fucking owned
Fucking owned
I hate women and minorities
Well it was made on a time when Nicki Minaj was cringe so.... Based
This is now a YLYL thread
Like this is beyond based.
Wish I was born in the 1700s....
absolutely based and redpilled femoids btfo
Nicki was never cringe you faggot
Post more memes pls
sry wrong picture
Both are amazing, 10/10 ragepilled
that's the way you do it
>listening to TMR for the lyrics
Do people do this?
It has very funny lyrics
>Neon meat dream of an octofish
>Fast n bulbous
cool im 9 1/2 dont tell my mom im on this website she says im not allowed to go on it
What's your snap? ;^)
piero please leave me alone
Are rage comics making a comeback? I've been seeing them a lot lately
in a post-ironic way
le irony post irony le le
nope, it's unironic, they're just funny
They sure as fuck aren't funny
My fucking sides
To each their own.
Me on Yea Forums
cringe and bluepilled
>doesn't even defend his band, just tells that roastie to fuck off
he's the hero we don't deserve
Why is there one blank panel?
non-edgy edit
dlgkjfbrsgjhwg not scaruffi
dont do this
t. wojakposters
Good thread.