give me your latest physicals
pic related
Give me your latest physicals
don't play the record with the fucking cover on
>King Reddit and the Tumblr Wizard
Please god no
that's just for the pic
not op, but why?
Imagine actually spending money for that shitty album
What? I've never heard that in my life.
Wtf are you talking about?
trying too hard
got that one, also got a '92 uk pressing of Countdown to Extinction.
>give me your latest physicals
When I was in NYC, I saw this and knew I had to get it. It's a 1st pressing too, paid $100. Too bad Rise Above skips because of a warp, but other than that it's in good condition.
Are records played with the mat on? I have the same turntable but when I play a record with the mat on it seems as if they were warped and I don't know if this is good.
Yes, they're played on the mat on. You're talking about the felt mat where the record goes?
Yep. Okay, thanks dude.
bought 6 records this weekend
>m b v
>Justice s/t
>Songs about Fucking
m b v also came with a CD inside the record case, which was a nice bonus
Shut up I always do this so I can look at the art when I listen
Paid 5 bucks for this one. It has a few little scratches on it, but it plays pretty well. And it's a good, solid album of 70's rock..
>not realizing it increases resonance
wew lad
THERE IS NO PLANNNNNNNEEEEEEET B!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I swear to god this board has become an endless contrarian shithole. When did every music appreciation thread have to become a Yea Forums-tier poo flinging contest?
It's an okay album. But I really don't see why it gets so hyped up by posters on here. It's a solid 7/10 and nothing else imho...
If they had given it a proper 10 minute outro and conclusion it would have been close to a 10. But the way it just fizzles out is disappointing. Every time I get really into it and then it just... Stops.. too bad.. my guess is they won't give an album enough time to make it perfect until they are way past their prime.
Probably. Guess we'll have to wait and see..
Which one would you rather?
>mfw they haven't shipped my copy yet
what was the point in me pre-ordering directly from them if they don't even ship it when they said they would
where is my fucking record Eirc?
recent stuff
>give me your latest physicals
My work doesn't do health exams. However I got a blood test recently and apparently have hemochromatosis. Doc said it's not a big deal though so overall I'm doing pretty OK, thanks for asking.
I'm Henry rollins. I was in a band in the 80s that everyone says they like but dont actually listen to.
Imagine thinking this is even close to a contest
Kreator every day
>laying records directly on an aluminum platter
That's a yikes for me dawg
songs of love and hate
songs of leonard cohen
david bowie low
Kreator, and it's not even close
came in yesterday. gonna put it on some time tonight
Nice one OP
I had some gift certificates to burn through for my birthday.
hit the nail on the head. its a battle between contrarian Yea Forums fags and newcomer zoomers who only listen to rap and hip hop.
This has always been a shithole.
At least the /pol/tards have calmed down a bit.
op here, that's pretty much my opinion too
my wife bought it
Tommy by The Who. Album and film soundtrack. Less than $30 for both
pro tip: don't put your fucking speakers directly next to your record player
return it, you got completely robbed.
If it skips the grading is poor and it's worth 10 bucks if you are lucky. Email them, explain the situation, and ask for either BIG partial refund or option to return it by mail.
well, fantastic taste user. Really great stuff, would friend you.
fucking based, especially the Cherry album
i listen to my war regularly
you bought it knowing it was that warped? other than the warp is it scuffed or scratched?
warps can sometimes be fixed, know anyone with a vinyl flattener?
knowing it is warped is one thing, but as a store, to sell a warped record THAT SKIPS for 100 bucks is such fucking bullshit.
I hate to deliver bad news to user but things like this legit makes me mad.
oh shit didnt know this had a print. Nice cop
Huh, good timing OP, I was at the record store just a couple hours ago. Todays coup
Why does 45 rpm Ghosts sound so good on 33? I have no idea.
I bought directly from them once and it arrived in a pizza box covered in stamps with a customs sticker that absolutely lied about how much I paid and claimed it was a "gift"
based customs-avoiding Eric
standard proceedings.
If you ship in a record-mailer and set a high value, it get's stolen by post-office.
Eric is a collector himself, or a seller with some routine.
got the Sissy Spacek s/t 2x7"
I got that comp that has the first 4 albums and a live CD
not saying i would pay it, or that he didnt get ripped off
just saying that a warp might be fixable. i would try and return first though. but if he bought it knowing it was warped he is probably stuck with it
100 bucks could get a nice one from discogs
yeah, you make a fine point that it might be fixable. I disagree with the second part though, if he bought it knowing it was warped he should still be able to return it unless it explicitly said "warped and skips".
The price 100 bucks implies that the warp doesn't affect play, again as a store to sell a poor record for hundred bucks... just nonsense.
nice. i got lead their exit a few months ago too. plus a couple cds.
how do you feel about their "jazz" albums, namely Spirant and Duration Groups?
I quite liked both of them and were among my favorites from their respective years
I still like them, but I like their noise/grindcore stuff more. Lead Their Exit is probably my favourite release, or more recently something like Ways of Confusion.
I like those two a lot as well. I tend to like the free improv freakout stuff as much as the. noisegrind stuff, but the noise soundscape stuff a bit less so.
Hey nice houdini. Is it colored?
You got fucked over hard. A warped record like that should have gone for 30, MAYBE 35 bucks.
Tbh this is my fav BF record, I know you’re supposed to hate Rollins era black flag but he really brought out the best of the band. I’ve prob listened to this album more than any other punk record
>This has always been a shithole
Sorry newfag, but that's simply not true.
Serious question: What do you get out of collecting / playing records?
sounds better in some cases.
Analogue to digital conversion is lossy, and in many cases the cd-mastering is just garbage.
Vinyl is not always better than digital, but it some cases it's def. better.
it's band merch that plays music
Records work off of vibrations so in theory when a speaker produces its vibrations it will distort the needle. Its audiophile bullshit and doesn't matter unless your putting your turntable on top of a bass amp.
just bought this yesterday but im not about to take a pretty photo of it now
Its warped huh? Guess you could say its... damaged.
>so in theory when a speaker produces its vibrations it will distort
Stay awake in physics kiddo