Sun's out, guns out edition.
New to production? Check it:
Post what you're looking for in feedback. GIVE feedback to get feedback.
Post WIP's on
DON'T link to Soundclouds or youtube channels
Sun's out, guns out edition.
New to production? Check it:
Post what you're looking for in feedback. GIVE feedback to get feedback.
Post WIP's on
DON'T link to Soundclouds or youtube channels
Other urls found in this thread:
so close...
blessed thread
So what're you homos working on today? Anything? I just haven't been felling it recently.
dealing with delays and poor communication from a couple of people. shit keeps you on edge. i want to switch into writing mode but know i'll probably get interrupted if i do. real fidgety.
obsessively revising a weird chord progression
ambient stuff and that sound design thingy
playing piano right now... thinking about sakamoto and 2814 mostly. also zelda
feel like shite today. past few days have been terrible sleep and terrible songs. terrible /prod/ recently :S
I made this.
Also, I'm beginning to realize that if I want anybody to give a damn about my pixelshit music, it's going to need a pixelshit indie video game to go along side it, so I've been watching Godot tutorials.
>that if I want anybody to give a damn about my pixelshit music, it's going to need a pixelshit indie video game to go along side i
Does fearofdark make his own game?
Just focus on music if that's what you like. Find someone else to make a game if you really want your music associated with a game.
Did Disapterpiece make a game? No.
I'm remixing Schubert
Also, how much should I expect to pay for someone to manually mix/master my shit (2-3 minute tracks with mostly synths)? I play piano and now I'm getting into synths and stuff. What I like the most is composing, but sound design for individual instruments and sound effects is cool too, but mixing all the shit together is just too boring for me.
>I'm remixing Schubert
How does it feel knowing that you'll never live up to Liszt's transcriptions?
I can't compose because I know I will never top Gaspard de la Nuit ;_;
That's a bit silly. Someone's always better than you, smarter than you, more talented than you. But someone's also better than all your favorite artists. It didn't stop them.
>But someone's also better than all your favorite artists. It didn't stop them.
Thank you, user. I need to read this.
Can someone help me with Kontakt? I downloaded Shreddage 3 Stratus, and when I tried to open the instruments, it says "They belong to a library that's not installed." But when I go into the Library Manager, and try to add the folder as a library, it doesn't detect any library. There's no installation instructions with the download so I'm stuck
How do I get it so that I can hear both my Technics and my PC line out through my monitor speakers? I know I need a preamp for the Technics to get them audible, but if they're plugged into the speakers then there's nowhere for my PC to plug into.
What's the best way so I can have both without constantly unplugging cables?
I dont have furniture at my new place so i cant do shit till i get paid
reinstall delete reinstall, give up
i hate native access, so janky
did you get a serial number from isw in your email?
I'm a noob at making electronic music, decided to try and make something. I get to this point and then im stuck and don't really know what to do next. I guess i should listen to music other people have made and try and note the way they put their tracks together. I also think when my secondary melodies come in they're too loud.
Hello gentlemen. What would you say are your MUST HAVE VST's?
For me atm it's gota be Fabfilter Pro Q but I cause I really can't see myself using another EQ but I've been looking for more vsts to build my arsenal.
r8 my mixes. currently working with a buddy for the vocals on the first one. these wont be on the same project.
massive serum absynth
limiter no 6 gang >:))))
sound design is such a fucking chore... fucking hate it
Just let me make music and mix.
which genre is this?
psychedelia to me
>if you sit there and think about it too much, your shit is probably wack
>it's all really emotion, I don't really think too much
>just filter out the the bassline and play over it, then go up from there
Is this good advice from Madlib?
1 more often than not
2 person to person; some people are more analytical
3 ?
i will say however that talented musicians who talk like that and make it sound effortless like: "bro just let it flow" are full of shit
... or not full of shit but like, 1: it's not cool to talk about how hard you try, and 2: NO SHIT they don't have to try as hard, they've been doing it for years and years and thousands of hours; some amateur working with his shitty equipment in his bedroom is naturally going to be slower in every aspect.
"don't overthink" is shit advice for most people
audio interface if you want to run the turntable thru your computer
Mixer if you don’t
Stereo receiver with multiple inputs if you are okay hitting a button to switch between the table and pc
massive x sounds incredible (better than serum imo) but it’s buggy as shit and is missing basic features that apparently won’t be implemented until December
im going to make hiphop beats and you can't do anything to stop me
i dont know shit about actually making music but i like drone and i just bought a micromoog for 400 bucks at a pawn shop and this was the first thing i recorded w/ it in ableton, who wnts to hear it
Just got FL Studio a few hours ago. What genre should I start with first? Don't know anything about music theory or production in general (l'll be sure to check out the pastebin). I'm kind of excited, but I'll mess with it tomorrow since I'm tired.
what needs to be done to this track?
any feedback
What genres do you like to listen to?
Make some simple version of that.
Use the file manager and drag in the nki file to the instrument space
hey yall! im pretty new to Yea Forums so imma just get this outta the way. im pretty new to music production and recently started up a soundcloud and was hoping to get my music out there! Surley chuck us a listen anons @
this doesn't tickle my fancy at all
please read the OP before posting.
been drowning in uni work
just use samples bro
the link should be made to work
everything is too 'on the grid'. all the instruments sound too clean/by the numbers also. it has this kind of midi feeling. there's nothing wrong with this arrangement, you need to pick timbres of sound that give a more cohesive feeling
Any youtubers that don't make hiphop beats or meme music channels? i want to see rock or metal tutorials.
ignore genres for now, just mess around and try and make something at least coherent
hard to mix bass in my apartment, let me know how it sounds
if you just want a mix focused thing for free, head over to:
there's 3 beginners intros for free.
i haven't seen the paid stuff but it's supposed to be quite good.
there's plenty of rock mixing sessions over at puremix that you can pirate as well.
kick is about 3-4ish dB too loud
I find it strange that the left hand of the rhodes sound is basically all the tonal bass you have until the wobble comes in, maybe reinforce that with something that sounds more like an actual bass, there's space if you turn down the kick,
also the wobble is pretty weak and small with no sub frequencies and no impact at all, I'm not sure what's the purpose of it, it comes down to an arrangement issue.
you need to decide if you just want another small interesting element to go with the guitars and the rest - that shouldn't be a wobble then because it's almost comedic.
or if you want it to feel more like a typical drop, then the wobble needs to be huge and the arrangement needs to be stripped of all the soft ambient instrumentation for that part
Eq it in, don’t just use the volume slider
bit of a pet peeve, but your drum panning bugs me. the snare/snap on the third(?) being panned to the right esp leaves the center sounding weird and hollow.
agree with other guy about the wobble. just use a long filter envelope instead and layer in a subbass.
kick is a bit loud but i've heard louder still. bring it down a little.
there are arrangement issues as well, piece sort of drifts aimlessly, but it might be okay in the context of a release.
help me out bros
thanks guys
i'll turn the kick down a bit, the wobble is kinda weak because i wanted the guitar bit to be front-and-center, but i'm not sure i quite have that, i'll see what i can do to make it better
hey my dude, it's kind of hard to do feedback on this for a number of reasons. just to start simple, are your drums basically just a break and then run through a phaser or smth?
>are your drums basically just a break and then run through a phaser or smth?
okay, my man. sounds a bit like it, esp the phasing part.
they sound a bit flabby and struggle to cut through your mix. start by bringing them up a bit and saturating them a bit, maybe a little bit of a high end boost. that gabberish kick also lacks any weight and presence.
strip back the track to just the drums and tighten everything up there first.
the glitchy stuff running throughout sounds a bit too wide for its own good.
again, it's hard to assess because it is a bit of a mess at the moment.
i think the mix sounds fine
can you critique the rest of the song disregarding the mix?
nah, i'll leave that to you. you know best.
>can you critique this mess without talking about the mix
no, it's a trainwreck, and I can't understand anything you're going for compositionally because of it
delet and start over
stop playing games
A neat little video about promo for musicians:
Maybe someone here can find it useful.
/prod/ died yesterday like 180 posts and its about to die again today officially is kill
MASSIVE X is the biggest disappointment of 2019
is omnisphere actually worth having?
is most of its value just in the massive preset library that comes with it?
i'm only half considering it seems like it would lend itself well to commissioned work with tight deadlines when you just need to bust stuff out quick.
Trap obviously
people say it is good its not just a rompler it has a synth engine but there is no demo so if you are considering paying you need to pirate and see if you like the presets
It’s a lot of solid sounds for a lot of instruments you’d otherwise have to go through the trouble of finding libraries for
Yeah it’s probably worth having
This general is ass right now and I’m not bumping near death on purpose
i'm covered for soft-synths which is why i'm really not sure about it. the interface for programming it looks ghastly so i'd rather do any serious work elsewhere. it would function purely as a rompler.
thanks. i guess i'll do the piracy thing the other dude suggested to see if it's even worth it.
are loading times and cpu usage manageable or it is kontakt-tier loads?
apology for poor english
when were you when /prod/ dies?
i was sat at home on eurorack wehn steve duda call
"analoge is kill"
Yeah, that’s pretty much the situation it’s made for- I’m sure some people like it for synths but that’s not what justifies the price
Part of the problem
done in 35 minutes on a work break
nearly no mixing ofc
not used to that style, tell me how it goes
How do I go about making my drums sound soft and distant? seems like every tutorial tries doing the opposite
in a literal sense, you mostly get distance from 3 things:
1. lower volume
2. high frequency fall off.
3. blend of ambience signal vs original signal
i think the stereo spread might go up as well but don't quote me on it.
you can try something like:
but you'll probably want to be a little less literal.
high shelves will be your friend.
re: softness. you'll get some of it from the high frequency roll off, but you'll probably want to reign in transients a little via compression or transient shaping or stick hits into samplers and play with attack times.
oh also:
airwindows has a distance thing in set of free vsts
if you're on ableton, i think robert henke made a maxforlive distance device ages ago.
in addition to this fine post the actual performance matters a lot too - for drums you want to find a sample where the drums are hit very lightly.
sometimes drummers will use towels or other objects to dampen the kit and also use different sticks like brushes to further soften the impact
it will be difficult to make a loud, hard hitting sample appear soft and in the distance
I dig this quite a bit. feel like the bass could use some more motion, like a parallel filter lfo or something
Pretty neat, dunno what style that is though. Did you do this on a laptop or one of the mobile DAWs?
it's really muddy, I don't think the kick and bass work very well together, and everything seems like it's in mono?
for the 303 you need to really perform it, get in there and move some more knobs not just the res
also the pattern at 2:35 is the better one, the original doesn't loop as well
I don't believe you, this progresses way too slowly for an amphetamine track.
hate u all
>hate u all
I remember someone posted on one of these threads a site that let you queue the links from audioz. You just copied the list, spit on their page and the downloads would automatically roll on. Does anyone remember what I'm talking about?
Don't know what you're talking about, but I use JDownloader for that.
Don't JDownloader asks for captcha and makes you wait?
I don't know how exactly that site worked, but it was like you had a premium account on any hosting service. I thought it was bullshit, but I downloaded some libraries and it worked like a charm.
>Don't JDownloader asks for captcha and makes you wait?
Yes it does unfortunately.
>I don't know how exactly that site worked, but it was like you had a premium account on any hosting service. I thought it was bullshit, but I downloaded some libraries and it worked like a charm.
I did a quick search through the past few threads.
Is it real-debrid?
real debrid
what the hell is wrong with is arm?
before i was making okay music
but now i am making bad music
do not be like me
do not make the bad musics
wanking too much
what if i wanna make bad music
Thanks man. since im a noob in pure electronica, I guess minimal techno/ambient/IDM?
Burzum collab with Boris Brejcha was what I felt when jamming it.
yeah; laptop, faggot loops 20, DUNE3 VST for the synth and bass (DUNE is pretty based)
Very glad you dig it, and in retrospect that's exactly what it needs - more motion which I wasn't getting with the single sidechain
Good ear, thanks man
I really like sounds more on the pure sine wave side on themselves, but they tend to sound a bit dull on the mix. How can I make this kind of sound more interesting without losing the "clean" characteristic of the sine waves?
you can't desu, sine waves are sine waves you really can't do much more than the basics, especially when keeping it clean.
>inb4 some nigger says shit about resampling and making it into whatever, the key word is clean
Use synths with additive capabilities where you can draw in the individual harmonics (like Operator, Sytrus, or Serum) and make a waveform with the fundamental at 100% and a fewharmonics at a signiicantly lower volume than they'd be on a normal basic wave.
Or start with a triangle and lower the harmonics to taste.
Or add octaved harmonics (fundamental, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc.) at the right amplitude so that they change how the sound is perceived but don't actually make it sound complex.
Yeah like the other fag said the "clean" sound of a sine is because it's just one pure frequency.
You could try distorting the sine slightly, but you'd lose some of that cleanness, or you could try using an additive synth, since they basically make complex sounds by mixing a ton of sine waves, and are usually described as being clean and digital compared to subtractive synths.
>school starts
>/prod/ dies
See you in November.
just a coincidence
lucky we still have the worst posters though......
im supposed to be learning music but instead im falling in love with this man
Buying clothes is cheating
fuck this shit man
gross, he looks like g-man
no hes a pretty boy and he sounds like an angel
>I also think when my secondary melodies come in they're too loud
They're not too loud at all. They just need to be mixed differently.
the synths never go anywhere interesting. Maybe switch them out half way through. Not enough progression for my taste. Also your percussion patterns dont change up much at all until the end. Need to keep it varied for this type of song. I like the ending though, sounds cool
If this post is even I'm taking a break.
How much storage do you use on music anons?
i need feedback, thanks
Like just straight up ableton project is 20~ gigs
Consolidated sample library is... idk 10? (Foley) Drums are actually only like 300 mb
And then however much komplete is
1tb archive - RAID network storage
50gb dedicated to only active projects (last year ish) on my system SSD
Grove is nice.
There's probably a market for it, even if it is just ironically.
I'm thinking about going full minimalist. I will keep my favorite synth (Aalto) plus Phase Plant as my workhorse, the Sound Toys bundle and a multi-effect and my mixing tools. I wast too much time playing with random plugins instead of diving deep on a few.
can someone recommend a good guitar plugin that's not a Kontakt library?
any feedback?
use dexed presets
They're all kontakt
why do normalfags advertise jew juice for free?
wow classic in 2 days see ya lads never again
go ask /fit/
this is not a thread for advertising your shit faggot
thank you user, I will look into all of this
in this regard, do you have any suggestion on drum kits/instruments that could work?
garbage.garbage.garbage. ya'll need to stop.
salty ass nigga
not that user, but multi-sampled drum libraries (bfd, superior drummer, even the battery stock library) will all have low-velocity hits sampled for everything. iirc bfd 3 has damping options in the vst but i don't think it's sampled, just modelled.
the jazz kits will usually get you brushed hits as well.
Is it possible to deepen your singing voice?
Lowest note I can sing is F#2, and as a guitar player it kind of annoys me I can't sing just two semitones lower to get to E2
Two semitones is probably achievable (it highly depends on your situation) with breathing and singing techniques.
I don't know much about singing so I'm talking out of my ass here, but I'm pretty confident that it's very doable.
Maybe start here:
>mixbus TV
based and redpilled
10ish tb
>fall asleep at desk while working on project
>wake up groggy with a sore neck
>shut off computer and quickly stumble into bed
> lost the entire night's progress
How the fuck do you deal with the infinite options? Whenever I'm trying to compose I just jump around to different ideas rather than sticking with one. Any advice, this sucks
Not having auto save enabled
If your approach is "mhh... let's see what would be cool to put here..." then you're doing it wrong for so many reasons.
Start with a big picture vision so that when you work all your choices are deliberate.
This way you'll always know what to do to reach your goal and you won't waste time fumbling aimlessly like a dumb bitch who spends an hour every day choosing what to wear.
So to make a song, you need to abandon your generative thought process and focus on the realization of a vision... sounds about right, thanks
It's not the only approach, but yes, it's a good one that would solve your indecisiveness problem.
Your vision can be as detailed as hearing a full song in your head, or as vague as a big picture idea like a mood, or a theme, or a purpose that your song is made for.
Or anything in between.
The important part is to have a destination so you're not wandering aimlessly, and you only think "now I need X, how do I get it?" and the answer is usually immediate, or at least much faster than when you have no goal and just want to add cool shit (which is usually also a bad approach because it makes the song more like a compilation of cool stuf than a PIECE, which is what you should strive to create as an artist).
Any DJs itt? I got memed into playing a set in a semi big club. So far i only recorded mixes for youtube and never played for a crowd. I'm unironically about to shit my pants and i only have one week left.
You could just use Ableton or Traktor or something, but I recommend getting something compatible with Rekordbox (the club will probably have CDJs) and learning the basics with YouTube tutorials.
Spend all day practicing and make your life easier by preparing a setlist in advance.
You can always cheat and make the set at home and just pretend to DJ, but that should be your last resort.
Good luck.
Omnisphere takes about 15+ seconds to load up for me in fl20/win10 on a 860 EVO SSD, that can't be normal right? Patches load quick af though.
what's your CPU?
you guys should add Great Songwriting Techniques by Jack Perricone ot the pastebin
seriously, why is no one talking about this book? It's the ONLY book I've read that actually teaches serious composition for non classical musicians. I'm in chapter 4 and I've already learned a lot more than I did in the hundreds of boring or incomplete theory books I pirated. It's on libgen.
Also check out the calarts approaching music theory course on coursera, it's free and very hands-on. It has a focus on melody unlike most theory courses which only teach you the mechanical "chord progressions -> melody on top" functional harmony meme
I never save my projects, only export to wav when I think they're done. If it it doesn't flow naturally enough to finish in one sitting it probably isn't worth keeping.
Either put some artificial limits on yourself (like only a few synths, a specific genre, a specific key, etc) or if that doesn't help much force yourself to work on only one part until it's good enough to stand on it's own.
Tenors can't sign bass, I've told you this before, Sammy.
I have cracked Kontakt 6.1.1., but there are tons of libraries that it won't recognize. "No library found." Anyone know how to fix this? From looking online it looks like you have to edit some number in the instrument file or something, but I'm not sure.
Some people just keep insisting on their mistakes
Yes it's totally possible. Tenors can sing bass parts, it doesn't sound as resonant as an actual bass voice but it's still singing these notes. And Billy gibbons who is a bass can sing on fourth and fifth octave.
What I know about it is that you need to strengthen the voice muscles and you do that by practicing singing low on a daily basis. It's also about relaxation to reach lower notes but I haven't figured that very well myself SO FAR. Also I heard practicing your upper range strengthens some parts of the voice better than practicing lows, so ideally you'd practice both ends of the range
can you add any libraries at all?
I can add some, but not others. And I downloaded a stand-alone 5.6.6, and once I add certain libraries to that, I can then add them 6.1.1. But there's a library I really want, for example, that was created with 5.7, so it won't open in either one!
Older libraries (prior to NI's Native Access library management introduced in later version 5 installs - 5.8 onwards I believe) needed an NICNT file associated with the library - it's this file that Kontak uses when importing and the number you've mentioned is probably the SNPID that's contained in the xml-formatted NICNT file. SNPID needs to be unique for the library, if it's already being used by another library (or if it's already a registered ID for a library that Kontakt is aware of) you'll get conflicts.
Could be that Native Access still uses these? There's a tool called MINI-NICNT that can create the file you need for installation, choose your SNPID carefully though. There's a SNPID lister tool for that too.
see or search for tinytoolz on audioz
look up how to use third party libraries in kontakt
Can I ask what kind of jobs you guys have/had to pay your bills? Is being poor just the norm when you want dedicate your life to music?
I find myself enjoying nothing I take in college and I'm wondering if there's something I'm missing out on. Don't want to be poorer than any girl though. Pic unrelated.
Engineer -- no time for music. ;_;
Fuggg, that was about the last field I had any hope for. Do you work in a studio? If you could have any other job what would it be?
tfw got my ears cleaned by an ENT and now a lot of music sounds harsh on the low highs
If everything bores you just go for banking/finance. It's all low tier math but the pay is mid to high tier without a huge amount of personal involvement on your part, and very stable.
i work as a shopkeeper, 44 weekly hours making minimum wage which is 250 a month.
i get to sit doing nothing for hours and i can read and listen to music but my mind is always too nervous to actually make good out of it
Is this the place you work at?
Your brain just needs time to adjust, you can at least trust that what you're hearing now is more accurate.
>44 hours a week
Jesus dude go be a refugee in Europe, those are slave hours for a wagie.
Resource planning analyst, 30 hrs Mon-Fri part-time so I'm home by 2pm. If I had to recommend this job to anyone who wants to still have a good work/life balance I'd advise to stay away from the real-time delivery roles, because they are pretty full-on while you're on the job and decompression takes longer when you leave the office.
Pay is ok, not great, but you won't be bored and you do get lots of opportunities to solve problems so it's not something you'd hate if you have any kind of math/engineering mindset.
Fuck it. I'm finna flip a beatles sample.
on US they force you to work even more or else they fire you
False my dude, over 40 hours is mandatory overtime pay so most companies avoid it whenever possible.
here in brazil a bunch of lower class jobs work even sundays, notably supermarket jobs and telemarketing
why is that a gif
>Do you work in a studio?
Structural. No. Software engineer.
Not for salaried slaves like me.
I repair boomer geearrr. I work from home every day. Been on the grind in music jobs since 16. Mixing doesn't pay shit because artists refuse to spend money. Selling music doesn't pay because people stream and every dumbass kid makes music now.
Finally things have started falling into place where I can just tweak around with electronic music stuff for a living. It's only a survivable wage repairing boomer gear, yet yknow.. that's all I ever wanted. All I ever needed was here, in my house.
You will always be poorer than a girl however because you bemoan life instead of working to change it.
Yeah I forgot to say salaribois are different, the Fed doesn't have as many protection laws for people that prove they're not retarded. Fugg I need a new job.
>randomize a 909
>now I'm Aphex Twin
best DAW for rock music?
protools, cubase, studio one, reaper
take your pick
Is pro tools crackable? I heard cubase is not.
there is the 2014 and 2016 versions of protools i see on rutracker
cubase you can but only the 10 year old version 5
What should it be?
There's an older version of protools from maybe 3 years ago. It's still fine. Cubase not so much. Studio one iirc is mostly former cubase devs so go there if you want the latest and greatest. Reaper is arguably more feature complete than any of the others but I don't know if I'd recommend it to people who aren't power users.
i kinda like it. i'd add another/deeper bassline if there isn't one already
can anyone rate the production on this? any thoughts?
pretty good. i like the messy sounding vibe, those steel drums are a good touch.
mind giving some thoughts on my beat?
>Not for salaried slaves like me.
what does that mean?
when does the 40 hour limit apply?
For people who are paid hourly.
I’m trying to make some sample based hip hop here.
How can I just cut a sample from another song in ableton live 10? I’ve got most of the interface down I just can’t figure that out
Where do I find a good producer to execute my ideas?
Right here friend.
heck you, you called me a fag last time :(
simpler in slice mode.
highlight, ctrl+l. double click the audio in the viewer to make a warp point
do it yourself
he doesn't know theory
Oh, just another FL studio user I see.
Do you know chords?
Ableton actually
On Fiverr.
I didn't call you a fag. This is my first time posting here. Let me hear your music
...OH well now i don't have to beg for validation and i lost all interest!:S
nah what are you trying to do/what can you do? i make a lot of different shit, mostly focus on the experimental part of electronic stuff but i dabble in trap, boom bap/wonky and rock
would prefer to discuss these ideas elsewhere, but i'd like to capture depressive indie rock styled music and mix it with trap. i do like experimental stuff but mostly hip hop work like LUM
well lum is my shit, "indie rock" is vague as fuck though. by experimental i meant more in the deconstructed club, techno and ambient world arca, sophie, autechre and oneohtrix point never and so on
we can talk if you wanna drop a discord (I need to reanonymize lol)
>guitar - fuzz and wah - other pedals - amp - mics
>guitar - fuzz and wah - amp - mics - plugins
>guitar - fuzz and wah - other pedals - amp - line
>guitar - fuzz and wah - other pedals - line
>guitar - fuzz and wah - amp - line -plugins
>guitar - fuzz and wah - line - plugins
i'm a begginer pls no bully
i have a shitty guitar i bought for 5 bucks which only has the sixth and third strings
that's where my bass lines and melodies com from
and i have a little dumb casio ck 500, that's where my harmony comes from
like this user said:
then it goes into midi or an actual instrument
i like being a Baritone
i don't
i love singing radiohead but have to lower it one whole step
and i love singing johnny cash but i have to raise some songs up to a half step
i hate being a Bass
Based sentient fish
Ever find your long lost love?
I wonder why there is no voice general to be honest.
What's a good workflow for composing (solo instrumental music)?
I'm thinking of recording improvising but I don't know if I should do the multiple takes on different tracks or just one after the other or if there is some DAW that can record takes into clips (not Ableton) or something else.
>Ever find your long lost love?
>Move over, this isn't the spice channel
>some DAW that can record takes into clips
what do you mean? Multiple takes in a single track that you can later choose from a list? if so, you can activate this feature in Garageband, just google garageband multiple takes. If you don't have iOS or macOS I think enso looper does it too, it's on audioz
>what do you mean? Multiple takes in a single track that you can later choose from a list?
I'm not sure myself. Kind of like the composing equivalent to thought clouds/mind maps that writers do to rough out stories... just in this case it's roughing out musical ideas that are meant to fit together.
I have access to a mac but would prefer to stay on Windows; was thinking about using Reaper -- just not sure how to stay organized.
its my latest soulja boy trap remix
Does it sound like I'm forcing this voice?
Literally git gud and sing both on the original keys. Billy gibbons is a fucking bass and can sing like a tenor
And even if you don't, you're still singing Jonny cash closer to the original than a tenor would and vice versa
it's easier said than done man
I don't have much free time to put into music now
I'm just studying theory and coming up with stuff in a daw every once in a while
Holy fuck I thought my job was bad and I’ve been thinking of putting my price for day work up to £250 a day...currently earning £180-£200 a day doing shitty construction work
Where do you guys download everything?
the internet
come on user, try to help me out.
websites on the internet
fuck you
bet u feel real cool huh
yeah i do
One of the websites was mentioned in this thread -- it's probably mentioned in the sticky as well.
I know audioz, but I just wanted more sites.
>guest presets
>Richard Devine
Every single time
You was saying???
That's not singing. That's that glottal fry shit.
faggots arent allowed to give critique in these threads
no that's the true folds.
What is that progression, dear user?
You have to add the library to the library tab. if you are using cracked kontakt 6, you need to do this from a cracked 5.6 that u keep around for this purpose alone. If you add it to 5.6 library menu and it still does not show up in the library tab in 6.0 then you need to go to the service center dir, edit the .xml file for the shreddage 3.xml, go to where it says ____ and copy the PID number from the .nicnt file in the shreddage home dir and paste it in there. only new new new libraries can have this problem in my experience.
You might just have to do the add library shit and it will work fine.
Kontakt is a must have for sound design imo. Even if you dont have any libraries for it its a beastly sampler with good modulation and filters.
man, i answered you in the other thread
frying that low trying to make it loud, i used to do that when i was like 15 and now my voice sounds like shit (although i smoke since i was 12 so if you take care of your voice you may not end as bad)
I don't even know why I'm making music. Maybe it's just for myself to listen to and silently be proud of because I haven't been putting it on soundcloud and I've only showed a few friends it by playing it over the aux. Why am I doing this in the first place?
ur making the music u want to hear
Bro... I...
Im a guy in a band and because i have a microphone it's my duty to record and mix and shit.
It's a shitty old mic i got from my mom (she had it abt 35 yrs ago when she was 15)
It's noisey when mic'ing my amp and audacity (which is the only software/daw i even remotely know how to use) can only help so much.
Should i just embrace the fuzzy lofi sound and make that an aesthetic or should i torrent some siftware and try to learn mixing/mastering?
but what am I supposed to do with it
it doesnt matter, i can see that you suck
enjoy it duh
How so?
Do u need help making a specific sound prod? I can help maybe.
the xbox 360 startup sound is on my to do list
how do i come up with rap lyrics
definitely have to take layering into account. listen we have that one tonal resonant ringing out (high freq one) that has the attack on it, some sorta standard synth waveform (vaguely triangualr- also playing chord) with a resonant bandpass filter to make it ring out on that one specific freq range maybe?- then we have the noisy fast riser, and the bulk of the sound which is what i would call a pan flute type sound playing a few notes to form a chord. If I had to guess this was a FM sound, i bet a starting point would be the 9 billion pan flute dx7 patches u can load into FM8 (look up dx7 sysex). You could tweak them to get that sound and add the appropriate attack. Then you need to get the reverb right on these various layers etc. I got drunk faster than anticipated so no patches to share with u but maybe ill try to make some tomorrow.
>beato is still in the pastebin
>there's no more hardware threads
Guys I'm really drunk and I need YOUR book recommendations. I read fast like a nerd (used to hang out in the school library meself following all possible branches of CyoA books).
Valhalla vintage verb
If your mic is noisy, maybe replace it. There are cheap mics, start with pyle or samson
Pretty cool, long ass intro tho. I'd start with hat+clap or something. Nice bends
>old pc died months ago
>got a new one
>spent the past three days pirating software
>messing in the DAW while the last few plug ins and libraries download
god fuck i'm rusty. sound design is easy but i lost the flow. it's so easy to get carried away chasing a sound that I wont even use just cause its fun
balancing the sonic textures of 3 layers to make them coherent and present.
i have to pause every minute because a lead on loop is very tiring and you get ear fatigue listening for the tiniest changes continually
does anyone know why i have phases where i get a lot done and the results really fulfill me - and then i got times where i procrastinate even when i know if i don't put something in it ain't coming anything out either... really sucks and delays my progress
Also I really like Harmor. Not sure if it's a must have but I see no reason not to.
Why do you like Harmor? What do you use it for?
I make heavy metal on FL and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Mostly to fuck around with vocal samples but it's also a good synth in general. It's precise, comes with a lot of tools and you can automate many parameters within the synth with ease. I don't use it that much but cool stuff comes out of it when I do.
t. SeamlessR
get to know FL first, where you find what - what know does what and so forth
after that i'd say pick a kick sample, set a tempo you like and build percussions around
sup, you dumb double niggers
suck my dick, okay?
yeah you sound just as good as anybody would imagine a shitposter would
stop projecting
you know i want feedback
Magix Music Maker (Rock Edition Plus)
Try not acting like a cunt and you might get some feedback, fucking homo
start with music theory, the rest will follow
Digital Performer & ProTools
>studio one, reaper autism
Um sweaty studio one is the next ableton and fl
If you have a shitty mic that sounds bad in audacity, "learning mixing/mastering" (I can tell you have no clue what either of those mean if you say "mixing/mastering") is just painting over shit.
use Kontakt>or if there is some DAW that can record takes into clips (not Ableton) or something else.
Digital Performer 10 just integrated this.
warez forums, torrents are shit
Aren't plugins technically not VST's but DSP's?
Anyways, fabfilter is a good start, would add Soundtoys to that.
If it ever stops having CPU idle consumption of 25%
hey now, reaper autism is the good type of autism.
Yeah, if you want to code/script rather than making actual music.
not really t b h.
Are you still here?
Work in progress. Can someone tell (or link me) what the names of the different components that make up a song are?
I don't even know what this is called, it's not the melody, is it?
>I don't even know what this is called, it's not the melody, is it?
it's harmony, m8. chords n shit.
A melody is a sequence of notes playing one at a time.
These are chords (since it's multiple notes playing simultaeously), which depending on the arrangement can be pads (stuff that stays in the background to "pad" the song and make it feel less empty, often providing harmonic information if polyphonic) or even just the main thing (which I guess you could call a lead? probably not).
Other elements are usually:
The low frequency stuff that adds "weight" to the song
The most forward and "in your face" instrument that you're supposed to whistle, hum or sing along (in case the lead is a vocal track, in which case they're called "lead vocals"). It "leads" the song with a melody.
Can be lead vocals, background vocals, vocal syllables sampled randomly to make that annoying shit everyone's been doing for the past decade, etc.
effects, transitions, foley, and generally any "not-really-musical" sound you can have in a song.
>other shit I'm probably forgetting
The way your clyp sounds it would definitely work best as a pad.
Thank you that is very useful. Would you say that "lead" and "melody" are interchangeable? Or can any component of a song be a lead?
>drums Self-explanatory
Not for me, lel. I think I've been skipping drums in a lot of my songs. I usually establish some low frequency beat with some weird instrument. But then I'm not sure if it's bassline or drums.
you are encouraged to experiment with this on your own
there are no real rules - if it sounds good it is good enough.
make a fusion of them, add some twists
>Would you say that "lead" and "melody" are interchangeable?
A melody is not a component of the song, but a type of composition that consists in a sequence of single-notes (meaning not many notes playing at the same time).
A bass can play a melody (in fact, bass should almost never play chords, so pretty much all basslines are melodies), just like a pad can be a melody. Vocals are basically always melodies since humans can't play more than one pitch at a time (at most they can trick the listener with overtone singing techniques, but those aren't really chords or harmonies).
For vocals to play chords there have to be multiple voices playing different melodies to create a chord (either have multiple people, record yourself singing several times, or have a harmonizer program/device that duplicates your voice and pitches the clones up and down to create the different parts of the chords)
Musical compositions geerally have one or more of these three qualities:
These should not be conflated with the list of song parts here , as they're merely qualities that apply to them.
>Not for me, lel
Drums are the percussive element that provides the main rhythm track for the song.
Any element in a song can have a rhythm (unless it's just a steady or one-time note, it usually does have a rhythm), but usually the drums are what defines it for the entire song.
They can be tonal drums with a distinct pitch (so you could say they also provide a melodic element), or atonal where you don't discern any particular pitch (in which case they only give you the rhythm).
The main drums in electronic/computer music genres are the kick and snare (and some times the tom or other types of bassy hits), and the rest (like hi-hats, cowbells, ethnic percussions, and anything not bassy) is a bit more in the background.
In trap the hi-hat is also very important.
>I usually establish some low frequency beat with some weird instrument. But then I'm not sure if it's bassline or drums.
Some times the kick is long and tonal, in which case it can work as a bass (like in trap where the 808 bassdrums are so long that an additional normal kick needs to be layered to not make it just a straight up bass, or in hardstyle/big-room-house where the kick is so big and distorted that there's often no need for a bass at all).
Some times the bass has a strong attack that makes it percussive, which in some cases makes it kinda work like a drum beat, but that's rarely enough for a song, as normal drum beats have at least two different sounds, so it'll just sound like a percussive bassline.
Post a clyp and I'll tell you.
Also is right.
Don't focus too much on what's "proper" and what you're "supposed to do" in a song.
The only thing you're supposed to do is to make something that sounds good, even if unconventional (in fact, that's even better).
guys im the best
if anyone wants a copy of the book this user mentioned , i can't help you, but here's a totally unrelated collection of dolphin porn.
First thing i ever made really, i don't know what genre it is but i just made it in FLStudio not knowing anything about music. Plz no bully, do i just keep making random stuff to get better? I am watching some of the videos from the sticky.
Nobody cares because only one book is allowed here.
does anyone know if vst 3's are backwards compatible with vst 2's?
or am i going to have to spend the rest of my life installing legacy vst 2's?
>does anyone know if vst 3's are backwards compatible with vst 2's?
Are you asking if your projects made with the VST2 version of a plugin will still open if you reinstall everything but install the VST3 version instead of the VST2?
Try it yourself.
Download a free/warez plugin with both versions that you'd have never used otherwise, install the VST2, use it in a project, save it, delete the VST2, open the project to make sure it doesn't load it, then install the VST3 version and reopen the project.
But I think it depends on the plugin, so what I suggest is, when you install a new plugin, just installe the VST3 if available, and if it's an old one, try the VST3 first, so that if it works you just use that, and if it doesn't, install the VST2 to use with your old projects (or to print to stems so you don't have to rely on legacy software) and start using the VST3 with your new ones.
This was honestly my first experience with music. Magix on PS2 was a godsend. If I were to rip some of the samples for nostalgia's sake, is there a better way than recording each one playing back from a ROM?
yeah, i was just being lazy, but i'll just run a test.
but as you said, if there's even a chance it's plugin specific, i'd rather just blanket install vst 2's instead of making a list of ones that actually work.
try looking at the files of the disk and see if you can extract anything or see if there's a way to dump the files from the cache
should i just kill myself at this point?
what am i doing
really good, but I felt like you over-humanized some of the lead chords. a cleaner start sound might be better
Dang, that sounds like some late 90's / early 00's rap track. Are you a boomer?
Anyway yeah, you just keep making short tracks that are bad until you build up enough experience to make long tracks that are bad and then maybe a decade from now you'll make long tracks that are good.
lmao I thought you'd be DeMarcus
no bro, don't kys, try other hobbies first
i killed the thread lol
No, i am 24 years old and mostly listen to i know i will get blown out for this but mostly sadboi/lil peep etc things like that. Not into any of the degenerate shit they talk about i simply like the way the music sounds but i know they use tons of plugins and things to make all those songs like Omnisphere is used a lot i believe. I just have a stock pirated version of FL with a few sounds in packs i added. Also
>10 years
Feels bad
>spend months trying to figure out why my monitors are louder on certain frequencies on the side
>turns out my hearing is damaged on one ear
>Feels bad
yep, music is for insane people
thanks for the feedback!
How bad is my cover?
Sammy, I posted this mainly for you.
Consider downloading it if you could find it useful.
Skillshare is usually a pretty good website for tutorials.
i am gonna see a SLP specialist
That's good man.
howd you like my cover
Can't listen to it now.
I assumed it was you from the Portuguese title on the YT video.
I knew it was him when he said my vocer
what is the mario?
u like?
it's ok bruh misanthrop is completely deaf from one ear, be more careful from now on
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Zedd too.
mono sounds are slightly panned to the right on my headphones