My parents are making me get a job and I am considering becoming homeless instead and trying to make it as a literal starving artist. I may get a job and save money for homelessness and research the best gear to get for outdoor use. Ideally I'd want some kind of weather proof laptop and solar charger and some super durable electric acoustic guitar, maybe a keyboard of some kind and microphone. I might also want to research survivalist shit so I could live in a innawoods off the land where I'm less likely to be mugged. I normally like making electronic music but I also think maybe I would be better off if I just leave without all that stuff and focus on writing songs I can sing and composing for instruments, cause I could theoretically do that on my phone and that's easy to carry, I would just need to get a hand crank and solar charger for that. Also I might want to get some other sort of heavy duty phone if they make those. What are your thoughts on this? I'm pretty sure my parents would keep paying for my phone to keep in contact with me. I could also write books and jokes on my phone an try to entertain for money with those. I mean it might even be worth it just to not wonder the rest of my life where I'd be if I'd done that.
My parents are making me get a job and I am considering becoming homeless instead and trying to make it as a literal...
Other urls found in this thread:
Yer fucked
Or just... Get a job and make music in your free time, and live a somewhat comfortable existence in a house.
This is from an ex-homeless guy. Stop romanticizing that shit. It's not fun or quirky like you think it is.
This is not a great idea user. I'm not gonna be an enabler here
>I may get a job and save money for homelessness
don't do it man its not worth it, i work a shitty job, a kid i workeed with got kicked ot of his house hes homeless now, i still make music kept the job i work long enough to move out and still make music wait it out man
Sounds like you've been a neet for far too long that you think being literally homeless is a better alternative than securing a job and renting a cheap-ass apartment. Niggas would take your gear for the fuck of it. This post is too long for it to not be sincere.
Hell yeah, go for it dude, give it your best shot. Don't get stuck with student loans like me. If you write books, spend a lot of time in the library and try to shorten your paragraphs, they're a bit cumbersome
Let him fuck around for a bit, maybe he'll get something out of it.
But I will be constantly exhausted from the job and have less time. I likely have to live in some apartment where I cant make loud noise anyway and if I start making music i will be up all night and have to go to work and be sleep deprived all the time. If I'm homeless I will have way more time to do the thinking necessary to write. A job means at least 9 hours a day when I'm unable to think about my craft cause I'll be distracted. If I'm homeless even if I'm walking around somewhere to get food or whatever I will at least have agency to think and work at my craft. Being homeless would put me in a position where I would have a clear perspective. I would be forest to just write the best I could where as living in a house I could waste hours making frivolous beats and shit
>becomes homeless on his own accord
>face down in a pothole getting tazed by the local police department
>or getting generally abused and considered a lesser human by everyone around you
>"for muh craft, mang!!"
kill yourself
What country are you in?
The more you create the easier it is to imagine things you can do while you work. Warehouse work, say, is conducive to this rather than a more social job. This is from someone who felt the way you do before I saw through my cares of creativity and feeling of great urgency to have the freedom for artistic endeavours and in my apathy realised that I may as well work an effortless job and enjoy what contemplations I can muster. Also I can get weed. Consider also trying to play guitar with winter-frozen fingers.
Become a night guard, hotel clerk or something, you get paid to do nothing so you can read or write up some lyrics or whatever
>He thinks he's going to get a good night's sleep even a single time when he's homeless
These are good posts. Anyone encouraging you to become homeless is not your friend. Good luck making music when you're starving, broke, your teeth hurt, you smell like shit, you're always thinking about where your next meal is gonna come from and where you're gonna sleep, etc. Homelessness is a full time job.
I don't view homeless people as bad or anything, but it's not a life I would want anyone to fall into. Jobs are easy as fuck man, and you get MONEY.
All of your shit is going to get stolen if you try sleeping on the streets. Do you know how much a quality electronics and camping gear would go for at a pawn shop? You can bet even money that every crackhead you pass is going to look at you hungrily.
Adding on to this >you're going to be FAR more exhausted from sleeping in garbage than working a shit-ass job. Work on your art in your spare time, sleep under a roof, and eat actual food that isn't birdseed you stole from a feeder in someone's backyard.
Not really an option for me. I already have a degree and its not in that field and I dont have a vehicle to transport me to a job where I could do that
Turn back now before you embarrass and possibly hurt yourself. No one needs to know that you thought about this. It's better to regret having had a bad idea than to regret having followed through with it.
it sounded like fun when Manson did it
Don't think degrees matter that much for those jobs, if anything youll be underemployed and the pay usually sucks. Theyre just decent jobs if youre a lazy fuck and/or want to focus on some hobbies
Grow the fuck up
That's why I was saying I'd probably have to learn survivalist skills and live in a remote wilderness. Perhaps I could get a miniature laptop and be able to hide it on my person though for use only in safe areas, but also I might go the route where I just write with my phone. It cant be that hard to hide a phone. Also aren't there tons of homeless people with guitars or saxophones walking around? Obviously it's dangerous but it's not impossible
Buy Carbonite for your computer in case somebody smashes it and you lose all your work. Be able to have something saved so you can buy a new one if need be
>What are your thoughts on this?
your shit will get stolen and woods or not you'll be fighting the elements and your body every step of the way. you're not going to have time or energy for any of this shit. they make street performers get permits in most cities. genuinely fucking retarded idea
reconcile with your parents and just get some part time shitjob that'll give you minimal hours. appease them without wasting all of your free time so you can still make the music you want without having to worry about where to sleep
>. No one needs to know that you thought about this
Don't u realize I'm going to be thinking about this every second that im working some shitty job wishing I had freedom? Also I take all this stuff with a grain of salt cause as far as I can tell none of you are successful artists.
I probably would like a job like that but like I said I dont have that option
Good idea
lmao. what are you gonna eat? berries? are you gonna sleep in the dirt and eat berries? no money, no freedom bro.
I dont have the option of working part time, I have to work full time and I have to move out as soon as possible for insurance cost reasons. I dont plan on making it as some street performer, I plan on writing material to send to publishers, putting together stand up material for open mics, and writing music to perform in some kind of band by getting other musicians who believe in the compositions to help me with, or just waiting till I can get in a position to record it myself, like if i was gonna do electronic music and rap over it or something.
op you are a complete retard
please dont pussy out of this
You're a fucking idiot.
Dude there are tons of homeless people and most of them dont starve to death. According to the internet getting food isn't that hard when ur homeless, but the food just isn't very healthy.
God, this is me (without the "living homeless bullshit"). I need to get a job soon but I know I will get too exhausted to try creating some art in my free time.
"Guess your dreams always end", heh
nigga just work part-time at a grocery store lmao. work 4 hours a day like 3 days a week or some shit, a 10-2 job means you have time in the AM and PM to work on music, stay up late, AND sleep in. but honestly man, if you really want to deal with fending off hunger, crackheads, and the outdoors for the rest of your life just so you can play some sick tunes on a then-broken instrument with no hope of being as successful as you thought you were going to, go for it. top quality camping equipment, high quality durable tech and instruments, and training in self defense and survival skills costs a lot of money and time anyways
stop making excuses for being a lazy-ass that doesn't wanna work. If you're actually THAT serious about making music, then try getting some gigs as a free-lance musician or something. Listen to your parents you fucking moron, getting a job isn't the end of the world you fucking baby.
>I dont have the option of working part time, I have to work full time and I have to move out as soon as possible for insurance cost reasons.
Go to a fucking temp service and ask if they have any openings available that your degree would fit in with
>I dont plan on making it as some street performer
Good, you won't
>I plan on writing material to send to publishers
This is fucking retarded, you're too verbose and not clever or funny enough for any publisher to take anything you have to write seriously
>putting together stand up material for open mics
You aren't smart enough to be funny
>and writing music to perform
So you have no fucking clue how life works? You have to be wildly famous to make any money off of music
>in some kind of band by getting other musicians who believe in the compositions to help me with
Nobody is going to "believe" in the compositions of a bum
>or just waiting till I can get in a position to record it myself
How is your dumb ass going to do that?
>like if i was gonna do electronic music and rap over it or something.
Okay, sounds great. Go be homeless.
Surviving while homeless is like a full time job you privileged moron.
this is profoundly delusional and i'm not saying that to be mean or disparaging
you're a fucking danger to yourself dude jesus christ
>insurance cost reasons
tell your dad to get his shit together
>I plan on writing material to send to publishers, putting together stand up material for open mics, and writing music to perform in some kind of band by getting other musicians who believe in the compositions to help me with
how are you going to fucking feed yourself before you do any of this??? All of these things are long term goals and honestly no one is going to fucking pay attention to a literal who sending in shitty dirty CDs. You're not going to want to work on anything because as this guy said you're gonna be constantly thinking about where your next meal is coming from and how to get to get it. Just stop being a lazy fuck and get a job, you think you're gonna be tired after working your little 8 hour shift? Try not eating for 3 days and getting shit sleep the whole time, you're gonna be fucking miserable and get the little amount of shit you can carry with you either stolen or broken by keeping them outside. Stop glamorizing being homeless, it's not a fucking paradise
I cant afford to live on my own working part time and living at home indefinitely is not an option
>This is fucking retarded, you're too verbose and not clever or funny enough for any publisher to take anything you have to write seriously
You are making a ton of assumptions of my abilities based on 4channel posts. I'm obviously not going to write some fantastic prose or comedy in a thread I made for purely practical information with zero revision. I've already made music and people have bought it on the internet.
>I've already made music and people have bought it on the internet.
link your music then, faggot. No one needs to be a fucking detective to tell that you're full of shit.
And it makes your brain stupid. Don't become homeless. You clearly are not cut out to be part of the perpetual underclass.
I have a bad driving record, DUI, a couple accidents, a few tickets. We got dropped from our insurance when my mom missed a payment, now the insurance we are on is hella expensive and there's a chance we can get dropped from it, and if that happens the only other insurance available is 30000 which my parents won't pay so they would kick me out immediately. The companies consider it a liability as long as I live in the same house even if I surrender my lisence because I could apparently steal the car. I'm not allowed to use their car anymore and there's no way even if I had a full time job that I could afford my own insurance, which is a factor in my wanting to be homeless since I'm now limited to jobs I can get to without a car.
I would send written material to book publishers and agents, not CDs. If I record music I would probably put it online to gather a following. If I write music to perform I would get a band together and get gigs to gain a following or perform solo. If i do stand up comedy i would kill it at open mics until i could get playing gigs.
You would laugh at me and I'd expose myself posting on Yea Forums in this lame thread, but I'll consider it since my online rep is already pretty shitty. Gonna wait and see where the thread goes in the meantime.
Don't post your music on Yea Forums in a thread like this where most people are making fun of you. Are you autistic? There is help for people with that condition.
You're probably right I guess I won't post it. I'm just really unsure what to do here. Getting a job seems like hell to me and being homeless seems like significant freedom as long as my phone worked. Idk. I know survival wouldn't be that easy but I just think, there are so many people homeless that do survive and I'd be able to write nearly constantly. When you have to work a job it disrupts the whole process of writing, I know because I've worked before. if it's possible to put words together in an order that makes people laugh or keeps them reading it seems like time is the best asset you can have to write those words.
Go be homeless since you cant seem to get it through your thick fucking skull that it's shit.
Protip: your parents are still going to get fucked on insurance because the insurance company won't accept "he's homeless" for an answer when they ask for proof of your new residency when your parents try to prove that you don't live there anymore.
Having to worry about shelter, cops, where to sleep and where to shit are gonna disrupt the process of writing more than a job would
You'll get yourself killed, kid.
Cops are not a serious danger to the homeless. Other, more degenerate homeless people are.
That's honestly not really my problem. They could say I'm living with a relative or some shit anyway. If it comes down to it that wouldn't stop me even if they did cut off my phone.
Everyone keeps saying this, yet if you actually research homelessness on the internet every source will tell you that one of the biggest problems of being homeless is having so much downtime and fighting boredom.
nigga how old are you? only asking cuz you can't be over 20 with that mindset posting delusional shit like that unironically.
Cops dont like homeless people. They may not arrest and process you (they're lazy cunts) but they'll harass you, surveil you and generally make your life a living hell. And good luck finding work when you finally decide to get on your feet in a town where you've been homeless. That shit permanently mangles your reputation.
I've been homeless asshole, the fucking internet isnt right on everything. God you're a stupid cunt. You wanna ruin your life go ahead, you're doomed to failure either way you mental retard.
I have literally never once seen a cop harass a homeless person. I saw a cop rescue that one homeless person who was getting his face eaten by another, more degenerate homeless person, whom he rightfully shot dead.
I am slightly worried about putting myself in dangerous situations because I lowkey worry about gangstalkers killing me when they have an easy chance. One of the reasons I dont join the military, the other is possible hearing loss
The FUCK is a "gangstalker"? Dude you need to get some therapy or something. You will literally die in a ditch if you become homeless.
.... are you schizophrenic? That would explain a lot.
Thats because you're a shut in.
I'm 27. I also think about killing myself to join that bitchin musicians club in history even if I am as of yet and possibly forever obscure
Oh, you're autistic AND schizophrenic? Have your parents seriously never noticed?
Well the other people saying that shit on the internet were homeless too, so what am I supposed to do? You're both just former homelessness talking on the net
>still at this stunted level of development
what went wrong in your life to make you like this? from your posts i had you pegged as 17 or 18 at the most.
Neglectful parents who literally didn't raise him and suddenly expect him to do things adults do. I went through the same thing, didn't have my first job until I was 21. I taught myself how to adult though. Maybe this guy should take some home ec classes at his local community college.
look into WOOFing (working on organic farms), that's what i'll be doing soon, I'm planning on trying to be a street musician along the way too. But instead of actually being homeless you can wander around the country and volunteer at these farms. there's over 2,000 farms around the US who accept woofers, so you can go literally anywhere you wanna go cause theres some of these farms in every state. most just ask that you work like 25-30 hrs a week. In exchange you get a place to stay, free organic meals and plenty of free time to work on music/writing in a peaceful environment off the grid. & you can explore nearby cities/meet likeminded people/find opportunities to play your music for people. also, you'd be helping people so it's not just living a totally hedonistic life and being a total bum/freeloader (you gotta buy a membership to get the contact info for the farms tho)
>DUI, a couple accidents, a few tickets
>your parents are still paying for your phone bill
>researching homelessness
You should realize how one privileged son of a bitch you are. Get a fucking grip, and get a job, jackass.
since when do you need a degree to be a night guard
you know what, go be homeless
You know, people gas lighting me and shit.
I've been in treatment before but I'm thankfully off meds now and thinking more clearly. It doesnt help that the gas lighting hit me again now though cause everyone is gonna say it's just me being off meds. I missed a doctor's appointment last week but fuck him I'm under no obligation to see him anymore.
Maybe not even inaccurate but I think more of it has to be with my being woke on shit than anything else.
Wow this might be something great now, makes this this thread very worth while thanks
Good thing too since most artists come from either very privileged backgrounds or very poor ones, it's like I get the best of both!
>but I'm thankfully off meds now and thinking more clearly
Telling you that you need therapy is not gaslighting. Neither is telling you that you need to get serious help. You're not woke, you are quite genuinely broke, and your thought process does not seem to be clear at all. For example, you think you want to be homeless, and you don't understand internally how delusional it sounds.
Imagine being so afraid of working a standard 8 hour shift that you'd rather be homeless. The delusions of grandeur you've shown in this thread are at once hysterical and pathetic. I hate to join on the pile of anons laughing at you but you really are making a fool of yourself. You obviously need some serious guidance... if you honestly believe that doing a standard 8 hour shift is more taxing than fucking being homeless your delusions go far beyond your foolish belief that you are some musical or comedic genius who can rise from homelessness to be some huge star. get over yourself. If you have the brain cells you seem to think you do you should be able to find a decent job somewhere that isn't complete shit and pays alright, especially since you have a degree.
Why are millennials so fucking lazy?
>working 30 hours of manual labor on a farm every week won't be as tiring as a full time job because 30 is less than 40!!
clown thread
Gen X parents were worthless. Laziness doesn't exist, we are only a product of our upbringing.
t. lazy
You're prejudiced.
And you're lazy, there's a thing called self-betterment, you should try it.
>if you honestly believe that doing a standard 8 hour shift is more taxing than fucking being homeless
If that weren't true why would anyone be homeless in the first place? Isn't the whole cliche that homeless people are too lazy to work a job so they are homeless instead?
Oh yeah that might be true too I didn't think of that so homeless might still be better.
I don't doubt that I am capable of working a job, but I dont know if that situation is ideal for my creative process. Being homeless would limit the kind of art I could make, but the limitations would keep me focused on those tasks. I am willing to say wear the same dirty clothes for a year and eat garbage if it means I spend that whole year writing more than I ever could working a job. Suffering is supposed to help art. I'll probably get a job and just put money aside for being homeless when I cant take it anymore.
>Isn't the whole cliche that homeless people are too lazy to work a job so they are homeless instead?
No, I believe the stereotype is that the homeless are too mentally I'll to have a job or exist normally in society.
Oh wait that's actually true have fun OP lol
>When you have to work a job it disrupts the whole process of writing
dude what
The breaks I had between working was when I did most of my creative brainstorming, now that I've NEETed it up I seem to totally lack the motivation to act on all the cool shit I thought up.
No, you're a prejudiced old fart who still has a little bit of that pre-internet indoctrination that if you want something you should "just work harder". I laugh at you. Self-betterment and self-enrichment has defined my entire life, and I never made a million bucks off of it. I'm a better writer than you, a better artist than you, a better gamer than you, and probably better than you at whatever you do for work, or at least more knowledgable and could become better than you within an extremely short period of time. I am a fucking polymath and you? You don't deserve whatever personal attribute you feel entitles you to call me lazy. Lick my sack.
>the whole cliche that homeless people are too lazy to work a job so they are homeless instead
Most of them are drug addicts, mentally ill, or come from unfortunate home situations that put them there.
>I dont know if that situation is ideal for my creative process
There are countless jobs that aren't super taxing and if you are really as dedicated to your art as you say you are you'll make it happen. if you have 8 hours a day for work, and 8 hours for eating and sleeping, that still leaves 8 whole hours for you to do whatever the fuck you want, and I guarantee you'll be a lot less exhausted than if you were homeless.
Well you're right about one thing. Your parents were worthless.
Maybe there is something wrong with me but what if I really am happier living on the fringe of society? As it is now I dont have any strong social bonds and it's unlikely I will be able to get them interacting with normie that would surround me in a normal life. I would be surrounded by people dragging me down to their level psychologically where as homelessness would raise me above them, surrendering simple dignity for lofty ideals.
>I'm a better writer than you, a better artist than you, a better gamer than you, and probably better than you at whatever you do for work, or at least more knowledgable and could become better than you within an extremely short period of time. I am a fucking polymath and you? You don't deserve whatever personal attribute you feel entitles you to call me lazy.
This has to be a copypasta. My sides are in orbit holy fuck. The seethes of a NEET who doesn't understand the real world
any lindy gamers itt?
>better gamer
An 8 hour writing session isn't the same as two 4 hour writing sessions. I do imagine I will be more productive once I have a job, since my productivity has been nil for a while, but I've experienced peak productivity before too and I know that when you have a job or school to go to when you are working at that level, it becomes hellish. You get basically no sleep and you are more or less tortured by all the bullshit cause you know exactly how much you could be accomplishing if you didn't have to be there. I imagine if you are homeless and sleeping in the woods, it doesnt matter if you stay up late working because you can wake up whenever you want once you do fall asleep, where as a job will get you up and make you sleep deprived which will also make you dumber.
yep, delusions of grandeur sealed in one word. Do you think you're on the level of Da Vinci? What inventions have you made? All the "skills" you've listed are mere activities for leisure. Millenials really think they're so special just by simply existing.
gamers...rise up
Even if I'm more tired from being homeless I'll be more focused cause I'll be able to think about my work for 16 hours a day instead of 8.
Oh, I'm so humbled at being laughed at by some nitwits on the Yea Forums music board.
Hell yeah motherfucker, that's work. That's time and practice I put toward improving myself. I do plenty of other things, those are just some highlights that have been with me my whole life.
Oh, chill. I was being rhetorical in the face of an oppressive bourgeois asshole who thinks he's my daddy and that he knows what's best for me.
exactly this
being Homeless is working more than full time for less than min-wage. And I mean WAY less
But the whole idea of it is that you would be forcing yourself to work full time 24/7 and that would mean working on your writing. Sure it's a full time job but how demanding is the work? You are just walking around looking for shit, standing around begging, etc. Its as low effort work as you can imagine, so even though your body is trapped your mind is free to think about your product the whole time without being interrupted.
One more bump before I try to sleep, hope this survives but if not thanks everyone idk what I'm gonna do.
Get a job, make another appointment with that doctor. Saged.
You appear to harbour romantic notions of what homelessness is like.
Take it from someone who has actually been homeless: You will be tired permanently. Your physical and mental health will deteriorate rapidly. You will be a target for thieves, psychopathic and violent individuals and predators of all stripes. Your life will be reduced to assuring that you have the bare essentials to live and, on occasions, such things will be hard to come by. You will not be able to focus any better on your creative outlet than you would were you in employment.
Get a job. If you really have the drive to create art you will make time for it.
What job do you have now?
The administrative side of healthcare.
Not living in a 1st world cunt where government gives money and houses to the parasites of the society.
Which countries do that? Can I move there?
Nordic European countries and probably Germany. Stay out >:(
Your mind won't be free either dude. You'll have to be thinking about your homeless shit unless you wanna risk getting arrested or dying in the street.
extremely vague, likely a larp
Even if its not it sounds like a cushy job so it adds a grain of salt
I haven't brushed my teeth in years and no abscesses. Why do I have to get those? And I already said maybe I dont go with all the gear but just a simple phone to write with.
No larp. I'm vague because it's Yea Forums.
One thing that I never really considered until I was homeless was the impact on mental health. I didn't talk to anyone for days. After a while I began to lose my sense of identity. I was surrounded by people, walking past me sharing conversations and it began to feel like they were more real than I was. It's hard really hard to explain what a disquieting feeling it is if you haven't experienced it.
The other thing that I wasn't prepared for was how common it is for ordinary people to mess with you. I was dozing on a bench one night when a restaurant on the other side of the plaza closed. The staff came out and gathered nearby. There was one guy who, whenever he saw that I was dozing off, he would walk over and clap his hands right next to my ear. When sleep is the only luxury you have in the world, it means everything. And then some shit tries to take that away from you.
you wont be working on your writing you will be working to survive.
168 hours a week.
For no payment.
>One thing that I never really considered until I was homeless was the impact on mental health. I didn't talk to anyone for days. After a while I began to lose my sense of identity. I was surrounded by people, walking past me sharing conversations and it began to feel like they were more real than I was. It's hard really hard to explain what a disquieting feeling it is if you haven't experienced it.
That honestly sounds great to me because I tend to feel like my identity is destroyed when i interact with others and it sounds like i would finally have uninterrupted growth. That's exactly what I'm talking about when I say it's all low effort work and time to think. Its talking to other people that puts their words in your head and blocks out what you are creating. The second paragraph sucks though.
>working to survive
Which involves what? Walking around looking for food and shelter? Pretty sure I can write while I do that.
you are not going to think because it's impossible to rest as an homeless so you'll be constantly exhausted.
Try spending 40 hours awake on your computer and then at the end of it start an 8 hour writing session. It's gonna go to shit, and then you'll see the point. If you aren't rested you're not writing and you will never, ever be rested as a homeless man.
Holy shit you're insufferable. I really hope you're just baiting.
it's not
hospital admin jobs are fairly hard to come by (usually attained internally), require a graduate degree, and have a lot of responsibility
everybody with a dayjob thats not his passion should kill himself.
kill yourself.
>I haven't brushed my teeth in years and no abscesses
Just kill yourself. Actually better yet, fucking do it. Become voluntarily homeless to "work on your craft." And I hope you realize all your delusions amounted to nothing when you are fucking homeless and miserable you literal retard
This, enjoy getting robbed on the first day
Jah will provide the bread
Chris Cornell worked blue collar jobs to pay the bills
Man the fuck up
add me on the screencap
I really liked this album.
he also killed himself. besides Kurt Cobain was was better and he was homeless.
Lol Kurt also killed himself and his music was more primitive.
In fact Chris killed himself two or three decades later
>this entire thread
If having a job is a huge distraction from your music, OP, why don't you also take other measures to remove distractions from your craft? Poke your eyes out - you don't need those, and removing your other senses will enhance your ability to hear
Are you fucking retarded?
>I already have a degree and its not in that field
You don't need a degree to be a night guard.
>and I dont have a vehicle to transport me to a job where I could do that
Just buy a fucking VW golf or passat for 1200 bucks what the fuck is wrong with you?
meant for
>Poke your eyes out - you don't need those, and removing your other senses will enhance your ability to hear
Believe it or not there was a time in my life when I heavily considered this. I also suspected there were cameras in my eyes but I also believe it would make me better at music as well as give me a disability so I would have an excuse to not work and focus on music. Ultimately what stopped me from doing it was my love of electronic music and needing vision to operate a computer to make electronic music. I'm glad I didn't do it but I came very close, I'm talking holding sharp pencils up to my eyes and psyching myself up to do it in the psych ward bathroom. Who knows though, maybe if I had I'd be a better musician by now.
How would you learn music and read music books/internet articles, retard?
I wouldn't read I would just focus on playing my instrument well.
You do know there have been blind musicians before?
Blind musicians like Stevie Wonder are a government plot to enable blind people into feeling represented
Manual albour isn't anywhere near as tiring as cubicle shit. I've done both. I'd kill myself before going back to work in a box.
first of all, you should wipe out capitalism.
>arbitrarily accepted economical practices = biological organs
This. Was working as a waiter, like 33 hours a week or something. Would constantly hit the gym, spend hours on self-improvement, learning shit, having a healthy sleep routine. Only took a week of going NEET to drop any working out, completely abandon any interests I had, get addicted to jerking off 5 times a day and going to bed at 4 am. NEETdom is straight up dehumanising. Why do you think these people are insane enough to spam shitty stale memes day in and out?
this negro knows what’s what
>parents want me to get a job
>rather be homeless
>in order to be homeless I will get a job
please...just...shit I don't know, think for a minute?
>I likely have to live in some apartment where I cant make loud noise anyway and if I start making music
get fucking headphones you dipshit
Man! You made me realize jobs are good (:
Especially when you have an academic degree and have to work as a waiter - it's totally not dehumanizing, but empowering! In fact I should be thankful for this wonderful economical arrangement. How did I overlook this before?
I'm not telling you to work as a waiter you fucking retard, I was talking about my experiences. How does someone as fucking stupid as you get his hands on a degree? Are they putting them at the bottom of cereal boxes these days?
beat up your cunty parents.
Hey you, stay away from me you plebeian. Or else I'm going to poke you with a walking stick.
Thank your parents for not being the kind that wants you to live with them forever. You'd get insane before age 30
underrated post
because we don't care about your crumbling slave system :^)
You're 27 what the fuck have you been doing for your entire adult life. If you actually made a good attempt at what you've been doing you would've made a few connections by now
Hey OP, may you drop your shit here:
We need a taste of what you got and also you're anonymous by uploading it.
God what a great thread
OP you're a genius, you have it all figured out, do it! I'm sure there are risks involved but at the end of the day buddy, you do you! Life, uh, finds a way.
And so does natural selection. Just remember if at any point of your retarded decision you decide to go apeshit, take yourself out and leave everyone else outta your shit.
>But I will be constantly exhausted from the job and have less time.
You're overthinking it. This coming from a guy who was nervous to start the 9-5 grind for fear of stopping music.
I didn't stop playing music. I won't lie to you and say I have as *much* practice time as I used to, but I still have plenty. Getting a job doesn't end your personal life. Actually, I'm more musically productive during my free hours now than I was before, because I cherish the free hours.
>But I will be constantly exhausted from the job and have less time.
Homelessness is far more exhausting
I dont get out much and I haven't made a good attempt at doing anything I could perform, just recording, you know like the beatles did.
Ok so I'm not sure I have anything left in my archives unreleased anymore, it's either been lost to technological issues or released already. I haven't really made any music in a year. I could maybe whip something up to post in a day or so, but right now I'm indisposed with diarrhea on account of my poor diet. Normally I melt shredded cheese over a plate of potato chips but last night I didn't have chips so I crushed up cheesits for that purpose and I dont think its agreeing with me now. Or it could have been the undercooked pizza I ate but that was over the past two days so probably not.
Bukowiski literally become a hobbo for his art. Nowdays nobody cares whatever he wrote long time ago bro.
the beatles were teenagers when they started making music and they mostly performed at pubs & shit. They also got big around age 20. You're rearing your 30 and have yet to bring a presence. Sorry to bring existential dread to your uber-optimistic worldview.
But who would wanna be, who would wanna be such an asshole?
Oh gee I had no idea that the beatles did that this is total news to me, shatters my world view. The point was I focused on making album not making an act.
Why is everyone responding to OP? It is evident he is mentally ill. He is 27 and just getting off his parents' insurance, says he's "off his meds and seeing things clearly", etc.
Stop responding to him. You're only doing him more hurt.
holy shit op you’re actually autistic
it’s threads like these that make Yea Forums worth visiting
Fair, I honestly don't want to be potentially involved in another fucking tragedy here
Many of the musical acts we discuss usually start out very young. If you were making an album, why have you not made any music in a year? That makes me question your passion.
I was going to kill myself and gave up on creating art in favor of enjoying my life. I listened to a lot of albums and had fun. I also had a job I had to go to.
>I could maybe whip something up to post in a day or so, but right now I'm indisposed with diarrhea on account of my poor diet.
You know, it's stuff like this that might provoke anyone to just say "then eat better faggot lmao" if you just bring up your shitty diet out of nowhere, but you've already stated you're 27 and clearly mentally unstable. Get some help man, I don't want you to become a Terry Davis 2.0.
this post revealed you as a troll
Jesus man please get help
Yep. You got me. It was all a troll. I got you guys good lol. Let's let the thread die now since it's just fake trolling, we had a good laugh but in reality no one is this retarded so let's just forget about it.
I think I found a track I can upload. idk if it will fit on the vocarro size limit
>considering becoming homeless
This shit shouldn’t be just another option. It’s hell dude just get the job. Once you’re homeless you’ll be wishing you did. Music can be made in your free time, just cut out wastes of time like browsing Yea Forums and vidya.
You don’t really get how homelessness works. You can’t just keep all of that shit with you. It will be stolen, or lost, or ruined, or you’ll have to pawn it to eat or buy supplies. Getting a job isn’t the end of the world like faggot neets on Yea Forums act like it is. Just keep your chin up and don’t be a little pussy. You’ll still have time and energy for music because if it’s what you really want you’ll find the time. You’re looking at homelessness through rose colored glasses. There are cheap, shitty apartments that are 1000 times better than the streets or just living in the woods. That shit is not how you grow as a person, it’s how you become a mental case.
Just think while you’re on the job. 90% of shitty jobs you could be working without any sort of training will be so brain dead that within a week you’ll be doing it thoughtlessly. That will give you plenty of time to think on your art.
Homeless people don’t get good night sleeps man. You’re worried about some random nigga robbing/attacking you or else the police coming by and taking you in. A job is much less tiring that being a bum
ok here you go
A job doesn’t have to be the goddamn coal mines, you might be tired after a shift, but if you have drive to create you will. Just don’t come home and then watch tv or browse Yea Forums for six hours and complain that your job is using all of your time and energy
They eat like shit and it makes their minds foggy and slow. Being unhealthy is worse than being tired from a job.
Sounds exactly like what I expected. You need to get a job and a therapist.
This is OP trying to cover his ass for lying about having music that some people like. Don’t fall for this shit people
I also write and thought like you in my teens (except I was less serious about wanting to become homeless, I only thought that I wouldn’t mind it so much so long as I could write). Then I got a job and I’ve become a better writer for it. It helps you to better understand people and gives you time to think since you can easily be brainstorming while working so long as the job isn’t like brain surgery or some shit. Jobs are piss easy and can be done while thinking of other shit
You obviously don’t have much experience with life in general.
This type of music makes me think you're into stuff like heroin.
hollllyyyy shit get a fucking job
Good luck writing music when you get jumped and they steal all your shit.
Ay, if Jay Electronica could make Exhibit C while homeless, anything's possible.
yeah you're fucked
just get a normal job you lazy tard
This has been done better by many bands 50 years ago. It's not completely useless but as the saying goes:
"Don't quit your dayjob".
Jesus this shit has to be trolling. I haven’t seen someone this delusional and intentionally ignoring all the good advice while taking terrible advice seriously since the fucking Denko guy (´・ω・`)
>what is a joke
Kek. The pic makes it so much better.
>why would anyone become homeless
Holy shit I mean just holy shit this has got to be a fucking joke dude. Most people don’t chose to become homeless. They are either mentally ill, drug addicts, or were kicked out at a young age and never found a way off the streets. The thing people say of “get a job you lazy bum” or “why don’t you just get a job” is ignorant bullshit that privileged people who don’t realize how good they have it say. It pisses me off to because my dad literally yells at homeless people whenever he sees them. They don’t even have to ask for anything, just their presence pisses him off and I have to apologize for his being an asshole whenever I’m with him and he does it. People just hate the homeless for existing and this probably stems from the fear of becoming one yourself. It’s a tough world out there for the homeless already, they don’t need middle-class middle-aged people antagonizing them for existing, but they do get that. It’s hell dude
this is such horse-shit. In Sweden, you get everything free if you are homeless. It's impossible for youth to get an appartment in Stockholm, they cost a fortune, but if you are homeless no problem.
Free money, free housing but you have to stay sober and you have to look for a job. Many people don't comply with theese two simple terms and end up homeless.
It really is a case of "stay sober, get a fucking job" but people just don't want to, much like OP.
I'm not on drugs.
Oh so you have had a job already? What happened there?
I don't know who you are, if you are OP or if you are someone else but the point I was making is this;
Some people rather live on the street then get a job, that's a choice.
I took a medical leave from my last job and im not going back to it cause i don't have a car to get to it anymore
Damn dude now I wish you hadn’t posted it.
Okay, but OP has already said he’s in the USA which doesn’t have those things to that extent
you mean cause it's bad or good? sorry I really don't know. I'm getting the impression most people think it's bad.
Your gonna need a day job so you can not quit it buddy
Sorry man but I meant because it was bad. I mean don’t quit at your art, but I’m not a fan. Keep working at it and get a job. It’s not hard to do both. Being homeless would not be a good idea. Ultimately it’s your choice, but just know that being homeless will, in all likelihood not help you in any way and only hurt you. It’s like purposefully becoming an alcoholic because many writers have been one. But the truth is those writers have been great despite their boozing, not because of it. You’re not going to be the next Faulkner just because you drink and you make the next Exhibit C because you are homeless. I’m not trying to gaslight you or crush your dreams. This thread has displayed that you don’t have a clear understanding of what it truly is to be homeless (and no reading some shit on google doesn’t make you understand). This is just the cold hard truth, you will regret becoming homeless and will potentially never be able to get your life back together afterwards.
maybe you should try some, your playing needs it
This who thread got me like
this, morons from well-to-do areas don't realize that whole industrial towns vanish in a couple of years and thousands of people become homeless - not because of their personal flaws, but because they are trapped in this system that is much larger than a single human being.
le ebic suburban middle class xD
go choke on a dick
better than anything local 'artistic' faglords have ever released
very fitting album cover for this thread
honestly it’s kinda good besides the begging but you’re going to ruin your life with this path
Jesus christ, juts get a fucking job, you big fucking baby. And tell me where your parents live so I can come by and put my foot up their asses for raising such a retarded snowflake manbaby.
If your only problem in life is you have to go MAKE MONEY - you have no fucking problems.
user solves homelessness with just one post!
Check this guy's inferiority complex.
get a part-time job
farts uh oh....STINKY!!
YYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAH AHAHAH
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY FOR POOPIE! GOOD POOPIE! POOPIE FUNNY! AHAH XDDD
Please do it, OP. If anyone deserves to die on the streets it's an imbecile like you.
wow hot pol meme you got here ((=
>I didn't talk to anyone for days.
I didn't talk to anyone for years.
this plan is based
This thread should've ended after OP revealed he's schizophrenic. There's no other conversation to be had, his parents and the system are failing him and his delusions are driving him to homelessness like countless other schizophrenics out there
Gang stalking target =/= schizoprenic
Gang stalking =/= a real thing
I can't believe this still needs to be said in 2019...
Why do you think it wouldn't be a real thing? Do you accept that indiscriminate mass surveillance exists and really think that no one is ever targeted individually for manipulation?
>Normally I melt shredded cheese over a plate of potato chips but last night I didn't have chips so I crushed up cheesits for that
holy shit dude you can't play the drums for shit. You have to at least keep the rhythm, but it's all over the place.
if you become homeless, you'll start abusing hard drugs until you have psychosis.
Homelessness is the biggest gateway to drug abuse.
I love how you bragged about how good of an artist you are before showing us all this nearly unlistenable garbage. Go die on the streets faggot
only good post ITT
Okay go be homeless.You'll regret it,I was homeless for a year in like 2007 because I was a drug addict.You dont know how bad it is and you refuse to listen to advice so get out there and let life kick your fucking ass so you learn to respect your parents and have basic common sense.Retard.
Please become homeless and give us weekly updates. I really want to see where this goes
Unironically because Gen X parents didn't raise us with work-based morals,but idealistic "you can do whatever you want in life!" morals.
In reality,you will see the lie in this sooner or later and realize that you must work like everyone else
I actually like this,but you do need a normal job,this shit never goes big
It wasn't my turn to play drums. This is how I play drums and how that drummer plays guitar.
I respect my parents. This isn't about them it's about my making art.
nigga i would o love to just quit my slave labor job to do music fulltime, but i know i need a job or something to fall on. get you some work ethic man, get off your lazy butt and get to work. you can do it, just chose to.
(cont.) like, i hate what i'm doing rn, but i'm gonna keep grinding and keep working harder. i'm gonna keep making music in the meantime, and i can't say i'm lying when i barely have time for it on weekdays. but i'll keep grinding, learning, becoming a better musician and a better worker.
you just gotta take that passion and redirect it for a bit man. don't get lost, make sure to go to bed early, save up, be responsible.
you can do it.
Millennial parents aren't gen x, they're baby boomers. Gen x kids are gen z.
if you aren't using all the time you have right now optimally and you aren't making music all day every day nothing will change once you become "homeless" all those thoughts about "oh if i finally have no one to bother me and my future is more figured out where its just me and my time then i will finally be able to write carefree and be able to express myself artistically" are just lies. Trust me i tell them to myself, the reality is if you aren't creating right now then u are just fucked. No amount of free time will help you bro. We talk with our brains but we express with our actions so listen to yourself what are your actions telling you about yourself? Are you just a lazy hopeless fuck? probably.
I ideally would like to avoid exposing my identity, but since everyone says it's such a bad idea and people seem interested, I'm now considering exposing my identity to try crowdfunding money that could buy me food while I'm homeless. I actually have a job interview lined up for a part time gig, so I'm gonna do that but save money and keep researching the idea of homeless artist. If I think its workable I'll start blogging or youtubing with a patreon or something about the idea, and if I reach a financial goal with that I will quit my job and hit the road. That way I wouldn't have to beg for food in person, but I would still be homeless and post updates that show I'm not faking it. I think this would be a good compromise, though idk if I will do it cause I dont necessarily want to be a punch line like uncle adams
I dont disagree. I may not have been anywhere close to peak productivity in the recent past, however I am intimately experienced in what it's like to live in a peak productive state. I for a time lived in a sustained peak productive state, but because I had economically imposed interruptions, the peak productive state ruined my health which lead me to give up on life for a time since then in which my productivity has not really gone over 20 percent. The only thing that keeps me going is the hope of returning to that peak productive state, but now I'm trying to plan it more carefully so that I dont get destroyed, and I think being free of the psychological impact of a job would go a long way to helping my safety. Before I become homeless I would first return to a peak productive state and then see how long I could keep both that state and the job going before I have to make the hard decisions I've been talking about.
not op but thanks user very inspiring. will keep that in mind
>i can't say i'm lying when i barely have time for it on weekdays.
Sorry but it wasn't very inspiring to me. Weekdays are most days.
the amount of slave cope in this thread
To be fair eating an entire box of cereal takes some effort