ITT: 10/10 albums
ITT: 10/10 albums
took you fucking long enough jesus christ
incredibly based
Absolutely based
posts on Yea Forums are so predictable that I doubt it's whole board is just bots
>that I doubt it's whole board is just bots
Scaruffi dick licker
yesclose, but no, good choices anyway
lol, plebs, gtfo
This is not a post for Radiohead fans btw
easily one of the most overrated albums ever made
no question about it
No, raga rock sucks. Listen to ravi shankar or something
Good but no
Very close, the skits hold it back
Terrible album
Yes, perfect album
I’d rather listen to jazz made by actual jazz musicians
Just because it’s different doesn’t mean it’s good
Nowhere near the best beatles album, Johns contributions really drag this one down
>Kanye close to a 10
>thinks beatles are good at all
>dismisses all the actually good and interesting albums
okay retard
Hokey high-kitsch indie fag pop
The beatles are the greatest pop group of all time, and the college dropout practically reinvented hiphop. The albums I dismissed are scaruffi-tier drivel. Remember, if something is popular, that doesn’t mean it’s bad. And just because something is different, that doesn’t make it good.
Pop music and hipster-hop aren't art. The trash you defend is like aural cheeze-whiz. Why don't you go back to plebit if you want to circlejerk over your ignoble plebeian dopamine dog treats?
>he doesn’t like the skits on TCD
And even if you like that kind of shit...
>Crown of Love
>Johns contributions really drag this one down
Worst opinion I've ever seen.