How can such a beautiful album be almost entirely forgotten by the music community outside of Yea Forums and r/anco?

How can such a beautiful album be almost entirely forgotten by the music community outside of Yea Forums and r/anco?

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Because it's overrated trash you stupid nigger

because it's not that good other than hearing them experiment noise with pop, which they did much better on danse/hollinndagain/hcti
also the mixing sounds like shit and the vocals are barely there

I wouldn't say it was forgotten necessarily. It's a great album, but not one most people wanna listen to unfortunately. Definitely one of their best.


God damn, you guys are proving my point. This shit was Yea Forumscore back in 2012, and it's still fairly well discussed on this website. But outside of Yea Forums and AnCo fan circles, it seems like no one has even heard of this album. How does that happen?? Is anyone else bothered by that??

I don't even understand your question. Why should it be discussed? I don't get it.


Imagine thinking their worst album danse manattee is better than STGSTV

People outside these places are moving onto something new and only care about AnCo when something new comes along and maybe they'll revisit it.

Why would you be bothered in the first place?

>be OP
>experience the passing of time

10/10 gr8 thread


We used to talk about it all of the time.

>/thread your own post
Unironically kys

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Let me guess, STGSTV is a masterpiece and Danse Manatee is a 1 or 2/10

If youve you've listened to the first 30 seconds of april and the phantom and you still cant figure out why it isnt popular then you're beyond help.

99% of people couldnt name a single experimental artist or album. People are plebeians. They cant help it.

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Do you people really believe everything in reddit is bad? That's pretty retarded desu. There's obviously smaller subs that are worth spending time in.

How do I stop experiencing the passing of time without killing myself

here's another album Yea Forums doesn't care about anymore

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