The guy on the cover of Exmilitary isn't MC Ride

The guy on the cover of Exmilitary isn't MC Ride

Attached: artworks-000006684777-ybgmdr-t500x500.jpg (500x500, 111K)

thanks captain fucking obvious

>too racist to realize two black dudes who look nothing alike aren’t the same black dude

no shit retard

they're not even the same shade of black bruh


Attached: OFJy8yiZ6GoqKSLnBvozq3sJBGLyGNIoTTMbHqYkRTQ.jpg (1080x1331, 109K)

oh look its my dad that ran away 15 years ago

it's him

what the fuck please tell me its not true, its actually mc ride, right?

Attached: 12o3u39484.png (656x755, 39K)

itt: white people pretend they can tell bearded black people apart

i genuinely thought it was the same guy but ive only ever heard two death grips songs so i don’t really know how mc ride looks very well

shit album
death grips are garbage

Which songs?

He's an abo

MC rides father.
Photo found in attic.
Thought to be an aboriginal or sub saharan.
Current location unknown


I thought it was his grandpa

Attached: deathgrips.jpg (1200x1200, 343K)

Clearly Australian indigenous

What a great photo

Shit I never noticed

'Beware' and 'Why a Bitch Gotta Lie'

The NLDW cover actually isn't Zach, but MC Ride.

did mc ride have a dick slip over here it's hard to tell

Attached: ride legs.jpg (640x489, 48K)

Yea pretty sure he's some New Guinean nigga that they found a portrait of, makes for a pretty sick album cover imo

>those four guys in the center, on the cover of Sgt. Peppers, are not the Beatles. they are Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band