I have a copy of this. How do I put it on the internet?

I have a copy of this. How do I put it on the internet?

Attached: EE3DDFF4-9D85-4CC7-807D-A7620B3861F3.jpg (752x440, 39K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Google drive, youtube, mega, dropbox

How do I get it off the CD?

you need to put the cd in the microwave for 10 minutes

Attached: 71Tf9fpMvvL._SL1500_.jpg (1500x1500, 109K)

Place it inside the CD drive, hope you have one on your PC.

Yeah but what do I do from there?

You rip the CD.

Is there a program for it on Mac?

fuck it i remote accessed your pc, i ripped it here, here you go guys the new tool album

Dunno, I have Windows on the PC I'm usig now and Ubuntu on a different computer, I don't waste time with Apple. Just play the fucking album and record it with the Mac's speakers, than put them on Mega.

give it back tyrone

iTunes will rip from cd

How has this not leaked?

iTunes brother

bend over and blow it out your ass
we’ll hear it from here.
thanks in advance!

Astral projection

Here is your (You)

Hold it up against your computer, the bits will slowly jump off the CD on to your hard drive due to rotational velocidensity

why are you asking us just look it up asswipe
you should’ve made this thread after you already ripped and uploaded it to mega

I took work off today because I thought you would deliver.



According to this site new album is leaked. Where is mu?

According to your post you're a fucking retard.

it's pretty impressive that it hasn't and something as big as the Avengers did

Upload to pornhub so it doesn't get taken down instantly.


Please an hero yourself at the earliest convenience.

if you have a cd drive use music bee or itunes,

I wish you did user

It hasn't leaked because there never was no new album. They're just remastering Opiate and the track they released is a troll track.


>Just play the fucking album and record it with the Mac's speakers, than put them on Mega

Attached: file.png (500x643, 255K)

This sounds dumb but if you really spinned the cd at the exact same rate as the disk in your hard drive it would work

And this would be OK with me.
Even without opiate remaster.

rub it on the screen, tf? do you know how to use a computer?

I would literally paypal 100$ to get it a week early

Paypall me 100$ and I'll send you some home made alcohol that's going to put you for sleep for a week.


Tool is bigger than the Avengers.


Attached: 1107951-391366.jpg (634x509, 63K)


you've waited 13 years, you can wait one more week


Op lied and is horrible person

OP here, read the filename.

Attached: I_will_leak_if_7.jpg (648x664, 40K)

or you could just leak it now


Check it.

does that mean you'll leak if someone rolls a 7? because that isn't that hard

How did you get it?
Anyway, you have an MP3 downloading card, use it, then put it on MEGA.

pay up motherfucker

why does the cover look like it's from 2004

see it only took two replies

this is bullshit but I believe it

Saw this picture on reddit earlier.
Not sure why you would, but in case you did, don't trust OP

dew it

I don't trust that faggot, unless I get the album in my library.

Leak it OP

lmfao you gullible retards

>lmfao people can't possibly use two sites at once I'm so smart

It's always fucking reddit.
I assume there's a post about how leaking it is immoral and how they shan't be listening to any leaks.

If it's in circulation, it's leaking within the next 48 hours.

throw it out the window lol. listen to battles.

I never believed OP for a second, but I played his game.
Yeah, fuck reddit, leaks are the most exciting part when an artist makes a new album.
Speaking of witch, has it leaked?

Attached: Opeth-In-Cauda-Venenum.jpg (650x650, 75K)

my nigga
battles is fucking based

Check it

Are you in a fucking cage?

five weeks before release? hell no.

Yeah, I know it makes no sense, but I'm so excited about the new Opeth album, I can't wait.

He’s probably in a warehouse moving the packages

me too, brother.

Well, soon we'll have it, mate. I saved for months for the special edition, I want it!
Guess I'll be listening to Svekets Prins on repeat...


Attached: sFsaNFF.jpg (998x801, 142K)

holy crap make my day op please forgive me for calling you names, you are the best

some high profile releases are inside cages at these large stores

OP is a liar, pack it up boys

OP might be a liar, but that CD is in someones hands somewhere.

>OP is a liar, pack it up boys

release is within 24 hours for sure

Is this leaked or not?

i know it's reddit, but the subreddit for tool is the absolute worst cesspit of normalfags and retards.

Oy vey, so this is what enlightenment looks like.

Attached: 2019-08-22 18_16_03-Discussion and news about the band Tool.png (800x683, 837K)

Scan the disc in your printer/ scanner, take the md5 files and place those in your WiFi. Done, simple as that...