What do antifa listen to

what do antifa listen to

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Fuck off with your shitty bait threads

Attached: Cv-Xf5OVIAAQZUn.jpg (425x570, 75K)


Muffled moaning

Fuck you. This better not be some shitty roll thread.

Suck my shit

watch this


Probably Black flag and stuff like that


Eat ass

dj smokey

Oh yeahhh you fuckin pede, you just got rollcharted beeyotch! Lmaoooo get rekt y’all finna get trolled lmao



suck my ass fag


unironically folk punk

What does antifacist and fascist mean. Why do one wear masks. Confusing shit

Rollin for Zimbabwe


>Why do one wear masks
so that they can't be identified by the police who seem more concerned with leftists despite the right wing being far more violent.

there was a series of fires in boston last year or two years ago and an officer posted a picture of a map of all the affected areas, and literally all the bookmarks in their toolbar were left wing and anti-police brutality groups on facebook that they were keeping tabs on.

>despite the right wing being far more violent
[citation needed]

>[citation needed]
Both world wars i.e. monarchism and ultranationalism. You're welcome.

>despite the right being more violent
Remember that time antifa fire bombed an RNC office? Or the time they shot Steve Scalise in broad daylight at a charity baseball game? Or that time in the 80s when they shot Reagan? Or when they bombed and shot up that ICE detention center? Or when they beat up a gay asian reporter with a bike lock and gave him a concussion, requiring him to be hospitalized? Or the time they destroyed a university because Jordan Peterson was supposed to speak there? Or recently when they shot up Dayton, Ohio?

>[citation needed]
read the news you fucking retard

Rolling for Romania

How's globalism turning out, user?

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lets see

Remember El Paso, Quebec, and New Zealand?

nice cherry picking user (and/or just bait)

I named way more than three examples. Don't act like we're even. We're not. Everybody on the right disavowed those lunatics, but the left praised theirs, called them comrades and martyrs on twitter, and called for more violent.

8 chon and /pol/ praised them and those are just the most recent, plus the guy who shot up the synagogue

>Or when they bombed and shot up that ICE detention center?
>Or when they beat up a gay asian reporter with a bike lock and gave him a concussion
>Or the time they destroyed a university because Jordan Peterson was supposed to speak there?
>Or recently when they shot up Dayton, Ohio?
disproven and if you still believe this you're fox news' sheep

I'm very curious why you think it's cherrypicking.

this is almost the equivalent of choosing the hottest right-wing women and then choosing the ugliest left-wing women and thinking this is a valid comparison

It is a valid comparison.

its blatantly obvious, don't play dumb

I guess I didn't see it. I don't go on 8ch or /pol/

>acts of violence
Every right-winger I know in real life thinks political violence is never acceptable, for any reason. In my experience, we're the more peaceful group.


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yea sure. I hate you right-wing faggots. I would shoot you on sight given the chance.

Better than murdering people, you schizophrenic piece of shit.

Cannibal Corpse
Patsy Cline
Master P

It's true though. Blue-haired, 300 lbs, tattooed women with, glasses, bad drug habits, and lots of cats tend to be left-wing. Republican women are some of the hottest women I've ever met. They tend to be in shape and take care of themselves. The worst thing about them is that they're usually religious.