Reminder: Eminem only has 1 mediocre album and the rest are classics

Reminder: Eminem only has 1 mediocre album and the rest are classics.

His flow is consistent, in fact it gets even more advanced in his last 2 albums. His wordplay and rhyme scenes are amazing, his puns are funny and he is still the GOAT

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>thinking Eminem had more than two good albums

In retrospect his only good album is Relapse

>thinking Eminem had more than 5 good songs


>What is Relapse, Infinite, SSLP, MMLP, TES, Recovery, MMLP2, Kamikaze

Idiot literally full of classic songs, sick smooth flows/double time flows, great wordplay and storytelling and memorable songs and choruses. Em is a legend, stay mad though lil kiddo, go listen to your shit trap music. Most people acknowledge his talent. There are so many good songs.

His last good album was MMLP, nowadays he's just an embarrassing old man

>go listen to your shit trap music
Yeah cause there is only Eminem and trap in the whole genre. Shut up boomer.

>discounting TES, Relapse and MMLP2 even though they are objectively fantastic and TES is a classic

ok then

No, but most who hate on true hiphop legends probably listen to trash, that is a fact #getowned

t. mad zoomie mad he missed on the golden days

>true hiphop legends
You mean Wutang, Tribe & OutKast?


Fucking trap kiddos coming in here acting like they know taste when they're hating on the GOAT who is an objective fucking legend and displays more talent than they'd know in their fucking pinky finger, fucking dweebie fuckos

add 2pac and biggie, and rakim and yes they are up there but Em is still top 3

>add 2pac and biggie
that's not true though. and you aren't even old enough to be dickriding said individuals. you sound more like a meme parrot skwak

>Eminem GOAT
Kendrick wants a word with you

have sex

Yes isn't a rapper dumbass, they're a band

You're so white lmao listen to other music
Literally none of his albums are 10s they all have some filler, it could be argued that SSLP and MMLP are classics due to their impact but apart from that he's a mediocre rapper who (apart from MMLP2) has gotten worse with age. He has 4 albums that can be considered good and one that's so bad it's good.

>just call me the ballsack, I'm nuts
name a better eminem lyric

>>watch her leave out the window, guess that's why they call it window pain


MMLP (overrated, some of it hasn't aged well)

Above Average:
Eminem Show

MMLP2, Infinite

Relapse, Recovery, Encore, Kamikaze


Encore has half good songs, its slightly below average.

Relapse is actually good. Great beats and flows. Just a bit edgy and accents aint everyones thing.

Recovery is bad cause of how poppy it is.

Kamikaze is below average

This is the correct take

>Eminem Show

swap mmlp and sslp and we good