Nah soon enough stuff will be normal again just keep going.
You will never escape the demons telling you to drink though. You will forever crave alcohol until your death. You will never feel true fullfilment.
Dylan Walker
About to listen thanks
Damn, so many songs about drinking I love too, they just make me sad now
How long did it take you?
When I would drink, I was instantly happy, funny, could talk forever, etc.
I am so fucking weird and boring and uncharmsaitic without it
James Campbell
how long? When i cycle off vyvanse i don't want to do anything and I lose all passion for life, including music, but 10-14 days later typically my unmedicated personality and interests come back.
Gabriel Thompson
2 days off alcohol, 2 days off caffiene
The thing was, I'd never even drink alone, it was always social. But that was still 3-4 times a week. Just the prospect of knowing I was going to get tipsy that night, the idea of it made me happy
Knowing that it's now done, it's fucking awful.
Austin Diaz
It's difficult because you start to associate music with drugs/alcohol and it doesn't sound good unless you're buzzed. I found it a good time to get into genres you normally wouldn't like, something different the usual and not as pleasant on drugs.
Mason Butler
Music gets amazing again after about 3 or 4 months of sobriety, and because you're not emotionally deadened by booze, it's gonna be even better.
The cravings go away after about a year. What you'll miss is the IDEA of what it was like to be bombed, but as long as you can remind yourself of the shitty feeling of waking up after a night of drinking, you won't truly miss it.
You weren't as funny as you think you were on booze, and no one wanted you to talk forever like you would. Happiness will come from other sources.
Your charisma will come back as you start to rediscover joy in life. Quit smoking if you do, exercise, stop fapping for a week, and get fresh air every day along with enough sleep.
No one said it'd be easy, user. But it IS worth the effort.
Isaiah Reed
>I'd never even drink alone, it was always social. The social aspect of music it is generally underrated. Just keep lurking Yea Forums and interacting with people re: music because you can drift away into other things and lose interest. 2 days is nothing You're just just rolling deep in dopamine-deprivation. Like I said, give it a few weeks. Diet/exercise can probably reduce the amount of time for your brain chemicals to start to rebound, but they will.
No worries, unless you're a hardcore alcoholic, in which case you should be seeking treatment since there are potential medical issues involved in quitting. Stay out of your own head and try not to obsess over your situation, since your mind will fuck with you and you'll rationalize relapsing.
Evan Sullivan
Sounds like you really want to drink. Sounds like you really enjoy drinking.
Why deprive yourself of an enjoyable experience?
You might die tomorrow. Have a fucking drink, man. Don't be a pussy.
After literally thousands of nights driving with booze in me an no incident, I finally got a DUI.
Breathalyzer will be installed in car once license is back for 6 months. So basically for a year I can't go to a bar, drink at a show, etc. And then after that I can't ever risk again because a second DUI is really fucking serious. I have to give it up/
Beyond that, it honestly had no negative impact on my life, besides hiding the fact that my sober self was a totally different person, while my drunk self was happy, charismatic and not to sound douchey, but had amazing success with women.
Luckily I do weight lift training, but my garbage is all about hitting macros, without regarding actual nutritional content. I need to eliminate ALL of stuff from my diet and eat healthy, I just worry about losing weight if I do that do to tthe time/prep required for clean eating.
I was thinking the same thing, I simply couldn't listen to The Fall, Silver Jews, or fuck even Guided by Voices yesterday because I affiliated with warm jubilant drunk feelings and times
Thanks a lot man. Again, the thing that REALLY kills me about this, as selfish as this sounds, I didn't feel like alcohol ever had a negative impact on me, beyond the occasional hangover. I don't remember ever being a happy/normal guy PRE-alcohol was like a superpower juice for me.
Alexander Miller
>Eat another cheeseburger user >Why deprive yourself of an enjoyable experience?
Same here, man. All I can tell you is that it wasn't the real you. And, if you work at it, the booze-less you can be even better.
Good luck, user. In a month it won't be so hard. In 3 months, it'll be great. In a year, things will settle and your new normal will feel better than when you were drinking.
Jason White
Well, some people who quit things 'cold turkey' get deep into the dopamine part of it and temporarily quit _everything_ that tweaks that part of the brain, including music. Then they start to gradually re-introduce them (obviously without including things like drugs & alcohol). I can't say if this is wise or retarded, but I know a lot of people who quit drinking or drugs who went into other "addictions" like vidya or sex or most commonly, food.
Hunter Clark
I'm about a week sober user, I know what you going through. My problem was that I was a legit alco though and I would just come home and get smashed and listen to records to numb feelings of anxiety and depression. It's a hard road but we can do it... I find metal helps. The frantic pace of thrash and death metal played loud enough seems to distract me from the cravings.
Tyler Roberts
I love drinking, but I feel like I don't enjoy music more while drunk. If anything I like it less.
Leo Phillips
Drunk me
-Always felt great, was positive, deeper voice, perfect eye contact, 'smooth', could strike up random convos, etc. Not a mean/angry, etc. drunk at all. Honestly felt like my best self
Sober me
-Feels lethargic, little personality, higher pitched voice, shit eye contact, anti-smooth, convos are more of an endurance battle I want to escape. Easily irritable, less capable
Right now, I just can't even see me being or FEELING as great as I did when buzzed/tipsy.
How has day 7 been vs day 1?
I can see that, that's why I'm quitting caffiene too because the only other substance I'd take that'd get me into a somewhat (but not nearly as great, but still highly enjoyble at least alone) feeling were preworkout supps
Alexander Garcia
>Right now, I just can't even see me being or FEELING as great as I did when buzzed/tipsy. You will get over the highs and appreciate the lack of lows and generally being more stable. It takes time. This cannot be overstated, but the worst is over in a few weeks.
Elijah Lee
I just work on things that i want to do. For me it’s important not to be looking at the destination that much. That’s not why I do it. I do it for the process, that’s the payoff. That’s how I started to get a lot of energy and joy from the process of doing things in themselves. It gets very engaging. If I think too much about the destination and all the problems I will meet, then the fun goes away completely.
Jose Walker
>How has day 7 been vs day 1? It's alright, I'm trying to develop a "toolkit" of things to do when I start to get cravings. I opened up to my family and gf about my addiction and being open with them has been huge as it's been keeping me accountable. While I don't have the joy of booze anymore I also don't feel the shitty feelings associated with keeping secrets from the ppl I love
Brayden Kelly
Adrian Evans
>No one said it'd be easy, user. But it IS worth the effort. as someone that gave up alcoholism, smoking, junk food and has generally been living a far more healthy life for over a year and a half, i can confirm that its not always worth it.
Jaxon Evans
No you cant
Joshua White
In what sense? The pros and cons of healthy living vs unhealthy living don't balance out? Or just in the sense that there are times where getting drunk or pigging out on junk food would be worth it? If it's the latter then I agree. Having days/occasions where you let loose and get drunk or eat an unhealthy meal are completely fine. It's literally just "everything in moderation". I understand that this isn't easy for some people and sometimes if people fall off the wagon once then they aren't able to get right back on. But ideally, this is what we should strive for.
Caleb Thompson
>along with caffeine, might as well "Caffeine addiction" might be the biggest meme of all time and I'm convinced that it doesn't exist. I drink of coffee on the regular and I regularly skip days and sometimes take a week or two off. The people who complain about caffeine headaches probably put a shitton of sugar in their coffee and their bodies are craving that instead.
Caleb Harris
quitting coffee is plain stupid, its not unhealthy at all. the only valid reason if you cant tolerate it anymore for some reason, or drink an absurd amount every day.
Evan Gutierrez
When a friend who isn't me quit smoking cigs and dro he started reading and exercising a lot.
Daniel Martinez
i'm 5 days w/o coffee and alcohol myself and it's starting to get better. sadly though is right the cravings never go away
Chase Bailey
How long have you been sober? I’m 9 months and still having trouble. I really have to be in the mood. Sometimes I can’t listen to music at all...
Luis Anderson
Oh my, only two days? It will get better. If you are young it will get better much faster.
Benjamin Ramirez
first thing i thought of when i read the words "beautiful warm buzz" was how i feel on an LSD microdose.
Gabriel Roberts
Have you tried AA?
Cooper Brooks
>don't drink for 2 days >I quit alcohol guise
Chase Hernandez
In one of the other posts they mention that they got a DUI so it sounds like they are done drinking or they have to quit...
Daniel Bailey
What makes one an alcoholic?
Is drinking 4-5 shots 3-4 days a week one?
Thomas Thomas
drinking alone or in secret not being able to limit how much alcohol is consumed blacking out and not being able to remember chunks of time having rituals and being irritated if someone else comments on these rituals, for example, drinks before, during, or after meals, or after work losing interest in hobbies that were previously enjoyed feeling an urge to drink feeling irritable when drinking times approach, especially if alcohol is not, or may not be, available storing alcohol in unlikely places gulping drinks down in order to feel good having problems with relationships, the law, finances, or work that stem from drinking needing more alcohol to feel its effect experiencing nausea, sweating, or shaking when not drinking
Ryder Edwards
I used to never go a day without getting blackout drunk. When it got to the point where I had to replace coffee with 3 shots every morning I said fuck it and stopped.
No AA, no therapy and no help just threw my bottles away until I stopped relapsing. 3 months sober and I believe I'm back to normal. I don't remember exactly how I felt before my addiction but I'm satisfied with my mental state overall.
Good luck user, realizing you have a problem is the hardest step.
yes but you need to reboot your brain, it takes a long time, a lot longer than defeating the physical withdrawal.
the cravings do go away, I quit alcohol 8 years ago and I never crave alcohol, not even when my girl left and I was crying every day for months, not even then did I even for a second consider having a drink.
Life drinking is life wasted, if you stay sober long enough you will see it this way and you don't want to go back.
Oliver Moore
Anthony Miller
There is nothing wrong with drinking alone (as long as you still have self-control of course)
Adrian Lopez
Laymen pharmacologist coming through.
>Alcohol i don't know how to explain it, everything feels "dry" as opposed to warm and beautiful.
Quite likely the Alcohol leaving the system GABA inhibition is being stopped so your feeling the normal buzz with most likely withdrawal/AWD depending on how often & how much you drink. Once you get over withdrawal/AWD it will get drastically better but you can't sit on your ass. Make the effort to put your heart in and enjoy something (in this case music).
Yes you will go back to normal. People forget how resilient the human body is. It takes time it will not happen overnight, it won't happen if you placebo your way into it not happening. Make an effort to get back into normality and enjoy it.
>I can't even listen to stuff like The Fall without affiliating with the beautiful warm buzz after shots Find music that gives you that feeling. For example a lot of people listen to those Lo-Fi beats because of how warm they feel.
Also having a drink out with friends is fine even if you quit Alcohol. You could even get a non-alcoholic drink. Cold-turkey for mostly everything is not recommended. You do you. Best wishes user.
Moderation makes everything better even moderation.