Leak when???

Attached: Taylor-Swift-Seventh-Album-Details.jpg (2048x2048, 347K)

probably tomorrow because it always leaks the day before.

Do i still worship her

What self respecting adult listens to Taylor Swift? (besides ones with intellectual disabilities and other unfortunate conditions). Genuine question, I'm not trying to insult anyone. Sometimes I think people pretend to like her as a meme around here, but then again I can't keep track of this board's in-jokes anymore.

taylor swift is carly rae jepsen if carly could make good music

Pls leak something. Where my target employees and German friends at


target is on lockdown, ain't gonna happen

Will you tell me one objectively bad thing about her music?

She's making it instead of being my wife

she makes genuinely good pop songs bro, it ain't complicated

She's always made good music no matter the genre



More like when her pussy juice gonna leak into my mouth youknowwhatimsayin?

True, I used to work there and I remember seeing the holes in their system that allowed for such leaks.....the theory is that once any cd case is in the hands of someone making under $12 an hour, they have no reason not to leak. So these boxes are probably sent directly to the store managers now, or at least the same speciallockdown cases for iPads and IPhones.

someone is saying its on ATRL but you need an account

I posted it but 4 channel went down and the post disappeared.


Prepare for butthurt.....taylor collaborated with st Vincent aka Annie Clark

this is a good thing

please for the love of god, I’m sick of searching

Does anyone know where to find the full set of Iggy Azalea nudes that leaked earlier his year?

I have no clue where else to ask this, but I need them so bad

some people here like pop music. I guess they like her stuff. ain't deeper than that.

Basic white normies who cackle at Ellen clips

so now that it's leaked should we make a new thread or just keep this one? what are everyone's thoughts so far? kinda underwhelmed desu
