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This album is proof that you can absolutely blow your whole wad in once pass and never be good again.
They will never top Electric Feel
They fucking covered Only a Shadow afterwards! Now, name me one more faggot who did the same.
They may have never had this level of commercial success again but MGMT are yet to release a bad album
Ben is Jewish.
MGMT are hella overrated, I miss AnCo. She Works Out Too Much is a diamond, though.
Electric Feel and Kids are two of the best songs of the 00s.
>Hold on, babe. I gotta type something in this thread real quick.
>"Weekend Wars best song"
Ben is an alpha jew. They beat up ANCO for breakfast.
Dude that yellow album that came out sucked ass. The lyrics were sooooooooooo bad and I don't care about lyrics at all.
Future reflections best song. Weekend wars second
The best song is actually 4th Dimensional Transition (live)
Dude are you FUCKING kidding me. They are that good live? FUCK I never even thought to check them out. But yeah that was sick Holy. Nice. Fuck I just figured they could never play that shit live. I remember seeing blink 182 a bunch and they were so shit live jesus
blink were notorious for sucking shit live, not a good example to apply to every other band out there
They are a bit hit or miss (alright) but unfortunately they’ve kinda been neutered live with all the poppy songs they have to preform live so there’s less pysch jamming to appease the normie crowds.
Avery Tare has so much gravitas in the alternative scene, to see Ben and Tyler the Creator next to him is as if to see Charlie Day next to Jerry Seinfeld.
Pay no attention to those dweebs, Yea Forums has a ridiculous amount of normalfags these days
pleb filtered
Yea Forums is so easy to spot on every board that isn't Yea Forums, it's fucking crazy. like they're all the same one archetype of boring, uninteresting shit.
They sound nothing alike
Also this, if you think their first album is the best you are a pleb
>tfw this entire albums is ironic pop songs they made to make fun of cliches in the industry
>it sounds better than all the music I've seriously poured my heart and soul into making
it's not fair bros
Andrew is best waifu
Only the three hits were the ironic pop songs forced by the label, the other songs are what they wanted to make. That’s why side B sounds closer to what Congratulations was.
those 3 songs are still better than anything I'll ever make
True but they also started from humble beginnings
this is their only bad album
other 3 (4?) are okay to great
Based bait