Reddit ranked Death Grips' discography. Each round users voted one album out.
Here is the result.
Reddit ranked Death Grips' discography. Each round users voted one album out.
Here is the result.
Other urls found in this thread:
>government plates last
>neighbours on the moon
those statistics make no sense
i can't tell if it's more cringe and bluepilled that reddit called it "neighbors on the moon" or that you bothered to screenshot it and make this thread because you're a triggered fan of a terrible musical act
>neighbors on the moon
>neighbors on the moon
lmao what??
>Neighbours on the Moon
>reddit and why you should care:
I hate reddit so much. We are so much better than them, despite the idiots we have on our board.
Imagine being so fragile that you won't even use the correct title of an album because it has the word "niggas" in it
Death Grips are alright but Neighbors With Attitude is the greatest hip hop group of all time.
>Neighbours on the Moon
I hate neighbours.
>bottomless pit
why? thought it was meh
>Breaking News: Reddit is retarded
gee what do you know.
ugh terrible and cringe ranking as expected
1. The Money Store
2. Government Plates
3. Whichever one the 1st half of powers that b was called
4. Exmillitary
5. No Love Deep Web
6. 2nd half
7. Bottomless Pit
8. Fashion Week
>not just calling it NOTM
won't you be my nigga?
Here's their ranking for My Bloody Valentine's Loveless
>Loomer and THNW that low
Neighbors on the moon....
holy fucking yikes
>best record last
it's basically just sorted in reverse order of accessibility
Holy moly that's such a bad list
Nah that shits like top 2 dg
>neighbours on the moon
Holy fuck
They really love BP because it was their introduction to Death Grips, and Money Store for pretty obvious reasons. You're still a bored faggot wasting a weekend for posting this here. Keep it in Discord, or Yea Forums, or rope up. This thread is a sad Saturday night plan.
Fucking pleb order
I'm wondering why Bottomless Pit placed so high
>neighbor with a hard r
embarrassing desu
>neighbours on the moon
Jesus fuck, niggas on the moon so far down
Don't tell me, Sometimes is #1 with a majority of votes?
Great song but an obvious pleb choice desu, there's much more to the album if you dig just a little bit
Can someone explain why the fuck would they censor a word in title of a fucking album? Is janny gonna ban their account or what the fuck?
Death Grips listeners are all just leftie s○yb○ys.
Honestly probably. This is reddit we are talking about
GP = YotS = NLDW = ExMil > TMS > TPTB = BP
I'm pretty conservative and I listen to DG
You're in the minority of DG listeners because they're mostly just numales who think thrash metal is too scary
this is literally theneedledrop's opinions. fucking lol.
if you ever needed proof that taking that jerkoff's opinions seriously is a waste of time, let this be it
me too tho I don't mind gays as long as they're not pedos or faggots
it's the statistic of each round of votes.
>LAST PLACE: Touched
>a top 3 song of the album
>last fucking place
Reddit is so embarrassing holy fuck..
1st 2nd and 3rd are correct, the rest is absolute nonsense