she broke my heart tonight bros
She broke my heart tonight bros
You didn't ask but here's a song for that feel:
thanks bro
idk what to do now
What happened? Let it out. It helps.
basically she told me she cant be in a relationship because shes too busy but i really dont buy it man shes just in college
she could just tell me she doesnt like me
>abloo bloo bloo
No, don't let it out. This is Yea Forums not /r9k/, stop shitting up the board with gay blogposts.
youre my friends
Seems like she's scared of hurting you. "too busy" is a really common response in that situation.
You won't like this but it might be healthier to move on.
so? fuck off, whiney cunt
fuck man i know
there are 4 active kpop threads right now and you're choosing to be upset about this thread
>caring about girls leaving
never gonna make it
It's fucked up that she couldn't even tell you the truth, she sounds like a whore m8, not someone you want around in the long term. Good luck with the next one.
t. 12 year old
Good luck man. Try not to dwell too much.
This might cheer you up. Or make it worse idk but it's the song playing in my head whenever this happens and I listen to it too often.
i kno
she said she wants to "wait" because she cant put the time in
i told her just break up with me
She’s getting dicked down by some total badass right now. Become the badass or you’ll be in this situation for infinity
She has no comprehension of how adult relationships work. Emotional immaturity is extremely unattractive, it's why I prefer older women.
>basically she told me she cant be in a relationship because shes too busy
Time to ride the cock carousel! Don't worry, sweety. She just needs to find herself by getting raw dogged by chads for the next couple years. She'll be back after she loses her youth and beauty to tell you she loved you all along. Be a patient, guoy. You're gonna make someone real happy one day.
i know man
how the fuck do you put it on hold
get over yourself clingy white boys
She wanted to whore around and have something to come home to, simple 'as
alright gonna go cry now bros
really loved this one
I'm white and I cuck black guys all the time lmao.
black bitches love the bwd.
>my face when BFWM couples are way more common than BMWF
I came T H I S close to posting some drake ass bullshit but dont you worry OP I got you w/ THE antithot classic from THE genre that birthed the f'n word thot cause of all the goddman chiraqi thots out there
im listenin to bones big fella
Sounds like something a skeleton would say...
who /no heart/ here? i’m not trying to be edgy, it sucks.
you put up a wall bro
i was like that till i started finding girls
now im fucking depressed
I listened to these last time
Good luck baby
you cawt me...
jesus christ is the only philosophical problem with you Yea Forums faggots girls? you really get depressed over petty shit like that?
Girls look and smell good
user, don't make a fool of yourself and do something cringey trying to win her back. You will regret it.
This. There are a million girls. Another one will come along right when you're not expecting it. Let it go. Rip the band aid right off. You'll feel better.
This guy done posted Halloween
t. virgin
The fastest way to move on is get another girl.
Lack of compassion
the fastester way to move on is to realize that women are shit and should be enslaved
this, she's a whore OP. you dodged a bullet. don't be sad because you lost your pass to pussy. be happy you didn't waste 5+ years of your life on a WHORE
>shes too busy
At least be glad she told you something, even if it's somewhat shitty.
My ex and only gf literally just ghosted me. Fuck that whore.
Focus time on yourself, try to relax, hangout with friends. This is gonna blow over, eventually you're gonna find an Eastern Orthdox art hoe and she's gonna be the woman of your dreams.
Also don't listen to the incels on this board.
Suck a dick faggot