Other urls found in this thread:
Same, its fucking maddening
Are we ever going to get it bros?
I am in vacation right now and visited this record store. Talked to the guy and he told me the Tool albums arrived.
How do I get a copy from this guy without breaking the law myself?
I could easily wait until it is released, but that user, showing a pic of the album in his library is insane.
Will he ever leak it? Are we all going to fall in this trap?
mu niggas: tool sucks, the new single is boring and tool fans are faggots
I don’t think this one’s gonna leak bros. I think we may just have to wait till the official release
Suck his dick for one
"Sell me the album right now or ur a lil bitch lmoa."
Take the album from him and leave no witnesses.
I've licked it.
It taste like plastic.
Ask him nicely to sell you an order?
Or bribe him, that,s what we're doing in my country.
There are all kinds of morons here, I'm one of those who want the leak. There are two girls in my life who love Tool and getting the album as soon as possible would make them very happy.
Don't worry I'll give your mum and sister the leak if you catch my drift
So fucking beta
I think this guy means his dick
That one’s rickrolls
It's my hands, but whatever.
Then sneak into the store and get a copy, faggot.
Poop fart pee poo fart in my dickhole peepee poopoo
Dont go full force
"Leaking", as we knew it, doesn't happen anymore without the people in charge wanting it to.
It's become a carefully curated event, meant to add to the hype machine, rather than subvert it.
This won't "leak" until 24 hours before release, and when it does, it won't be the full 10 tracks, but only the 7 main songs. And it will be 128kbps at that.
Welcome to 2019. The internet isn't the wild west it once was.
I predict it'll leak in a big way in precisely 6 days
Itll leak by tomorrow at the latest
Been saying this for 3 fucking days now
Yeah, no it won't. Settle in for disappointment.
2 hours.
Never getting this new record.... people suck today. Who cares? Lose your job and be a legend.
Why would it leak on a Sunday?
Buy the album, poorfag scum
why would it not
Because that's not a commercially significant shopping day.
The album isn't out until next week, why does that matter?
It can leak any day, all it takes is 1 to get out.
Oneohtrix Point Never's latest album didn't leak until 2 days after it had been released. The leak game is up bros, the scene is a joke.
>"Leak" album
>Generate word of mouth
>People pre-order
If you haven't realized by now that all forms of piracy are now part of the business, you're not really paying attention.
You're being allowed to download these things because you're a potential consumer, or may directly or indirectly influence someone to consume.
Sunday isn't a good shopping day. For maximum value, "leaks" come during the business week.
Post offices are closed, so no early copies or shipments to warehouses
This is way overthought
I already spent 85$ on the new Opeth album, the rest of the spending money are gone because I drank with my friends quite a lot and smoked like a train with them.
I know it's all business, and I want them to accelerate the process.
Ok, user. Whatever you say.
Thursday, August 29th at, say, 8am-11am is when it will "leak".
Screenshot this for posterity.
>I want them to accelerate the process.
Me too. It just doesn't work like that anymore.
aren't many already laying around in warehouses?
Bringing this to my PC now. Whatever happens to me, just promise to remember me as a hero.
ETA 1 hour.
Holy shit holy shit
Big if true
Redditor confirmed.
Fake and gay.
All part of the hype, people. Nothing to see here.
Where is it on reddit
Link to the thread?
"I don't wanna lose muh job" *sniff*
Lol nice try
Fuck. Unreal and homosexual confirmed.
could this be it!?!?!?!?
Fucking pussy. Can’t believe this shit.
Fuck the record companies.
Why are they such pussies. If I were them, I would upload without thinking, especially when there's a new Tool album, the most memed album that ever came on the Internet.
got it home.
eta 10 minutes
That's Lateralus you fucking idiot.
>We pretend its 2006
It's probably one of the band members holding it. The one from "Amazon" the other days was Adam (guitarist) and the unboxing posted to Youtube (now copyright striked, lol nice touch) was done with his son.
It's aaaaaallll for hype. OK, Adam. We believe you.
that shit was actually pretty cool.
oh shit are you telling me i risked my job for Aemina?
I really wish I could get excited for things again
yea but i never got it to work
>The one from Amazon was Adam
>it’s ‘06 again, about 3 weeks before 10k Days releases
>it leaks
>people: The fuck are these track names? The Pot? Rosetta Stoned? This has to be a decoy album again right?
Mfw it officially releases and these retards start praising it like a fucking masterpiece
My eyes, ears, brain, and decades of jaded experience.
yea people were disappointed as fuck.
I still don't like to listen to that album
You’re a retard dude. Screenshotting all your posts for when this leaks within the next day.
You do that. See you on the 29th.
I 'member idiots sperging out thinking it was a decoy album and they were gonna release the "real" album later. It was fucking pure idiocy.
>album leaks
>listen to it
>love it
>check online to talk with other fans
>they're so disappointed they think it's a decoy
That's when I stopped caring about other people's opinion.
10,000 days is their best work
Tried going up to 30 bucks with him but his subtle hints told me I'm not getting in for under 50 (top fucking kek)
I don't really care about Tool, just wanted you guys to have it. Another leak attempt failed.
also one guy was mad at maynard for liking his mom and her faith
Lateralus is. But Days is a close 2nd, followed by Aenima.
Undertow isn't even Tool as far as I'm concerned.
Then, do what we also do in my country: threaten him and his family with a knife until he accepts 30$.
50 is still less than the cost of the deluxe edition.
Do it you fuck, what’s 20 bucks?
How do I rip this on Linux?
Dummy you could have sold it for thousands. Just had to post timestamps with photos of it and a gofundme or other fundraising means could have made you a lot of cash fast. Not to mention instant legendary status. Too bad you're so poor $50 was too much. Jesus mothering fuck.
>bend over
>reach back
>insert two fingers into anus
>try to blow your fart out through your eyes
Love you retard faggots like you wouldn't believe, but there's a limit for how much I would go for you guys
Post pic of package
Trips and I do it...
Read the thread retard
I don't have a camera and I certainly don't have a smartphone.
Just tell me how to rip CDs on Linux.
Hey stupid, this pic was already posted in this very thread.
Fucking pussy.
Thanks, nevertheless.
You won't do shit, but roll
Put it in the drive and the audio files will be in the file browser
Lmao calm the fuck down. A single copy 5 days early isn't selling for more than 70.
Anyways if I do decide to buy it I wanted to give it to you guys for free. Either way if I come back a third time this day for the CD the guy will notice I'm desperate and will double the price.
No one has posted the cd in their room or anywhere else other than an amazon warehouse, so no leak till they ship one early. All the amazon workers are pussy wage slaves.
You’re a fucking poor pussy. Leave the thread because you’re not getting shit done.
You're garbage at haggling, user. We get it.
Alright guys I'm gonna come clean
I don't actually have the new tool album
fuck it roll i have nothing better to do
We know.
You had exactly zero people fooled.
Last time I try to do favors to you fucks. Enjoy getting your watered down shit tier prog that would probably sound dated at release 6 days from now
If someone releases it within the hour ill paypal a hundo just because I can't wait any longer.
Leave the thread pussy
You didn't "try" anything.
>C-c-c-an I buy that album, senor?
>"No album for you! Get the fuck out of my store!"
>Oh. O-o-o-kay...
Sorry anons, I "tried".
You know, as one user said, it's also part of the industry creating hype. I saw on a music site an article about a supposed leak, only to get the normies' attention and make them interested in buying the album.
But you're right, wagecucks are fucking pussies. I would post it, quit, then live with all the glory and the saved money.
why are people trying to get him to leak it.
There are scene groups out there doing this shit for fun. And one of those fuckers will get their hand on a copy
The comments in the reddit thread are saying it’s at target now. Anyone here work at target?
Not gonna happen.
The "scene groups" (Kingdom leaks, etc) are in the pocket of the record companies.
C'mon, you people can't really be this naive, can you?
Listen fag. I saw how much you lifeless tards were drooling over this album so I drove twice to the record store just to try and convince the guy to hand me a copy. Offered him 30 bucks aka triple what I usually would pay for it for an album I don't plan on listening. Do you really expect me to throw in another 20 for you? Who the fuck do you think you are?
Gather up 70 bucks plus 20 for gas I wasted and I'm going there right now, no one is handing you free stuff.
The album costs 40 you stupid fuck
>no one is handing you free stuff.
That's the point of this thread, though.We're all waiting for free stuff. So if you're not gonna do it, why are you trying to showboat in the first place?
No one cares, user. Go about your day.
It's 12 you fucking degenerate
Shit i paid $49 on the amazon preorder.
Do you have a link to that? Sounds relevant.
ONLY the special edition is available and it’s 40-50USD
Were you under the impression this was a $12 cd? Its fuckin $50 minimum. It has a fuckin lcd screen and usb built in.
It talks about plebbit and shit.
Awesome. Thanks user.
Maybe target workers aren't pussies not willing to lose their minimum wage job
No reason to thank me, but you're welcome, mate.
All this clusterfuck about the leak, I just want to get it somehow out of this incredible expanding mindfuck made by record labels and boast with the leak in front of my friends, that's all I want.
I don't even care about the music itself.
Everything that's happening now is a response to the napster bullshit from the early 2000s.
They couldn't beat the leakers, so they became the leakers. Couldn't beat piracy, so they found a way around it, a way to use it to still make a profit.
Now, every pirate is potential free ad revenue. Kingdom Leaks and sites like it get kickback from these companies which helps them stay afloat with all the bandwidth they use, and ensures their loyalty to not leak before the record company wants them to.
Tool's guitarist's son.
Any other conspiracy theories? Who shot JFK?
>All you read and wear or see and hear on TV is a product waiting for your fatass dirty dollar.
Shut up and buy.
he's comfortable thinking that everything is under control.
I would if it was available
God I miss the old Internet...
They can loose it, they hire in a different place, I don't give a shit. Living a life with no risks won't make them any better.
Yeah he's one of these guys who has to think he's got it all figured out and is smarter than everyone else. In reality he doesnt know shit and is likely on the far end of the spectrum.
August 29th, guys. 8am-11am. Mark it.
Of course, when I'm proven right, you'll just chalk it up to a "lucky guess".
Just pay attention, and life isn't that hard to "figure out".
>twitter meme
I'm going to mock you relentlessly when it leaks today or tomorrow. You will smell my farts. I will fuck your sister.
You are so gay, dicks aren't enough for you and we need to invent something new
Wait, 8AM what UTC?
I'm on EET, it mightr be a different hour.
You don't know tooL as I do.
That surely ain't lateralus.
That is "Nebraska" the minimal acoustics lofi folk they did in 1999.
Checkmate, mate.
>Alternative Nation
I hate this fucking website so much
I've had 13 years to sit with 10,000 Days and it's still a total mess
it's like 3 different EPs stitched together
thank god they're taking the best parts of Jambi and crafting a better song out of it on this one
1 more hour guys. ;)
What did he mean by this
1 more hour until 1 hour from now
for me it's Linda Cardellini
Ænima > 10,000 Days > Undertow > Lateralus > Opiate
lateralus is so forced
weird rating
Undertow better than Lateralus? Damn
MP3 320kbps
>34 MB
More bullshit god damn
crazy that after all this time its come down to just 2 hours from now
You a cyclops?
>new album has a song song "Chocolate Chip Trip"
It's pretty funny if real, honestly
song called*
Ignore me, I'm a fucking idiot
Your fine user.
Tool has always had a sense of humor. Most people who got on board at Lateralus don’t have the benefit of historical perspective but they have been trolling motherfuckers from the beginning (see Gaping Lotus Experience, lacrymology, Disgustipated, Die Eir, Harry Mansback). It’s meant to be funny. Like how Rosetta Stoned takes the piss out of all the people who took Third Eye at face value (Rosetta Stones even uses musical phrasing from Third Eye as Leitmotif to further emphasize the connection between the two songs).
Don't forget Maynard's Dick.
Yep. It's also quite fun watching people interact with Maynard without looking at his past. Anyone who pays attention for a second knows he likes to fuck with people
do it
>Rosetta Stones even uses musical phrasing from Third Eye as Leitmotif to further emphasize the connection between the two songs
Tool fans, Jesus fuck. They sound the same because Adam is garbage
Tool is a gateway band of the worst kind. It's bad metal, a clusterfuck of wacky time signatures and cheesy lyrics that aren't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessively long songs and DEEPNESS. The normal user can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the band itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.
However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for aspie, unsociable underageb& faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. Maynard trying his hardest to look cool, the Bill Hicks aping, the posing in shadows and the armchair understanding of philosophy fuels their pretentious fantasies, while the droney riffs and bass lines, emphasis on not playing at the same time signature, and overall pretentiousness of the music makes it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes little kiddies and underageb& retards eat this shit right the fuck up.
Tool is basically THE band to attract the most hated musical fanbase known to Yea Forums, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every user to troll the fuck out of this soft rock dronefest and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no Tool threads ever encourage the newfriends to show their faces here.
my brother works at bestbuy and he just dropped off a copy during his lunch break.
ripping to FLAC now eta 30 minutes
Seems like Tool are "trolling the fuck out of" you just by existing.
Pics + timestamp
I want to believe it but there’s been a bunch of fags in the thread so I’ll believe it when I see it. But if you’re legit, Godspeed user
This has to be a desperate fan right?
Who's ready for the soulseek leak
confirmed 17 year old lmfao
rent free
Come on mate
I kinda agree with you.
Rosedda stoned smelled of recycled materials from a mile away the first time I listened to the thing.
Admittedly it was 2005, I was a young 98 years old guy, playing tennis and drinking beer.
I will buy the digita edition only. All the hype packaging is not worth imo.
Ill buy digital, cause I'm naive that way, and also I'm buying lesser and lesser records as the years go by.
I like that Queen reference user
Wat do?
So ETA 4 minutes right, user?
Surely you wouldn't lie to the internet?
Fuck off r*ddit
Leak it already faggot.
Go play a nice game of chess with a random NY chess hustler.
They tell me that they are weak game, kid tier players. Try it user.
>tfw it's been 30 minutes and no sexy flac album leaked
-30mins for FLAC
Doing some test so redddit cucks don't take my files.
Sorry lads i got this pic from reddit. The wait continues.
Get new pants, your dick is probably suffocating
Please user, deliver
Lies, all lies.
Someone linked to Reddit. We are about to be invaded
Every single pic of the album posted in this thread came from Reddit from warehouse employees that aren't going to leak it.
The album isn't going to leak. Stop being such gullible retards.
we waited 13 years, cant you wait 6 more days? pathetic, theres so much good music out there go listen to that while you wait
ITS LEAKED!!. check the seeek! GOOI
90% for the FLAC file
God speed, user!!!!
If you haven’t nutted in 13 years, would you be able to wait another 6 days? Fuck off
I'd hope not, rabies isn't a joke. Either way she better be able to hear this album
yes I would, I have self control
Post the link already
uploading now
jk jk
pics or it didn't happen
how many of these threads are we gonna have to do before someone drops a mega
lol you fools it won't leak until 29th or mayyybe 28th. you're losing time right now
ok its uploaded mega link ready. are you guys ready??
I'm licking it now guys.
Pic related.
Il leak the tape edition super hyper secret version 2.0
Fuck this, I'm gonna watch porn instead
Just post the bait link already
sent ;^)
wheres it at
Hook up a brother, please
whoa cool it with the anti-semitism
Man I wish this all was real
yo mama's cunt
your next post better be a link or shut the fuck up
i would have but i dont think yall ready for it
i'll suck your cock for two hours straight if you'll upload it
ok op, you've proven your uselessness
Yeah I am losing faith in OP
4 song in and this is the greatest album ive ever heard
OP is always a fag, until he's not a fag.
>L E A K E D
It's on Yea Forums private tracker
Leak it
Leak it nigger
in 6 days you'll be able to listen to it legally, retard
holy shit first 7empest riff really slaps hard
at this point even if there is a leak nobody would believe it
Shut the fuck up moralfag
to all y'all niggas: link or it didn't happen
All lies, no one would actually be posting here if they had the album and listening to it
holy shit maynards vocals are blowing my mind. he brought his A game on this album
Leak it
no seriously why can't you wait the 6 days you've already waited like 13 years that's really nothing in-comparison
This sounds like a great party right here
why to fuck did you click on this thread when your so busy waiting, bitch
Because it's already out.
i hope Fear Inoculum single is for the masses like Vicarious was
both songs really suck
Post the link pussy
Can't believe Adam Jones is playing funk in CCTrip
vicarious is good
Lol did you see a like this somewhere else? Are you making fun of me?
Nice baiting samefag, now kys
no its shite. the album starts with Jambi
Jambi is the best song on the album.
that's what she said
that's what they want us to do.
they want to make a information chaos exactly for that matter.
they don't play by the rules, and so do we.
behold the chaos. it's information war. live. don't believe in anything. be patient. meditate. hibernate. wait for the official premiere. everything up to that point will be a noise pollution. relax. focus. take a deep breath.
How can you not like vicarious, its a great single and holds up on the album
link or suicide
It's not August 30th so no it isn't out. The artist wants their fans to hear it when they intend and if you wanna be an edgy underage faggot and go against their intentions for the sake of wanting to be the first then be my guest. Just know you're an ADHD riddled retard.
lol @ Danny doing vocals on track 7 culling voices
Oh my god why are people like you even on this board
the lyrics. theyre cringe linkin park tier
Holy shit this sounds more like an Aphex Twin album than a Tool album. The drumming is incredible!
Fuck their intentions. What are you even doing here? Fuck off to plebbit you single-celled organism.
tfw zoomer wagecucks are too technically illiterate to leak an album in the year 2019
jesus christ they will need a 2nd drummer to pull off some of these songs live
No they don't. Danny always plays everything live. He uses e-drums for the congo parts and shit.
I know, Pneuma was crazy
Not having any patience or understanding of artistic intention sounds more plebian to me.
Listening to Culling Voices now. Really atmospheric and ambienty. Did they team up with Lustmord again like on 10,000 days? Even though the rip is only 192kbps it's still good sounding
Can't wait to be rickrolled
wait until you hear it then youll understand. reminds me of Hella
Chocolate Chip Trip is in 27/19 btw
OmG iNvInCiBle StUdIo VeRsIoN feat. FrED dUrSt
>takes the bait
its all over the private sites now shouldnt be long before TPB and other public trackers
It's really sad, considering I'll have to work with these fuckers.
>release date is "artistic intention" now
Yup, retard confirmed. Go away normalfag.
Disgustipated is my fav tool song
Which sites?
That was one of the best tracks imo. 27/19 is probably a reference to Euler's number (aproximately 2.719).
O kewl. Napster soon fingers crossd
me and my bf are sooo ready for the new album. we've been refreshing reddit all the time looking for the "leak"! *chuckles* we've got ourselves a LOTS of KY, some poppers and johnson's baby wet wipes. my bf actually got ourselves some coke and mushrooms to go along with the transcendental inner anal trip experience that will be graced upon us when the leak hits the web. gosh golly we're sooooo happy to have our fav band releasing a new album in three months after we've discovered them! imagine they didn't even had a spotify profile lol! ok so we're probably gonna be using some acid as well but that's probably gonna be saved for the prolapse (7empest) stage of our leak initation. waiting soo hard for this with my bf!!!! love tool!!!
can somebody give me the tl;dr is it leaked or not
This boring music
No. Just a bunch of incels here with fake leaks
Sure, do you want a love song by tool?
its leaked senpai
post link or you're an eternal faggot
FLAcs on Yea Forums's private tracker
i saw that gap again today
You got baited hard user
well which one is it
its never leaked until it is, which it is currently not.
rippin the cd rn with winamp. only 7 tracks not the full 10. ~10 minutes left then i'll upload the mp3 files
pics or didnt happen
Now with the amount of baking and tripping balls planned maybe you two will confuse the leak inoculum with Michael Jacksons dangerous and risk a trip in a very bad never never land.
Be safe anons
are .wma files ok? i can post link
Where is this leak?
Are .flac files OK?
I can post link
either post the link or shut the fuck up
are .jpeg files OK?
I can post link
Yes of course
Let's hear this jpeg leak.
Post the jpeg and I will put them in my zune an listen to them in a microwave under the sea.
ripping the album right now in realPlayer .rm format
Are .dickhole files okay? I think they play in VLC
I can post link
>are .flac files ok?
I prefer 80kbps yt mp3
to be honest I have no intent of listening to any tool album at all
you seem like a true Tool fan worthy of the leak. post email address and i will send link
Fuck off with this shit
It’s fucking great. But it was track 69 on the original CD and half the song is a sermon fucking with vegetarians. Total piss take.
shure it's [email protected]
friend sent me the album but its all .midi format
converting to mp3 now and will upload asap
That's why they decide when it's going to be released instead of releasing it the moment they finish it. Every aspect of an album rollout is artistic intention.
fake AND gay
[email protected]
No it isn't.
It's to generate hype to sell more albums.
The suits want their ROI.
Ever heard of capitalism you fucktard?
okay I had enough of this thread. its like a k-pop general now so Im putting an end to it.
have been listening to the album the whole day and keking at you retards but Im done.
ripping this shit rn, check soulseek in 10-15. may god have mercy on my inocculated soul
pic+timestamp naow
sure thing bud
Another autistic.
tool are boomers, not death grips. get outta here ffs.
incoming (You)'s
The leaked album has 21 songs guys.
It's a triple CD of binoculars.
Running time : 777 min.
Track 20 is 500 min of crickets chirping and cricketing away tho.
It's not going to leak today
change of plans. ulpoading it to 1337X
pic in a min
its ready to be uploaded
not sure whether to use zippyshare or mega
well? pics?
Does it fucking matter at this point. Choose one or both already
Use an ordinary emty bottle or something man.
It's just a leak man.
Don't overthinnk this.
Nothing on 1337x
Whats the name of the file?
Antonio si lees esto cómeme los huevos. Atte Maik
Ive uploaded it as Lateralus
ITT retards bait retards
Alaben todos a Antonio el Bicho
they took down 1337X wtf
uploading it to ncore.cc rn
it's up :^)
du geile sau du geile
Someone just put that shit on Redacted
It's up
its up
uploading now...
ETA 12 mins
suppose we'll know the truth shortly, then
Trash thread i hate all of you
Les Claypool feature on track 3?
What is this, year of the snitch?
Song names and durations, for those who don't know yet.
>Chocolate Chip Trip
are you fucking serious
This has been know for about a week now. This is a screen cap from the CD unboxing video.
this is only the physical version too. the digital version has more tracks for whatever reason.
which is why I'm asking if he's fucking serious
anyone got the tunes for daddy
Cause a cd only holds 80min
bunch of shitty moe. being uploaded on Redacted, but no leak. good times
Guys, sent me a DM for the direct link...
Post the goddamn motherfucking leak link already you fucking troglodytes
Send it or i post a rare pick of ooo massa
we should make a new thread guys
i saw one 10 minutes ago but it was deleted
i think they're onto us
send it or i cum
you can separate the tool fans from the window lickers living in moms basement who post on this POS site 25/8 EASILY