/gg/ - Guitar & Bass General

4channel is an anime website

How do I start learning guitar?
Guitar chords and inversions
String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):
Music theory:
Guitar Maintenance and other information:
Why is my guitar buzzing?
Large repository of tabs, books and other resources related to playing and theory:

Previous thread:

Attached: rokkalock.jpg (908x1200, 167K)

Other urls found in this thread:


For me, it's first act.

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>tfw you see yourself in the mirror with a genuine Gibson™ Les Paul Standard for the first time

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But theres an anime board

>mommy can you please help me wipe my ass

these are the best effects in order

fuzz and octave fuzz*
graphic eq

*pitch shifters pogs octave down and everything else are useless

Do you like my condor Les Paul?

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How do I start learning guitar/bass?
Guitar chords and inversion
String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):
Music theory:
Guitar Maintenance and other information:
Why is my guitar buzzing?
Large repository of tabs, books and other resources related to playing and theory:

all shit

Not good enough.

its shit
I have this shitty First Act Amp that cuts out so much if you don't strum hard enough

>what is delay
>what is chorus/


lol you guys wouldn't be having all these problems if you had just bought a genuine Gibson to begin with

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Sshhh, you'll upset Sammy.

and jroach

Good point, we don't want to set off his coping mechanisms.

Who here had literally never heard of Condor before Sammy started spamming his?

i think this would nicely fit in a noise rock outfit.
how much does one of these go for?

$8500 + shipping

Attached: DxJy-LIVAAEJ-9k.jpg (1200x672, 84K)

looks sick dude, and that's coming from a guy that would never touch any guitar but a Fender

Fuck off, Sammy.

Rate your Bandoris /gg/

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>Celluloid rot in inlays

Hi sam. Show us on the doll where he hurt you.

>mommy stop dancing for the favela men. Papa isnt dead yet.

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I love that Epi. Something about them blondes man. What kind of amp do you play out of?

This is actually a really shred Japanese marketing campaign. When the nips have an overstock of garbage nobody will buy they start buying commercial spots in anime shows to get it off the shelves. After K-on they realized they couldn't keep the instruments the girls on that show were playing in stock and bingo! anime advertising musical instruments was born. The last ten years it's gone from shows like K-on and Beck to shows like Lucky Star where they place shelf warmers to get some inventory gone.

Everything you own is covered in filth.

>uses delay and chorus
yeah and im the pleb. OK.

Have you seen his shit stained underwear?

I'm sorry for your mommy issues user, but it's not nice to project them on others.

That's because I'm mean and dirty

>why yes, I do post in the guitar general every day!
>how did you know?

Attached: Shore_crabs_in_a_bucket_.jpg (1983x1652, 1.31M)

Its because you live in eternal rat infested poverty. Its not 'cool' or a 'vibe', you're just a gross fucking shit stain of a human. The only reason you post on here is because we can't smell you through the internet.

I shower every day, what about you, dirty European? I bet it's once a week, at most.

i am in the market for a gibson explorer. i want to get one used and dont really know what modelyears are good. also whats the difference between the B-2 and normal variants? and what should i expect from the nitro-finish?

>stop hurting my feelings
Kek. Cry harder bitch

why are they all girls

a Traynor Darkhorse

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>implying your filthy slum water actually cleans you

Do everyone a favor, kill yourself, and have someone burn the body so you cant taint the earth when they throw you in the grave.

That's neat as hell. Aesthetic as fuck.

>gear that's never left the house
Welcome to /gg/, you'll fit right in!

Imagine living in the Brazilian heat, going to have a shower, and getting drenched in brown water.

Fucking sexy.

I was going to post "aesthetic", but this guy beat me to it.

If were lucky he'll get pozzed by a tranny. Sooner than later. All he is is a shitstain reminder of how much of a financial drain he is on his family. His dad cant even work because hes dying so sams mom has to work to support everyone. And sam doesnt even contribute to the household he just spends his money on ill fitting chinese parts for his excuses of instruments.

It's a really dope little amp, but I feel like I don't take full advantage of it. It has three settings: one sounds bright and clean like a Fender, one is really fuzzy like a Marshall, and one completely bypasses the tone stack. I pretty much only use the Fender setting because I like playing mostly clean with a bit of grit.

thanks bruh

Cause the boy band is reserved for the fujoshits

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And you get electrocuted at random intervals

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>getting drenched in brown water.
People pay good money for that.

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The thing I really like about this collection is it succinctly covers all the bases for electric (singles and humbuckers), acoustic and bass (precision and jazz).

G*rmans arent people.
>you will never sniff Merkels kaka

Sure if youre a fag.

someone photoshop this holding a red strat

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Lets see your collection bud


My mother is retired and doesn't have time to work as tailor anymore because she's taking care of my dad 24/7, I give a bit of my wage to contribute with the bills

And you'll die inhaling the gas from your Anglo shower

>he can't afford a Gibson, the only guitar which is good enough, because he spent all of his money on KC Ortiz albums

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Who the hell buys kc ortiz albums

This guitar is adequate.
Rock a cute. A CUTE!

Says the dude with a botched circumcision.

Name your top 40 favorite King Crimson songs to play on guitar...NOW

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Not pictured a single hum squier bullet and a yammy fg331 and some no name bass

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>tfw you hear that genuine Gibson™ Les Paul Standard tone coming from your amp for the first time

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I would be too if my employees were literal retards

>he doesn't have shit phimosis like me so he must be a circumcised Jew
You're actually taking long to start attacking me for your smaller dick

all shit

Did your mom ever get you checked for gross retardation when you were born? She might want to take those budget guitars away from you, you might hurt yourself.

>Sammy had phimosis
Why would you tell us this? Link for the non-medical:

Why did sammy delete the post about his boss getting to him?

Anyone wanna buy this from me? I don't really play it much anymore. In EU

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Did you all remember to practice today?

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Looking for an amp that sounds good at low volumes to use with my authentic gibson les paul. Currently i have a laney tube amp but it sounds like shit at reasonable volumes. I live in a condo so i'm kind of limited. How are the Katana's? I really want a tube amp though...

Get a joyo bantamp. Theres different ones

I have no idea wtf a Condor is, so I can say if it's shit or not and you should have posted a straight pic since the only two things that really matter in a LP knock-off is the shape of the headstock and horn.

That said, assuming the horn isn't gay, it looks to be a decent lawsuit les paul judging by the shape of the headstock. Agile is still the king of cheap LP knock-offs, currently, though. Even though they raised their prices and fucked with the horn to get Gibson off their dick. You can still find their earlier 'lawsuit' models from time to time used.

i give u 3 fiddy desu

You have no idea about wtf youre talking about.

Sam, you need to learn to make better extrapolations with the data you've been given.

For instance, notice how his bed is up against the wall? This isn't the way adults with partners sleep. This almost certainly means a few things. He's a short list:
>he always sleeps alone (no wife or girlfriend)
>he sleeps in a very small room (probably still lives in a bedroom in mothers house)
And last but not least
>it's likely the bed is up against the wall to save space because there's another bed in the room indicating he's sleeping with another person in the room who's *not* female (most likely a younger brother or worse yet, a roommate)

Now look at this pic. Three couches? He probably lives with 20 other Mexicans in one house! And they all sleep in the same room together at night!

Ha ha haa, elementary my dear Watson!

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>tfw too intelligent to not go full retard

PWE Event Horizon 3

That's an impressively niche recommendation. I'll take a look.

Welcome to /gg/.

Man your mommy issues are really hurting you today aren't they?

I'm bored, so I just poked around Google about them.
Condor is a Brazilian company that is selling $400 LP knock offs. You can tell who their market is, because their biggest selling point in their advertising is "12X" - or monthly payments.
They're basically cheapo Brazilian Epiphones. I would say they're probably about the same as Chibsons. They might even BE Chibsons, because the Chinese shops that crank these LPs out will put any logo you want on them. (The irony would be getting mahogany guitars made in china, living in a country where it's harvested)

Half of condor's website is broken, so that tells you how good a company they are, lol.

Thoughts on Jimmy Herring? Some say he is the John Coltrane of guitar

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My 10w tube amp sounds good even at the lowest volumes. It's a Mars by Alien Amps

>The irony would be getting mahogany guitars made in china, living in a country where it's harvested
thats not irony

Fuck off, Sammy.

can someone play this so I know how its supposed to sound? I feel like when I get to that 9th note it throws off the rhythm and idk what I'm doing wrong

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Just posting one of the best electric guitar solos of all time.

Tab doesn't tell how long each note lasts, for that you need notation. What's the song?

demons gate by candlemass

>mommy says a small amp is best for me

ugh painfully out of tune

katanas are good cause u can lower the wattage, but test them out because some people say the sound at low watts is a meme

Mine is a 3 piece Asian mahogany. Yes it's a decent Chibson, epiphone standard tier, with a passable body shape, horn and curvy top. I upgraded everything but the stock ceramic pickups were decent and I don't ever plan on replacing the stock Grover tuners.
I guess chinese wood is way cheaper. I have a handmade PJ bass with Brazilian rosewood.
The Lemon Drop which is Condor's best Chibson is made of real mahogany, great guitars.

Nyato wood. Dont fucking lie about your shitplank.
What brazilian rosewood? You said jacaranda. Larp confirmed

A few months ago i fell for the meme and got a 2008 LP standard tradtitional. Hate to say it but i really like it. So much that i got an SG a few days ago. Something about the shorter scale length feels really nice with 11-50 strings.

I listened to the song. The tab is accurate, although you only play the first two notes the first time around. JUst listen to it, it's not very hard.

Actually, i do. Now, how does it feel to be proven wrong?

Agile is probably the best LP knock-off currently available, esp. if you dont want to order direct from overseas. Otherwise, buy used, but there are faggots that actually collect knock-offs specifically, like lawsuit Ibanez LP's and Tokai so even they are over-priced.

>11-50 strings.
kek what a fag

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>Actually, i do.
Show us these "lawsuits" idiot. They don't exist

Thick strings and a low setup is objectively superior.

Have seen him play alongside Warren Haynes; Haynes embarrassed him. Then again, Haynes will do that to most people in a rock setting. He wouldn't be able to keep up with Herring in a jazz setting.

Anyone know what these pedals do?
I know the white one is a tuner and it sounds like the orange one makes some wobbly Star Trek sounds, but everything else just kinda sounds the same to me?
And that big one on the left is just a big on/of switch for the whole chain, right?

I inherited these, only been playing like 8mos

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I want a Strandberg very badly

Not Sam but it was nice of you to put all of that effort into a post that was aimed at the wrong person that I didn't even read. Maybe spend more time practicing guitar than making shitty posts on /gg/. We will all be more thankful for it.

Vox AC4 or a used AC4TV
You can switch this to .1 watt, they are excellent tube driven practice amps.

It literally says on the pedals.
Far left is a wah. Listen to the into of voodoo child if you want to know what it sounds like. Holy grail is a reverb. Fuzz is a fuzz (distortion), chorus is a chorus (toss it in the garbage). Carbon copy is a (good) delay.

try them and find out

>what's a figure of speech?
Autism checks out. lol Gibson sued the distributors of the jap knock-offs in the late 70's, but it's generally understood by non-autismals to be a figure of speech, you bicycle.

Thanks, i will!


Fucking retard. Wmic is the one making the guitars not agile.
Lawsuit era condor is some funny shit to make up.

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You have to go back.

The big black one is probably a wah, hard to say. It makes cheesy sex soundtrack noises.
The Holy Grail is a reverb. Makes it sound like you're playing in a big church.
The silver Fuzz is a fuzz. It's like a more aggressive form of distortion. FUZZ IS ALL YOU NEED.
The white Chromatic Tuner is a guitar tuner that doubles as an on/off switch.
The Super Chorus is a chorus. It makes your guitar sound a bit like it's underwater.
The Phase 90 is a phaser. It makes your guitar sound spacey and trippy.
The grey-black Carbon Copy is a delay. This makes everything you play echo a few times after you play it.

Put the names of these pedals into YouTube to see what they sound like. Also... try using them.

>Lawsuit era condor is some funny shit to make up.
Then why did you just make it up? I never said that.


The Bridge of my acoustic guitar break away, it was a clean break.
Theres a kinda well know music store that could fix it. It is posible that they could fucked out and ended sounding like shit??

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>it looks to be a decent lawsuit les paul judging by the shape of the headstock
Agile is still the king of cheap LP knock-offs, currently, though. Even though they raised their prices and fucked with the horn to get Gibson off their dick. You can still find their earlier 'lawsuit' models from time to time used.
>but there weren't any lawsuits
>a figure of speech

Nice recycled patio furniture dipped in poly bro

If it was a cheap acoustic i'd probably not bother...

Listen numbnuts, there is a difference between a "lawsuit" les paul and "lawsuit era". The lawsuit era generally refers to the late 70's, specifically the Ibanez LP before they _literally_ got sued by Gibson. Any "lawsuit" les paul currently is any LP that is perceived to walk the line close enough to where they _could_ be threatened by Gibson, regardless if they actually were or not. Such as the Agile's before they cucked out and changed the horn.

>waaa i'm the resident Agile expert
>how dare you comment on Agiles without repeating my approved truisms.
>new new new
Wow, did you just embarrass yourself. You might want to stop posting to retain your status, avatarfag.

fucken saved

>Any "lawsuit" les paul currently is any LP that is perceived to walk the line close enough to where they _could_ be threatened by Gibson
Lmao you fucking retard holy shit

Fucking retard

I have no idea wtf a Condor is, so I can say if it's shit or not and you should have posted a straight pic since the only two things that really matter in a LP knock-off is the shape of the headstock and horn.

That said, assuming the horn isn't gay, it looks to be a decent lawsuit les paul judging by the shape of the headstock.


Its dipped in kaka too

It was a gif, dont know if was cheap but is pretty nice and sound amazing comparing to others.

>I have no idea wtf a Condor is
Welcome to /gg/.

Go back to plebbit you absolute retard.

omg look at this response. Dumb, rite guise?

he can't even quote correctly anymore, he's so buttblated. And yet i'm the "newfag".

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>a lawsuit guitar is a guitar that the company got sued for making regardless if they were actually sued or not

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Im quoting a retard but good job in being a dumbass yourself

"lawsuit" not lawsuit and is everyone i'm arguing with incapable of quoting correctly? WTF is wrong with half you faggots?

Anyone who hasn't heard of Condor is very, very new to /gg/.

Are you crazyaga?


check out my lawsuit suhr everybody

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Stop responding guys its another one of Romans personalities. No one is that stupid to call a guitar lawsuit guitar without any lawsuit existing.

PSA: new =/= wrong. You guys are being kinda redddit. Might as well start namefagging. This vibe is pretty cringe.

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My lawsuit Music Man.

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"lawsuit" with re: Fender is a whole different beast. Generally, they only ride your ass about the headstock and even then, they're less obsessive about their designs than Gibson... considering you can basically order a Fender headstock from licensed 3rd parties online. But, i acknowledge your attempt at sarcasm.

Welcome to /gg/.

Nice. Check out my lawsuit superstrat. And lawsuit fender custom shop (its just an mia but custom shop can sue)

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thanks. feels good. You guys have trannies like a lot of other generals?

>lawsuit isn't a thing
>let's mock this faggot for uttering a word/term/phrase that is foreign to our established board culture
Actually, it is guys... Just sayin

Now we do.

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he has a beard though. Wouldn't that be drag?

I was really worried about my lawsuit Ibanez when they weren't sued for making it.

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Fuck off, tranny

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Funny you should say that; our resident Condor own literally fucks tranny prostitutes.

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why would you make that guitar with a fixed bridge? needs a floyd that you can pull all the way around to the back side.

>Today we have a selection of lawsuit guitars to put through their paces!
>Lets get right to it, shall we?!?

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kinda thought so, mein fuhrer.

apparently, thou dost protesteth too much

Rabea is a great player, to be fair.


Again, Fenders are almost never referred to as "lawsuit". It's almost always in reference to Gibsons. And again, I acknowledge your attempt at mocking, despite the abject failure since you merely reveal you have no idea what you're actually mocking.

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jesus christ this guy has no off switch

chapman is a disgusting skinnyfat blob

My lawsuit squier. Fender can sue them if they want.

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Lmao those aren't fenders you fucking idiot

Were dealing with a bonafide dumbass
Nice projection. Fuck you and fuck "chappers"


here's my lawsuit fender you fucking troglodytes. mid 70s hohner clone.

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he's still going

check out my lawsuit strat

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My pre lawsuit era lawsuit dean

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I kind of like the finish on the arm cut.

I was pointing out the guys a retard. And also apparently poor
Lmfao what a fucking peasant.

>please stop
Nah. I'm a bit amused that you spurned a potentially fruitful guitar discussion to defend your fiefdom like a bunch of namefagging reddit-exiles. There's blood in the water and I hunger. Nice trips, though.

Please tell me you aren't this dumb...

It's not about the lawsuit guitar. It's about the lawsuit player.

>hi guys
>this is my lawsuit guitar
>..huh? what?
>no, the company that made it never got sued
>i said it was a LAWSUIT guitar
>jeez i said LAWSUIT
>...you sure are dumb

guise check out my lawsuit looper

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This. I was once almost sued by dimebag darrels estate for playing the intro to floods. Thats how you know youre good.

sure glad I clicked on this thread today

lawsuit thread

If the next thread isn't LAWSUIT EDITION I'm going to throw all of my toys out of the pram.

>what do you guys things of this imaginary thread i made up



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it's gets better every post. rite guise?

Where would an EQ pedal go?

Definitely need one since I switched to fuzz pedals. Boss eq?

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>new guy comes in
>you know he's new because, well, Condor
>gets into an argument with jcope about 'lawsuit' semantics
>thread ends
This fucking place.

Cry harder bitch

I wonder if we can make it to thread limit with just lawsuit posts

ummmm scuse me everybody but can a guitar be considered a lawsuit guitar if the company that made it never got sued for producing it?

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Crying? I'm laughing.

Put it before gain to control where in the frequency range the clipping occurs - around 1KHz is particularly pleasant, a bit lower for the classic 'grind'. Put it AFTER gain to function as a normal EQ, like on your amp.

there is no practice until the shitposting Gods are appeased

>he got bullied and is trying to give advice now


I wasn't in the argument, user. It was jcope and some new guy.

Yeah I’m having issues with the fuzz at higher volumes get lost in the mix, way too muddy, no clarity. I want to get that Siamese Dream tone, where it’s fuzz, but it’s legible, you know?

Please be patient, I’m a little dumb in this regard but....is “before” the gain to the left of the gain or to the right?

not with this newfag. when i'm done with you tedious avatarfagging goons, i shant be lurking for what else you flick your beans over. I think i got the gist of /gg/

>being this new
Have you even seen Sammy's dick yet?

of course

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i wasnt the only one arguing.

Well it's a lawsuit guitar if the company got sued. BUT! It's also a lawsuit guitar if the company DIDN'T get sued so... yeah. Does that answer your question?

Here's another angle of his Condor

Attached: 1.jpg (1494x2656, 226K)

Is that the frusciante guitar gear pic stealer? I haven’t been here since, like 2014/2015

Rule of thumb is that pedals go from right to left. Try cutting out load of bass and low mids (say everything below 500Hz) BEFORE the fuzz, then cranking presence and upper mids after it.

I don't know anything about Siamese Dream tone, I'm afraid, but this will make your fuzz more audible.

yeah in the previous. Didn't know it was a thing. Somehow, it fits what you faggots got going here. It's a pretty cozy general. At least, in kind of a gay, ignorant sort of way. But the belligerence and autism checks out, and of course I respect that.

>frusciante guitar gear pic stealer
we just call him fro/gg/man now

Lol you sound gay

>look how gay his dick is! it's so gay let me look closer so I can laugh better at it

is that really a Condor. Finally. Yup, that's a pretty lawsuit horn, to be honest. The early Agiles looked like that before they changed them.

What have I missed lmao

No, it's the Brazilian monkey: Welcome to /gg/.

lol gay lol

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Yes it's the same guitar from that pic on the bed showing the headstock Thanks user much appreciated
To be honest I think it feels smaller than Gibsons, and it's actually thinner

Dude looks like a less-white Chris Cornell

Fuck off, Sammy.

Useless if you like retuning every 5 minutes

turns out he's a french crypto millionaire

Me, and for that I am thankful. Imagine if you walked into a guitar store one day and went to pick one up. It makes me shudder

You guys like my lawsuit 'barrow?

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it's over. lets it go

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That's really clever

lets go indeed

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Is that a lawsuit mexican?

Hes got some chops of sure. I have his solo album and its decent. I saw him the summer he was in the Allman Brothers with Derek Trucks after they kicked Dickey Betts out- they played some sick jams. I havent heard much of his WSP stuff.

>doesn't know a wetback from a poo in loo
Fucking degenerate.

Yes. I continue to learn basic riffs to distract myself from my inability to play power chords.
Today it was this song

And shorter. Everybody says that, I think when I get good at singing I'll make a Chris Cornell tribute band

thats decent...this is better. This is just fucknuttery. Dereks solo starts at 6:30 if you want to skip warren's which aint too shabby either.

>doesn't get the joke
I regret making half the "lawsuit" jokes mocking myself to get you faggots wound-up. I wasn't expecting /gg/ to be this colossally stupid.

My bad, I'm pretty fucked up right now.

Honestly you would knock that out of the park, you have an instant resemblance to him.

Get you some gigs my dude.


You haven't heard his singing.

This place is a den of faggotry and nonsense. But if you make sure your post is a neutral as possible, with no chance of autistic memery, you can get some good information from someone.

I remember I posted a pic of my gear and my vans low tops were in view and I was bombarded with
for the whole thread.

and you're still mad about it to this very day

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Thx for the advice but I shant be lurking. Maybe check back in a year, but after dinner ima hafta bounce on you guise. Too toxic. I bet you're probably racist misogynists too.

>I remember I posted a pic of my gear
This is /gg/'s problem. You're all defacto avatar/name fags with all the baggage that comes with that.

Fuck off, Sammy.

>damage control
Kek fuck off tranny

Fuck off nigger bitch
Youre the dude with the HEELYZ arent you?

As you say, you have to make sure nothing about your post shows any sign of weakness if you want constructive discussion, photos in particular. If you're going to show your gear, I recommend putting it against a clean, blank wall with nothing else in shot.

And nothing of value was lost.

That's why I said when I get good at singing, asshole

No one gives a fuck what you do. You'll never be a part of our family.
Sammy, show the bitch out. And pull your fucking pants up

You cant even talk right. Just give up already dumbass.

Ah, good ol' "Fuck your 5,000 kpop threads". I remember it like it was yesterday.

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>And nothing of value was lost.
I agree with this.

Attached: chicago-hard-to-say-im-sorry-.jpg (1274x704, 223K)

Fuck off, Sammy.



heh heh heh

None of them do

Weabenjudens must be purged

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Are lawsuit guitars more desirable than guitars who have never had imaginary lawsuits against them?

Mate, I've been wearing the same shoes for ten years now. When they fall apart I go right back and buy another pair. I'm on number four or five right now.

Not a single fuck was given.

holy shit that was nasty

Good job /gg/uys we made a bitch cry and leave.

>snapchat filename
Jesus fucking Christ.

See Maybe you should learn some theory; then you wouldn't need a chord generator.

>mommy can you buy me the VANZ

i'm fucking crying right now i'm laughing so hard

Attached: gg = terrordrome.jpg (1534x157, 70K)

dude we know it's you calling out your own handy work each time. No one ever uses the OP links

I look like a fucking idiot laughing at work but idc

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No shit. You were telling me to kill myself 27/4 when I came back to the thread a couple months ago

fuck you

no i wasn't

Not him but why didnt you?

Oh, Sammy. Also, fuck off.

guys... seriously.. im sorry for crashing your general... ima go in a bit... finishing dinner... but you gotta stop... If you keep posting dumb shit, you're going to make it hard for me to leave and not stay for the potential guffaws at how retarded half of you are (half of you are alright. stay away from /gg/ tonight)


Not him but fuck you too

kek is that jcope writing this


m8 this is /gg/ every night. you ain't staying for the puppet show?

Now post the link to the condor lawsuit

Fuck off, Sammy.

Don't be daft, he's always showing us how filthy his place is.

>I'm laughing at you, I swear!
It's too late, user, you already made a fool of yourself with the lawsuit debacle.

should the od to push the amp go straight inna input or fx loop?

Thats Vanz dude
>rent free
Kek stay with PTSD

are you sure you want to go over this again, fucknuckle? You didn't get it the first time. The "Lawsuit Era" and a "lawsuit" guitar are not necessarily the same thing.

Fx loop is for time based fx. Is distortion time based you fucking retard?

ah shit. here we go again

And the Agile lawsuit

Tell me about it. I'm trying to eat roast beef and mashed potatoes and this knob keeps forcing me to post

i am looking for a gibson explorer. i want to get a used one and dont really know what modelyears are good.

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Imagine this somehow still hurting your ass over three years later

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I should have known. You enjoying your lawsuit America other there?


>Condor lawsuit
>Agile lawsuit
Those could be described as "lawsuit" guitars insofar as they at times appear to be close enough to an actual LP design. That doesn't mean either manufacturer/distributor was sued. That was the actual "Lawsuit Era" re: Ibanez. I dunno if Gibson actually threatened to sue Agile at any point, but they did change their design

Fuck off, Sammy.

It's... beautiful.

Here we go again.

Are you just pretending to be retarded?

Damn crazyaga is years old

what do you mean time based

>hey drop the lawsuit against us
>what lawsuit
>the one you never filed

More like lawsuit saudi arabia


are you?


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>Made loads of progress practicing and learning some stuff this week.
>put a lot of hours in playing guitar.
>just want to sit in my room in the dark all dy tomorrow and master what i'm working on
>I can't because its my birthday and I have to spend time with people and be social, and people think you're weird if you spend your birthday alone in your room
>just gonna sit here whilst everyone's asleep instead but it probably means i'll spend most of my birthday tomorrow being tired/sleeping
>I literally can't win


Attached: th84QUZ3NI.jpg (223x142, 5K)

another bong. should have known. enjoy your lawsuit.

Nice job! That’s one of my favorites.

Keep practicing Chris’s style of singing, get 3 other musicians that play grunge and badda Bing. Brazil’s best soundgarden cover band.

Makes me glad only mom and sister remembered my birthday

I have a lawsuit guitar too. Ibanez VBT-700. was meant to be a signature series guitar for Sam totman of dragonforce. Looked really cool but too similar to another guitar so Ibanez was sued and the guitar only got like less than a years run on making them. Rare, but not too expensive either. I got mine for $400+case for free. It was originally 450 and the case was 100 but my dad called the owner and Jew haggled the fuck out of her.
Greatest birthday gift ever.

why are you lying user? lawsuit guitars don't exist.

>lawsuit guitars don't exist
>but looked too similar to another guitar so Ibanez was sued
this never happened

Are you buying a signature guitar for Sam??


bruh really

>mommy wished me a happy birthday
>but not kaka papa

The worst strings I've ever had on a guitar.

Blackstar Fly 3

How do you even remember that

i remember everything

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I know, but strandbergs are horribly overpriced guitars

You would have to be a retard to buy one especially since USA production was nixed by strand(((berg))) and they refused to formally export the Boden J lines. If you're going to spend that much on a guitar, kiesel is right here in the US, and they're not as crooked as strandbergstein.

Stick to shilling ESPs, they're actually good, and they actually make their higher end guitars in the US.

Attached: EIIHORNTIIBGP.jpg (640x640, 32K)

but even bang dream agrees that only a Gibson™ is good enough

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how long did it take you guys to be comfortable enough to just jam random ideas

i practiced ten hours a day for ten years

all my hair fell out but it was worth it

I've been pining to get a pastel pink Tele after seeing the IDLES guitarist with one. What are some other comfy colors that are underrated?

Attached: Fender-American-Special-CME-Telecasters.jpg (1280x672, 79K)

how the hell did strandberg become successful by ripping of Steinbergers (superiour guitars). Le wrong time I guess. Poor Ned.

because the body shape is cool looking instead of just a block
Also the neck profile meme

Because Steinbergers look like a ballsack hanging off each side

bumping to kill


you can't bump a thread at 310 dumbass



Cute anime girl