inoculum sound like typical Adam Jones prolonged buttrock garbage
I don't trust you all, especially with how coordinated you've been with Reddit the last few days. How do I know it actually leaked?
I can't get it to work
I listen to it right now.
Its time to off yourself
Confirmed way better than 10k days, pretty much on par with Lateralus.
Did Tool just prove you can still make good albums nowadays?
but 10,000 days is way better than lateralus...??
Don't be a clown, man.
Just wait for repeat listens. Tool albums are always better the 3rd or 4th time around.
Not sure if every archive is the same, but I had to change the extension of the .mp3 files to .m4a
Is it okay to cry even though I'm not a cuck liberal? I've been waiting for this for so long.
>Culling Voices
It's so fucking beautiful. Pic related is me right now.
so good i cummed in your mother
idk about better than lateralus, going to have to have multiple listens before i have any perspective on it, but it's good.
Listening now and it is good indeed
i can't believe they named a song fucking CHOCOLATE CHIP TRIP
master trolls
Pneuma is slap city
pneuma is dragging t b h, too long
Pneuma is my favourite song so far, but all songs are exceptional.
Phoneposter, any way I can get this shit?
reported for underage
Invincible is definitely one of my favorite Tool songs upon 1st listen.
Culling Voices is heat
favorite so far.
I'm halfway through 7empest on my first listen. Amazing.
Invincible and Descending sound so much better on CD than live
Fuck me sideways, this is the definition of music.
this is fuckn good and they were so blaise about it coming out like it ain't nothing and no work put into it.. mastery.
The difference is ridiculous. So fucking good
update: chocolate chip trip is unironically my favorite
Absolutely BASED
I just finished it and I've gotta say... this album is a gift from the gods. There is no other explanation for how such a thing can exist.
i mean don't get me wrong, it's a really good album, but this is just being histrionic
The second half of Pneuma is really good. Danny will do an amazing job playing it live.
no it's not
I agree. It's their best work. It's a masterpiece, probably THEIR masterpiece.
It's really not though. This is an incredible and mind-blowing work of art.
I don't see how anyone can form concrete opinions on one listen. It's better than average. Other than that, it will be Oct before I can give it a ranking within their own discography.
the lyrics got me right in the feels.
I think it's pretty safe to say this is the AOTY.
It is so good
Chocolate chip trips been getting played live. Youtube danny carey drum solo.
try listening to it sober pal
Is it better than Lingua Ignota's? I haven't listened yet.
I'm completely sober. Fuck off.
I'm not and I totally agree
then you'd know that it's just a really good album, not some gift from your pineal gland or whatever pretentious shit some of you doped up tool fans think
I think I'm retarded. I can't get this to work.
>that guy who said it wouldn't leak until Friday
change extension to m4a
He’s a legit schizo. Hope he sees these posts and remember to take his fucken meds
If you postponed your suicide for this, you made the right choice.
The critics were right.
That's the problem, I don't know how.
>Sorry, the file you have requested does not exist
Fucking faggots
Try using your keyboard. If you're on a phone just kys
fuckin roasted duderino
Brainlets please leave
CC Trip is off the chain girl!
It’s so fucking good bros
What else is there to do in life now? Can this be topped?
Pneuma is a fucking self-plagiarist joke
So, the leak is in lossless m4a once you change the filetype? Can I just convert it down into 320? I've never come across a download put together like this, so I'm a bit confused.
I just changed the extension to m4a then transcoded it to V0.
Alright, yeah that's what I was about to do, but I just wanted to double check.
Is it just on my end, or does the mastering sound like ass? I hear a lot of clipping, especially on the drums.
the album sounds like an improved version of 10000 days, both in terms of instrumentalization, as well as song structure. the biggest actual difference is maynard using his soft puscifer voice more often
it's really punchy but not too excessive
The rip is shit
I really like the experimentation on this album. I heard the complaints that the single just sounds like a rehash of their greatest hits, but these other songs sound so different from anything I’ve heard from them.
No, you should kill yourself
The original links were very high quality, maybe you got shitter ones derived from the originals
I got mine from wetransfer
it's lossless
it's also punchy on some of the drums and that's not necessarily a bad thing
How about I punch your fucking lights off pal?
I need to hear the segues, segues when
calm down slipknot
To all of you saying the one you downloaded sounds a bit like shit, try this one. It sounds pretty good so far
The other thread about this album is cringe. It's literally just one guy spamming and calling it mediocre repeatedly.
>Not necessarily a bad thing
It is when you legitimately hear clipping. Sounds worse than 10000 days
Longmont Potion Castle?
i uploaded a 320kbps version to soulseek
go get it and spread it so i don't have 20 people downloading at the same time anymore
Careful, he’ll push his fingers into your eyes
you know why they call slipknot xbox 360?
cuz when you see it you turn 360 degrees and walk away.
WHY did th leaker not include the interludes?
It's just a shame Maynard can't scream anymore.
its a rip of the physical cd, interludes are only on digital
They didn't fit on the cd
>let's take one of the greatest copypastas of all time and turn it into something boring
Now that the dust has settled, are the track lengths warranted?
They physically don't fit on the CD.
Digital only.
cause the album is so long already it didnt fit in the cd, so interludes are on digital release
Danny Carey is in top form once again.
he's been carrying this band from day one
It is rather mediocre tho
>It's just a shame Maynard can't scream anymore.
You should of heard his wail when I jumped out of his vineyard at him in this
fuck off you troll
Go away.
>we barely remember who or what came before this precious moment
>recognize this as a holy gift and celebrate this chance to be alive and breathing
It's most likely their last material ever and that saddens me.
yeah i was just in that thread so there was at least two of us saying it was mediocre. the album is alright.
I'm getting through the title track now, and it's pretty good, but I'm hoping it gets much better considering how people on here have built it up so far.
The title track is the weakest one. It's good but the rest blow it out of the water.
Why you say such a cruel thing? The fucking stones are still playing live iirc.
Good shit, that's what I was assuming
going through invincible, shits boring. three tracks and it sucks
bait, good try though
nah this album is exceptional but lateralus is life changing
MJK hates Tool. I'm be fine with an instrumental album but still.
I'd rather Tool never play again than become the zombie Stones.
this is more boring than puscifier fuck me
just listened to the solo, very nice only ruined by the shitty clip, hope its just the rip.
they could make it double disc.
i said this before we got FI, I wish they just never released a new album. better to preserve their legacy. it's been 13 years and the world, their fans, and they are not the same. there's no reason to make a tool album in 2019
Another warrior struggling to remain consequential
That would confuse Americans too much.
ye im pretty fuckin bored as well
How fucking good is Adam on 7empest?
Can't wait to see him fuck it up 10 times live.
where's the mega link
>using the same drum roll few times on a same album
>using the same riff few times on a same album
>literally jam band compositions with no coherent structure whatsoever, just jamming over one bass progression/riff
>tribal danny drums sounding the same all the time
>soft puscifier vocalizing style
>shameless self-plagiarism, a hint of jambi here, a hint of lateralus here, a hint of grudge here
>these song endings holy fucking shit lmao are they demented right now?
>boring self-plagiarism
>sounds like it was released in 2001
>again, self-plagiarism
i seriously don't get it. how is it a good album. it kinda reminds me of disintegration, thick songs but Fear Inoculum is just dull riffs
Except this is their second best work ever?
For basically 6 minutes of extra "music"?
>intro kicks it off in odd time
>incoherent riffing for 13 fucking minutes
fucking christ
I've listened to Pneuma and, uh, it sounds like Tool.. Decent 7/10.
Now, Invincible...
I can’t describe this feeling. It’s like a protection spell against negativity was woven into this music. I haven’t been this lifted and happy in several years.
>7empest starts playing
you can't even group all of their albums together in one category to be honest, but out of lateralus/10k/FI, FI is third best/worst
Same here
This is the album we hoped for in 2006. Turns out 10000 Days WAS a decoy album, they just had to wait 13 year to shake out the weak hands.
This album is going to be a massive pleb filter in the months to come. Normies are gonna pretend they always liked Tool until they have to sit through a 13 minute song.
this is the truth, and I'm a huge tool fan. the title track is probably the best unironically
oh and I forgot
>70s style outdated synths playing unison with boring 2-note bass riffs
those synths are the most ridiculously outdated and cheesy things on Tool LPs ever
what the FUCK is wrong with Carey playing the same beat over and over again
i'm at descending, that guitar riff is really heavy.
Maynard's vocals are pretty good on this, probably the best track from the album so far.
This is better than Lateralus. Fight me.
I only heard their debut and Aenima, I jumped into this.
I'm really fucking enjoying it so far. Currently at 4th track.
>i am suuuuuuuch a newfag
for every good riff and cool moment in the album there is a vaporware riff crammed in that doesnt paint anything, isnt technically impressive, or doesnt add much to the song at all (and would probably be called a ripoff of jambi if soen or some other shit released it)
pleb filter? Meaning that people who have no knowledge in music whatsoever will hype this boring assfuck sewn together like frankenstein's monster using leftovers from the past? It's the most generic fucking thing you can imagine from this band. Only normies will love mY fIftEEn MiNuTe coMpoSiTioNs ThEy ArE So LonG WOW! Is it the only band that excees 4 minute mark you've heard?
You're in the minority here, tourist. Go back to where you came from.
for real, i didn't even finish 7empest. finally got to the last song and thought "oh great, I get to listen to a knock-off version of aenima era songs"
it's past tool's time
Fucking hell good luck covering 7empest on guitar lmao
No, you are you fuckin twat. And we see you schiz posting on all these threads.
you're a brainlet
majority is always wrong so goo to hear that.
I'm also picking up a fierce reddit faggot vibes from you so it seems like you're the one to get the fuck outta here. Don't you have a class test tommorow?
Them Jake E Lee style riffs at the end of Pneuma
>No, you are you fuckin twat.
Have you looked at this thread? If there's a schizo here it sure isn't me.
I can feel you guys. It's amazing. The fact that we have been waiting for so long makes it even better. I'm sending the tracks to my Tool loving friends now.
Now, it was Yea Forums the one who leaked it first, not plebbit, right?
yeah that guy is the same in every thread, what a fucking syncophant fanboy faggot-tree ha ha ha r/brandnewsentence amirite?!!! updoot plz
i'm not gonna because you're right
Ænima > 10,000 Days > Fear Inoculum > Undertow > Lateralus > Opiate
this actually holds weight even though it seems like bait
FI is not better than 10k days
yes, it's better. This is the essence if tool basically, all other albums were only a buildup to this album.
Yeah. That's mainly my first impression as well. It's so different from their previous stuff.
it's my genuine opinion
i don't feel lateralus as a whole even though a lot of the individual songs are cool
I'm computer illiterate how the fuck do I listen to this without having to download?
Kingdom-Leaks is legit?
>all other albums were only a buildup to this album.
imagine believing this
lmoa fuck that guy
Oh god, Descending sounds significantly better than the live version.
Yes. The second link at least. Didn't bother checking the rest.
he's right though
it would be better if it had the same maynard's vocal power. but it doesn't
Culling Voices is pretty boring so far, weakest track probably, sorry.
The second link's 404ing for me. Others don't even do anything.
>woahhh litsten to them play the same boring "riff" over and over!
cope harder faggot. may as well listen to Sleep if you want to hear that
But the same boring riff over and over is what makes Swans so good.
Immediatly going back to Lateralus to cleanse my ears from this trash.
Okay that's an exaggeration but it's nowhere near close. I'd say Lateralus >>> Aenima > FI >>> 10k days > Opiate
i feel like The Cure will beat this album
Leak when?
smells pretty good tier:
first half of tempest
fart in my hand and smell it tier:
fear inoculum
culling voices
last half of tempest
braaaap tier:
"tear in my eyes" part of invincible
"the deceiver says you belong to me
>new Cure
i feel like if The Cure's drummer could figure out how to play that dumb tribal beat over and over that they could play this album
I feel like Maynard isn't even trying to scream, I wish he screamed when those guitars hit in in Culling Voices.
Eitherw ay, the song has recovered, it started off really boring, really boring first five minutes
They had shit ton of tribal beat in Pornography, they totally could play this.
just started listening boys
The Cure confirmed their new album will have long tracks as well.
how can I listen without having to download? someone help me out
Holy fuck DESCENDING is sooooo good
if you do that you're just changing the container type. the contained samples aren't going to be interpreted any differently, m4a is incompatible byte-wise to mp3.
Album sucks though right
kill yourself
meant to say aac (the actual codec underneath m4a)
just go on spotify
No groove, no melody, bunch of nonsensical riffing. What am i supposed to be listening for again
where my Descending bros at
To remain
Fucking zoomer, listen to the last two minutes of Descending and read your post again, then grow some brains.
Does this whole album have a high-pitched sound in the background or am I finally getting tinnitus
Chocolate Chip Trip is pretty cool
I listened to all this record twice over. I don't get it.
I ignored the live versions and AM I GLAD I DID
This is literally Lateralus level. They still got it bro's they still got it.
Parabol/Parabola alone is better than the new album.
just you senpai
>No groove
how does that fat nigger cock taste like, zoomerpleb?
this, parabola is their best
quit listening to the same repetitive ghetto rap songs you keep ripping off of soundcloud
I dont like hip hop you petulant geriatric
the rip just sucks
That guitar riff in 7empets
This song is making me happy, this sounds like Black Sabbath riffs roflmao
downloading it rn hope it's good
Confirmed 4/4-brain. Dopamine receptors tricked to only respond to simple rhythms.
Meanwhile us patricians have ascended to the 7/4 spacetime.
tried out the album but couldn't make it past the first minute of each song haha way too slow for me, anyway gonna play fortnite anyone online? moms bringing dinner soon so can only play one game. dads angry again
hey user, I found a copy of the new Tool album in my garage, you want it?
>listening to Tool without DMT
you guys are never gonna make it
shut thee fuck up junkie, this is great without drugs you absolute degenerate
maynard's trying to kill our ears. sneaky bastard.
on second listen
end of invincible is the dopest moment on the album
That saucy down in the delta blues slide guitar in Descending.
Official AOTY
Yeah, I just kept them as is, and will wait until a proper 320 download comes out.
Chocolate Chip Trip is the best one this far
Official AOTD (album of the day)
someone upload to youtube right now plz
Descending > 7EMPEST > Chocolate Chip Trip > Invicible > Pneuma > Fear Incoculum > Culling Voices
It was exhausting to listen too. Raw tool fans will not like. Fanboys will go along for the ride.
Culling Voices is dope wtf. It's like a better Disposition/Intension
7empest > invincible > descending > culling voices > chocolate chip trip > pneuma = fear inoculum
>shit rip
>no interludes
Think I'll leave it until I can hear it properly.
Invincible > Descending > 7empest > Chocolate Chip Trip > Fear Inoculum > Pneuma > Culling Voices
Kinda pointless putting chocolate chip trip in there but Im a sucker for drum breaks
Am I the only one who doesn't like Chocolate Chip Trip? After one listen it's my least favorite.
>It was exhausting to listen too
i think theyre at their best when they keep the songs 5-9 minutes long but invincible and descending are still something special, they feel like actual journeys
>raw tool fans
my fucking sides
It’s awful, people are only memeing
YES, I'm glad I'm not alone. I've waited years, I can hold out a couple more days for the full experience.
What if you die before the 30th
Just had my first sitting, solid 8/10 for me. Pneuma is ok, it’ll probably grow on me after the 2nd or 3rd sitting. Chocolate Chip Trip isn’t doing it for me. Everything else is fucking amazing. Especially 7empest and Culling Voices
he'll listen to the album in heaven
> no interludes
oh so it's the good version
don't think Jesus paid the record company for distribution/streaming. he's fucked.
>be him
>die on the 29th
>go to heaven's gate
>peter tells me sorry bro it's hell for you
>ask him bro could I at least listen to the new tool first
>peter says idunno bro lemme ask the big chief
>god arrive
>I ask again hey dude could I listen to the new tool first
>god be like bro let's listen together
Thanks for the reassurance guys, I appreciate it.
That motherfucker died for the distribution/streaming's sins, he gets all the albums streamed in heaven as much as he pleases.
Jesus only listens to this you heretic
I think you forget how jewish record companies are
-trim down on the dragging parts
-reduce song length
-make another banger song
There, just fixed your album MJK. There's still time before shipping starts.
I like it, maybe my favourite from this album.
People actually saying this is their best album.
Lmao bunch of hyped idiots. Doesn't even come close to Lat. Honestly it may be only better than Undertow. Maynard is so far checked out here its unreal.
It's definitely the worst track on the leak but for an interlude-ish track it's not bad.
What's the download link? Kingdom Leaks is 404'ing now.
No way he's going to Hell, he literally avoided listening to the leak.
Also, can you imagine how fucking great it must be to listen to albums in Heaven? I bet you can listen to albums at any volume without your ears getting damaged or fatiqued.
Still works, you have to try it a couple of times.
plagiarizing THEIR OWN RIFFS OFF THEIR OWN NEW ALBUM is a new level of worn-off burnout holy shit
soulseek for the next hour before i hit the "finish uploads and quit" button
The band is better than Maynard, always have been. Stop caring so much about the guy, he has always phoned it in
This always happens when a moderately good album leaks. Everyone cums in their pants and calls it one of the best of the decade, but then 6 months later say, "Yeah, it's pretty good."
>there are people out there who died yesterday without hearing the new album
If only we could be so lucky.
thats what having a scary obsessive fanbase does to you
>Chocolate Chip Trip
first listen was like a 3.5/5 or a 4. Some of Danny's best drumming on this album. I don't think it's their best album but it's way better than I expected.
Not true at all. He used to have some pretty great lyrics throughout many of the songs. In this one we get great ones like this
> Calm as cookies and cream, so it seems
>We're not buying your dubious state of serenity
>Acting all surprised when you're caught in the lie
What the actual fuck
Buchla isn’t babies first, sooory
Was referring to the composition. Sounds good just really basic.
7empest and Descending are the standouts. Easily a 5/5
shit guys im horny af. why don't we start fucking each other instead of listening to this nigger ass album
Pneuma is not impressing me too much nothing cut the track in half and I'd like it more
hits like a wet noodle
its like Tool doing their best Tool impression
7empest goes hard, wish Maynard brought that energy throughout the whole album. Sounds like an Aenima era track.
I was just thinking the same thing. The length really isn't warranted on this one.
Is 7empest the best Tool song ever?
Lmao is there mellotron on this album?
What are you wtfing about? Did you forget Tool had songs like Maynard's Dick. Also don't forget The Gaping Lotus Experience.
How are you guys pronouncing 7empest
7empest is the only song that I felt had "energy" if you get what I mean.
Good thing it's the last and longest song though
not even in the top 20
Invincible > Descending = Pneuma >= 7empest > Fear Inoculum >>> Culling Voices
For my first listen.
Descending sounded significantly better than the live version, which is why I rate it so high as of now. 7empest sounds great too, but I don't have that one part that struck me particularly, like Pneuma did. It will probably come with the other listens.
Culling voices doesn't really benefit from the length imo.
Where did you hear that?
>Band better than Maynard.
They haven't change their sound since Aenima. Meanwhile, Maynard has.
Its just some memelord way to spell Tempest. Sad that a 55 year old decided to do it though.
Do you think Maynard's going to make some sort of public statement to address all this? I hope he just says fuck it and puts it on streaming services early.
Oh you're right, thank you
someone make new thread
Would rather listen to that than him talking about being cool as ice cream
Pneuma, might've just been a guitar effect. I forget Adam and Tom Morello are peers
>just fixed your album
It's not really his album. He's basically a guest singer at this point. Doesn't even contribute music anymore.
based active listener
We all know Maynard has complete creative control over this band, he's the frontman after all.
What do you mean there's other members of the band who have far more creative control.
What do you mean Adam Jones is the leader of the band.
remember when mjk said the other members were lazy cunts during the making of this album
yeah I bet he's angry as fuck and as retaliation won't release any new album for the next 15 years..
That's not true user. He actually only does the vocal stuff once the instrumentals are finished.
First sentence isn’t true in the slightest, literally as far from the truth as things are
Literally ALL wrong. You know nothing about this band
He actually opened a vineyard in a shorter amount of time than it took the band to complete the music. Adam Jones has insane standards for a person recording the same shit over again. One of the reasons Paul D'Amour left was cause he was sick of playing the same note 500 times for it to be perfect.
nope the whole leak was on reddit, guy documented each step of it.
Holy shit this is incredible
Just quality Tool at their best
>Maynard has complete creative control over this band, he's the frontman after all.
Maynard is like a less cringey Smith's era Morrissey, everyone writes the music then he comes in with the vocals and lyrics. He's outright said Puscifer is his actual brainchild
We can only hope
Now that I think about it, ouch. Reddit accomplished something for once.
Pneuma doesn't belong on this album. Sounds like a puscifer song
based and Christ pilled
Stir us from our
Walking slumber
Litigate our will
Call us all to walk in order
What the hell is this meaning anyway?
He's talking about how mutts are Jew slaves and how they should wake up
>They haven't change their sound since Aenima.
You're fucking delusional
>exhausting to listen
You might just be a pansy
Are you guys fucking retarded?
Do you not get what that user was saying?
I cannot wait to listen to this shit tomorrow with a clearer head and be able to crank it on my stereo. Good work and good night chaps.
Getting some serious Undertow vibes from 7empest. Holy shit
it's carey's band bro.