Post your ten favorite releases from the 70's

Post your ten favorite releases from the 70's.

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bump, interested in your opinions guys. Any gems maybe?

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Looks cool, quick rundown on what ya have here? Really interested in this chart.

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Really nice, may I recommend Time And A Word by Yes? It's their most based album.

based joni

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Really diverse, I like that

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Flower Travellin' Band is wild, checkout Kingdome Come if ya like their kind of stuff.

This is a pretentious as fuck list, but it's good. Han Bennink and Derek Bailey are not to be fucked with and you've chosen interesting things with both of them, Heratius and Magdalith are interesting but I guarantee you don't speak French, Phonopoetica is an interesting choice but it seems extremely performative because it isn't top of its class in what it's doing at the time, Nico is meh, and Tea House Music of Afghanistan? Maybe, it's interesting, but for real, nigga please.

Anyway, it's an interesting list, and kind of bullshit, so in other words kind of perfect for Yea Forums. Well done.

Terry Allen's Lubbock? Lit. But then GP from Parsons? Cmon nig. Good list though.

not trying to impress anyone here, bud, especially not the likes of you

Yeah that's why you took the time to make the image and post it online you fronting faggot

what's the problem guys?

absolute pleb here.

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Absolute solid stuff here user. Allman Brothers, Sparks, Police, Floyd and Straits are all prime Catchy Rock and Wonder is great too.

Big ups on 3rd
Birds of Fire is nice

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based rymcore

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