Happy Yeseo day blasterchads!

Attached: 1566431126692.jpg (1366x2048, 331K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Yeseo day


For me, it's Jo Yuri

Attached: ECgDK-5UYAcYQol.jpg (1365x2048, 313K)

K pop sucks, how about you give a listen to pic related instead?

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who the fuck is yeseo lmao
we wanted a yeji thread
very true


Attached: 67678666_137657367456696_8807442082295803069_n.jpg (1080x1080, 64K)

miracle absolutely btfo

if you dont get real cheers you are nugu

i love sakura

Attached: sakuchan.jpg (3840x2026, 515K)

for me, it's twice

Rosie :)

Attached: 49485942_2088553597887816_8201595740702921902_n.jpg (1080x1350, 199K)

Post a hotter pic

Pro-tip: You can't

Attached: Sana-5.jpg (1000x1500, 236K)

for me it's Yujin

Attached: IMG_20190818_150726.jpg (1000x1000, 79K)

i love my young wife

Attached: 1566369219523.jpg (1000x1500, 307K)

we're not migrating to your seunggo thread

based patrician

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izone are so cute...

threAdly seolA

Attached: ECeo52eVUAEbE6A.jpg (1333x2000, 259K)

For me its for you to fucking kill yourself you retard
You post the exact same picture with the exact same words with no contribution to this thread and we are all sick of you

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get his ass
I don't understand though since it's not her birthday

oh fuck what happened?

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what the fuck bro
i don't give a shit about the op if it's not yeji

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>come back home
>see this
wat do?

Attached: 18058104_284965545276657_8753160081673381464_n.jpg (664x960, 119K)

yes they are

Attached: dots.jpg (1800x2700, 558K)

Just imagine collaborating with them...

>giving a shit about the op ever

For me, it's selections from the Malcolm in the Middle Season 1 soundtrack

>izcucks are pedos

Attached: snatch.png (545x893, 655K)

no one posted clcmanfaceloser

Attached: 994922445C7A1A330F.jfif.jpg (860x1302, 256K)

she's a real breeder

Spongebob is kpop and best STONE ENT artist confirmed

nayeon looks so shit here

why are you posting in an early thread

Attached: you're gonna get the rope .jpg (412x733, 71K)

is that what you call it?

that's our girl

Attached: D9-LxP-U8AAozv7.jpg (2000x2996, 814K)

For me, it's Jo Yuri

Attached: ECgDK-4U0AAeMkI.jpg (1365x2048, 354K)

For me, it's definitely AHN YUJIN and her unparalleled ripeness

Attached: 1563534314443.jpg (1024x1975, 474K)



liked those bdz outfits

Attached: twice-bdz.webm (1280x544, 2.04M)

when it's your waifu, it's your waifu


Attached: B070E57C-2DCC-4924-AFAD-14C2FD6ADB6C.jpg (640x960, 96K)

because the fbi would come after me if i posted in 10 year old baby threads

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oh nonono

Attached: yujinthighs.webm (493x720, 3M)

Who is that?

stop talking like that, pervert

the other option was an oh my girl thread

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Attached: yeseoteeth.jpg (424x215, 23K)

follow the rules. this thread was 90 minutes early

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Dude it's early thread every thread what do you expect

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ugly chimp

I can't tell who this is

for me it's jo yuri

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hate this fake ass miracle

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Attached: DzlWGI1WkAABDHC.jpg (1072x1200, 242K)

we wanted a seulgi thread

miracles have always been the most autistic posters



Attached: ECfTUNWUcAAumAD.jpg (1000x1499, 230K)

Attached: ECeqIfpUEAIRp0D-orig.jpg (1534x2048, 453K)

the only reason early threads are a problem now is because all of you enable them


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Attached: file.png (412x733, 435K)

Mods have started enforcing their own new rules on these threads. We'll be in yours when this one dies

cutest girl in the universe

Attached: IMG_20190818_150658.jpg (1000x1000, 115K)

i tried to, many times but the masses of this thread says and do otherwise

But that's chaewon

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huh, didn't even notice. what a gay op


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post that yujin webm

t. /fa/g

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we wanted a wony thread

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What is a Dubu

your not far off, imo spongebob, kpop & baby shark have a much more positive effect on todays youth/kids than harry potter & peppa pig.

that is the most pit we'll ever get from a kidol

whoa whoA

cute rabbit

Attached: ECJU79UU4AAwxe7.jpg (1365x2048, 298K)

dont post jiho again you falsefagging retard

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exceedingly deep!

Attached: 67247096_806817863046324_5668721874907048895_n.jpg (1080x1080, 142K)

Why is a Dubu

for me its Jo Yuri

Attached: 67048721_1282565355257553_6864191121318307839_n.jpg (1080x1080, 108K)

stop judging me

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once still triggered by blackpink


for me it's yo juri

Attached: ECgQ9KdUcAAq-ux.jpg (1365x2048, 341K)

as if i would migrate to your uggo thread

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its the shadow you dumb fuck

Who is a Dubu

miracles are the best posters here it is the false flagging loonatrannies

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Attached: yujin moncast.webm (720x720, 2.99M)

read books. stop being mindless cumbrains.

Attached: file.png (412x733, 435K)

For me, it's Chou Tzuyu and Minatozaki Sana

this one?

Attached: 1564133353599.webm (604x960, 2.91M)

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That's yena

Attached: 1556171174147.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

wish seunghee was this cute all the time


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she's even cuter when a falseflagging retard isn't posting her

well he just revealed himself and hes definitely a miracle, usually posting arin

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ok who triggered this retard

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happy day

busters jisoo tho..

stop instigating, real men like OMG and Busters both

i blames 2nel for all the hates blackpink gets

>wony when i _________ inside her

When is a Dubu

why is yena’s voice so sexy?

no, that's Jo Yuri

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stop ruining kpg

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Post Go Won

which one of you guys did it?

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ryujin is just jealous because she was supposed to be the most popular

all me

I’m disturbed by this picture

>stop being mindless cumbrains.
where does the jizz go if i dont release for a while

Attached: EAiacNkVUAAVaqd.jpg (1382x2011, 164K)

the fuck

Attached: 92ff47d4765e3bf39128e8e72989d768.jpg (473x451, 36K)

Stab LOONA y'all

i wanna go snowboarding with seunghee

then curl up by the fire

i want to drink pumpkin spice with her

anyone who hates seunghee is a spyhilitic somali pirate and/or male prostitute i the favela


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what a waste

Attached: ryujin delivering the feetmogging of a lifetime.webm (1430x1044, 2.29M)

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is this one of those trannycord raids?


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10+ 10+ 10+

nooo yejibros nooooooooooooo

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Attached: DdU7R8gXcAArK2d.jpg (1772x1772, 793K)

I always watch this webm because of chaeyeon

Attached: ShockingPastelLcont.webm (400x432, 128K)

imagine being this angry because you didn't get to make the thread this time around
absolutely pitiful

No just a miracel having a meltdown

Attached: disappoint .png (412x733, 435K)

i saw what you wrote

Attached: 1b75cde38bd77e316989fd938e5095e3.jpg (500x500, 28K)


dimple cutie

no one cares
stop mass replying you actual mong

the hell is going on

Attached: 1565343572232.jpg (275x642, 21K)

chill the fuck out, this thread's over in half an hour we'll go to yours next technically he did tho

Attached: 65027868_451258802117661_5474613312672181716_n.webm (480x480, 844K)

Isn't she center? She's always in the middle

Attached: ShoddyLikableCatfish.webm (864x1000, 2.83M)

the founding fathers dreamed of a thread where miracles could gather freely to glorify OMG

today, we fulfill the promise of that revolution

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Attached: 1566437635112.webm (844x898, 934K)

fuck miracles

I didnt write nothing

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Attached: yeji33.gif (500x357, 3.83M)

Attached: 12.webm (503x396, 1.92M)

What is wrong with you pedos, seriously?
Is it so hard to find an older girl to lewd? Yujin isn't even pretty or cute

Attached: slowmo.jpg (1395x2094, 1.25M)

>Duplicate thread.


Attached: CFnM8En.jpg (1000x1487, 125K)

Are they going to make it bros?

Attached: EChTsfwX4AMRHrU-orig.jpg (1920x1080, 280K)

yeah but yeji has been by far the most popular after debut

word you wrote something and it was nasty

Attached: arin embarrassed.gif (419x212, 470K)


imagine sucking their toes

any true dragonchads in

Attached: 1566350643256.jpg (608x357, 18K)

dear god how absolutely adorable

Attached: 1563479345708.webm (480x270, 210K)

i like older women desu

i just want a k-pop gf as a status symbol

Attached: main-qimg-565cd36ac8c04238900217dfc082c62e.jpg (602x729, 105K)


imagine being cancer

forgot your japanese trannuggo
>that chin
>duplicate thread
yes this is

Attached: das.png (412x733, 435K)

SpreadsheetPedo is literally one guy

They already did. Yena btfo

At this point seunghee poster is spamming, and we're about to see what the mods will or will not enforce

>visual group
>aisha, eu, mia, aisha

how did rv manage to release another shitty song/album

Attached: ECiBKODUIAAYHG4.jpg (1440x2160, 475K)

is she on crack?

Attached: IMG_61368.jpg (4064x5016, 1.45M)



Well ryujin doesnt do much. In the prison with Yena, Lia and Yuna were the most interesting and fun members.

sihyeon is really the only decent visual here

I love her so much

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Attached: you're all bad posters and you should feel bad.png (412x733, 435K)

link their song and i'll make my determination

from visuals alone i'd say at best they have a chance f being the next mamamoo

based homo

i'm unable to see what you quoted friend
it appears to be deleted

Attached: EA40Kh0UwAA2U27.jpg (719x718, 44K)

OMG had the better summer song.

Attached: 1541520184976.png (378x209, 96K)

we know, you fucking retard. we're in the thread too

TRF day 2 is a masterpiece. apologize to RV

Attached: 1_j7cUd018svc1m9qdesj8gkwg_sq8jxk.jpg (640x320, 171K)

when is the next pristin comeback

cant wait for the twice youtube series

Actually I'm kind of interested to see how they will integrate Yena. I guess it could be like how Yeonjung to WJSN after debut really didn't cause too much trouble.

ya i dunno dude it's unfortunate. seems like a problem with SM producers or the ones they've brought on board for recent RV comebacks

go back to your reddit safespace

Attached: shameless whores.png (1194x1160, 230K)

your mind is in the gutter

Attached: CTVc2VZUwAAaPXC.jpg (243x400, 13K)

red velvet

announcing reports is against ze rules

Attached: lizzy.webm (1000x563, 2.96M)

yejibros are one the best posters on kpg and the most powerful race in the entire existence

Attached: ECFJW65U8AICK8B.jpg (1621x2432, 735K)

When is SuPERM cumming

Attached: D7db48RWkAE6jkU.jpg (750x731, 97K)

why the fuck does weki meki always make pre-school songs

it doesn't suit the members' images at all

is that going to require some kind of paid version of youtube?

poor momo


as long as they have yiren

don't pretend you've never shat on other group's visulas

can't argue with that

Attached: Dxo8rjnU0AAKEiD.jpg (994x994, 122K)

I saw some webms of Babysoul's ass. All I can say is I would. I most definitely would hard.

all yt originals are free after september so no

i hope you did your part

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i just love my tomboy daughter so much bros

Attached: 1562307302237.webm (720x848, 1.27M)

some ugly dudes

Attached: file.png (412x733, 435K)

dont say that


Attached: acorn.jpg (722x722, 54K)

she is the prettiest and you cant stop me from loving her

Attached: c9bbe13b9e0f81f5.jpg (400x534, 38K)

You just love her age you disgusting pedo

if you quote me your gay

I did no such thing. If the mods are here to remove this early thread like he keeps bitching about then they'll see his spamming, too.

Attached: chaeng 3.png (1280x606, 914K)

weme and omg are actually close friends they even celebrated on the inki encore stage last week

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Why not?

Attached: f_5caUd018svc161co44chudfr_5tdtkj.jpg (720x726, 72K)


>clcshitter stops baiting wizones
>starts falseflagging as a miracle
damn im fucking good

Attached: irene detective.webm (700x578, 310K)

go back to your containment board yezipedo

fake miracle
if you quote me you're double gay
cubmit suicide
jav soon

Attached: 3.png (412x733, 435K)

Attached: 3230.jpg (2546x3565, 1.27M)

the miracle is fany

Attached: EB7pFWXU0AEGPZJ.jpg (2048x1756, 269K)

the first time I saw the LVER MV and saw yujin i fell in love and was ready to make her my bias. then I found out how old she was and decided against it.

where can i find the fantasy park monograph?

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yakuza as fuck

Attached: 3151.jpg (2270x3431, 574K)

wet rat

Attached: ECa8FRRUcAAiSdH.jpg (2606x3908, 1.19M)

i like distinctive looking visuals

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honestly kpop needs to drop all the swedish producers
get some nice inhouse producers
look at dreamcatcher for example, same producers for all their songs and they're all basically god tier


obligatory tight little wony post

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Fuck guys, why is she so perfect, why is there no Idol to date that can rival her cuteness?

Attached: PhotoCollage_20190820_114919688.jpg (2951x1660, 1.55M)

>im gonna throw a hissy fit until i get what i want
the state of miracles

I dont care about her age at all
I would love her the same even if she was over 30

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Attached: visual kang.webm (1920x1080, 1.25M)

i feel like i need to trim my kpop playlist
i find myself skipping song too often

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clc still sucks bro

was magnetic moon so bad she had to shill it here?

Attached: 41-og.jpg (649x450, 50K)

Don't look at Yujin

Attached: SilkyEntireHuma3.webm (640x880, 2.04M)

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Delete Twice

dreamcatcher has some of of the worst music in kpop

Attached: kkura.webm (720x720, 943K)


based yejibro saving the thread

you realize everyone sees through your shit right CLCfag?

way can almost rival her cuteness

don’t listen to this guy

the absolute state of Yea Forums Yea Forumskpg in 2019
i expected so much more from you guys

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Attached: i_7e6Ud018svcb40pxcu2qe91_oefhwl.jpg (625x661, 47K)

actually we wanted a dubu thread

Attached: EA70aQ8VUAEECsP.jpg (2301x3451, 736K)


what an absolute qt

>eunbi in the frame
>looking at anything else
i'm not homosexual, user

make it a yeji thread or we are going to destroy you

fanys magnetic moon was really good. best of uck to here

because its wrong

there are many of us

Attached: 1564941872390.webm (800x720, 1.78M)

you wont do shit pussy

Attached: EB7cKKhUYAI6eDM.jpg (2518x3778, 839K)

We love Wony

Attached: ca37b4521b3b18fdaf908d53167f4ed4.jpeg.jpg (1000x1331, 110K)

so what, i'm a blink

drowned rat

I know it's just shitposting but this Red Velvet shitposting is getting out of control.
fags complain about no RnB in Day 1 and the Day 2 is mostly RnB and then people also complain

reminder soobin exists

wonypedo is the only KPG'er who's an unironic pedophile

who is the clcfag and why do they false flag instead of posting clc pics? i would appreciate more pics of clc because they are so hot.

my wife

>i expected so much more

Babysoul deserves guys blasting to her just like every other idol.

i'll post in whatever thread i want idiot

cute little tits

tiffany quit girls generation so she could go to california and do drugs

my childhood has been destroyed



this is it

she quit GG so that she could suck bigger cocks

stop embarrassing yourself clcfag