Redpill me on classical music.
Redpill me on classical music
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classical music is a jewish conspiracy to distract viral young white men from procreating with white women with aesthetic beauty and artistic expression. this thereby lowers white birth rates in an effort to ultimately bring about Jewish dominance, and white subservience. If you listen to anything other than redpilled bands like GG Allin and Death In June you're a massive cuck.
There, consider yourself redpilled.
Modern soundtracks are saturated with good shit and more often than not are always kino
Sorry wrong link
shit I meant virile, not viral
Anyone else find Mozart really... cheesy? This is coming from a pleb who rarely listens to classical but I find the most pretentious and "deep" genre of music too often has shallow sounding peices hailed as "great". Maybe this is just because normie types with a pseudo-interest in classical are responsible for popularizing the dumb and catchy compositions
Film scores are shit muzak that borrow from Mahler and other composers who were a million times more interesting and better.
Bach is shit.
Just listen to Vivaldi.
Other artists that are (((sometimes))) acceptable, that is some of their works are alright some of the time:
Vivaldi though is like elevator music. Just have it playing in the background at a low volume while you do stuff and I guarantee it will elevate your mood.
Forget about the "classical" composers and all the boring pre-900 music, get directly into the contemporary.
based and contemporary-pilled
Anything "classical" is always better in my honest opinion; more interesting, intricate, beautiful, complex, philosophical and so on; classical literature, classical music, classical cinema etc. But it's usually more interesting if you're somewhat dedicated to that field, either by being an artist and/or performer yourself, studying/analysing works or just being interested in the history and aesthetics of it. What I like about the music (at least the one I listen to) is the form, harmonic aspect and the development; it's music that is crafted so well that every time you listen to it, you find something new, like a marble.
Western classical music is also a few hundred year old music tradition that manifests itself in several completely different eras, hundreds of different instruments, ansambles, genres, forms, compositional tools etc. I'm convinced there is something for everyone if you look hard enough - that is if you aren't attracted to whatever you find immediately.
Classical music is sadly full of elitism (but I'd argue this isn't limited to it specifically, but is omnipresent) and is very old fashioned, there are some attempts to "appeal" to the younger audiences which can regularly fail spectacularly because firstly I absolutely don't think they should try and appeal to anybody as much as the amazing art already does by itself and secondly the old people who do appreciate it are very out of touch with the current reality. I still think it's the fault of our Western globalised and consumerist society that any of these great classical fields are very rarely mentioned in the mainstream and that they aren't appreciated by the younger audiences. Different time and values I suppose.
I started listening to classical music in my early 20s when I fell in love with early romantic piano music by accident and I bought a piano and started studying music more seriously and haven't looked back since. Sometimes it just finds you or you have to dive in yourself.
I do. Can't stand him.
The fact that every normie who claims to listen to classical music always names Mozart as their favourite composer, the one who supposedly made the best sounding compositions, simply shows their limited comprehensive ability regarding the art of music as a whole. Without a systematic view on the Westerner classical, one is unable to understand the true complexity of what we call classical. It goes beyond shiny instruments and operatic vocals, it's the soundtrack of a society, the highest level of artistical expression normies can't digest.
However, they found Mozart, which is pretty much The Beatles of classical. While his influence is considerable, the actual music is not as epic as Richard Wagner's, nor as intriguing as Karlheinz Stockhausen's, it's simply what the general uneducated audience considers to be the pinnacle of musical expression, without having in consideration the forward thinking attitude, nor the subtleties other composers show.
But the worst is the normies not fully getting something as childish as Mozart. While everyone with a slight interest in classical music will look at Mozart as an easy listen, the uncultured bunch will hold him in high regard for as long as they can, ignoring everything new happening around them in terms of music. They won't evolve into respectable knowledgeable listeners, but they will continue this absolutely disgusting circlejack around the cheese of classical.
The only thing we can do about them 8s to denigrate them to the point of leaving this music in the ears of those who'll aappreciate it to its real value.
Take the divinepill.
This is fine as well.
Mozart underrating is a mental disease.
Mozart asskissing is a sign of uncultured musical taste.
Tchaikovsky on guitar is pretty kino
Leck mich im Arsch
This is the equivalent to an ambient artist fucking around with delay pedals. Just cause you can notitate something doesnt make it anymore legitimate. I could improvise the same shit. The fact that someone took time to notate it makes it even more lame. Classical players are ass.
>I could improvise the same shit
But you don't, so shut the fuck up. It's obvious you haven't got the faintest idea of contemporary classical music so pipe down. It's easy to scream
but to have some actual valid criticism? Nah, I don't see it.
Calm down, Adam Neely.
Neely doesn't even listen to classical music, you Dunning-Kruger ass.
Can we just agree that Classical music is better than rap?
cringe and bluepilled
I'll drop the ultimate pill right here: classical music is the only music you or anyone needs. Just stay away from the semitic piano diddlers.
>I'll drop the ultimate pill right here: classical music is the only music you or anyone needs.
Fucking BA-
>Just stay away from the semitic piano diddlers.
Cringe and bluepilled.
Im a jazz player and the classical players at school were fucking dweebs who couldnt hang for shit. We did stuff like this all the time in modern music ensemble. Its fucking nonsense. he would agree and did a video on the cult of notation
cope harder classical musicians are paralyzed without a score. They cant even recognize chord progressions. I was married to one I know your scene.
>Im a jazz player and the classical players at school were fucking dweebs who couldnt hang for shit.
I don't give a shit what you think people are like at school, kid.
>We did stuff like this all the time in modern music ensemble. Its fucking nonsense.
Congratulations, you still haven't got a clue about contemporary classical music, so again: pipe down.
>cope harder classical musicians are paralyzed without a score. They cant even recognize chord progressions.
lmao you're absolutely clueless.
>I was married to one I know your scene.
Did you have a good wedding, my man?
>cope harder classical musicians are paralyzed without a score.
yeah because that music is far too complex and difficult to play without a score genius. go memorise your shitty ii-V-I in your jazz general oh wait you don't have one
>chord progressions
so this is the power of jazz...
These aren't arguments and you havent qualified yourself. Classical music comes write out of academia you dork. Where else are you going to find a group of fags who play dorky instruments. Quit larping you fat pimplefaced highschooler. You dont know shit about fuck all. It shows
Jazz is more dead than classical (but not as dead as contemporary).
This symphonic poem is pretty great
>no u
>These aren't arguments and you havent qualified yourself.
Its very transparent youre an unintersting loser who has to use pretentious music as a fashion statement to seem interesting. YOure not going to score pussy with the act so just drop it. Maybe hit a gym or something. The beautiful weirdo thing isnt working for you
lmao look at this seething projecting faggot
>classical cinema
Doesn't exist
>Renaissance > Baroque > Medieval > Classical > Romantic >>>>>>>>> Modern
user they don't understand music, forgive them
that Petuch piece is a banger
Classical as in classics, silly. Cinema has classics.
>representing an exemplary standard within a traditional and long-established form or style.
Truly the biggest brainlet opinion. Just lump everything that happened after Tristan und Isolde as MODERN and call it bad, eh?
But at least you put Renaissance as first so you at least have SOME brain capacity.
You lump everything after Parsifal as modern.
Then you call THAT bad.
>Renaissance > Modernism > Romanticism > Baroque > Medieval > Classical > Post-modernism > Contemporary
The modern age began in the 16th century so basically everything after that is garbage.
Where's Japonism
Can video-game osts be classical?
No you fucking weaboo, they're just video-game OSTs
>Redpill me on
you're a basic schmuck.
listen to Prokofiev, Khachaturian, Shostakovich and Scriabin.
That's the worst list I've ever seen
hello pleb department
Mozart is patrician tier and a good pleb filter.
kys normie
t. contrairian
kys hipster academic, no one wants to listen to your jewish farthuffing
based and redpilled
based and redpilled
also stay away from Chopin for the start
>Im a jazz player
Yes. Example: Homm & RTCW
EPIC ORCHESTRAL HANS ZIMMER TAIKO DRONE CHOIR music however is an unfortunate and failed child of modern classic.
you have an absurd shittaste
listen to Arvo Pärt
Stop listening to fucking post-wagner pianofags like Liszt and Choping and shit they all suck balls
>However, they found Mozart, which is pretty much The Beatles of classical. While his influence is considerable, the actual music is not as epic as Richard Wagner's, nor as intriguing as Karlheinz Stockhausen's
Sometimes I'm embarrassed of being a Wagnerfag
>The fact that every normie who claims to listen to classical music always names Mozart as their favourite composer
They actually don't. Normies name Tchaikovsky and Chopin. Normies who namedrop Mozart comes from normies who don't actually listen to classical music and just remember this name from school and want to seem intelligent by doing so.
No. Normies always name Mozart, Beethoven, Lizst, Chopin, Tchaikovsky and Bach. Always. I think they think normal people don't know these (Lizst, Tchaikovsky, Bach). Fuck, it's embarrassing.
Most of my normie friends think Mozart's boring and like Chopin better (and by "like" I mean they hear 1 hour long compilations on youtube but it's more than they've heard any Mozart)
This is where you are wrong. Normies wouldn't even know how to write Liszt. (just like you ironically), yet alone be able to appreciate the absolute superbness that is Bach.
this, always the case
I don't listen to Liszt. But here in Brazil they aways say they like Chopin, Liszt, Bach and Tchaikovsky. They don't always say they like Mozart and Beethoven because they know every normie that claim to listen to classical music say they like Mozart and Beethoven.
Meus amigos normalveados tudo escutam só Chopin mesmo e Wagner (só excerpts da orchestra, não as óperas obv) Sou btw. Até meu amigo que "gosta" de clássica e toca piano gosta praticamente só de Chopin, Liszt, e de tocar música de anime pq ele é weeb. Nunca que ele saberia quem é Scriabin por exemplo, e ele acha Mozart genérico e chato
your post is the dumbest thing I have read in this year, but
>it's the soundtrack of a society
is the most genius description of classical music I have ever heard. congrats.
>Even my friend who "likes" classical and piano plays just like Chopin, Liszt, and playing anime music because he's weeb.
what do brazilian weebs actually look like?
into the trash it goes
They are fat, half nigger and half white (pardos), ugly as fuck and use anime t-shirts. They are dumb as well. Most of them.
you are mixing up a lot of sentiments there based on some strange preconceived notion of what classical fans are like. First get a sense of the style of the time Mozart was writing music.
What was seen as stylish and good at the time was a purposeful turn towards simplicity and having a sort of nimble and lively quality to the music. The music was meant to be easy to grasp and appreciate while still being at a compositional level worthy of high art status (as opposed to folk music). If you can't listen to Mozart and immediately appreciate the straightforward beauty of the melodies and harmonies then you are missing a big part of it.
you can shove his eurasianist bullshit up your ass, you mongolian monstrosity
>kys hipster academic, no one wants to listen to your jewish farthuffing
Not an argument.
The meaning of music is to evolve through time and to research/express different and newer things, dwelling only in the past with no understanding of the actuality makes you stuck and retarded. Most of pre-900 music only lives for historical and legacy reasons, but no more it has any relevant impact on the industrial-technological society we live in. If you only listen to Mozart or Bach and such you may be a patrician or a fine musician, but at the same time you may also be an old grandma who bitterly refutes the age he lives in.
Quando eu vou conversar sobre musica com alguem na vida real eu nem pergunto sobre musica classica. Na verdade, eu nem converso sobre musica na vida real. Quando eu pergunto que tipo de musica alguem gosta eles citam eletronica, indie rock, trap e pop. Citam musica classica, mas geralmente eles citam os que eu citei.
He's very pale, has a terrible mustache and a shitty neckbeard to hide the fact his face is round and chubby (the beard doesn't work as his face still looks like a circle), is surprisingly thin otherwise but def out of shape. He's like 5'7 and always wears grey clothing over anime or gaming t shirts
Why are classical musicians so good looking?
They all look like pedophiles
>muh current society
Current society is fucking shit. Music designed to reflect it is going to be fucking shit as well.
>eles citam eletronica, indie rock, trap e pop
você fala como se isso fosse necessariamente ruim
(não sou o quotado)
>muh beauty
Enjoy being a brainlet.
>citam twenty one pilots e qualquer outra banda horripilante da moda
classic master race
>liszt and chopin
Don't even have a brainlet image ridiculous enough to go with that
>The meaning of music
you should stop
> is to evolve through time
>express different and newer things
>understanding of the actuality
Kill yourself retarded 16yos.
imagine letting other peoples basic taste affect your perception of a genius composer
basically... jazz is better
Jazz is great until the improv begins lol
Wagner and Beethoven.
That's the most important part, and classical music stole it.
I only listen to the theme and then skip to the next track tb.h I absolutely despise jazz improv sections
Classical musicians and composers improvised about 400 years before jazz was even born lmao
I'll admit that that practice had almost completely died in the previous century though, save for aleatoric stuff.
beauty, truth and goodness are inseparable. this has been known to us since the dawn of humanity.
Pic related has always been the enemy of beauty and truth.
You can't prove any of that, tee-hee
yes, I can: post body
I will keep that in mind
Most of the classical kids in my school were also in the jazz band