hey guys!!! top 10 thread?
my friends say my music taste is really weird but i really just listen to what my ears like!!! lol
rate for rate? :D
hey guys!!! top 10 thread?
my friends say my music taste is really weird but i really just listen to what my ears like!!! lol
rate for rate? :D
shure OP
4/10 tyler tc and cückdrick lamar suck
pretty good, ive only listened to ok computer and the queen is dead out of those. they'd def be in my top 20.
lol tyler!! :D
are u me?? ;D
OP was clearly a troll, but what's your excuse, Mr. FP?
not . I suck.
wonderful shitpost, what makes it better is how you just stuck loveless in there for shits and giggles lole
Loveless is the shittest record there.
ys is actually good tho
> tfw over half of your favourite albums are considered bait
obtain some taste
not bad if you remove the 1st and last albums at once
>the best deathgrips
>the best weird al
Dare I say it, based af?
you spend too much time daydreaming
>popular bad
cool chart op :)
Top 10
1. Celtic Frost - To Mega Thieron
2. Deicide - Deicide
3. Nine Inch Nails - Broken
4. Swans - The Seer
5. Scott Walker - Tilt
6. Profanatica - The Enemy of Virtue
8. Death Grips - Exmilitary
9. James Ferraro - Sushi
10. Pig Destroyer - Prowler in the Yard
how is souvlaki conisdered b8? its a good album that doesnt get shilled alot
This board has developed so many layers of cynicism and hatred it's funny.
it used to be a regular thread thumbnail
like everyday
n/a, 10, 3, 7, 4, 8, 10, 4, 3, 8
n/a, n/a, 9, 7, 10, 7, 7, n/a, 5, n/a
the bad thing is when newfags enter and try really hard to like these albums simply because of charts. Then you end up with an entire board that can only talk about 20 albums.
That's why you have 20 loveless threads a day. The idea of an essential list killed this board more than any other thing.
Op is anthony fantano forever
Actually garbage tier list
>Celtic Frost