What kind of music does this girl like? Definitely NOT Ariel Pink right? ;)
What kind of music does this girl like? Definitely NOT Ariel Pink right? ;)
is Weirdo Music Forever HER blog ??? did she start it and that's how she met Ariel?
This looks like the type of girl who gets addicted to heroin.
sauce of the pic?
Weirdo Music Forever are basically the closest things to Ariel Pink stans. They worship him and everyone adjacent to him.
I like them tho. I think they're pretty cool.
this is ariel pink's ex right?
source before you get banned man please
Reminder this man got to do some unspeakable nasty things to this 'barely out of teens' girl's body
Ariel's iCloud
If only she were rich and connected.
Ywn ;(
oh yea the lady whos list of achievements include
1. getting ripped off by clairo
2. getting stds from ariel pink
i dont know man probably like Vampire Weekend or whatever girls listen too.
Great breasts but everything else about that pic is repulsive.
Which one of you incels did this?
>I will look into making a claim.
italians are too underrated these days
I don't think I could live if Ariel Pink got cancelled, bros.
Probably lame stuff like Clairo, Snail Mail
funny you mention clairo since this girl was making the same type of music before her advent : youtube.com
i smoked a cig on a stoop with ariel in soho.
just be a cool person and it isn’t that hard pleb.
post more leaked pics
Would she really destroy this genius's life and his body of work with a revenge porn scandal?
this fucking white knight
There aren't any. You are being rused
g r e a s y
Fuk off m8
I'm Italian and this is hilarious
Vai a dormire pezzente
yes there are i've seen them
i don't think there are any actual nudes though, just ""lewds""
Spero che non ti svegli domani
Il sogno della mia vita
This, frankly.
i fucking hope not lol
ariel seems to have a somewhat untouchable quality to him though as he hasn't taken much backlash for his other shit
Probably velvet underground like most of you faggots
ur mom
no u idiot
i feel most hardcore pink fans won't care but lot of the mainstream music press will call for blood. This will make it very hard for him to make a living from music if that ever happens. Also future plans would most def be cancelled
How do I become an indie chad like Ariel Pink?
make 10 thousand dollars a year
Be one of those egomaniacs who know just what to say
Son of a bitch lmao
He doesn't give a fuck desu, he gets more cash for touring, and the people who goes to see him dont care either
He gets that for a single gig, his parents are loaded too, I guess having no pressure to pay bills helps
This is all you could come up with?? There’s worse out there. She believes wholeheartedly that the relationships that Ariel was engaged in were ‘platonic’ which kinda just shows how much she is still under his spell. When Arie talks about ‘reprogramming’ women, he really means it...
be one of those jealous little guys
Who will try to beat you all day
Ariel has a great way of silencing women - the methods he uses vary. He indeed stalks down fans and requests nudes/sex, usually telling the fan that they are the only one he’s involved with
He should be put in jail
if he is put in jail give him an 8 track, a bass and a keyboard so he will make some fucking music again.
pls say sike....
Are you fucking kidding?
bump for charles, she looks like a nice person. btw why the woke culture hasn't cancelled yet ariel for the photo leaks? hypocrites
The main reason said women aren’t stepping out with their stories is due to the fact he has leverage on them, hence why he insists upon nudes being sent. We all know by now that he is willing to put those nudes on blast. There are also usually financial agreements in place. I don’t know how this man still has a career even??
Ariel Pink was the real organizer on Little St James Island
Epstein was just a front
Ariel likes the younger woman, imagine him trying to act like a man with a woman his own age? He always requested to be called ‘daddy’
She’s a full blown junkie..haven’t you seen her videos??
Ariel gave me STD’s and didn’t even apologise
No, I could give a shit what kind've asshole Ariel is. I listen to his music because it brings me enjoyment. Anybody who stops liking music because the artist is a shitbag is retarded
>haven’t you seen her videos??
>I don’t know how this man still has a career even??
maybe cause he's still an important selling artist for indie publications
So okay..Charles dumps Ariel’s ass and he cries about it like a little crying baby to everyone on tour. She moves on with a better man/life etc. And ariel’s creepy idea of revenge is to publish THIS?! Always knew he had a screw loose
Indie publications have already pointed out how much of a shitbag he is