Why are women so incapable of writing about anything other than love, rape, or their pussy?

Why are women so incapable of writing about anything other than love, rape, or their pussy?

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Try talking to one, they are pretty vapid.






Yea Forums is not your echo chamber.


Whiteknight s o y defender

it is the echo chamber for music discussion though

holy shit I just got an idea

Just because it challenges your beliefs doesn't mean it's not about music.

Neither is it an echo chamber for retards who hate women.







nice music discussion bro

It should be though.





No it shouldn't. Go to /pol/ for your school shooter safe space, freak.

god i hate women

Women aren't capable of writing about love.

Show me a female rock band that doesn't touch on relationship shit or feminist subjects.

Incels unironically deserve to be genocided by the state.

lol, you're a faggot. A faggot with zero self awareness.

get the fuck off this board incel dipshit, you have shitholes you can whine in. this is a music board. kill yourself already sexless detective


Different person, but I can assure you that if anyone here is an unselfaware faggot, it's you.


I'm serious btw. Try.


why is user incapable of writing posts about anything other than women, lack of masculinity and black guys

You like Yea Forums so far buddy? Please stay.

You're gay and stupid

that applies to a lot of men too.

Yeah, men suck. Fuck the patriarchy.

>Newfag tries to lampshade the fact that he's a newfag by acting like le ebic old guard cunt

lmao dude at least try not to make a fool of yourself.

Yes, but it's blatantly obvious that women are far more dependent on those topics. Men just as frequently write about politics, philosophy, history, etc.

This thread sucks. OP should consider the rope.

>Sexless Detective
stealing that, that is a great name

Yeah dude totally. I bet you dont even multitrack drift and jerk it to crackychan. Pools closed dude. lol suck my dick

>just as frequently
Don't kid yourself retard.

Still waiting

>reddit spacing
you must go back

Imagine being such a retarded sexist you refuse to listen to any music made by a woman. What the fuck are you doing on a music board? You clearly don't appreciate music and are missing out on classic art because of your nonsensical pathological hatred rooted in sexual insecurity. It's laughable. I'll listen to Kate Bush and the Cocteau Twins while you jerk it to cartoon ponies in your basement blasting Tool.

I didn't say they made bad music, I said they draw from a limited pool of topics lyrically. I like Joanna Newsom and Siouxsie for the record.

>t. Know Your Meme top contributor

Nice response. Thall show em.

for me the biggest difference is women often write about disgusting physical stuff, like their menstruation or their vagina.
While you would very rarely see a man write about his sperm or his penis. This is more noticeable in poetry than music.

Beyond that, most songs are about romance. Even in radically different respected bands, like The Beatles, Roxy Music or Type O Negative.
Talking Heads and Radiohead must be the biggest exceptions.

how many male bands can you name that dont without naming some gimmicky metal band or nonsense shit like the residents? political band falls in the same category as the feminist shit, its the same angling just a different audience.

Most users on Yea Forums are men, and are familiar with themselves and how they think. Therefore, men aren't as generalized as much as women on this site. That is my game theory, at least.

No you. Cringe dude. How's your mom btw? I fucked her last night. In the ass. She has two asses. One for food poop, and one where poop people (you) come out. You are literally a piece of shit. Feces.

A large portion of Yea Forums users have never had a meaningful interaction with a female and have constructed a fantasy image of what they're like based on their own fundamental misunderstandings.

Cringe and bluepilled

There's a reason they call shit like RHCP, ACDC, GNR, etc "cockrock" ya know

I agree but dude this is Yea Forums, people are going to post shit like this no matter what

Yikes dude, come back to Yea Forums when you’re over 18 and not some dumbfuck kid still in 5th grade

I like being misogynistic on Yea Forums it makes me feel like a big man. Women are shallow retards that's why, OP.

>I'll listen to Kate Bush and the Cocteau Twins while you jerk it to cartoon ponies in your basement blasting Tool.

This 100%

>political band falls in the same category as the feminist shit, its the same angling just a different audience.
Hardly. Restructuring society is a far more interesting topic than wanting to walk home by yourself and have casual sex without being treated like a whore.

This. Only good post in the thread besides op

I know but it's getting out of hand lately with the incel shit and I'm tired of them spamming off topic posts here

Fuck off retard


Stones, Zep, Doors all mentioned as examples
Some of the biggest names in rock sang about fucking all. the. time. Don't fall for the revisionist wrong generation memes about how rock was clean and rap is the only dirty music.

Who said anything rock?
The themes of growing up through hardship common in rap are way more interesting than inane love songs.

Too bad they sound like shit and are made by blacks

No way bro. Ive been over 18 since before you were even shitted out. Suck a fart. I dont even like your mom you retarded nigger. If anything, your dad's the retarded faggot who likes sticking his dick in assholes.
I disagree wholeheartedly.

Well we're talking about lyrics here so it's irrelevant

You've got multiple people telling you what an embarrassing moron you sound like, so I dunno what to say further.

even ignoring cockrock, variations of "I love you baby" must be the most common phrase in rock and pop music, by men.

Classic rock is a male dominated genre with heavy sexual and phallic imagery and shallow lyrics about nothing but sex, it's not something unique to women. There's a reason cock rock is a term, but the difference is right wingers like that stuff so it's ok.

Quit projecting you dumb faggot nigger I bet your way below 18 probably barely 13 you sad sack of shit

No I think it’s totally relevant

this makes you look really cool and you should keep doing it

I agree. Glad you see things my way.
You're an acceptable person. I like you.
Listen here poop person, posting on Yea Forums and defending women doesnt make you an adult. Now please find the nearest toilet and flush yourself down it. Poop belongs in our municipal sewage system. You are poop. Poop as fuck. Literal shit. Shit like after eating a log of shit over and over until your body just accepts it because your body is made of poop. Poop brain. Poop hands. Poop soul.

Thanks mate

>you clearly don't appreciate music are missing out on classic art
Name five classics made by women

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I can't tell if you're mentally handicapped, a really shitty troll, or both.

Holy shit (literally, except you're not "holy" in the slightest). Stop being so cringe andive your fecal life somewhere else other than this website.

Like are you doing a post modern pastiche of an Autistic man-child or is this legit?

Like are you hard, impacted fecal matter? Or watery, diarrhea shit? The fact that you're still trying to get an answer is mind boggling and proof that you're an angry child.

You seem to have a fixation with feces, which makes sense considering your opinions are shit.

Go away poopboy.

lmao this is hilarious what on Earth.

>seething (poop)

Joanna Newsom - Ys
Jody and the Creams - A Big Dog.n
Eliane Radigue - Trilogie de la Mort
Sibylle Baier - Colour Green
Julia Holter - Aviary

lol ok dude. have a good night you shit eating weirdo.

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If this post makes the poopboy feel like he won, then so be it.
>you didnt though, because you are a log of poop with arms and legs and I am not

>Eliane Radigue - Trilogie de la Mort
pseud detected

I would never listen to the music opinion of someone as much of a pleb as you

I've come to the realization that women have no interior life. Their entire existence is directed outwards -- they never develop a capacity for introspection or complex abstract thought. With extremely rare exceptions, they are incapable of reflecting artistically beyond the most tritest, most mundane artistic reflections. It's all

>Why can't I find a good guy? My ex broke up with me, now I'm sad :( Fuck men though lol, I don't have to change my shitty behavior for anybody! Grrl power!

All the great, humanity-elevating works of art are made by men, for a reason.


This based directly on interactions with women and their art. I'm not saying women have less worth than men, they have many valuable qualities that men don't have. I'm simply saying they are generally not great artists when it comes to music and novels.

Women are naturally performative and they value attention much more than men. That's why they gravitate towards theater and poetry, forms of art in which the artist can easily insert themselves. That's also why most of their lyrical content revolves around their own lived experiences -- they see that as more valuable than abstract ideas they haven't directly come into contact with. As such, genres open to that lyrical style like folk and lo-fi often have many women artists. Generally, they are not technically-minded and are usually not interested in / unable to pursue technically demanding forms of art, like jazz and prog rock.

This is based off your own fundamental misunderstanding of human psychology that you've reinforced through conformation bias. Like Jesus, imagine being such an unselfaware moron that you think your extremely limited interactions speak for literally half the human population.

He's got a point tho

Does he? There's zero evidence to back it up except for personal biases. It's a retarded, unprovable assertion made by a simpleton.

These are general trends. Of course there are exceptions. There are very talented women in jazz, classical and metal, and great women novelists as well. However, they are much less common than the other examples I've cited. 90% of female students in the average English department in the US don't want to write novels, they want to write poetry and (maybe) short stories. Only 15% of graduates from jazz programs are women. Maybe it's cultural, maybe it's biological, I'm not making any claims on that, it's just the way things are and have been.

If you want to prove me wrong, all you'd have to do is show me the proportion of women in the genres and art forms I'm referring to. It’s not hard to see that certain art forms skew hard in certain directions when it comes to genres.

"I'm simply saying they are generally not great artists when it comes to music and novels. "
I think it's true
I barely ever saw a girl at a prog rock concert, and I can count on one finger the number of girls in prog bands for example. While men widespread in all genres.

one hand*

If you're too much of an ignoramus to realize that everything you said isn't the result of gender, but a result of culture, then I can't help you.

There's nothing to prove in the same way that there's nothing to prove to a Flat Earther. You're just making unprovable assessments based off of how you feel rather than any objective metric.

conformation bias from an extremely limited sample size =/= truth

Culture and gender interact with each other. Men and women have been selected to have certain traits throughout history, it's only natural that they would have predispositions towards particular patterns of behavior and cognition. I think you know that there's truth to what and I are saying. I don't see why the thought that men and women differ in their propensity towards certain forms of expression over others should upset you.

this is my fave song about rape by a band named after pussy whose front woman is named Love
bonus for pedophilia/incest

Gender roles vary between culture and thus is a garbage metric to judge things. People in the developed world don't need to adhere to what is considered 'traditional' roles anymore

> why the thought that men and women differ in their propensity towards certain forms of expression over others should upset you.

Discussing legitmate differences between the sexes is valuable. Incels screaming about how women are bad at art isn't. Don't be so disingenious to think me calling you morons is me being upset.

And no, lmao, there's no truth to what you're saying. You've yet to say anything of substance in the first place. Again, you're just using how you feel and then acting as if your child like world view is in any way objective. Get over yourself you absolute pseud.

Genetics > culture.

lmao dumbass not a single person here can actually substantiate that there's a biological cause for it. you moronic simpletons act like you're intellectuals because you've hidden your sexism behind a veil of pseudoscience. tell me about the skull shapes next hahaha.

What exactly would you lead you to believe that men and women developed cognitive equality as a result of evolution?

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>using prog as the gold standard of taste
Neckbeard af

lol y'all keep getting better and better, this is great. You're so convinced of yourself that the only thing you have to bring is a Boomer Facebook meme? God almighty talk about free comedy theater.

Men and women are different. Get over it, you fucking child.


Physically, sure. You've still yet to prove fucking anything beyond that you lead gas poisoned Boomer.

Leave your basement and talk to a girl before you kill or rape someone. Please.

You're willfully misinterpreting what I'm saying and ignoring the statistics I've cited (look up the proportion of female jazz graduates). It's clear you're not willing to engage in discussion, but hopefully when you've calmed down you'll consider my points more fairly.

You haven't made a point. I'm not misinterpreting it, you're just completely unequipped to explain it.

Why are liberals so anti-science?

Tell me more about how climate change is a chinese jew hoax, boomer


Tell me more about raping the ecosystems with solar panels and endless migration will save the jew coasts.

I don't think climate change is a hoax though.

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>endless migration

lowest it's been in like 2 decades, dad.

stalinist, personally

Ew Neo Nazis
Ew tankies

I prefer women, with some exceptions, when they're just singers. Nico, Tina Turner, 60's soul girls. As soon as they try and be an "artist" the music usually turns utterly self-centered and/or mediocre. Patti Smith (aids dylan), Joni Mitchell, Björk, Amanda Palmer - attention whoring rubbish.


literally save the jew coasts
so i can touch the wall and wear a little hat
so i can be absolved culturally of my sins

A fan of mass starvation and 18 hour works shifts, huh?

Lowest in a decade, excuse me.

all you fucken hoes do is talk but have you been thru the shit?
prob nott
all you do is go thru a computer
both sides now like joni
you fuckers are shit
lemme meet you in public
lemme see youuuuuu
your flesh is nothing
hit the bricks
by aligning yourselves with an extreme side you will not be saved
ppl like me will take your lives
the nihilists will take your lives

No. The U.S government has no idea how many illegals are in the country or entering every year.

I suppose joni invented virtue signalling, at least that's in some form creative

>has no idea
>heres a single study where one person who has less knowledge than the US government says it could be anywhere between 16 and 30 million


while i agree mostly with your statement, there are some clear exceptions. Bjork, kate bush, Grouper come to mind

while you guise argue and dismiss theres a third side a side that is tired of everything and all humans
we are tired of your shit extremism is terrible and that is all you present so we will be extreme we will take what is ours and make it ours our guide is our intuition you will fail in your extremism and we will take it

take the egoist pill
actually don't take any "pill", just come to your own conclusions and focus on yourself

murder is a virtue
and we will smile

Why are you on the chans? You talk about them as if theyre an outside force. Gb2 reddit.
Genes impact brain structure. Denying that makes you an ignoramus.

>Genes impact brain structure. Denying that makes you an ignoramus.

>Implying that genes are universal in any sense.

>Implying that having a different mentality means you can definitively say half the population is shitty at a type of art.

what are we talking about?

whiny ass ppl that choose a side but cant defend
kinda like a beginner in risk

Genes are universal in the sense they tell matter where to make tissue, and how much of it. Does the concept of destiny scare you because youve failed at everything youve worked towards? Or are you a mentally ill tranny?

the usual /pol/ topics, but with just the one tranny resident of this board

Christfags are just as mentally ill as trannies desu

we're natsoc, not kike on a stick followers. get out of 2008. jewsus won't save europeans

i think the idea of putting a gun both of your faces and saying youre wrong scares you
you offer the world nothing but argument and bullshit
why not
give me a reason not to?

Genes vary between fucking different ethnic groups in Europe, let alone across the entire world. Are you retarded?

The ideology of a schizophrenic failed artist from the 30s won't either. Both are bullshit cult copes.

>Year of our Lord 2019 Another Domino
>Still following an ideology of a bunch of Italian faggots obsessed with cars

what's with hostility? learn to deal with different opinions, Tritler (tranny hitler)

Lol. /pol/ incels really do love marshalling out their facebook pop science thinking it proves anything, like that terrible post showing that men have more neural connections than women (neural connections don't matter as much as HOW they are connected, i.e. architecture.

Here's some studies that will no doubt make /pol/ seethe.

> Men were much more likely to use the artist’s brand as a deciding factor when evaluating art. Mangus said this jibes with past research that indicates men tend to use factors that are known to them (in this case, the artist’s brand) when making a decision.

>Women also took the artist’s authenticity into account, but a bigger factor for them was the artwork itself. “Women are more willing to go through a complicated process of actually evaluating the artwork,” Mangus said, “whereas men may say, ‘This guy’s a great artist, so I’ll buy his art.’”

This correlates with the fact that women's brains are more active under FMRI when looking at art vs. men.

>Brain scans of people looking at paintings and photographs have revealed that beauty is not only in the eye of the beholder. When men and women see something they think is beautiful, their brains react differently, with the female brain showing more activity than the male, according to new research.


It also makes sense psychologically speaking, in how men are more preoccupied with the artist's "brand" and stature, since everything men do is motived by acquiring status, power, wealth in order to, um, make themselves more attractive to potential mates. In other words, men are basically NPCs whose actions are dictated by whatever they think will increase their odds of sticking their dick into something wet. Women value art (or anything) more for intrinsic value than a means to a sexual end.

Comment limit approaching. Studies have also shown women make better CEOs.

this too long can u put it in meme infograph format and reference (((((jews))))) somewhere k thx

i have negative opinion of everyone here tourist or no

>Women are more willing to go through a complicated process of actually evaluating the artwork
Yeah, just like they stand in H&M deciding between two pairs of jeans for 30 minutes.

It's interesting that you're confirming that male and female brains are different. Or are you perhaps a 2nd tranny that's been flown in by the Dilata Express? You need to get your stories straight (just like your sexuality and your mangina).

Clearly you haven’t heard Kate Bush make demonic donkey noises or sing about being addicted to computers

retarded boomer

Unironic boomer detected. That's such a boomer tier joke. Kill yourself alzheimers ridden faggot.


>Genes are universal

Genotypes and phenotypes are remarkably plastic (as is the brain: neuroplasticity). Do you think people from different regions of the world have differing skin color, hair color, eye color, and physical builds because magic? Sure, you're not going to will yourself to 6'5" if you're 5'6", but you're an immense retard if you think the offspring of tall parents will "automatically" be tall no matter the environmental conditions. A person's genetic makeup is immeasurably complex, with no telling which environmental triggers will activate or recess a genetic predisposition. And despite your "encyclopedic knowledge" of alt-right pseudoscience, we can't map, predict, etc a person's genetic "destiny." The human genome was mapped over 20 years ago and has result in zero worthwhile applications.

there this nas song where foxy brown stars doing math that shit makes me laugh

have fun being just lame as hell

statistically at least one of you will kill yourselves

I'm not a tranny, you however are an old dying piece of shit part of the worst generation to walk the earth. You'll croak very soon boomer faggot.

>Yeah, just like they stand in H&M deciding between two pairs of jeans for 30 minutes.
That's exactly why women make better CEOs. Men are more impulsive, risk taking, and egotistical (i.e. they'd rather "win" a negotiation than settle on a more profitable compromise), while women are less risk averse, more thoughtful, and less egotistical.

Men and women's brains are different, but not because they were "hard coded" by nature. Men and women obviously played different evolutionary roles, which explains these differences (both physical brain differences and psychological). But your position that this evolutionary dynamic has just "stopped" isn't true. The brain differences between men and women will continue to close as the respective environments that men and women work in are pretty much the same vs. the very different hunter/gatherer or bread winner/homemaker roles the genders played in the past.

Attached: men-vs-women-400x400.png (400x400, 12K)

dude, you're arguing with an actual boomer, not worth the time because he'll just drop more zingers about "mah wife looks at shoes too long at the mall"

>It also makes sense psychologically speaking, in how men are more preoccupied with the artist's "brand" and stature, since everything men do is motived by acquiring status, power, wealth in order to, um, make themselves more attractive to potential mates. In other words, men are basically NPCs whose actions are dictated by whatever they think will increase their odds of sticking their dick into something wet. Women value art (or anything) more for intrinsic value than a means to a sexual end.

this is a load of barnacles.jpg

I always found men are more interested in the technical aspects of music (like what guitars the band uses) than women.

>That's exactly why women make better CEO's
exactly, by giving birth to strong males
very welcome my little frustrated shut in

I haven't said anything about evolution stopping, that must have been another user. I'd agree that survival of the fittest is in current year not a thing anymore. Men and women do not work in similar environments. I've never seen a woman down a building site. I've never seen a male receptionist. There's been shitloads of work areas invented specifically for women (HR, psychology, pedagogues and all other sorts of bullshit), and when push comes to shove the primary thing in life that they all want is to shit out a baby cos that is default mode.

Some particular fields tend to appeal to women such as teaching and nursing, though it'd be silly to say no men work in them. As for male-oriented fields like the military or police work, the only women who tend to get into that are dykes.

Name one (1) good female CEO.


Was he right?

I think the next step forward would be to send women down mines and have them dig canals and railroads, while men sit at home and complain.

no ceo is good of any gender

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>There are very talented women in jazz, classical and metal
There are? I can't name a female jazz or classical performer or composer at all and the few metal chicks, who were primarily a thing in the 80s, couldn't touch their male counterparts.

I can tell you it ain't Carly Fiorina or that GM chick who laid off like 10,000 people last year.

>women make better CEOs

lmao, destroy workers rights, dismantle unions, wageslaves get pushed into the ground BUT WE NEED MORE WOMEN CEOs

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you obviously need to spend more time evaluating my quality post. fucking zoomies and their 12 second attention spans

Admit it that all the best teachers we had in school were male. Come on, we all know it was true.

>Gender roles vary between culture and
Not really, no.

It doesn't matter. The point is genres of music that rely a lot on instrumental virtuosity such as prog, metal, and jazz tend to have hardly any women in them.

of course. woman should teach elementary school only, after that they're useless. plus they demand they work 3 days a week maximum, fuck that

incels are beyond parody
they literally sound like some isis islamist fundamentalist saudi talking about women

I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with men teaching grade school though most men who aren't pedophiles would probably hate it. Shit's a glorified babysitting job.

I mean, yeah, you could say chicks like Joni Mitchell were talented but their songs in the end are still mostly about love/sex/relationships and don't have the range that Dylan or somebody had.

you want me to list every buttrock song about fucking teen sluts?

Big Yellow Taxi, a song in which Joni complains they 'Paved paradise to put up a parking lot', a measure which actually would have alleviated traffic congestion on the outskirts of paradise, something which Joni singularly fails to point out, perhaps because it doesn't quite fit in with her blinkered view of the world.

sounds hot, yes please

A lot of rock is about sex of course but still, male artists seem to be able to sing about a greater range of topics than that.

It's not just rock, it's hip-hop. Literally all the woke, social consciousness hip-hop is male. I've never seen a female rapper who rapped about much more than her pussy.

Is the only female rapper you've ever listened to Lil Kim?

Let's start here
Yeah, looking real good for the men here

>exactly, by giving birth to strong males
Nope. And in corporations with over 1000 more employees (which would be your multimillion and multibillion dollar firms), women are considerably more profitable. I know you alt-reich incels love to reduce things down to the biological and genetic. So...

>She “found greater neural connectivity from front to back and within one hemisphere in males, suggesting their brains are structured to facilitate connectivity between perception and coordinated action.

>In contrast, in females, the wiring goes between the left and right hemispheres, suggesting that they facilitate communication between the analytical and intuition,” reports Penn Medicine.

>The implication, in other words, is that men could be wired to take action, generally, while women may tend to be better suited to carefully analyze a problem.


This makes sense in evolutionary biology terms (which is a shaky science), men being more "wired for action" as a result of their roles as hunters and soldiers throughout history. And again correlates with the art evaluation study that illustrates women analyze art more thoughtfully. Another study that may explain women's superior corporate performance is that they have stronger language centers, meaning they'll be more effective at communication.

> For instance, females tend to have verbal centers on both sides of the brain, while males tend to have verbal centers on only the left hemisphere. This is a significant difference. Girls tend to use more words when discussing or describing incidence, story, person, object, feeling, or place. Males not only have fewer verbal centers in general but also, often, have less connectivity between their word centers and their memories or feelings.


Attached: WomenCEOs.jpg (640x479, 64K)

Radio Ethiopia [Arista, 1976]
It's priggish if not stupid to complain that Radio Ethiopia's "four chords are not well played." If they were executed with the precise attack of an Aerosmith, then they would not be well played. For although there's no such thing as an unkempt heavy metal record--technocratic assurance is the soul of such music--unkempt rock and roll records have been helping people feel alive for twenty years. When it works, which is just about everywhere but the (eleven-minute) title track, this delivers the charge of heavy metal without the depressing predictability; its riff power--and the riffs are even better than the lyrics on this rockpoet experiment--has the human elan of a band that is still learning to play. A-

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Her vocal delivery on this album annoys me.

I've never seen any indication from personal experience that women are better at problem solving than men.

Furthermore, this article highlights how a woman's brain is more emotionally sensitive (i.e. empathetic) and less prone to tunnel vision, which would be better for managing large groups of people.

I don't know why it pains alt-reich incels so much to acknowledge that women are innately capable, and maybe even more capable, in many fields that are male dominated. None of the "biological evidence," which the alt-reich loves invoking in all manners of gender, race, etc suggests otherwise. One biological reason why we might find fewer women in "powerful positions" is because they are naturally less competitive due to their lack of testosterone vs. men. And despite the incel's referencing of "Instagram thots," status seeking and ego-indulgence drives men much more than women.

they need something to justify their regressive beliefs based on their own unattractiveness, they'll ignore anything that dismantles their worldview

>status seeking and ego-indulgence drives men much more than women
Women _aren't_ eager to achieve status by marrying a rich dude with giant pecs and be ego-indulgent by looking prettier and having a richer, more ripped husband than their peers? Uh...

No. You're stereotyping.

you can do any psychological research and make it say whatever the fuck you want. end conclusion: women are more communicative and empathetic. wew I never knew... in no way does this say anything about leadership as a whole. yes, in certain situations it could be beneficial. congrats.

abso bloody agree

misogynists are evil

Radio Ethiopia just sounds like a Robin Trower album with a drunk chick caterwauling inaudible lyrics. It's not _bad_ but it doesn't really stack up to Rocks or Sad Wings or other period hard rock albums for imagination or power.

Also the lame beat poetry reading on Poppies is just...no.


LMAO this seething cope

The facts don't care about your anecdotes. There's also different forms of "problem solving." Personally, if I needed someone to fix a technical issue, a man is the better choice on average. If I need someone to fix a large group dynamic issue in a stressful environment, I choose a woman.

>"Under low stress situations, men and women make decisions about equally well [but] men took more risks when they were stressed. They became more focused on big wins, even when they were costly and less likely."

>The reason women make better decisions under stress isn't that women are "nicer" or "more collaborative" or any of that crunchy-granola BS. It's because women's brains handle the stress hormone cortisol better than men's brains handle it.

>According to the neurobiologist Ruud van den Bos, men under stress experience a huge spike in cortisol, which degrades their decision-making ability. Women experience a smaller spike, which creates urgency but doesn't impede decision-making.



To olive branch this shit, I don't think one mentality is superior to the other, and men and women exists symbiotically here. A male partner might push his woman partner to take a bit more risk, which is important in business, while a female partner can help regulate her partner's risk taking, irrational competitive drive, etc. This dynamic extends into pretty much any human endeavor you can think of.

>women make better decisions under stress
My experience is they tend to panic under stress easily and beg for a dude to come and save them.

>women deal better with stress
how did they measure this, and what's their definition of stress?

Pumping is just the Stooges anyway.

In the entertainment world usually women tend to get a career based on fucking the right people.

>you can do any psychological research and make it say whatever the fuck you want
No, I have the results that prove the research.


And firms obviously trust the research. We see women represented more in companies with >1000 employees, the most at 24% in companies with over 10000 employees. Why is this? Bigger company, probably more stress. Women are better under stress as shown biologically.

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Nigga Yea Forums is the land of social outcasts. If you’re a sociable human that can get laid why the flying fuck would you or anyone else waste their time on a chinese cartoon bbs? I don’t go to storm front sites to be bombarded with /pol/ then get mad lol

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Wait if women CEOs lead to higher profitability then why did Carly Fiorina burn Hewlett-Packard to the ground?

Because this is a music board not an incel board


And read the inc article. Women's brains handle cortisol better.

Women aren't that good at hard rock and metal, I don't think they should play it. Take just the example of Patti Smith. She sounds too cutesy and robs the music of most of its power.

>Posting about politics on the Sudanese cave painting website

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i fucking hate women

having sex gets boring in a long term relationship, I'd rather shitpost

>some glorified marketing folder
yeah no.

Because it's not what people want to hear from them.

Just ask Bjork.

feds should monitor some of these incel posters, some dehumanizing rhetoric against women in here
don't you have mothers?

>Wait if women CEOs lead to higher profitability then why did Carly Fiorina burn Hewlett-Packard to the ground?
Then why did male CEOs completely burn the auto industry to the ground and need a trillion dollar bailout?

Do you think any man or woman is immune from failure? Is this the level of argumentation incel alt-righters are now resorting to in order to keep their "gynoid hating" justifiable?

>having sex gets boring in a long term relationship
Not like anyone on Yea Forums has sex to be able to know anyway, but...

The ratio of failed women CEOs relative to their numbers does seem rather disproportionately higher. Women don't tend to have the drive or competitiveness for a field like that. One-upping your rivals is a trait rather inherent to men and women just don't have it.

so you're arguing men are sociopaths? that's what it takes to be a ceo

Since women tend to be inherently drawn to careers that involve caring for another living thing...yeah.

>yeah no.
Handwaving. Lol. Great argument. I've shown you the data (and there's many more studies than this one), prove otherwise.

Ok so why didn't Bjork break the mold and sing about anything other than her sex life? She didn't do a lot to dispel the stereotypes desu.

The interesting thing is that in music, there is no such thing as an all-woman produced album. There are always men involved at some point in the process.

>The ratio of failed women CEOs relative to their numbers does seem rather disproportionately higher.
Post the facts.
>Women don't tend to have the drive or competitiveness for a field like that. One-upping your rivals is a trait rather inherent to men and women just don't have it.

I argue that this is why women make better CEOs. The cutthroat "Gordon Gecko" CEO archetype is based on Hollywood myth. A CEO who puts his drive, competitiveness, and ego over the company will most likely lose it money. Deals are about compromise and not "winning."

Competitiveness is what drives the world. We would still be living in caves if someone didn't decide that he was going to build an actual house instead of a cave like his neighbor had.

>Women value art (or anything) more for intrinsic value than a means to a sexual end.
LOLno. Women value art based on how big a set of abs the dude who made it has.

because it's the source of their power. no one wants to listen to a women's view point other than that. (this is what a feminist would say)

No, cooperation does/did.


If some narcissistic tribal elder put his own interests above that of the tribe, they would've been devoured by a pack of sabretooths before they could blink. I'm not saying having a competitive drive isn't important, just that the blind pursuit of winning in order to jerk off your own ego is counterproductive. The Hollywood myth of the CEO is a win-by-any-means sociopath who imposes his will on the company and emasculates people in the boardroom as he takes the company to new heights. That's not how it really works. It's a collaborative process. And it's why there are boards to vote destructive personalities like that out.

how come no females run successful companies then?

Yeah I'm sure it's all true, but "muh algorithm" is a bit easy, and no references to the stats... I want a thick serious spreadsheet, I can't focus when there's illustrations going on.

I think the main problem is that a lot of women want to have different things at the same time - kids, work, satisfying private life, or "balance", to coin a womanly phrase. whereas a lot of men just put the hours in. Not even a question of competitiveness, just the fact that you can't do all these things at the same time, or your work will suffer

Meg Whitman took ebay from a seller of Beanie Babies to a multibillion dollar company. Oracle, IBM, Pepsi, Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics are all headed by women. And 24 percent of companies with more than 10K employees are headed by women.

So? How do male rock stars get away with singing about their dick? Isn't that their main source of power?

Stopped reading there. IBM meant something in the 1970s, today's a sad joke that operates on diversity quotas while poos on H1B visas do most of the actual grunt work.

how come no females created successful companies then?

>I have no counter argument so I’m just going to arbitrarily shit on one of these companies without addressing anything else that was posted!

Arguably men are more likely to come to a consensus agreement since men like rules and fair play and tend to have a degree of mutual respect for a rival. Women really don't have that, they seek merely to destroy other women they perceive as a threat to them with no remorse or restraint.

He never addressed how many of those female CEOs he listed above were diversity hires and not brought aboard for their qualifications.

Good bread.

I think that's because men have the capability of actually physically harming or destroying their rivals so they evolved the idea of having a degree of mutual respect for an opponent. Women can't really do much physical damage to each other in a fight so they never learned any restraint. You can call other women the worst names imaginable with no real risk of them stabbing you or kicking the shit out of you.

Spend enough time on the Internet and you'll notice women are most often found on websites that are related to the care of (pick one) children/animals/old people. You see a lot fewer of them outside of that.

Actually even in fields such as fashion and clothing which one tends to associate with women, you'll find that it's mostly gay dudes who do that stuff.


Feminists will never admit it of course but the only thing keeping men from raping everything with a pussy in sight is other men who believe it's wrong and will stop/punish men who want to rape everything in sight.

Truly the thread Yea Forums needed

Are you kidding? This is literally political bait

This is correct

Great art is based around contemplating the human condition and as you said, women tend to lack that capacity for self-awareness or existentialism.

I'm telling reddit you guys were saying mean things about women.

>He never addressed how many of those female CEOs he listed above were diversity hires and not brought aboard for their qualifications.
Incels are this retarded. They factually outperform men, being up to 22 percent more profitable in businesses with more than 10K employees. Look at the share prices. They all rose outpacing inflation when the current female CEO was hired. In pic's case, the female CEO was appointed in Oct. 11.

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Exactly what's deep about Bjork?

How many dudes go through an angtsy existential phase as teens/college students? It's pretty commonplace to sit pondering why you're here, why is there so much torture and agony in the world, what does it all mean, etc. Most of us have been there at some point or another. Women don't tend to go through this phase. How many college girls you know who aren't just concerned with dudes and getting their nails done? So far as women do have an existential angst, it's related mainly to getting old and losing their looks/ability to make a baby. Which in the end is still a pretty limited form of angst since it's mostly about them personally as opposed to a more universal sense of depression and doom about humanity.

>Use of the word cuck
>Channel has banner of sex dolls
>Many vids feature memes from the Chins.
>Also makes a terrible argument based on shaky psychological science (Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

Incels always love to appeal to biology when the trannies, women, etc make arguments based on pop psychology and anecdotes. The biological and neurological facts prove this dipshit argument and the other dipshit argument that women are basically "NPCs" more than wrong.

>Females often have a larger hippocampus, our human memory center. Females also often have a higher density of neural connections into the hippocampus. As a result, girls and women tend to input or absorb more sensorial and emotive information than males do. By “sensorial” we mean information to and from all five senses. If you note your observations over the next months of boys and girls and women and men, you will find that females tend to sense a lot more of what is going on around them throughout the day, and they retain that sensorial information more than do men.


>Discoveries like this one should ring researchers’ alarm buzzers. Women, it’s known, retain stronger, more vivid memories of emotional events than men do. They recall emotional memories more quickly, and the ones they recall are richer and more intense. If, as is likely, the amygdala figures into depression or anxiety, any failure to separately analyze men’s and women’s brains to understand their different susceptibilities to either syndrome would be as self-defeating as not knowing left from right.


None of the bad MGTOW pseudoscience and anecdotes can prove otherwise.

>So far as women do have an existential angst, it's related mainly to getting old and losing their looks/ability to make a baby. Which in the end is still a pretty limited form of angst since it's mostly about them personally as opposed to a more universal sense of depression and doom about humanity.
An old man is still useful as an elder of the tribe and to pass on wisdom to the young. An old woman is comparatively valueless.

>the only thing keeping men from raping everything with a pussy in sight is other men who believe it's wrong and will stop/punish men who want to rape everything in sight

In the end it's still all about getting laid since if you beat up a rapist, you're sending the message that "I'm a nice guy not a brute like he was. Sleep with me instead."

>doom about humanity.
Yeah, about actions done by their fellow man. I see this "muh sensitive existential man" horseshit on here a lot. Men go through this "phase" as an intellectual pose, since men love having some kind of status as it relates to physical ability, cleverness, or intelligence. He likes the idea of himself as a tortured soul rather than actually having a genuine concern about the world. End of the day, the vast majority of violence against others is committed by men, in pursuit of meaningless and shallow "victories" such as wealth, power, and status.

>incel this
>incel that

i thought this word died out in 2015

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>End of the day, the vast majority of violence against others is committed by men, in pursuit of meaningless and shallow "victories" such as wealth, power, and status.
Women do the same or worse, though their violence tends to be verbal rather than physical. They're capable of a very high degree of psychological cruelty to other women and some will say the tongue is mightier than the sword.

>Yeah, about actions done by their fellow man
Not just that but existence in general. The sad realization that people are out to swindle you and you're put on this earth to eventually get old and die.

I've never liked Springsteen, yet I've never seen a female artist put out a Nebraska.

Now incels are trying to spin it like verbal violence is worse than physical violence. I think I'd rather get insulted than have my house blown up.

Again, this is most likely because the music industry simply doesn't encourage women to do sociopolitical content or anything but sex.

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The irony of white-knighting male feminists like this guy is that they are no different from any other man. They've simply adopted a different strategy of trying to get laid in that they think if they white knight women enough, women will reward them with sex.

The post to crush /pol/ incels for all eternity. Just look at the pathetic damage control replies.
LMAO good job

women are being violent when they tell us 'no, I don't want to have sex with you', or 'please stop touching me', or 'you're raping me'. when nazis say they want to forcibly remove jews and non-whites and establish a racially homogeneous state, they are just exercising their free speech.

It's more accurate to say women save most of their vitriol for other women rather than men. They have a rather insane degree of hate and jealously towards one another.

>samefag upboating your own post

Attached: costanza.jpg (600x600, 35K)

I remember reading a study where they analyzed court cases and female judges were more likely to hand down harsh sentences on female defendants and less harsh ones on male defendants. For male judges it was the same. They were more likely to give a harsh sentence to a male defendant and to go easy on female ones.

fuck, just realised I referred to white ethno-nationalists as nazis just because they have a different opinion on genociding jews to me. i am truly sorry reddit, and to white ethno-nationalists whose fine reputation I have besmirched. i'll try not to be such a cuck brainwashed by the liberal media next time.

also, forgot to add: the real nazis are the feminazis ammirite reddit?

So where's the brave woman who bucks the trend?

IDK where he suddenly gets Nazism from because that was never mentioned by anyone in the thread other than him.

Someone was going to invoke Godwin's Law eventually.

>women are being violent when they tell us 'no, I don't want to have sex with you', or 'please stop touching me', or 'you're raping me'

That was addressed earlier. What's gonna stop you from having your way with her short of other men who are willing to stop you in the hope that she'll sleep with them instead as a reward for rescuing her?

Citing biological/neurological/performance facts is "white knighting." Okay, Elliot. It's not "white knighting," it's proving a dumbshit petulant opinion wrong. And you are wrong. No amount of "but in my experience" anecdotal garbage can give your woman hating case a leg to stand on.

your question is so incoherent I can't answer it. try redrafting it buddy.

Was here.

It's not hating women to suggest that perhaps men and women are mentally and physically different and women can't do all of the things men can.

Was here


I think I know where the mgtow angst comes from. Men had a very clear role in ancient societies that revolved around their superior size and strength, and since women were relegated as a homemaker, most intellectual and creative pursuits were done by men. The first role is pretty much gone. We don't hunt anymore and fight wars with technology. Since the mid-20th century, women are finding themselves in more and more creative, scientific, and business positions. And per the facts mentioned, there is no cognitive reason women can't match men. So the "incel" starts thinking, "What am I good for? What are men good for?" When you combine the increasing status of women with how men are responsible for pretty much every ill in the world (wars, wars, wars), you see the writing on the wall of your "replacement."

This fear is nonsense of course, because, in the real world, humans enjoy other humans for their company. For qualitative reasons. No human is "obsolete." But incels, who misunderstand Darwinian concepts, read tripe like Might is Right, and spend too much goddamn time on the internet in their preferred echo chambers, very much have an "NPC" view of the world as divided into winners and losers. Their value system is completely fucked, thus their fucked up view of the world.

Kind of strange, too, since most incels are people with doting mothers. Either they hate women who fail to measure up to their mother or they just spend too much time sulking over perceived slights from women in the real world.

>perhaps men and women are mentally and physically different and women can't do all of the things men can.
That's fine, and true. The "hating" is when people say women have no internal life, aren't self-aware, are mentally children, can't self-actualize, etc. None of this. Not one, is supported by any facts. Cognitively, both genders are capable of the same, with women being slightly better at some things and men being slightly better at others. The "outcome" imbalance of successful men vs. women in certain industries is pretty much a cultural phenomenon, due to the expected roles of either gender over human history. But that outcome imbalance is narrowing, and isn't because of "diversity" hires and other nonsense.

You're just parroting Joe Rogan, dude. Stop being such a fucking embarrassment.

>he's STILL attempting to damage control

are there any gay male feminists?

Imagine defining people's worth on how much sex they have.

That's what incels do. Their whole issue is that they see themselves as worthless because they aren't having sex. Your point is correct, but it's the incels who need to heed it.

Broader point: romance is a tried and working subject for popular music in the broadest sense, and I would rather listen to that than politically or philosophically engaged lyrics because the former have at their worst still a significantly lesser cringe factor than the latter. Also, the latter are almost never good anyway, usually they fall in several equally embarassing scenarios: 1) some pasty middle class dork enamoured with Che spouts polisci 101 and wants death to America, 2) some nigger raps many polysyllabic words hoping it will make him sound more intelligent, raps about third eye and that one time he has seen Zeitgeist, and wants death to America.

What Buzzfeed article was this pasted from?

>We don't hunt anymore and fight wars with technology
Excuse me, but a bow and arrow was as much "technology" as an iPhone.

That guy has never been in the army if he thinks it doesn't still require strength and endurance and a lot of it. He sounds like he's pasting stuff from some typical tech/futurist website like wired.com a lot of which is about equivalent to astrology.

>god almighty
Why do they always speak like this? I don't know if it's ironic or what at this point

As much as SJWs like this guy try to spin it otherwise, the facts still are that:

1. Women are far less likely to be CEOs than men
2. Women are still far more likely to be drawn to traditionally female professions such as nursing or teaching
3. Making a baby is still priority uber alles for most women
4. Women who do pursue careers like CEO, lawyer, et al are usually from wealthy families, it's far less common for them to come up from nothing
5. "Career" women have great difficulty in general reconciling their career with the desire to have a family
6. "Career" women who forgo having a family tend to end up lonely and bitter when they are old and regretting that they didn't have one
7. Women still have next to no interest in hot, dirty, and dangerous jobs, they want to work in a nice, air conditioned office
8. In keeping on topic with music, women still naturally gravitate towards forms of music such as country and pop which have a softer, more accessible sound and less reliance on instrumental skill
9. Women in music seldom have much range outside of love and relationship songs

This is after 50 years of the women's lib movement, none of which can erase 2 million years of evolutionary selection in our species.


>6. "Career" women who forgo having a family tend to end up lonely and bitter when they are old and regretting that they didn't have one



Kate Bush says hi

Also obligatory

>This is after 50 years of the women's lib movement, none of which can erase 2 million years of evolutionary selection in our species.
That's exactly the point. A mere 50 years isn't enough to for there to be an outcome equivalence for roles that were set in stone for all of human history. So the "fact" here is it's a cultural reason, not a biological reason (in endeavors that don't rely on physicality). The "incels" try to appeal to biology (women's brains less capable, etc) to make their case, but if they actually read the studies, they'd discover the findings disprove them.

There probably will never be an equivalent outcome, either since "babymaking" tends to interfere with career pursuits, but it's not because of relative competency, just the fact women are usually away from their careers more than men due to that, and in environments where the quarterly profit reigns supreme (which is basically everything, from corporate to entertainment), every second you have to devote toward your work is supremely important. A firm might be against hiring a 32 year old married woman as a CEO or something because they can't afford her missed time for maternity leave.

So many white knights and trannies in this thread strawmaning everything.

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>A mere 50 years isn't enough to for there to be an outcome equivalence for roles that were set in stone for all of human history. So the "fact" here is it's a cultural reason, not a biological reason
These two sentences completely contradict each other. You flat-out agreed with him that humans evolved a certain way and that 2 million years of evolution won't get undone in all of two generations and then you turned around and said it was cultural and humans weren't hard-wired for certain traits.

>not a biological reason (in endeavors that don't rely on physicality). The "incels" try to appeal to biology (women's brains less capable, etc) to make their case

The working argument is that women's brains are wired to want to take care of another living creature and that is why they're inherently drawn to fields like nursing and pretty much never stuff like cleaning a sewer.

Well this thread really backfired on OP

Not really. His basic argument hasn't been refuted.

Women do cleaning jobs all over the world. Do you ever go outside?

Yes I'm sure sweeping up hair at the beauty parlor is like cleaning up an oil spill.

Those sentences don't contradict each other. Evolution is all about environmental adaptation. Our post-industrial revolution environment is very different from our pre-industrial world. Biology isn't "hard wired" in the sense that a biological/genetic disposition will determine everything. A person pre-disposed to heart disease can have better cardiac health than a person with no genetic predisposition if the former exercises and eats healthier (the former is changing their environment). Genes are like switches that turn on/off via environment triggers/stressors. In any event, the brains of men and women are wired very similarly, with very slight differences:

>All these measured differences are averages derived from pooling widely varying individual results. While statistically significant, the differences tend not to be gigantic. They are most noticeable at the extremes of a bell curve, rather than in the middle, where most people cluster. Some argue that we may safely ignore them.

My point is there isn't any innate reason for the disparity between men and women in the STEM and corporate world, a disparity incels use to "prove" men are better/smarter, especially when this environmental change (traditional gender roles vs. the past 50 years) hasn't been for very long. Women will probably never catch up because many will still have to put their careers on hold during pregnancy, but my main point is that the disparity isn't because of innate biological differences.

The physical difficulty of the job was never mentioned in the original post.

> Evolution is all about environmental adaptation
How about no. A handful of empowered stronk feminist women who become CEOs won't alter the evolutionary balance because the number of them would be too small to influence the gene pool or selection and because those women tend to have to forsake reproduction for their career minimizing the chance of even passing on their genes.
>My point is there isn't any innate reason for the disparity between men and women in the STEM
Other than the inherent cognitive differences in men's and women's brains? Of the four things in STEM, only the last one attracts many women and primarily because it's related to caring for a needy living creature.

You're discounting the centuries of social pressure that basically forced women into caregiving roles. Again, that can't be undone within 50 years. Men also make capable caregivers. As I said in a most recent post, the neurological differences aren't that vast. Furthermore, a women's innate ability as a "nurturer" also gives her abilities that can be valuable in something like a boardroom, where managing different personalities is a must. But again, the environments are changing and thus gender roles are becoming more mixed in the sense that dads might not always be the money maker and have more time to spend with the kids than the mother who works a more time consuming job.

>You're discounting the centuries of social pressure that basically forced women into caregiving roles
Or did this perchance happen because women simply instinctively were drawn to those roles. Chicken or egg?

>roles are becoming more mixed in the sense that dads might not always be the money maker and have more time to spend with the kids than the mother who works a more time consuming job

Only really exists in feminist power fantasies.

Meant for

>CEOs won't alter the evolutionary balance
They don't need to alter the "evolutionary balance" in terms of this new environment "changing their brains" to become more capable, so they don't need to pass on anything. Their brains were already capable. Read the studies. Any disparity can be explained by cultural factors. If you don't think those played a role, I don't know what to say. They barely just got the right to vote in the US a little over a century ago. Yes, I know we're all annoyed by Megan Rapinoe and "SJWs" and equal pay, but their whining doesn't mean real discrimination against women in male dominated fields hasn't/still doesn't exist.

But I won't argue with you that their will ever be equal representation in those field, again, down to the childbirth fact. 6-9 months off from work a few times can be a career killer, especially in fast moving industries. But it's not due to inferior natural ability in those fields.

I would agree women are a bit more drawn to those fields, much the same way a man would be drawn to being a logger or construction worker. My point was for centuries women were told they were best employed as nurses, teachers, and then secretaries. They didn't pursue other fields with the same frequency because those were "men's fields," much how like men didn't pursue becoming a nurse or paralegal with the same frequency. This cultural baggage still hasn't totally been dropped, especially in less developed countries.

Kys capitalist bootlicker