This shit is absolutely boring. Waifuism truly is a mental disease.
What the fuck Yea Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>actually listening to this
He actually fell for it.
>he got memed into actually listening to this garbage
I liked Sofia, but thats about it
This might be her greatest song. Listen to those lyrics.'s so painful.
Ripped off Soko and Ariel Pink
Life is a flat circle
bad news, K-pop is almost all waifuism
Well, i respect her less now but at least she is not an ugly roastie like the one in the video
i want to make pizza pies with clairo
Did you actually listen to the album its great
heck yea sis!
Lol dumbass
the only Immunity that matters
this album/artist has been on my feed on instagram, spotify, youtube for the past month. What in fuck's name is this?
indie saviour of diy bedroom pop clairochan
I don't really fuck with that shit, sad
Is she like, an industry plant or something?
ask me how i know you're involuntary celibate
like clockwork
>mu latches to a shit artist, shilling them at every opportunity
>newfags and normies actually listen to them
>mu goes *muh secret club mode* explaining the whole thing was a joke n they never liked them
clairo and shillie eilish get so many threads to filter the newfags
i love her song bags, softly, and sofia. and recently been listening to white flag, which i think is great
it’s a bop sis
white flag is song of the album IMO
I like bags, I wouldn't ask you, Sofia, softly, and white flag
North is okay
The rest are boring
Also impossible is good too but it honestly sounds like an Ariana song
>20 second amateur intro where nothing else happens other than a boring drone and a chord progression
>no buildup
>no inspire interest
>no melody
Holy shit I made garbage like this when I was 14 years old holy shit.
Yes she’s an industry plant
Don't deny that "Closer to You" is great.
that's based
the industry didnt make her viral video that got her started
You got trolled nigga
isn't her dad like the main starbucks advertising guy? I don't think faking a viral video would be that tough for him. nor would paying a couple people to spam her on Yea Forums or twitter