Can we talk about Yea Forums?

Can we talk about Yea Forums?
The modern state of the board is just awful.
>obviously underage posters now comprise the majority of Yea Forumstants
>cancerous memes these children bring back from their instagram or whatever (they're trying to repopularize rage comics now)
>blatant shill threads, e.g. Clairo spam, Billie Eilish spam
>sizable chunk of the catalog is now comprised of mumblerap threads, garbage teenpop threads, soundcloud rapper worship (unironic Xxxtentacion and Tekashi69 threads for instance)
>you can make whatever blatantly off-topic shitpost you want as long as long as you add "music for this feel" and it will probably get into the archive because the underage newfags will literally take any fucking low effort bait they see
The board needs serious help.

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>cancerous memes these children bring back from their instagram or whatever (they're trying to repopularize rage comics now)
Dumb frogposter

Here's another one for the list
>pointless meta-threads where people moan about how Yea Forums was better in the old days despite clearly not being here in the old days

I've been here since 2013 and even then this board was less shit. If you cant see it you're blind.

it's over, OP. the phoneposting zoomers outnumber everyone else. they won. any threads that aren't the ones you already mentioned get 2 replies at most before they fall off the board.

Blatantly false.

>obviously underage posters now comprise the majority of Yea Forumstants
Always been the case. Some of the biggest tripfags back in the day were confirmed to be under 18.
>cancerous memes these children bring back from their instagram or whatever (they're trying to repopularize rage comics now)
Yea Forums was the originator of rage comics. This site in general has been a hive of reposted meme content since conception.
>blatant shill threads, e.g. Clairo spam, Billie Eilish spam
>sizable chunk of the catalog is now comprised of mumblerap threads, garbage teenpop threads, soundcloud rapper worship (unironic Xxxtentacion and Tekashi69 threads for instance)
Yea Forums has been poptimist since MBDTF dropped and people like Lady Gaga and Lana del Ray were on the rise (so like 2012?). Go back much further than that and you're into first-wave Yea Forums - ie. classic rock and mainstream metal everywhere.
>you can make whatever blatantly off-topic shitpost you want as long as long as you add "music for this feel" and it will probably get into the archive because the underage newfags will literally take any fucking low effort bait they see
Again, always been the case. Feels threads were, if anything, more prevalent during the sadboy indie phase of Yea Forums.

You're wrong.

>tfw 31 and still posting on Yea Forums and this board was always bad


>this site was always about reposts!
you're a fucking idiot. no, it was never about bringing back lame unfunny normalfag content from other sites.

>feels threads
I'm talking about the political threads and other dumb bullshit. Usually it's a Trump twitter screenshot or something and some racebait greentext with music for this feel tacked on to vaguely tie it to music.

>normalfag content from other sites
absolute toplel

not an argument kek

Tripfags are the only identifiable point you can use when it comes to judging the regular user base.
Once again, rage comics aren't FROM other sites. They originated here, as did a lot of the tired meme material which has never really gone away. Or do you think Pepe and Wojak are high-brow, fresh humour?

>I'm talking about the political threads and other dumb bullshit. Usually it's a Trump twitter screenshot or something and some racebait greentext with music for this feel tacked on to vaguely tie it to music.
That, at least, we can agree on. /pol/ need to go back.

channing has become mainstream OP. When even msm/ twitter normies can talk about 8gag during it's shutdown it's pretty indicative of chans as a whole. Hence why you can see board quality across numerous boards declining into "based cringe bringe" shitfests. Expect even more edgy tweens/ redditors to flood 4chin as a whole.

Basically summer is here to stay.

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1. It's not from other sites
2. Similar origin to pepe and wojak

hmm I wonder why it's so bad now...

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Just because they originated here more than a decade ago doesn't change the fact that they were co-opted by Reddit soon after, that they were largely put into disuse here because of normalfags ruining them, and that the continued use of them here will just draw more normalfags over from sites where their use is still popular today.

Metal is coming back in a big way. Get ready for more metal threads.
2019 was the perfect storm of Slipknot, Tool, and then King Gizzard doing a thrash album all around the same time. Slipknot and Tool suck, but it doesn't matter because they undoubtedly got more people into metal.

>Slipknot, Tool, and then King Gizzard
>Slipknot and Tool suck
Pickle Rick the band also suck.


Rage comics aren't popular anywhere since like 2015, you won't even find them on 9gag. You're delusional.

So what you're saying is

Hate to break it to ya bud, but no one was born on Yea Forums. We all came here from somewhere. I'm sure they'll switch over to patrician frogposting like your good self in no time.

fug looks like the fappening was the thing that finally killed the hacker known as Yea Forums

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Doesn't matter. I've seen so many "how do I get into thrash" threads from low-test indie boys in the past two weeks. They may be into entry-level garbage now, but in a few weeks as they dive into the genre we'll have a whole new wave of metal posters listening to shit like Nuclear Assault and Exodus. Mark my words. Metal is exploding right now.

Yea Forums was designed with a specific userbase of American weaboos in mind. So yeah the normalfag point is totally logical. Go back to your subreddit.

Dude, I'm 30 year old SomethingAwful runoff - I've never used Reddit in my life and have wasted far too much of my life in this shithole. As far as I'm concerned, most of this site's userbase is "newfag normies", but once you've been here long enough you just come to accept that as part of the whole deal.

It wasn't always this bad, though. Yea Forums represents a board where general consensus has turned to side with the newfags. These children think that calling someone an "animeposter" is a valid argument.

How about you actively try to improve this board instead of complaining?

The first step to improving the board is discussing what went wrong and how to fix it.
>durr u cant talk about the music board on the music board!

>cancerous memes
>posts pepes

>posts uncropped twitter memes


this post screams larp
yeah you were totally fucking there with "the confirmed tripfags"

Post another epic söy doomer poomer wojak and le natzee frog you comic genius you.

ya its the worst board on here by far
arguably more vile than /pol/

nobody thinks you're funny

>Dude, I'm 30 year old SomethingAwful runoff
goons aren't welcome

king jizzard sucks

Here's an original just for you

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No one thinks your faggot frog is funny either.

frog and wojakposters should be shot
as should /pol/ and /r9k/ crossboarders

I do ;)

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I agree unironically


would fix most of 4chans problems

they deserve to be genocided desu

i've been here before Kanye's MBDTF dropped and ever since then its just been memerap and retardation. it was actually made worse when moot decided to get rid of feels threads like a retard. i rather take /r9mu/ or endless emo threads over the garbage this board is today. fantano, industry plant rap shills,, tripfags and p4k dicksuck threads killed this place. the rest is just flies eating its corpse. i wish people like inxy would be seen as worse than quentin or lanced jack. there should be tripfag and critic hate here

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Then make your own threads you cunt

only 90s kids can relate:
Neutral Milk Hotels threads each day
famous tripfags like climaxia and the tourist
the early dicklick brigade albums
too many Merriweather Post Pavilion threads
rapidshare and megaupload was the standard and waffles
Tyler the Creator - Bastard and free Earl threads
everyone wondering where aphex twin went
Lil B threads
people ranking the wu tang clan members

But /r9mu/ make up most of the hip hop shitters, that's why they listen to hip hop because muh feelz lyrics and endless gossip

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Says the frognigger, fuck off faggot

Don't worry user, the Tool album will save the board

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How? It'll just be some dudes in their 40's going on about how good it sounds while BBQing

Oh, you mean the secret Yea Forums patrician meetup you're not invited to?

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