ITT post your beer of choice and user's rec you a song
ITT post your beer of choice and user's rec you a song
Other urls found in this thread:
House of Pain - Jump Around
Party Rock Anthem
Camper Van Beethoven - When I Win the Lottery
Yes - Perpetual Change
>not drinking wine
Its as bad as it seems
Holy fuck why do you drink this shit?
its not fuckin fair how just a simple ass pic of a pilsner and forest can make me yearn
>hear about nigs drinking malt liquor "40s"
>grocery shopping at wallyworld
>say to my brother "wonder how this is"
>"don't do it user"
>tastes like absolute shit but drink it anyway
Am I a nigger now?
I feel for the amerifats as they will never taste tasty beer beverage and not piss mixed with alcohol
Yeah, because we only have budweiser, and budlight.
How do you drink this shit? Even if this was bavarian law pils in those bottles, 40oz is gonna go flat and warm pretty quickly. I feel like the size of the bottles is a gimmick. Cider in 2L bottles (ireland 80s, bulmers, linden village, strongbow) even when it was flat and warm, was still very drinkable.
I drank nothing but this for years. hated other beers in comparison, just fizzy water. Then one day you order a pint and it suddenly has no taste at all. Nothing. And you can't go back. It's the same everytime I order one. nothing.
A fine beer. Noice user.
So, did they sign Marner yet? Did you cry when 43 got traded to the avs?
try harder
As for me, I shit you not - given a choice of all the mainstream beers, I now choose bud. I'm not even american. Don't get me wrong, I'd much prefer a german (or even french) weiss bier, but when it's not available give me a bud.
btw, if you like fruit flavored beers, please go an hero.
Heady topper
Fruit flavored beer is gay, but gose and sours are different.
I drink guinness if I want to actually enjoy it, this if i'm going for effect/ price
Or Ardent's regular IPA. Made in Richmond,VA in Scott's Addition. Real independent beer, really good.
This board is for music hipsters not beer hipsters