Is he a poseur? Is his persona a fraud? Did he really rip off Exhorder guy?
Is he a poseur? Is his persona a fraud? Did he really rip off Exhorder guy?
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He's a racist piece of shit.
No he's not. You are racist as fuck, kill yourself.
He’s based. One of my last heros
Phil ain't racist. People were talking shit in the crowd because the Confederate flag Pantera, etc uses for pride of the south (not anti-black). He said it to piss them off...
The only worthwhile member of Pantera by a longshot (just compare his solo projects with the rest), he acts dumber than he is in live interviews, but knows his shit and just hates PC culture in general.
>The only worthwhile member of Pantera by a longshot
>lost his voice and ability to hit notes because he favored hardcore punk screaming to singing
>Dimebag was literally the next EVH in terms of being a game changing amazing guitar player doing things nobody else was
Thanks for reminding me to listen to this. The fucker actually delivered and did not disappoint. The best stuff he's done in ages.
How do you call the process when someone adopts an image out of "poseur" intent, but then ends up becoming more legit than the rest of the scene? Like Alice In Chains.
Link for those who haven't heard this yet.
With AiC I swear I remember an interview where Jerry says the label basically forced them to dress up in grunge clothes to market them, but I have never been able to find it
This kek
AiC and Pantera were homeboys
Kuck Cocaine never had anything to say about Pantera because he knew he'd have his skull smashed in
my fav story is by sabastian bach talking about how he was doing all these vocal warmups, and phil came in did shots and just started blasting
I saw a video at some point of Phil performing Would? with AiC after Layne died. He did a pretty good job with it.
Sebastian is seriously one of the coolest most down to Earth guys in rock n roll, I'm sure his former bandmates would say otherwise but they have some other situation going on, as far as his general attitude and just loving other bands and being a fan....he's a cool ass dude, rare for someone who was once a chart topping heartthrob
Pantera is a good metal band
Pantera is a good band dude, they're one of the best
How does calling Phil a racist make the other guy a racist? At the least Phil definitely has some prejudices.
Because the metal “community” went nuts with virtue signaling like a bunch of baby cucks. Its mostly white too - who are they fooling ? Every show i go to is 90% white with a few robert trujillo type hispanics, yet they freak out over some obvious bs where phil was fucking around
Even if he was racist or has prejudices - who the fuck doesnt have prejudices - he would still be one of the the most based singers ever
Phil is based but he's not even top ten metal singers.
The other guy is racist against whites obviously.
>u cant b racist 2 the white
Yes you can