The great debate

The great debate

Attached: 111.jpg (620x300, 26K)

Every Strokes album is better than every Interpol album.

interpol is garbage

Left, obviously

It's a knee.

Interpol by a margin. People keep accusing them of ripping off Joy Division but it isn't nearly as bad as how The Strokes ripped off Tom Petty with Last Nite

I normally hate people who get a choice between two albums but instead choose a third that no one mentionedto feel unique, but honestly pic related.

Attached: You Forgot It In People.jpg (1000x1000, 902K)

what debate? interpol and it's not even a contest

stop posting the britbong knee bullshit, its such a poor representation of the album and its completely soulless

Attached: c1b895b7.jpg (320x320, 48K)

left is a picture of a projector screen in a classroom
right is a picture of someone wearing leather gloves holding their ass
since I prefer thighs to ass, I'm going to have to choose left

the band's original vision was that the british cover be that associated with the album. it also happens to be the better cover.

How is that a knee?

if you choose interpol you are either
1. stupid contrarian
2. low T

Interpol because I'm not braindead

t. Jewlian Assablancas

It's not, it's a chick with no ass

Attached: it's a knee dude.jpg (407x313, 12K)

Interpol. The Strokes are soulless alternative butt rock

So its a knee with no knee cap? Have you seen a knee before? Nobody short of an overweight elderly person that has kidney issues has a knee that looks like that.

Based as shit my nigga

that't not where the ass goes, brush up on your anatomy and MS Paint

Not everything needs to be sexualized. You're just seeing what you want to see.

Attached: dat ass.jpg (1080x1062, 132K)

yeah, that cover really represents the album perfectly.

If you dont know what a knee looks like, its you who needs to brush up on their perception.
pic related: little girl getting kneed in the face.

Attached: bcffe48510cefd00fb16791777b375a7174101b71f9a82ee9a84c95967b2f440.jpg (604x603, 56K)

>ass is inherently sexual
why are kneefags such perverts?

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Interpol is fucking trash compared to Is This It

This album blows

This but unironically.