A plebeian is the exact opposite of a patrician. While the musical preferences among individual plebs vary as widely as music itself, all are easily identified by obvious tendencies and behaviors stemming from inner conflict between the compulsion to maintain a self-image of being "really into music" and a stubborn refusal to act accordingly. The pleb is threatened by critical discussion, openly hostile toward anyone who presumes an authoritative position no matter how legitimately, and rankles at any suggestion that he look inward to inspect his own biases or assumptions about music, or even that he has any biases in the first place.
What plebeians believe to be a keen interest in music is in reality an obsession with "taste". This is why they can entertain themselves for hours examining scrobble counts on last.fm, maintaining contrived parabolas of their RYM star ratings, or meticulously assembling a Top 50 chart which displays their grocery-list "eclecticism", but won't read a music text. This is why they loudly proclaim how their virginal taste is unsullied by any reviewer's opinion, yet memorize each of those opinions to cite in endless "drone" accusations. It is why they will evade addressing specific musical assertions at any cost, shifting the topic to popularity, fan image, or imaginary concepts such as "entry-level" or "fedoracore", all of which are better suited to their interests and expertise.
Plebeians on Yea Forums should be converted if it is possible and driven away if it is not. They cannot be permitted to exist unchecked or they multiply exponentially, legitimizing worse and worse behaviors among one another until music discussion is all but impossible.