the fuck do i want to be thinking about matriarchy and grandmothers while making utterly devestational EBM basslines and infectious industrial grooves
The fuck do i want to be thinking about matriarchy and grandmothers while making utterly devestational EBM basslines...
Just scratch that bit off, you ninny.
Just put a piece of masking tape over it and write "big dick daddy" on it
Yeah if scratching off your mother is what you're into
She's ashes now, so i have scratched her off.
wah why don’t they pander to MY demographic
why do they pander to fucking trannies I don't understand trannies are a minority so it can't are they virtue signaling
believe it or not, it's trannies who have the time to fuck around and make something useful with equipment like this. get a clue
but i can't stand them. they're disgusting. they're ugly. look at them for christ's sakes. why are they such abominations? why are they ALLOWED to be such abominations?
sorry. i digress. im just glad it's only a few gay companies like Moog who i never liked that pander to this wretched filth
cmon dude what is this
Dios mío
I don’t like synths anymore.
i hear ya. i dunno. just don't support Moog and all that fruity BS
trannies like synths because they spend all their time indoors and because they all come from rich families who bankrolled their hobbies and didn't beat them enough as a kid.
you think i could waste my money on a brand new moog when i was making minimum wage?
Trannies have been doping blip blops since forever.
Dont you niggas even know Wendy Carlos?
trv kvlt phat basslines
Bump bc every other thread sucks
imagine the smell
you can hump it on stage and call yourself a motherfucker.
why are you faggots so obsessed with trannies?
Sure. Let's just pretend they're not there.
so? nice setup
people have always had interest in freaks
The setup is amazing. The same cannot be said about the software and hardware in that person's head.
A Roland SH-9, SH-2 DR-55 and case of euromeme modules isn't necessarily what I'd call amazing or very versatile, but that aside that tranny is most certainly completely fucked up in the head from daily hormonoes antidepressants and god knows what else.
That's 90% of musicians. Most were obsessives, drug addicts, horrible people who couldn't handle fame, idiots prone to nutty ideas who'd mistake clout for wisdom, etc, etc.
moogs are shit, they remind me of the half arsed DIY projects i have made myself. japanese made stuff is true synth patrician. (yamaha, roland and korg all the way)
I'm more of a moogerfooger myself
they're not asking to fuck you. Generally you don't even see them.
>complaining about MUH TRANNIES OH GAWD PLS DRUMPF SAVE ME re: a synth company whose early success was due in large part by a tranny
why are alt cucks such cry babies?
Only until the 90s. They completely lost the plot with the general soundcharacter of their new stuff. It's so thin and metallic/modern. Started with the RADIAS.
>defending trannies on the internet
>can't go literally 10 words before mentioning Trump for some reason
For god's sake, seek help.
Yeah you're right. The setup is good, not amazing. Didn't notice the DR-55, and that's a... CSQ 600 underneath it? Not shabby.
>complaining about MUH TRANNIES OH GAWD PLS DRUMPF SAVE ME re: a synth company whose early success was due in large part by a tranny
I know you tried your best to be funny, but I genuinely don't understand that sentence. What are you trying to say? Write like an adult for god's sake
why are you so triggered tho? I though you alt cucks were all manly thick skinned men
Moog's early success was largely due by the work of a transexual person. Complaining about trannies and moog on the same sentence is completely retarded, notwithstanding the fact that modern conservacucks complaining about trannies is stupid
>Wendy Carlos was "largely responsible" for moog's early success
no he fucking wasn't. stop rewriting history you freak. just because a tranny played an early moog synth and made memorable music on it doesn't give him (yes he's a guy I don't care if he cut his balls off) credit that all the engineers and designers rightfully deserve. Not to mention the hundreds of other early electronic pioneers that had a model d workhorse that actually helped make moog what they are today
you'll never be a real woman by the way
>Moog's early success was largely due by the work of a transexual person
>conservacucks complaining about trannies is stupid
Why do YOU think that? Explain YOUR opinion. Because that's all it is. I hate it when autists/kids make it out like their perception of reality is the only absolute truth
Fuck you ! Trump is emperor ruler ship.
Donald J Trump EBM synth forever
>releases one of the best selling classical albums of the century using Moog synths, introducing and popularizing the use of synths in music
>helped develop and improve and promote the early Moog synths
Imagine being a fragile cuck faggot. doesn't surprise me since your retard leader spends 90% of his time bitching and whining
>based Behringer triggering Reddit soiboys again
Trump should buy Moog, and move the factory to Greenland. Make Coldwave Cold Again!
Name some of the other "early electronic pioneers" who had as big an impact ad wendy carlos
telling it like it is.
his name is walter carlos
look at the knobs on the filter
What a bunch of fucking idiots. We've known about this thing for a long time now. I wish I could holocaust every reddit user.
>ywn see the day Trump randomly decides to perform an industrial synthpop set with Melania and maybe Pence on synths at a rally
>ywn own a Trump Tower gold edition Minimoog or Moog Voyager reissue shipped from Greenland
Not sure how to deal with these feels tbqph senpai.
Listen I'm not going to pretend Tranny Carlos didn't make a very successful record at a very early stage in the game, he did. But moog's rise to what they are today is thanks to the hundreds of artists in the 70s that bought Minimoogs. What did Carlos use? A giant modular that no one went out and bought. So what is his accomplishment here? He made early electronic music that was very popular for a short time. Cool, that boosted them up, the minimoog pioneers then took over and had an actual impact. So yeah he deserves some credit but to put all of moog's success on his shoulders alone is ridiculous.
This is wrong. Wendy was involved with Moog pretty early on, and was fairly knowledgeable about electronics herself. This was before the Minimoog was even a concept. In fact, she was the reason why Moog provided a keyboard with the earliest Moog Modular Synthesizers, while Buchla et al were trying to dispense with it altogether. Without Wendy Carlos' involvement, the Minimoog wouldn't likely exist.
>Alan Turing had less influence on computers than my web developer brother in law, because he used weird things with blinkenlights and not a Mac Book Pro.
Never liked Behringer but polyphonic MS20? Could be interesting.
>while Buchla et al were trying to dispense with it altogether
god that would've been great. Having a single controller is so much more ideal than having 7 giant sized keyboards taking up all that fucking space.God I hate trannys even more now.
>Having a single controller is so much more ideal than having 7 giant sized keyboards taking up all that fucking space
I hate you faggots more than any tranny
>Single Controller
You have Wendy to thank for that.
>Taking up space
Sure, try 7 giant boxes of unquantized analog pots instead.
Don't get me wrong, experimental synth stuff is great and all, but the close relationship between Wendy Carlos and Robert Moog is what led to the synth becoming a "mainstream" instrument.
>the close relationship between Wendy Carlos and Robert Moog is what led to the synth becoming a "mainstream" instrument
you can keep saying it but it isn't even remotely true. 99% of people don't even know who Carlos is these days, only the faggiest of synth dweebs and none of them even listen to his music.
Most people who use consumer electronics cannot name the inventors who created the devices. Doesn't make them any less important. You'd know this if you'd actually think about things.
This is how fucking dorky you look
None of this will ever change the fact that Walter Carlos is a man. Imagine doing all the things he did, giving Moog a popularity nudge and still being so misguided as to castrate himself... seriously what the fuck.
I embrace our chink overlords
>moog? ha haa ha cut your dick off much?
This just sounds like Dr. Disrespects intro music. Its almost totally unremarkable if you listen to it independent of the video imo. I do however appreciate someone actually playing their instrument live, just for the novelty of it. But it might as well be the background to me cracking adobe audition version 5.0.
That's neither here nor there. But what does it matter to you so much? I'm starting to think that is right, even though I detest the general tone of such arguments. Turning all of history and culture into a purity test for "degeneracy" is not a recipe for cultural success. No wonder the left dominates all our institutions.
Chinks are cringier than SJWs.
But don't you think its fair game if berhinger blows korg out of the fucking water? If the product is good I don't give a shit about the philosophy behind it.
Is he even playing that Juno sounding synthline live? He pretends to at 1:20 but then it comes back at like 4:15. I doubt he sequenced it.
*smacks lips*
cawld sho bidness nigga
>release shitty ms20 mini with noise problems (half assed is korg's motto)
>release the ms20m in limited runs only
>noooo think of poor kooorg
Such a shit company. Now that this one engineer dude is gone, they're completely aimless again see also the volca tube lmao
I wasn't being entirely serious but I do think it's strange when geniuses make such idiotic mistakes. It makes me question whether they actually are/were genius. On one hand it seems fair to separate the art from artist, and other times it's seemingly impossible. Your point is fair but that's a whole nother discussion. I wanted to like Switched On Bach so much but I just couldn't get into it and I love Bach's music. Maybe I'll revisit sometime. Until then, I can only say Walter Carlos helped open Pandora's Box.
Did a good job on the ARP Odyssey clone/remake though. Granted, David Friend's involvement to thank for that.
and the behringer odyssey is better in every way and half the price. fuck korg, fuck roland, fuck moog but most importantly fuck trannies
At least we can agree on some things xd
Reminder that the $1500 Korg Prologue doesn't even have midi thru
>while making utterly devestational EBM basslines and infectious industrial grooves
Based, ebm is the most patrician electronic subgenre. Also OP, why do you still need analog synth to make music? You can have great results with vsti, great analog synths are so expensive compared to vst and you are only limited to one sound at a time, imo they are not worth nowadays.
Just trying to keep it old school EBM.
Nothing against VST's, love em when they're done right.
The novation peak and summit are the only good modern synthesizers
who /nord/ here
Bait detected. ABORT! ABORT!
I only like the A1's engine. It's a shame that they gimped many aspects of it so badly. An A1 in the lead 4's body would have been a modern classic.
>first post in thread to abuse caps lock
Tbh I would like to buy an analog synth myself but I just can't justify the expense of buying one just for shit and giggles. Vst's do well enough for me. Which synths do you own user?
Yeah, I used VST's of all my dream synths for a good while. So great to have polyphony on a virtual SH-101... Then I got a Korg ARP Odyssey and while she's amazing I often doubt the space, money, energy being worth the gear. It feels like a farce sometimes but maybe I'm just too used to VST's. There's just so many better things to spend money on but gear is great if you can afford it. Oh yeah and VST's were a great way to learn to use actual gear.
Them Behringer boys have no shame whatsoever do they? They're getting too smug
Gear cucks VS. software smuggies
What's worse? A modular (semi-modular actually) synth that runs on 8 batteries or a USB powered drum machine?
A modular synth period if you're not a person making music for a living. Modular synth hobbyists are reddit personified.
Go back
literally dilate
Softwarefags are just poor incels with no disposable income or table top space for hardware
underrated post
shut up nigger lover
i think the ms 20 mini looks good... one going cheap near me too.. g.a.s
because somehow in the 1970s the Hart Cellar Act threw the floodgates open and America decided that the secret to democracy and mass market appeal was actually to appeal to the tiniest and most insignificant minorities instead of the majority of the country.
That's why people want every congressperson to be a black muslim woman and every punk show in Wisconsin has to be "inclusive" of niggers and trannies. Because democracy has now completely been inverted.
you can take user out of /pol/ but you'll never take /pol/ out of user
part of the fun of having the real deal is the physical UI, moddability and messing with old skool electronics. I don't even produce, just jam, make noises and have fun.
I know, that's what why analog is great, but I just can't justify the expense of buying a physical synth just to jam on it. Only if I were a gigging musician I would've considered it, but I'm not, so I don't even consider buying one.
Not every hardware synth is analog. There's enough cheap digital stuff out there that doesn't sound like shit.
>dude switched on Bach saved Moog!
>it wasn’t that it was brand new revolutionary technology that everyone wanted to get their hands on and make music with
There is nothing interesting about being the first to do something that literally millions of other people could and would have done.
>dude they recorded some Bach pieces with a synth, note by note
>no fucking wayyy!!!!!
So what. This is not an “innovation” that wouldn’t have come from literally anyone else. It’s not even a novel idea. It’s literally “let’s do a classical cover with some new tech.” Moog would have been a success either way once it made it into more people’s hands. The price was the thing gatekeeping it from the public, Wendy walter was just in the right place at the right time. Bernie Worrell has done more for defining that Moog sound than Wendy Carlos.
this guy gets it. wendy carlos is a fucking chick with a dick who got famous using a machine a white man made to cover note for note music other white men wrote, and somehow """she""" is some tranny icon for doing this. This is why I hate trannys, they get away with doing 10% of something, and the other 90% is filled in with lgtbq bullshit
>cost like 9001 bucks
what the fuck am I supposed to do with that?
tell redditers you own a le moog
>A M B I E N T
Also PHAT basses and leads. Also iirc if you say "fuck envelopes" you can do 4 voice poly.
Trips of truth, personally been lusting on DX7-IIs, ESQ-1s, and K5s, which are all generally under $600.
>mfw mooglets and /pol/tards
>ignoring the Clockwork Orange soundtrack
This is how you spot a massive pleb
Run it through a Styromon Bigsky and get upvotes on r***dit of course.
yeah, if you buy 8 of them
care to share any of your EBM basslines?
EBM basslines need to be made with the shittiest monophonic synth possible for them to work.
A -$300 Korg Monologue should be more than enough
All these retards getting triggered by the name of a synth that probably 20 ppl will buy (half just collectors) and bcs trannies/homos/grils make electronic music.
Wendy Carlos has like 100 albums, Suzanne Ciani as well and Vince Clarke is a raging homo who was the first and probably only electronic artist to make a ton of hits using modulars back in the 80s.
Moogs have gotta be the most boring synths ever. if you want to make industrial get a minibrute like a real man
t. I can't afford expensive stuff but I'll still claim that the cheaper option is better.
Maybe... you'll have to use your imagination for now.
Based. I own one and they're perfect for that shit. That functionality over cosmetics. That rubber utilitarian EBM knobs.
>Vince Clarke is a raging homo
made me check his personal info on wiki in a slight panic