/r/ songs to drunk drive to
/r/ songs to drunk drive to
you’re probably being ironic but in case you aren’t: don’t drunk drive. ever.
i gotchu, senpai
AJJ - The Michael Jordan of Drunk Driving
anything by Reverend Horton Heat
bro that's my favorite subreddit
Good album, but that’s the worst song on it
Shit album but that’s the best song on it (because it’s short)
is this motherfucker drifting on the highway?
anything that makes you really sleepy is good
Yeah, he’s a professional driver though and is very good at his job. I wouldn’t be too worried, he certainly know what he’s doing
this, obvious answer
Only song you need
Disgusting this website of Yea Forums didn't post it as first song
It’s by far the longest on the album. By like a couple minutes
It’s 22 seconds nigga
Wow, it's almost like that was the joke
Why is he constantly moving the gearstick if it's an automatic? Why did he press down both the accelerator and brake pedal at the start? I don't understand american cars.
But what are your thoughts on Radiohead?
it's clearly not an automatic