You know "based" is meant to mean positivity and open mindedness, not racist pseudo right-wing ideas, right?
You know "based" is meant to mean positivity and open mindedness, not racist pseudo right-wing ideas, right?
fuh fuh fuh fuh fuh faggit
Yes. I am intimately familiar with based philosophy.
>/pol/ actually voted this neo-con in
Lil b is my favorite nigger
How can you claim to be open minded if you categorically reject any ideas or concepts you associate with the "right wing" (which is an incredibly vague term used to describe essentially anything a self described leftist doesn't like)?
No it means you do and believe in what you want regardless of others opinions.
h-have sex
I categorically reject ideas that I associate with mental retardation and demagoguery, regardless of political leaning :3
because he's full of shit and just wants to highroad the epic groypers in their nest, you figured it out
>Yea Forums
No one cares, you bored, unfulfilled faggot. Find a real purpose. This is time that you'll never be getting back.
But even that can limit your worldview, refusing to entertain the idea that the NSA was spying on Americans because "that's just schizo talk" is what let it get as bad as it has
Cool, good thing we're talking about retarded ideas and not legitimate happenings.
How did you manage to miss the point?
Things you would today dismiss as "retarded" can very well turn out to have been correct, and even dumb ideas merit reflection if nothing else as a thought exercise.
The idea that the government may be spying on its citizens was never retarded. Only the most jingoistic of patriotic retards (like the right wing) rejected it entirely.
One day, im gonna have a bitch, and Ill let based god fuck my bitch
OP here.
That's honestly a really good point you got there. Sorry for being a sperg and a gatekeeper for a meme word.
Based is when I make OP's girl call me her daddy while my dick is in her ass and then I pull out and make her swallow the cum and promise not to brush her teeth before she gives you your next kiss.
Yea Forums is not for your sexual fantasies
t. fantasizes about playing his favorite songs to his high school crush
Yeah, I'd cringe too if I found out I was getting french kissed with the cum of the man who was cucking me.
To be fair that is just a music nerd fantasy and not really a sexual one
Lmao go jerk off, bud
>"I don't know what a neo-con is"
What does right wing even mean? Say conservative if that's what you mean or the Nazis if that's what you mean. There's a big difference.
Trump is a textbook neocon you seething trumpette.
Nothing, it means literally whatever you want it to mean, that's my point. If you label every idea you don't like as "wrongthink" you're far more close-mindes than those you criticize.
lmao nice 2013 poorfag phone
eh more paleocon. though i wish he'd govern more like Pat Buchanan
lmao you think it's cool to spend money on luxuries instead of donating to charity
you know less than 1 percent of what you donate goes to the actual cause, right? most of your money is put to paying the charity's bills.
cellphones are appliances
are you retarded
>but muh resuhlooshun!
kys techtard
What should I do then, user?
Volunteer your time or take the cash you would have donated to a dishonest charity and use it to help the groups you want to help first-hand, so you know it's not being mismanaged, or worse, used to line a corrupt charity member's pockets.
Oh, so you got a payment plan on an iPhone SE. Could have just said "I'm welfare rich" and saved us some time.
Lol no
How is it underaged, though?
>expecting people on Yea Forums to understand a basic concept
joke's on you, bud
can you imagine anyone over 14 making that post let's be real
>I refuse to say what I use, but what you use is definitely bad (and any arguments against it being bad are just tech nerd shit lmao)
Why do you exist?
Seething cope
have sex
Have you seen the political climate of America in the last decade?
see (thing)
Best phone is iphone SE
Best computers are 2009-2012 thinkpads
Best OS is freebsd
Best games system is the wii
Best music player is youtube
Fight me bitch
I'm not gonna "fight" a retarded child.
Literally every single thing you said is wrong. All of it. How the fuck do you manage that?
......cause I’m actually right about all of it
>iPhone SE is a poverty version of a locked down phone only useful as a status symbol, it's like a fucking base model BMW 3 series (but slower).
>Laptops are poor compromise machines and thick laptops are even worse. If you want a desktop get a desktop. If you need something portable, get an ultralight. Much less a mediocre thick laptop from 7 years ago, what the fuck.
>FreeBSD is for people who looked at desktop Linux and said, "You know what? There's too much driver support and program compatibility".
>Desktop PC is objectively the only worthwhile gaming platform and denying that is pure cope.
>Youtube has mediocre quality, trash selection, and no ability to use local files. I guess you don't need that, though, given how little space you have on that iPhone SE.
kill yourself nigger
Right on brother
>open mindedness
In all seriousness people come here mainly to shitpost and "troll" other users. One can BARELY call this a music forum. It's just another board on 4chin and there's nothing that makes it stand out. If that wasn't enough, music is something that's entirely subjective which logically results in dumbasses arguing about it day and night with little to no substance to their conversations. Just another shitty imageboard is all it is.
I say "based" to mean anyone that does what they want regardless of what others think, and regardless of whether I agree with what they did or not because I find such an attitude commendable either way
He really is more of a neocon then a paleo
That would mean that anyone who's selfish and just an asshole in general is automatically based.
I still prefer the OP's definition; much more positive. The term "based" is just as subjective as music, after all
>right-wing ideas
If you think "the right-wing" has a monopoly on political violence, oppression of free speech, demagoguery, and the rest of the things that you as a member of free society find reprehensible, I strongly urge a more realistic look at the contemporary "left-wing" (who have plenty of people who fit that exact description).
Perhaps more productively, I urge you to look at the idiotic system of Dialectics that have been exploited to manipulate civilization into this objectively suboptmal arrangement, look at who has used it to manipulate you against "the right-wing", and how this same group has manipulated "the right-wing" against you. They aren't hard to find, and they've each convinced you that the other is the evil fascist/communist/oppressor.
Admittedly, whining about internet racists is certainly easier, but they want you to whine about them so giving them what they want hardly seems like a productive use of your time.