*saves metal*

*saves metal*

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Other urls found in this thread:


OP here
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OP here
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Metal fans are getting a taste of what noise rock fans felt when Daughters released their latest album.
Feelin' for you, lads.

Why does this board insist on destroying itself
fuck off

Daughters releases good albums

So Daughters previous work wasn't "Noise Rock" at all and they just did a one-off album in the genre for the fuck of it? I've never listened to Daughters, so I truly don't know, but I wasn't aware that was the case.

Even so, it still doesn't make sense because that Daughters album seemed to get hailed as a masterpiece by most everyone whereas the general consensus on this King Gizzard album seems to be that it's "pretty good".

The only good metal album, thank you fantano

You Won't Get What You Want was just a pretty generic noise rock album. Not bad, just nothing special at all. The problem with it is that it's now hailed as some kind of masterpiece

It actually did save psych rock by making a bunch of indie psych fags finally realize only Metal is the truth.

By musically speaking it had literally zero (0) impact on the genre of metal

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What are some recent Metal albums that have had a noticeable impact on the genre?

All of these, but unironically.


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>conveniently missing the point

unpopular opinion: Hell is perfect as is and making the ending longer would ruin

Honestly the only thing that annoys me about this is that now I cant say I enjoyed the album without being called a fantano cuck 5 seconds later.

I like the album

what I have problem with is not the album. I have a problem with the people who never heard metal but claim this record "saved metal" or "took metal forward", when it's just stoner with thrash parts and those parts sound like discount Metallica/Motorhead. "Infest…" is just genre hopping, and it sounds like such. everyone knows King Gizzard will hop some other genre next time because le quirky psych schtick. I have no issue with that, it sounds fun for once, they do their own thing. but you see these people jumping to use this half-serious attempt at metal as an "argument" against the genre, and this reveals just how conceited and birdbrained Yea Forums really is.

Faggot piece of shit subhuman spamming fucking King Gizzard threads fuck you I hope you get raped to death by a pack of wild niggers I hope there’s an accident and you lose both your hands so you can never post again I’m sick of this faggot band on this board I don’t give a shit about what "good" album they released or what shit genre they made worse they're stupid fucking idiots we know that we’ve always known that but you retards come here every fucking hour of every fucking day saying “durr king gizzard best 2010s rock ITRN best thrash since metallica” why don’t you pull your head out of your ass do the world a favor and get a fucking shotgun and end your posting career early I’m sick of coming to Yea Forums and seeing these subhumans and always the same fucking posts about them just stop fucking posting them they're barely musicians and their albums aren’t even interesting just stop it I hope the skull is ripped out of your head and your brains are split in two and then they’re both put back and the process is repeated over and over I hope you live in abject misery I never want to see a thread about them again I hope your spine is split in half I hope your heart is clogged with cum I fucking hate these stupid fucking low quality threads we need a permanent ban on these threads I want the mods to just fucking end this and I don’t even like them fuck off just do it stop posting yes we get it they're morons you’re the moron for posting them whether you like them or not you’re a fucking cancer cell killing this board eat my whole ass I’m sick and tired of you people being alive if king gizzard were deleted off bandcamp this board would probably suck for a few weeks or so but then it would be so great as people realized they were never coming back I’m fucking begging you here please stop posting them stop posting about how you like and support them and stop posting about how you dislike or hate them just stop making threads about this shit

don't forget Nails, Converge, TDEP
jesus christ Fantano drones are worse than i thought

I'm enjoying it

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I think it's metal heads false flagging as gizz fans lol

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As a big King Gizz fan, I honestly didn't care for Rats Nest, and I usually like metal. I listen to Mercyful Fate, Black Sabbath, Kyuss and Boris so it's nothing new for me really. Mind Fuzz and Flying Microtonal Banana are their best albums by the by. Banana in particular is a masterpiece.

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this, probabaly not even metalheads either thats just what Yea Forums does whenever a new mildly popular band releases an album

Metal does not need to be saved.
It needs to rot to complete the cycle and reborn as a poisonous undead rabid for liver worst than ever.

Gondor has no king.
Gondor needs no king.
Burger King.



delet this

Metal is doing fine. Just listen to Sunn O))) and Earth


I'd rather have this than these two

Daughters always kinds floated around noise rock but we’re really better described as crust punk early on. Still, them delving into full on noise want a shocking decision

Is there a planet B?

OP here
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This is an okay album. But I really don't see why it's getting hyped to hell by some posters on these boards.

OP here wrong image

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>thing I don't like :wojackface:
Limpwrist more faggot

Good album for sure. But definitely not their best. To me, their best is either Number of the Beast or Seventh son of a Seventh son...


Good ones, but for me, its Killers

Vektor - Terminal Redux
Batushka - Litourgiya
Deafheaven - Sunbather

That's another one that really kicks a shit ton of ass for sure, user. But the funny thing is, that was one that took me a really long time to get into. First couple of times I listened to it, I couldn't really get into Paul Di'Anno's vocals all that much. But after awhile they grew on me, and as a result, I've dug it ever since..

>I have a problem with the people who never heard metal but claim this record "saved metal" or "took metal forward"
I haven't seen anyone say this. No critics have been saying it and nobody who knows even a decent amount about music is saying it either. I'm pretty sure it's just troll threads on Yea Forums and reddit.

Its hardly a generic noise rock album. It's hardly even a noise rock album at all. It has far more in common with industrial than noise rock.

>an album halfway full of filler or an album full of repetition and progshit

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*saves metal*

Why are all metalfags absolutely obsessed with Deafheaven? They bring it up at every fucking turn.

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And which album would that be?

Well, the name is pretty cool. There's no denying that..

NotB has a lot of filler and SSoaSS is their bad attempt at prog metal

I was going to call you a faggot for including Sunbather, but you also included Terminal Redux, so I'll let it slide.

No way. NOTB is all killer and no filler. And SSOASS is probably their most epic album.

It's just that they bring it up whenever they don't like something or disagree with something.
>hey I like [thing]
>I think this is a good metal album
It's an absolute obsession and I don't get it. Is it the popularity that it had or what? It's always, ALWAYS Sunbather, they bring it up more than the fans themselves do. When's the last time you saw Sunbather posted about in anything but a shitpost?
I don't even like Deafheaven or any blackgaze/black metal but goddamn.

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Just look at the Bandcamp reviews.
> inb4 stop phoneposting

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is this shit even metal? i just marathoned 15 seconds of the album and it doesn't sound like metal. it sounds like noisy rock.

Majority of those just say "it's an 80s throwback and a good one in its own right", which is true. What's the problem?

I too marathoned 10-20 seconds of it.
I promise I will listen to it.
I just lost interest after 20 seconds.
My attention span is truly in youtube mode these days.

The problem is people who don't listen to metal claiming that "someone finally made a proper thrash album". Or claiming that it might be the best thrash album since the 80s. It's not even the best thrash album of 2019...

>marathoned 15 seconds
jesuschrist I fucking hate zoomers so much

I'm not a big fan of the sound Deafheaven had on Sunbather, but I unironically like their latest song, "Black Brick".

Seems to me that you're assuming all those people haven't listened to metal which is a big stretch, dude.
It's not exactly harsh noise, metal - thrash especially- is a pretty big and well known genre. It's not hard at all to get exposure to it. Metallica, Iron Maiden, these bands are fucking monolithic household names.

I'm actually sitting down and listening to some of their tunes right now, as a matter of fact. It sounds all right to me, but it also sounds like an awful lot like a lot of the black metal that's on the go right now. At least that's my initial impression of it..

Cringing at all you nerds lmfao

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Never heard of these guys. Give us a sample of their work, please...


No, you don't deserve it lmfao

This shit ripped off Slayer's Reign In Blood so hard
am I the only one that noticed?

Thank you.

Nah, Rats Nest has way more of a stoner metal bend to it. Different vocals, different lyrical subjects, different pacing.

What shit is that?

yeah man I get that. and this does seem like another quality release from king gizz.
but my mind IMMEDIATELY went to Reign in Blood, especially after the first few tracks.

That's a cool track.

The Sword released this same album 10 years ago. It was shit then and it's shit now. Hipsters actually think "reinventing" metal is just rehashing old shit while not looking like metalheads.

The whole album was garbage, probably the worst metal album I have ever listened too, and I listen to a lot of metal, like what the fuck were they trying to do. Metal had progressed so far in the past few years, and it is now seeing a huge resurge in popularity than Kong Gizz comes through and cucks it. Fuck King Gizz, fuck Fantano and especially fuck the King Gizz fans.

Literally nobody is saying it reinvented anything you delusional tryhard

Nah. Warp Riders was amazing. This King Gizzard album, however, is decent at best...

>Ghost is a fucking arena band now
>Slipknot has put out the best reviewed metal album in ages
>Meme Gizzard album gets overblown by Gizzdrones because Fantano hates a cancer patient
Where did metal go wrong in the timeline?

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Rats' Nest was merely okay and Microtonal Banana is still their masterpiece.
t. Gizzdrone

>I haven't seen anyone say this.
OP says literally this m8. if it's bait then it's not funny

Damn. That Garfield strip is depressing as all hell. Jim Davis must have been having a really shitty week when he drew that one..

terrible taste

Poly > Rats > Nonagon > Microtonal > everything else

>saves metal by playing absolute shit tier metal
Only someone who never tried to get into metal prior, could think this album was worth a second listen.

Baiting for replies? On MY Yea Forums?
It's more likely than you think!

There is more falseflagging than actual sincere posting in this thread. If you’ve been replying to people here just give it up

Nah, for my money it's
Microtonal > Mind Fuzz >12 Bar Bruise > Poly > Float Along > Rats Nest > the rest >>>>>>>>> Sketches

You never heard of Garfield Minus Garfield? Man, I've been on Yea Forums too long. I discovered it through Yea Forums like 10 years ago

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you'd be surprised how genuinely delusional some hardcore metalfags can be

Nice quads

I like the shouty and the big drums

Never even knew that was a thing, man. Guess I haven't been on here long enough haha..

Yeah I bet you listen to Deafheaven

I literally do

I'm listening to planet B and I keep getting distracted by how shitty the lyrics are

It's a good album, just not a good metal album.

I can't believe this, my precious well-known genre is now defiled

fuck, guess it's time to make another subgenre

because they don't like pretentious hipsters

I guess it's true that the traits we hate the most are the ones we see in ourselves

I am one of those, I know. But This thread is just people baiting each other, nothing to actually be gained here aside from people enjoying baiting other anons, but that’s every thread anyway

It's starting to even out I think

This is King Gizzard's third metal album.

I can't follow along even with the lyrics in front of me lmao

let's take it back
anything cool you found this year? any shows you've been to recently?

metal vocalists suck which is why ITRN isn't a metal album, it's hard psychprog

I’ve been exploring older shit mostly this year. Jus listened to the that unreleased ripping corpse album which was great


How about post black power doom?

Yea maybe if you're a massive faggot

*saves metal and then beats wife*

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the fact that Yea Forums is seething over fucking King Gizzard among all the bands in existence is fucking hysterical

Any thoughts on the new Opeth album?

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Butthurt metalfags are hilarious

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hows your first day on Yea Forums treating you?

>claim mediocre album saved metal
>"yeah nah it's not so good actually-"
>"ohohoho are you butthurt??!!"

kek keep seething, children

OP here
wrong image

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I think ITRN changed metal in anyway but I like it and welcome it into the gizzard catalog


Rats Nest only gets better with each listen.

There is an artificiality to USBM pushed by P4K/Fantano and other lessor known US based reviewers. They always seemed to have an inferiority complex about black metal's European and specifically Norwegian center. USBM 'innovation' like Deafheaven and Liturgy were pushed like Nachtmystium and Wolves in the Throne Room were before them, and Weakling before that. Plus it helped for the hypemen that USBM leaned left compared to Euro black metal.
t. American who despises 95% of USBM.

Does Earth really make metal anymore? Since Hex they've kind of floated off into psychedelic asphalt southwest land. Not that that's a bad thing, I loved Full Upon Her Burning Lips.

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Tobias has so much stage presence it's amazing.

What do you think of Polygonawanaland and Nonagon Infinity?

That riff is so damn good

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Yeah but King GIzzard fans are smoothbrains and bandcamp reviews are largely written by a self-selecting cohort of an act's most dedicated followers.

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Somewhere in time man