>tfw addicted to klonopin and it feels so good
music for this feel? also music about drugs general
Tfw addicted to klonopin and it feels so good
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My psychiatrist won't up my dosage and it's the only thing that keeps me from feeling anxious every moment of every day.
once I took a bunch of klonopins and suddenly it was 1.5 days later and I had bought more klonopins. I see the appeal in benzos but they're also kinda scary
I usually listen to this song while drinking lean but here you go:
not him, but that shit isnt funny. actual anxiety is horrible to deal with.
know that feel hope you get what you need man
i like to listen to shoegaze while playing tetris when i'm on a speed binge
i used to take 3 bars a day and 10 dilaudid 8s AMA
do you miss it? asking as someone who misses it.
yes and no.
being clean is honestly kinda like a new drug because i’ve been fucked up so long.
i like being genuinely interested in my passions again.
wtf I don't find any recreational value in benzos
benzos are an ass saver, but not really fun by themselves
I od'd on klonopin last year and spent a month in the psych ward.
It takes a few hundred thousand milligrams on klonopin to overdose and die, there is no way you took that much.
He might have. Knew a dude thatd take around 100 at a time.
i was also drinking heavily and also took some sleeping pills.
prince daddy & the hyena - klonopin
Brian Jonestown Massacre - Methodrone
Oh, you were actually trying to die. Hope you're on a better track now. Get on brain meds if you have to.
Taking benzos PRN is okay if you’re careful but doctors who prescribe this shit for daily use are fucking quacks. Clonazepam will wreck your shit if you build up a tolerance to it. I know people who can’t leave the house without having a panic attack if they don’t take it.
St vitus born too late whole album about drug n depression
Gimme that Z
>not him, but that shit isnt funny. actual anxiety is horrible to deal with.
I have actual anxiety and I will never take any meds. Psychiatrists can fuck themselves.
Noice, I took some Klonopin today and bought a $200 piece of rare promo artwork for Glider by My Bloody Valentine (off of eBay).
Literally anything since you won't remember it anyway
How is klonopin different from opiates? Been taking hydromorphone lately and that shit is the cure for anxiety I tell you hwat
Only Hip Hop and Cloud Trap artists can make proper drug music. You can't change my mind.
Took some Xanax one evening and had a glass of wine and put on a movie. And suddenly it was tomorrow morning and I was in bed with my clothes on and all the lights on. Felt like a second went by.
Crazy shit. Went to work and was still wobbly and slurring my words a bit.
It doesn't. Opiates are the cure all, benzos are just anxiety/sleep.
Opiates are more of a body pleasurable feeling, Xanax is just like relaxing the mind of all stress and absorbing into the nothingness.
Kind of like a sober form of being drunk.
Opiates are definitely the cure all. Anxiety and depression totally gone. Feel great at work all day. Its like there was this virus in my brain my whole life and I've finally been cured of it.
I’ve never understood how people get high off of klonopin. I have a prescription and I take it before sleep. How many milligrams are you taking, though?
I don’t get it, either. They’re so fucking dangerous to drink on...so I hope this person is careful.
100? He would be dead. More like 15-20. I’m in recovery and most kids say they would pop 20-30 Xan a day.
has anyone had sex on benzos?
i feel it could be the key to me doing it
I’m in AA and they don’t consider my psychiatrist prescribed small dosage klonopin as “sober”. I have a bad anxiety disorder and without it I would drink. It really pisses me off, because I am sober I just feel normal and not riddled with gut-wrenching 24/7 fear/anxiety. It’s a wonder drug for people who need it. Just a vent.
Currently on a doctor supervised benzo detox and I wouldn’t wish the withdrawals on my worst enemy. Like opiates except it lasts for weeks
How many milligrams were you on? I’ve tried to come off of it but never was able to...but I take 0.5 to 1mg a day so it’s not a ton. But, I stop sleeping.
>>tfw addicted to klonopin and it feels so good
It feels fucking GREAT until you gotta quit. I had trouble sleeping for months.
Sorry me again I meant when I try to come off of it I literally cannot sleep at all. It’s scary. They do help with anxiety and help me not wake up every hour.
Can you get a script for beta blockers? They help my anxiety in the same way benzos did but without all the potential addiction.
Benzos are the ultimate recreational drug if you ask me, they make me feel so goddamned relaxed and good. I feel completely in control.
How did you handle a goddamn month in the psych ward? I spent a week there and couldn't imagine doing it any longer. It's the most boring goddamned place on earth.
go on ssris bro. it will cuck your dick but get rid of your anxiety. i take lexapro and it works for me
I already take a bunch of shit for anxiety and depression
>tfw trintellix, cymbalta, and abilify,
>downer cucks trying to run away from the world instead of blasting into it
I call Lexapro noSexApro....say goodbye to any sexual desires. I added Wellbutrin and hoping it can counter it.
Yeah drug abuse to escape reality is a bad idea, but biochemical imbalances are like...real?
That's not what's scary about them. If you've got an addiction, you might end up with a protracted withdrawal syndrome. It is literal brain damage. You don't need to take much or be on them for a long while either. The only good thing about that is you might finally learn how to deal with it.
It's also the ultimate beta drug, second only to pure estrogen. You will never solve your actual problem as long as you're using these to cover it up. Which in turns means you will never grow as a person. It's like pulling into a highway resting station and never leaving again just because it felt safe.
The problem is you are empowering the anxiety. If you weren't afraid of it, and it couldn't motivate you to run from it, then it would vanish. But if you decide that it is "too much" for you, then you will feel a need to control it, and you CAN'T control it, and that's when it becomes a drastically negative experience, when it could have been just neutral.
You will never control the stimuli arising, but you can control how you react to it. Don't frame it as something dreadful that needs to be controlled, cause then that is what it'll be. Frame it as just a big wave of neutral energy, that you're gonna surf since it's here. It's okay, you have the mental space for it. Just let the energy run its course and don't try to escape from it. Once you learn how to do it, there's even a chance you can start turning it into something positive, something motivating.
No, it's a bad way of thinking about it. Especially since your thoughts are your chemistry to a large extent. And you can shape your thoughts, so you can shape your chemistry. I can't rule out that some people are actually physiologically fucked, but it is never helpful to assume you are, because then you will make it real.
If you literally can't get out of bed, etc., then you can treat it physiologically, but even then you should still assume that what eventually will fix it will a matter of mindset. How you approach life. Navigating life is a complex task, and a consequence of that is that beliefs you have about yourself tend to actually become your reality in a funny way.
Listen to your doctor, he knows more than you.
thanks user. not the one you replying to but that last sentence got me.
>It's like pulling into a highway resting station and never leaving again just because it felt safe.
But major depression and anxiety are literally illnesses. Would you say someone with diabetes shouldn’t take medicine? I hate that argument, but it’s a good comparison. That is, unless you are literally a Scientologist who believes in no medication at all. It’s just kind of bro-science to tell a chemically imbalanced person to “like change your mindset, man”...
It's the opposite. Anxiety and depression keeps you from blasting into life, it's like a disability. Small amounts of downers cure it and let you actually live a real life.
Getting so fucked you can't walk is retarded. Small amounts improve life though big time. I'm just worried about physical dependence, that shit is a bitch.
Here you go, written while drugged out on klonopin
ITT pillcucks
You waste your life on shit pills because some shrink tells you so. Pharma sheeple
plz no get addicted user. benzo withdrawal is hell
here a song for u
>It’s just kind of bro-science to tell a chemically imbalanced person to “like change your mindset, man”...
Actually the chemical imbalance idea is the bro science. There has never been a scientific study proving that claim it is just something doctors say to get you to take your meds. That's how fucked psychiatry really is as an institutin.
no I seen him do it. he has been taking them on the reg for about 40 years now. dude is like a super human.
>it's an illness, would you say someone with diabetes shouldn't take their medicine?
type II I would tell them to reconstruct their diet and start exercising, and they might be able to get off their meds.
In the same way, you don't hear many people recover from depression or anxiety without also gaining a new way to relate to the world around them or their own internal worlds. You can't separate thoughts from chemistry.
You assume the low serotonin is the cause of your depression. Could just as well be that your low serotonin IS your depression, and that the cause is behavioral/spiritual. In fact, due in part to what I mentioned before, I think this is far more likely in the great majority of cases.
The fact that a single experience with psychedelics sometimes "cures" people of anxiety or depression I interpret as further support for it largely being spiritual.
>It's just kind of broscience
If you look at people that are fulfilled, versus people that are bitter and beat down, you might first think it is because of what they have in their lives, and the bitter, beat down people typically think so too. But look a little longer and you will see that the difference is spiritual. It's a difference of mindset. Once you see that you might become interested in it, which is when the journey can start.
It isn't mystical. A lot of it just comes down to becoming a lot more appealing socially as a sideeffect. Or learning to keep trying one more time. Becoming less scared of life from realizing you're going to die pretty soon anyway. Or even finding a role model you genuinely admire, if you never had one. To name a few
in general anyone who cares about the health of their brains should stay the fuck away from this shit tier drug
I've been taking around same amount as you for little under a year now. If I dont take it for like 3-5 days, I'll experience insomnia and shortness of breath but not sure if it is also connected to the benzo.
It is. And you will only know how bad it is going to get when you are two weeks into it. Going slightly into withdrawal multiple times will make you more sensitive to it, an effect called kindling, so don’t do that.
For anyone looking to quit, don’t cold turkey it. Taper it very slowly.
really? all anti-depressants make me more horny than i already am 24/7
I started at around ~4-5mg a day, although it was initially xanax. I’m down to .5mg of klonopin a day. The jump from two .5mg pills/day to 1 has been very difficult. I basically have terrible panic attacks every day, all day.
Not as bad as when I tried to go cold turkey and ended up in the hospital about to seize though
I was prescribed propranolol by my doctor to aid with my benzo taper and it’s pretty effective, especially if you know mindfulness/breathing techniques to control the mental side of things
This user knows. I spent years thinking that benzos were a godsend. It was only after all my plugs dried up & my doctor refused to keep prescribing them to me that my life went to shit. You from simply being someone with anxiety taking their medication to being treated like a complete junkie in a second. If you’re going to fuck with benzos you should have at least a months supply of Valium on hand in case you need to do an emergency fast taper
Ding ding ding. Frankly I think rappers talking about abusing Xanax in mainstream music has shifted how doctors see benzo patients. I used to have no issue being prescribed low-doses daily. In the past year or so every doctor has suddenly flipped their stance
psychiatrist knows as much as you tell him
>For anyone looking to quit, don’t cold turkey it. Taper it very slowly.
This. Any anons ITT struggling with benzos and benzo dependancy should immediately try to find a doctor familiar with the Ashton Method of benzodiazepine tapering in their area. Even if you don’t start tapering right away, you don’t want to be caught off-gaurd.
used to blast this when I would mix 100mg valium with 40mg oxy. shit was the besssssst
wow so fuckin dum i forgot the link
I’m so glad I don’t have a plug for that shit anymore. Last time i took oxy and Valium i just laid in bed nodding and laughing to myself. Best drug ever
makes ya feel like this song
u gon die niggra
have a bump for suuuuuurueeeee
This song might be the best I’ve ever heard at inducing that feel. Thank you user
No, but there has been increasing focus on the dangers and poor long term efficacy, so any doctor worth their salt has sharpened up a bit
True. I think it’s part of addressing the opiate crisis since they kind of go hand-in-hand
What do I call this. Benzofeel?
pretty much
imagine being a pill junkie. fucking weak.
mah niggga i was gonna post the maus
Ya bro just ignore it
also very related to john maus
this is great
more where that came from
This song probably captures the feeling of being on a nice benzo buzz in public the best of any songs posted in this thread