Cant wait to see her live this November
after we both die of natural causes and we never meet irl on earth and then when we're both in heaven i'm going to ask her for a kiss on the cheek
You must suck irl. Describe your average encounter with your parents.
she wouldnt be able to hear you through your neck fat rolls
Thats a beautiful thought user. I hope you get your wish
Its wierd how more beautiful she is the more dressed down she is
I want a gf
I got out of a pickup game last night and some qt was waiting outside for one of the players. I was a little jelly
what were you pugging
fancy clairo is a jedi
The blandest girl alive
they pet my're hed n call me okay just like cwaire-choon will when i meet hurr amongst da rapless clouds
And then they rape you again, as they should.
Her poses are unironically SO bad... And for someone who spends upwards of 10 hours a day doing selfies it is really quite incredible. Also that fucking bowling ball of a knee
its the arthritis!
Snail chad vs Claire virgin
She needs to go to /fit/ and ss+gomad
Clairo, Snail Mail, Billie Eilish...
They look dead inside, sound dead. Is it the fluoride that makes all these dead-eyed generation of zoomers? Why are zoomers all so fucking DEAD looking
WRONG. Not are Linds
Clairo and snail mail look like they having fun. Billie seems dead and used
They’re all on SSRIs and Benzodiazepines
Why does she take so many selfies?
ummmm why is she preparing 2 get buttfucked by a male
is this the soccer mommy thred
imagine sucking on her cute little tits haha
Claire Cottrill? Yeah, the Syracuse basketball team ran a train on her. I saw the video, it was broadcast on our public access station.
cute indeh waifus > kpop whores
Same, except MSU.
>going to heaven
can't argue with that
giant googly eyes
*moderates the thread*
*takes a 3 month break*
*he's still there*
*performs a "wow" and watches as lestamyyrä tryhards on
How much longer until she posts her tits online?
She seems like she's do it for the attention.
You should want better things.