How does it compare to their other albums for you?
How does it compare to their other albums for you?
I like it better, frankly.
Its my least favorite but it's got best variety and some tight moments.
>end of Frogs 7am
>heaven beside you
>sludge factory
Whole album sounds drugged out.
Jar of Flies
Black Gives Way to Blue
Fuck TDPDH and Rainer Fog fucking horrible
God Am is probably my top 5 all time track.
Good track. Im a big fan of Shame in You and it seems like it never gets talked about.
Their best
I think it's their best easily. Most of their other material is great but the only thing they did with songwriting and atmosphere at this level was Jar of Flies, and the general sound of S/t kinda blows that out of the water. There aren't really any bad songs. The harmonies are struggling, but beautiful and infectious.
for years, until now I thought this was that Kesto album by Pan-sonic.
Spoiler: they're both shit.
Worst album of the classic line-up. Miles better than anything they did with the new singer.
I think it’s probably second best after Dirt. Of course I think Dirt is one of the best albums ever made so it was really a no contest for me
Better than Dirt for sure. Not sure why that album is so overrated.
Yeah. But then again Facelift for me is pretty damn close with the S/T with tracks like We Die Young, Sea of Sorrow, It aint like that, Man In the box, bleed the freak and love hate love.
i used to think this, but dirt lacks the atmosphere of s/t. dirt may have more good songs but listening to selftitled front to back is much more of an experience. and honestly frogs btfos half the songs on dirt
I agree. Love Hate Love is right up there with Sickman for my fave AIC track.
God Am is awesome
I love old AIC equally. New AIC sounds like a different band trying to be AIC. Just goes to show how good Layne was.
dirt and facelift are the only albums worth listening to, all the others are pretty forgettable. That album has a god tier album cover though
best one, only thing I have against it is that I think it should have ended on the note Frogs ends on, maybe they put Over Now after it so listeners wouldn't kill themselves after Frogs
i'm so mad that killer is me isn't on that album, it would've fit perfectly. overall it's their best project, but nothing song is retarded.
>all others are pretty forgetable
They only have 3 albums, bud.
It's my favorite
Much darker, sludgier, messier. Layne sounds like he's dying.
I can't argue with this. Nu-AiC is going to release a fourth full length in a year or two, what a joke that will be: more released after the 90s than in the 90s.
Frogs is fantastic, but so is Over Now. I can't imagine this album without Over Now.
It’s their second best, or third if you count jar of flies as an album. Facelift does’t do much for me. I like rainier fog and dinosaurs.
Not as good as Jar of Flies but Jar of Flies is pretty much perfect. New AIC just isn’t AIC proper, Layne is truly unreplacable.
It's very good, can't go wrong but Dirt is their epitome