My gusics are much too small for you traveler. Maybe you should go to some other gusic listener with bigger gusics like jazz.
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I said it last thread and I'll say it again
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based kit
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haha upvote good sir
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are you seriously saying kotposting isn't reddlt incarnate?
Say that one more time
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What is the type of jazz used in noir films.
Its more bigband than jazz desu
jazz is too incommodious
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jazz is too rebarbative
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I like jazz!
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stop posting my hamster bro not cool
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hmm, no you dont!
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you've had your say cat poster but i'll have mine. youre a rascal. youre a rascal with no respect for jazz. no respect for anything except your posts
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I like all good gusics
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Same. Except jazz. jazz is too pestiferous
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Is this snall for you?
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Jazzfags on guicide watch
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best small gusoc?
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jazz sucks
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jazz is too little. deal with it.
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Jazz isn't gusic you fucking sham