>yeah I use physical media
Yeah I use physical media
>Jewel cases not gatefolds
Fucking why
Gatefold cd cases are trash. The cd's fall out super easily and the cardboard gets scratched very easily.
To replace the cases if they’re damaged. It’s especially common if the CDs are used upon purchasing. Otherwise, you have to deal with Gatefolds are good if you buy them brand new, but they’re terrible to buy secondhand. They’re usually scratched or damaged in some way
I like the click when you close a jewel case a nd they also look nicer on a shelf.
I have a few gatefolds I bought brand new but every time I open them I wish I had found a jewel case version lol. I guess it's all about what you personally prefer.
I don't mind either but jewel cases are just so classic
such a gaudy and dated way to package music, it's brilliant
You have to collect physical media to actually use it on a regular basis. End of /thread
>The cd's fall out super easily
I'm sorry are you putting your gatefolds open-side out, you fucking tard?
>They’re usually scratched or damaged in some way
As opposed to jewel cases, who will crack and lose value just as easy as an exposed record,
Also what gatefold albums are gonna be available for purchase secondhand? People just keep the gatefold and put the disc in a jewel case when reselling
They most definitely do not look better on a shelf, they take up far too much space, and sure the click is nice but most are a pain to open and it's not worth it
Buy cassettes then you pretentious shittard
All in all, gatefolds are the CD equivalent of vinyl to me, the album art goes around the whole thing, you can physically touch it, they're far easier to sign and resell if you meet the artist, they take up far less space, and best of all they don't crack if you set your elbow on them accidentally
>Buy cassettes then you pretentious shittard
I do
CDs are unironically the best media storage, fuck these vinylfags, cant even play that shit in the car
>yeah i make shitty threads cause im a faggot
Jesus fucking Christ imagine typing all that
Also gatefolds suck ass because I can't cram two CDs in there with one hand while driving
I hope you’re supporting these artists by buying both cd and vinyl versions, user.
I'm just seething because I broke the jewel case for The Doors's LA Woman and a Morrissey's Southpaw Grammar test pressing that I found for really cheap, >Also gatefolds suck ass because I can't cram two CDs in there with one hand while driving
Don't the majority of 2016-19 cars have 6 CD disc changers as a standard feature? You don't need to fiddle with a disc while driving and this is probably the most petty reason gatefolds suck to people, at least give a valid reason
Still very thankful I didn't fall for the vinyl meme. That's literally boomer shit
I guess they do take up a fair amount of space, but imo it’s worth it to have universal size for CDs. I don’t like how gatefolds are all taller or wider than one another.
Based for actually owning Iowa by Slipknot
>I don’t like how gatefolds are all taller or wider than one another.
This is a very valid point, I can see why that would peeve people and it does to an extent for me, but once you have enough you can sort them by height and color and it looks like a bunch of tiny books which I find really pleasing
>Thinking anyone on Yea Forums can afford a car that new
>They most definitely do not look better on a shelf, they take up far too much space
Not everyone lives in a shoebox.
Gatefolds don't have end labels, meaning you have to take them off the shelf before you can even find out which one it is. Jewel cases and digipaks don't take up that much space and are easily identifiable on a shelf, you colossal retard.
>As opposed to jewel cases, who will crack and lose value just as easy as an exposed record
Again, they’re easily replaceable. I have an entire crate of empty jewel cases in good condition in my garage whenever I need to swap one out. Cracked jewelcases are common to find second hand, but unlike digipaks and gatefolds, I can easily replace the jewelcase. It protects the booklet from damage a lot of the time, too, so the artwork is still intact if I replace the case
>Also what gatefold albums are gonna be available for purchase secondhand?
You’ll be surprised what you can find. I’ve found master recording gold disc albums in Goodwill shops before; CDs that typically sell for 30 dollars minimum. Jewelcases are obviously more common, but you’ll find digipaks and gatefold CDs too. One that I’ve commonly seen is Southern Harmony and Musical Companion by The Black Crowes
>People just keep the gatefold and put the disc in a jewel case when reselling
Why would you keep the insert and donate the CD away? That’s asinine
That actually does sound pretty fun to collect and organize. I can dig it user.
Where's A Moon Shaped Pool? By far the best Radiohead album.
In 5 years global warming will have melted my entire vinyl collection past usability. gg physical media
Finally my laserdiscs will have a use.