I think we can all agree that Psychedelic Rock is the best genre ever.
I think we can all agree that Psychedelic Rock is the best genre ever
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Sure bud have a bump.
That sweet era of 69-72 had the best albums of all time
anyone who thinks psychedelic rock is the best genre ever has shit taste in the genre, guaranteed
This is my fav.
What? 67 was peak Psychedelic.
moron hippies died before 70s
the only psychadelic rock i like is heavy psych
I personally agree. Favorite bands are Ozric Tentacles and Bardo Pond.
>Ozric Tentacles
What album should I begging? They got thousands
They're all good. Try Pungent Effulgent and Erpland.
69-72 was peak prog
66-68 was peak psych
The Beatles' brand of psychedelia shits on all this blues derived shit
What album are you shitting on?
Well everything in this thread
Ozric and Bardo Pond which aren't blues in the slightest. You don't even know what you're talking about.
I love all that hippy psych-folk stuff in the 60's. Getting high and mellow out to all the weird experimental jams.
Randy Holden - Fruit and Icebergs
A good man. A great man. Maybe... even a saint.
i only listen to ultimate spinach the hip death goddes
ultimate spinach is the shit
i wasn't talking about those (they are shit though)
Bardo Pond destroys the Beatles as a psychedelic band. You're retarded as fuck.
You said "everything in this thread" and only 3 albums have been posted. Is Beatles the only psych music you've ever heard?
Oh wow 40 minute long jams I'm so impressed
>Pungent Effulgent
this is awesome, thank you man
Why are you even in this thread?
There isn't one album in this thread that's good though. Who actually listens to that shit Gong-clone Ozric Tentacles? Fuck's sake man, you're not doing yourself a good service here
I like psychedelia but not the poor excuses you people are posting
>tfw the Summer of Love couldn't wait two more years when synthesizers were more commercially viable
Check out this band, called "Morgen". Do some cool obscure heavy-psych stuff.
You obviously don't love psych since you think Beatles are the only psych music worth listening to aka the only one you've heard of.
unlucid pleb