ITT: Albums that genuinely scare you.
ITT: Albums that genuinely scare you
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let me guess. "Not Waving", right?
amsp, especially burn the witch, thom isnt that spooky but the instrumental is very spooky
can't explain why
this album taps into a dark part of the mind and manifests its hatred in violent nightmares
for me anyway
good album though
what lol
Seek help
never heard this album before, it's pretty killer
projekt misanthropia is spooky
>inb4 pleb
Faust is one of those groups that's more fun to talk about than to actually listen to
THAT album
The numbers station album
Get back to Radiohead, this is not for you
explain why fella
20 seconds in and I already shat my pants
I don't think I ever want to listen to Stage 4, 5 or 6 again.
this, it's so abrasive it's scary
call me a pussy but this album really got to me
whitehouse's psychopathia sexualis
Buyer’s Market
>ITT: Pussy s*yboys who get scared at a product
and they scare me in the best ways possible!
fuck off /pol/fag, you're killing our board
What's so scary about krautrock?
Both albums feel very comfy.
especially if you do the instructions and lie blind folded on a bed and shit.
you obviously haven't listened to the Cluster album you fucking pseud.
none, because I'm not some wimpy cuckboi who gets scared by music.
It's kinda tame for power electronics, you should try more stuff.
at least it’s not more of a bone chilling slow burn, I wouldn’t be able to handle it then
i have but figured if i posted Hole in the Heart or Deathpile no one would bother for more than a few seconds
That's my favorite album and I always enjoy talking about. There's several "spooky" tracks but I'm interested in exactly what you had in mind when you posted it (sensations, private experience of it etc).
I like how the final track's melody is "muffled" at the coda, but is still slightly audible. Like the song was walking through a graveyard and some large bird snatched it up and flew away with it...
Lada DaDa's Nightmare by MGMT genuinely freaked me out when I first listened to Congratulations. tbf I was like 15.
t. becoming a minority in his own country and is too scared to admit it
I play it whenever my friends and I walk around late at night to add more of a spooky vibe. I think tracks like Rhubarb ztwig hexagon are really pleasant and aren't scary at all, but most of the others feel very ominous
idk exactly how to describe how they're spooky but its a strong feeling I get. I think they'd be used really well in a soundtrack for a movie (not some shitty horror movie but something scary). My friend actually used a couple tracks from it on a short film we made. Domino was used during a scene where a guy described how people were tortured in a futuristic prison
whoops was meant for
The only scary thing about Hijokaidan is the moment you realise it's not an instrument and Junko really is screaming at that high a pitch/intensity.
good answer
For 40 fucking minutes.
the first half is very unsettling
are you emotionally retarded
geogaddi by boards of canada
That first track always makes me think of having a freaky-ass UFO encounter.
SO abrasive. don't know how people listen to this one
the whole album just has an intense eerie feeling to me that I can't quite pin down
lol, I literally use those as a background music when I'm working, what's so scary about them? (some of the later AE releases are indeed unsettling tho)
An old lady reading top level symbolist poetry with electronic voice distortion and deliberately irritating or dissonant electronic noise. Put it on the background next Halloween.
these are comfy desu
a classic
I used to work with a guy called David something, he did music like this but his was pretty psychedelic. Great guy too
I tried Googling but it only wanted me to see Dave Gilmour....
lemme stop you right there
Not that guy, but my first experience with it was used as a soundtrack to some horror Half-Life mod which scared me senseless when I was young. I didn't listen to the full thing until years later but I couldn't (and still can't) break the association with it, so some of the tracks probably spook me a bit more than they would a normal person.
Great album though, Defintely Aphex's best.
Gorguts Obscura
I wouldn't call it scary in a spooky sense but it's frightening. Luc is the only vocalist whose voice actually sounds like somebody being tortured to death
But that's the best.
Top tier Dilloway
What does abrasive even mean in the context of music, wtf?
Comus used to make me very uncomfortable until I made a switch in my head and realized that the singer sounds straight out of a Disney villain song, and ever since it's been nothing but laughter.
Scariest listening experience for me was the first time I listened to The Residents- Not Available. Any re-listens cannot bottle the same feeling of dread that the album captured.
>be me
>follow the instructions in the pdf
>fasting, blindfold, etc.
>put on album
>within 20 minutes i start seeing myself die over and over
>have actual literal anxiety attack for the first time in my life
>mfw a pdf file and some sound waves traumatized me
thanks dan
this is fucking awesome
Yes but it's scary as fuck. It sounds like being in hell.
oh shit its tektra!
ive had nightmares on the second disk after accidenally falling asleep to this 1, very subtly fucked record
a black man rapes your whole family while screaming the lyrics
beautifuly haunting
Specifically the track Nurser; that song sounds like the onset of Pyschosis
Some of the This Heat tracks are krautrock. I agree Cluster isn't krautrock though.
I just didn't find it scary, it was like a journey through my mind, it was comfy.
Define krautrock, dumbass. It's not a particular sound, it's just experimental rock from Germany.
Hankie and Grass are the only bad trip core (personally i love them). The rest is fucking comfy
Yeah it's definitely a great end to Caretaker. Finally got around to listening to the full thing a week ago.
!!!!it has a sp00ky skeleton
Neat, thanks for replies, I read them.
t. question user from earlier. My private experience of the album has been much more "comfy" (I once made a point of falling asleep to it as a teenager, as an experiment).