Take an uber

>take an uber
>driver plays rap music

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>get into uber
>uber's listening to heatmiser
that was cool

Lyft > Uber

>take an uber
>driver doesn't play any music and doesn't talk to you beyond a simple greeting

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>a rusting Honda pulls up
>driver tuns on stereo

Thank God. Whenever they talk it's the dumbest shit.
"Oh my daughter is doing this or that in university"
Good for you, why the fuck would I care you retard. I'll never fuck your daughter and I'll never see you again I have no use for this information

What song?

Great people skills.

bottle rocket

I feel the same way I have anxiety about taking ubers because I'm afraid of having a conversation with a stranger for >20mins who might be a retard. One guy was super retarded and kept looking back at me while talking and ended up missing the freeway exit so I was late to my doctors appointment and missed it.

>I'm afraid of having a conversation with a stranger for >20mins who might be a retard
This. I have no problem with talking to them or pretending I care. It's just in my mind I'm waiting for them to shut the fuck up because they're all retarded. I have never had an interesting conversation with a fucking Uber driver before. There was this one guy who kept asking me questions but he did it so low I couldn't fucking hear anything so I just kept nodding like "Yep, that's right." He looked like a rapist, smelled of tobacco and looked half-asleep.
Hope the fucker got in an accident.


If you pull out your phone as soon as you get in and stare at the screen, they usually won't say anything.

i was with you until that last part user, that was unnecessary
i hope you get in an accident

>muh social anxiety

This place is for people 18+ only. Why do we have to stress this in each and every thread?

>god tier
-The ponytail dude in his 40s wearing the Hawaiian shirt who blasted Pink Floyd the whole time, occasionally singing along
-The classy older dude who played jazz and had air freshener in the car that smelled really fucking nice
>high tier
The ones who don't play any music at all
>shit tier
All the other ones who try to ear-rape me by playing the worst fucking shit I've ever heard in my life. I now know by heart dozens of Top 40 songs that I despise with every fibre of my being. I'm pretty convinced that listening to those songs actually lowers your IQ by a couple of points per minute, I come out of those cars feeling significantly dumber than when I stepped in. Some of the drivers probably don't even like the music, they just play it to get higher ratings from the fucking braindead retards running the world now. I know you hate this music, 52-year-old Bengali man, so why do you choose to subject you and me both to it? Please play me the music of your people instead

I once had a conversation with a driver who I thought was a psycho but turned out to just be a bit weird. Said he almost lost everything in his life until he turned to some religious practices and all that. Can't remember which ones though, because he didn't even push his agenda on me or anything. Had a pleasant chat with the guy, actually made my shitty morning mood better.

>has a car
>choose whatever I want to play with
>pick up chicks while blasting Sexual Healing out my Chevy
feels good man feels good

t. Autist

>uber driver records your conversation and puts it on his album

lmao do you also avoid eye contact, autismo?



Kill yourself lardass.

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