i'll start. :)
Other urls found in this thread:
lullabies is their best.
RR > LtP = SftD > s/t = EV > the rest
low iq
You start
I can get behind this, except knock In Utero down to A. Nirvana doesnt have any S albums.
S Songs 4 deaf
A rated R and self titled
B clockwork and lullabies
C Era Vulgaris
D villains
S- Muddy Banks
A- Incesticide
B- Bleach, Unplugged
C- In Utero (studio garbage)
D- Nevermind (thanks geffin)
Nirvana was better live, their studio work was horrendous. Nevermind is so squeaky clean it makes me want to sick.
>makes me want to sick
I spat my tea out goddamn, thanks for the chuckle
Not the same template but w/e
weird take but i can respect it
this is so ugly to look at
I wish they had more time to make songs like Mexican Seafood, Hairspray Queen and Aero Zeppelin. That shit is Nirvana to the core.
I ran out of space and didn't want to make the album art tiny. The fucker has like 25 albums, what do you want me to do?
correct ranking coming through
i love hairspray queen. it’s one of my favorite nirvana songs.
they have some weird goodies on With the Lights Out if you haven’t looked at that before. Mrs. Butterworth might interest you.
>inb4 The Black Album is pop garbage
>inb4 Hardwired sucked
>inb4 Lulu is anything over mid tier
I got it for christmas the year it came out and yeah that's a jammer. Anorexorcist is one of my faves from the first disc.
metallica just in general is pretty gay
>gayer than (you)
lmao that's impossible
worst take in this whole thread
If you like any Nu-Grips releases other than Steroids, you're actually retarded
*love, I worded that weirdly
Imagine not liking YOTS
Imagine liking Jenny Death
Nice trips, they really highlight how accurate your selfie is
yeah this is cringe
i've never listened to animal collective i don't know why i said this i just got an intense urge to say that for some reason and i don't know why
What the fuck is this shit?
You have some based instincts.
>Load as good as RTL
Load’s actually better than RTL
Correct! Danse Manatee IS near perfect!
jesus christ what a shit taste
>s/t s tier
based based based
i would put the on air reissue at s tier but it wasnt in the template
I like X Factor fight me.
you got close
I'm gonna hurl
thank you user :)
swap blackstar with station to station
and swap the next day with Earthling
>YOTS is bad
You should be kept away from sharp objects.
One of the only decent takes in this thread. SoP should be much lower, though.
>NOTM at top
>jenny death that high
Being as contrarian as I am may be edgy, but it's not as edgy as YOTS. Did we even listen to the same album? It sounds like some middle schooler's dubstep rap mixtape on Soundcloud
The Eleventh Commandment given to us by Moses clearly states "Thou shalt not have disdain for either of the Powers that B, for within each is half of the seed of life, and one cannot exist without the other"
im under the delusion that if i tried hard enough and made good points I could convince you all of my ranking but im tired and im using the screen keyboard so for now just know that it's founded and sensical.
just tell us what the ranking is.
idk the bjork sample gets a little old for me and i think jenny death has more variety overall. although, i don't think i would put either of the two in the tippety top tier, there's a lot more quality stuff that's much more deserving of that spot. i also felt the same way about yots when i first listened to it. give it some more time, man.
>the bjork sample gets a little old for me
I thought you said my placement of NOTM was based?
>give it some more time, man
I will, but I've given up hope on it clicking by now. Maybe it eventually will, I don't know
i can smell your shit opinion through my computer screen
how shitty is my taste?
Swap Vulnicura and Biophilia and it's perfect
Top row is correct, everything else is a fucking mess
correct rankings coming through:
>steroids on top
Fucking nic-
>yots at the bottom
Shit list
Pink Floyd
GP waaay too low
I'd bump Green up to A, but aside from that, I agree.
s/t > sftd+ltp > rR+ev+split > lc > v
Anyone have the image of the Cannibal Corpse tier list but every album is in trash tier?
considering you actually listen to radiohead, it's shitty
When will people admit Bowies berlin trilogy is the most overrated fucking thing ever?
I mean, there's great tracks on the albums, they got experimental stuff that's very solid, and they're wonderful albums. But they should not be higher than fucking station to station under any circumstance.
Big props for rating Outside as high as you did, hooefully taking into account Leon. Much better album it was.
All in all not bad. Good taste.
Closest to correct I've seen a qotsa tier list desu
*drum and bass machine starts* belongs in the shit tier though.
gonna start dumping some tier lists
Can't argue with any of those rankings
Bump Poseidon and Discipline, nerf THRAK
Swap Remain in Light and 77
S - Animals; Wish You Were Here; Piper at the Gates of Dawn; More;
A - Dark Side of the Moon; Atom Heart Mother; Meddle; Obscured by Clouds;
B - The Wall; A Saucerful of Secrets;
D - Ummagumma
Bugger off, phoneposter
then buy me a pc, fucker
Bleach should be far higher, along with In Utero.
Perfect ranking, I do think you are little too kind on Never Let Me Down, I also personally like Man Who Stole The World far more personally.
I'd honestly throw down Black to Mid or even Low tier, no way that album is equal to Justice For All.
I'd say Kill'em All deserves A at least, I am not that fond of Load.
I don't think Death ever released anything under at least an A, but I agree that those two albums are their pinnacles.
Hybrid Theory and Meteora deserve God tier.
Minutes to Midnight is more of a Top tier.
The Hunting Party is at least top tier.
I'd put on Green to A, maybe even on S on good days.
The rest of the Bs and Cs go all the down the shitter to D (expect for EWBAITE).
fite me
how can in utero be higher it’s already in S tier
here we go
I meant to say that Bleach should be up there with In Utero, but I went full retard
swap sftd with r and clockwork with lullabies and this is perfect
there’s no way bleach is above unplugged and incesticide
OP here. respectable opinion.
Promote lullabies and era vulgaris to A and villains to C then you’re right
I guess we didn't because there's literally no dubstep on YOTS.
sonic nurse is great get on it also rather ripped is underrated
>notm over jd
>death classic that low
>tms over bp AND nldw
honestly, i'm not mad i'm just very disappointed
>jd b tier
>bp c tier
what the fuck is this?
I dunno, I really love them all quite a bit. Personally I would've ranked Lodger the highest but I figure people would've been pissed by that. I also love Station to Station but find a lot of it to be not as great as what came after. It's his transition album from Disco Pop to Patrician.
this one looks good to me, fight me
>Putting Uchu Nippon Setagaya any lower than "Greatest of All Time"
before anyone gets it wrong
what S stand for ?
Lodger is underrated, I agree. People just don't like that it lacked instrumental tracks, but they don't see that the experimentation is actually worked into the whole album, and I think that's a turning point for Bowie that flies under people's radar.
>any non-Humanz album below B
It's simultaneously one of his most experimental while also being his most accessible. I just feel weird about not listing Low and Heroes as god tier.
After 5000 plays on Radiohead. I can safely say this is pretty good
Kill'em All is a 7/10 at best. I don't know if this qualifies as an A.
> Load A Tier
> Kill`em`all B Tier
Ok I`m done, fuck this poser.
Shit, this is it. Maybe GP B tier
>Not swapping amnesiac for HTTT
>Not ranking PH higher
Come back after another 5000 plays kid
I really don't get people who don't get TOAPP. It's among their best, and probably one of the easier listens too.
You're right with hail to the thief. I didn't realize it had There, there and 2+2=5 as tracks. Pablo honey is just a shitty mainstream rock album
everything checks out except SABB's position, should be A tier in my opinion
> In Utero (studio garbage)
> Nevermind too squeaky clean
Wut. Tf do you even want?!
And yet even as a mainstream rock album it's very solid and BTFO's most other rock from the time
>JD too high
>JD too low
Make up your fucking mind
Will Yea Forums ever realize that Utopia is actually good?
Swap Remain in Light with Fear of Music
>Swap Remain in Light and 77
What the fuck?
>what is metaphor
Pretty Hate Machine should be SS just for Down in It
About right, good r8 user
yea i felt like putting it up there.
Starless carries the whole album though
demon days is too low what the fuck
surprisingly easy
How long did you even spend getting all those logos all together? Christ man
I have a lot of free time and I took a semester in photoshop in high school so I want to make that feel worthwhile.
>ranking more that high
>ranking amlor that low
Otherwise, respectable.
dog the band has been around for less than a decade there isn't any nu thing about em yet
You can't possibly believe that Steroids, BP, and YOTS aren't an indication of their style to come? Two is a coincidence, but three is a pattern
how can you put hail to the thief in f tier
the better question is how he can put Amnesiac in A-
>says they were better live
>puts Unplugged on B tier
Youre an interesting fellow.
Pretty close to me. I'd switch Clockwork with the self-titled though.