prog music is absolute wankery. if you want to feel enlightened while listening to music, at least listen to jazz or classical.
Prog music is absolute wankery. if you want to feel enlightened while listening to music...
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true i'm lightened bazz
Prog > jazz > classical
classical is a pure subset of progressive rock, with lesser instrumentation and usually without vocal work
classical is prog with arbitrary limits
nah, listen to the beatles
prime wifebeater-core
If you don't feel "I Talk To The Wind" or feel a PFM album you're a soulless idiot bastard faggot and I unironically hope you kys cause you're the cancer that kills the music world.
I don't listen to music to feel enlightened because I'm not a religious moron who thinks arbitrary actions or decisions will objectively bring me closer to an understanding of the universe.
While I enjoy early King Crimson, some of Camel's output, all of the Soft Machine, and Pink Floyd is a lifelong favorite, I find bands like Yes and Rush to be very cheesy. There's something about the production and just the overall style style that feels overblown and cheesy for me personally, and they manage to do so in a way in that's tough to put into words. Being a longtime bass player I really made a valiant attempt to get into those two after hearing everyone gush about Geddy and Cris Squire. While I think they're incredibly virtuosic players, their music is just missing something that is almost impossible to put into words -- maybe it's grit, maybe it's sexuality, maybe the production is off, maybe they sound like they're trying too hard, or maybe they just come off as total dweebs, I really have no idea what it is.
I love rock music, and I love weird rock, and long songs has never been a turn-off. I've been a fan of post-rock, krautrock, Frank Zappa, and math rock for most of my life; I'm not turned off by experimentation, wankery, length, or anything that is usually mentioned when people talk shit about prog, I just can't deal with melodrama that isn't tongue-in-cheek. I think Yes and Rush are fine bands and I've had dozens of good friends who adore them, but I just can't dig it.
Lmao jazz is literally scale/chords masturbation for musicians, it's literally useless if you've never picked up an instrument or learned about music theory. And not to mention the fact that jazz has no guts or character whatsoever.
On the other hand song like 21st century shizoid man or 2112 are actually exciting to listen to and have guts and character.
Technical music isn't always equal to wank, you dummy.
Since you can't put it into words I'll do it for you
>Yes and Rush are too clean and polished my taste
Which makes since because both Yes and Rush were big on production quality and "slickness". You either like it or you don't.
Out of interest, have you listened to Polygondwanaland?
Good taste, you like Gong?
Not him, but Pink Floyd's and Genesis' later albums fall into this trap for me too.
Yes peaked on their second album and Rush peaked with Hemispheres. Funnily it's some complex music but without the pretentiousness of many Krautrock bands or Jazz-Rock bands (which I still like). Listen to those albums and just enjoy the music. You can't be telling me those albums ain't melodically interesting.
prog = big mac
classical/jazz = good roast beef and cheese between fresh bread
Steve Albini=Dog Food
I used to worship prog but eventually i got bored of prog musicians antics and now just mostly stick to the classics. if you got an idea that's good for a 3 minute song it shouldn't be done in 24 with a 6 minute section of a boring solo and the distorted sound of a distant goat
Yeah dude, tell me about how Kenny G is better than Soft Machine.
imagine being so fat you listen to music and hear food
why not Prog, Jazz and Classical all at the same time?
ngl i listened to this at peak ego death and was cumming everywhere
you can rag on this album for being "le basedboy reddit cringe haha entry tier" or whatever but i'll never forget listening to Close to the Edge/You And I as a thunderstorm began to piss rain and me running out into it like a fucking retard on acid
The lines cannot blur
*dabs on your lines*
Easily their most unique work and Crumbling Castle is their magnum opus until proven otherwise. I still prefer Mind Fuzz and Quarters as albums but there’s no weak links in the tracklist and the instrumentation is flawless.
Fucking love Gong! One of the best ever bands for grabbing an LP and lying down on the bed with the artwork, mythology, music... Love the Radio Gnome triology and Camembert the most, but Hillage's first solo album, Fish Rising, is amazing too and was basically recorded at the same time/with the same lineup as You.
Why do pretentious snobs and hipsters hate prog so much? It's music for people who enjoy fun and ambitious music and don't treat music like fashion accessory because it is uncool to like and too "white".
just add a because in front of your second sentence
I listen to prog and classical and I kinda want to get into jazz. Sure feels nice to be able to enjoy music, unlike most of this board.