Anyone else completely unable to get into extremely privileged "musicians" trying to act like they're unhappy?

Anyone else completely unable to get into extremely privileged "musicians" trying to act like they're unhappy?

Pic related and Steve Berman are the two biggest culprits that come to mind, I can usually separate the artist from the music but its too much for me to sit there and listen to Lana "my daddy is a billionaire" del rey sing about how super sad and depressed she is when you know full well shes never experienced the slightest bit of struggle in her entire life.

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Most people retain a certain range of happiness throughout their lives despite outside circumstances. She could be depressed even though she is wealthy

>being wealthy should give people a never ending high

You're right. If you're rich, it means you will never suffer or be unhappy at all.

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I hate americans

Rent free, bitch.

Yes, rich people live incredibly charmed lives and all of their depression is fake or exaggerated. Robin Williams didn't kill himself because "MUH DEPRESSION" he had lewy bodies dementia.

She struggles with bad confidence over her looks, probably uses drugs, probably drinks too much, clearly doesn't exercise at all.

Of course she feels like shit when her health and self-esteem is in the dumpster.

You cannot buy physical heatlh, you can not buy the willpower to eat right, you cannot buy the willpower the stay off drugs, you cannot buy good self-esteem, you cannot buy love and friendship.

Turns out nothing in life worth having can be bought for money. Your thesis about the fact that all struggle comes from money-problems is 19th century rethoric, it doesn't apply in the modern west.

nah, she's just a whiny bitch with no actual problems, whatsoever. She's lucky there are idiots like you

yeah I refuse to listen to anyone that has never had to pay rent desu

You confirm yourself as a full-blown brainlet when you don't address any of my points and just reply with "no". I expect no dfifferent from leftists, you never fail to amuse me.

It's all a matter of perspective. The people you think are "poor enough to struggle" are incredibly wealthy compared to 99.99% of humans who ever lived.

>money is the source of all happiness

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the class character of certain music can be repulsive i agree

You dont understand how incredibly different the life of a rich millionaire is and the life of someone born into billions, rich people CAN face adversity, billionaires DO NOT, you underestimate what billions can buy, you look at someone like jaden as a spoilt kid whos parents paid for his career but is a literal peasant compared to lanas level of wealth

He wasnt born extremely rich youre not getting it

Fair stance to take

Based, me too.

>nah, she's just a whiny bitch with no actual problems
you're projecting so hard right now. you're the whiny little bitch who has never struggled through much of anything, and yet you're determined to serve as the authority on who has and who has not sufficiently suffered. something you're not really in a position to know. you and OP's POV reminds me of a lot of posts i've seen here. usually in reference to a feminist artist like lisa germano or liz phair:
>she's hot and talented and successful
>she doesn't know my pain!
>i should be explaining pain to her!
most people get past having knee-jerk reactions like that to music when they're 14. you could actually listen to lyrics and take them to heart instead of worrying about whether or not they are authentic enough

I would rather have good middle class parents than bad rich ones. Sorry you don't like her.

There is a difference between rich and billionaire

having rich parents = being rich yourself - everyone knows that.

theres a difference between rich and billionaires


there's a level of security that comes with it, even if you're in a lower income job you know you'll not have to worry about losing a job because you'll get help from your parents, and they'll have contacts to help you get a leg up.
Class is more than your current situation, its about your social standing

I don't know why you're arguing with me when you don't actually disagree with my point.

mm yeah they're not really unhappy they just kill themselves to prove a point to you

well done smart guy

Lol her upper lip looks like John Waters’ moustache


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Her whole schtick is being a bored and depressed rich girl, sad because shes heartbroken and has daddy issues, it happens

She didn't grouw up that rich. She was upper-middle class at best. Enough for daddy to pay for a few recording sessions when his junkie princess decided to become a singer.
And Elizabeth Woolridge wasn't particularly successful when she tried to do the whole folk-alternative Lillith Fair friendly route.
But then she adopted a persona based around the concept of 1940's noir (her new name literally a combination of Lana Turner and the Del Rey neighborhood in L.A.) and his recording company paid to make Video Games a bit of a viral success, and there we go.
I'm not a fan, but her story isn't different from thousands of middle class "struggling artists". Hell, even 2Pac was one of them.

this but unironically

Lick em good boy

Yeah, exactly.

She hasn't been making depressing music since Ultraviolence, pleb.

Hahaha but what?

You think Steve Berman was "acting?" He fucking killed himself.

I cant take any first world problems lyricism seriously

I know he mentioned money, and what you said is all true about money, but Lana has had more people calling her beautiful, admiring her, and thinking she is talented in a day than the vast vast majority of people will ever get in their entire lives. If that level of validation is not enough for you, your problem is self-pity, not anything real or understandable.

ITT bitter poorfags who think they are better than wealthy people for some delusional reason or another

>dude you’re projecting, let me tell you about YOU
>starts projecting harder than anyone in the thread

Are there people that actually care about the income/race/sex of the artists they listen to?

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>when you know full well shes never experienced the slightest bit of struggle in her entire life
This is probably the greatest tragedy. She will possibly never have a life purpose and never feel the satisfaction of actually conquering anything in her life. She will probably become addicted to drugs if she isn't already and die by overdose.
Meanwhile, you OP are an envious Tumblr Marxist and I sympathize with people like you as well. It must be tragic to think that money will solve all of your problems. It must be difficult to focus on your own obstacles and blessings when you are always envying somebody else.

i do but only to fill a quota so no one thinks im racist, sexist, etc

what if they weren’t born rich but they worked to become rich

they may be extremely unhappy people. I have no idea desu. IIRC, happiness only correlates with wealth up until the point at which you're no longer struggling to meet your basic needs. Being extremely rich and privileged doesn't necessarily make you happy.

>Money buys happiness.
>If you have money, you are not allowed to be unhappy.

I knew a guy with rich parents for a while. Loneliest person I've ever met, by a long shot. He was genuinely depressing to be around.

rich people are bad and post-revolution they should be executed (unless they agree to give all their wealth to the poor and live like peasants)

in a video game of course.