How the fuck is he still alive?

How the fuck is he still alive?

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raw power

He's too annoying to die.

if Keith Richards gets to live so does the Ig

Didn't he already say he was ready to die?

Because he sells a lot of car insurance

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Lust for Life was in some cruise ship ad

I literally had a dream the other night that he died

He absorbed Lou and Bowie's souls.

He'll be fine

All the extra vitamin D


At this point on his life he's probably more Heroin than man.

An iv of heroin

he takes his hiv pill every day and he’s probably top of the list to get genetic therapy once there’s a viable cure. which should be soon. crazy how 30 years ago hiv was a death sentence and today it’s nothing more than an inconvenience on the verge of being eradicated. the power of modern western civilization

does this man ever wear a shirt?

A shirt would just disintegrate on him.
I'm surprised theres not a cult of HIV positives following him around and snorting his coughed up blood for a legal high.

Cause he's got a lust a life

Plenty of fuzzy fotch.



>one eye symbolism

Fuck u bich

Man, that feels like a lifetime ago.

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He wants to die on stage.

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not finished melting yet i suppose

Keith Richards and him have found the secret to immortality

Is it heroin?

The secret to immortality is not dying

He quit drugs a long time ago. Your body recovers, it's not like you are damaged for life.

Most people his age are fat as shit. Dude is in pretty good shape actually.

Ronnie Wood is even worse. He was still drinking hard liquor and doing 8 balls of coke just a few years ago.

Ozzy Osbourne, good lord. Incredible he's still alive. The stories about that guy are insane. He was basically in a constant state of drunkeness, all day, every day for many many years. He doesn't remember entire tours or albums he recorded. He doesn't even remember when some of his kids were born.

based and heroinpilled

>moderately in shape
>long hair
thats the secret for cheating death

anecdotally, it seems like heroin can sort of "pickle" you and slow down the aging process. a strange kind of stasis. you get ridiculously constipated. also, you never get sick.

This, Ronnie looks so fucking bad compared to any of the rest of them.

Pray for Iggy