My gusics are much too small for you traveler...

My gusics are much too small for you traveler. Maybe you should go to some other gusic listener with bigger gusics like jazz.

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I said it last thread and I'll say it again


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based kit

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enjoy cusic

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haha upvote good sir

Attached: alie.png (1200x800, 119K)

are you seriously saying kotposting isn't reddlt incarnate?

Say that one more time

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What is the type of jazz used in noir films.

Its more bigband than jazz desu

jazz is too incommodious

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go back, seriously

jazz is too rebarbative

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Cows are partician

I like jazz!

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stop posting my hamster bro not cool

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What's jazz?

hmm, no you dont!

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you've had your say cat poster but i'll have mine. youre a rascal. youre a rascal with no respect for jazz. no respect for anything except your posts

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I like all good gusics

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me too

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Same. Except jazz. jazz is too pestiferous

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Is this snall for you?

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Jazzfags on guicide watch

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best small gusoc?

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jazz sucks

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jazz is too little. deal with it.

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Jazz isn't gusic you fucking sham